/* * A Random IP reputation service acting as a Stream Processing Offload Agent * * This is a very simple service that implement a "random" ip reputation * service. It will return random scores for all checked IP addresses. It only * shows you how to implement a ip reputation service or such kind of services * using the SPOE. * * Copyright 2016 HAProxy Technologies, Christopher Faulet * Copyright 2018 OZON / Thierry Fournier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "spoa.h" #define DEFAULT_PORT 12345 #define NUM_WORKERS 5 #define SLEN(str) (sizeof(str)-1) /* Frame Types sent by HAProxy and by agents */ enum spoe_frame_type { /* Frames sent by HAProxy */ SPOE_FRM_T_HAPROXY_HELLO = 1, SPOE_FRM_T_HAPROXY_DISCON, SPOE_FRM_T_HAPROXY_NOTIFY, /* Frames sent by the agents */ SPOE_FRM_T_AGENT_HELLO = 101, SPOE_FRM_T_AGENT_DISCON, SPOE_FRM_T_AGENT_ACK }; /* Errors triggerd by SPOE applet */ enum spoe_frame_error { SPOE_FRM_ERR_NONE = 0, SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO, SPOE_FRM_ERR_TOUT, SPOE_FRM_ERR_TOO_BIG, SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID, SPOE_FRM_ERR_NO_VSN, SPOE_FRM_ERR_NO_FRAME_SIZE, SPOE_FRM_ERR_NO_CAP, SPOE_FRM_ERR_BAD_VSN, SPOE_FRM_ERR_BAD_FRAME_SIZE, SPOE_FRM_ERR_UNKNOWN = 99, SPOE_FRM_ERRS, }; /* All supported SPOE actions */ enum spoe_action_type { SPOE_ACT_T_SET_VAR = 1, SPOE_ACT_T_UNSET_VAR, SPOE_ACT_TYPES, }; /* Masks to get data type or flags value */ #define SPOE_DATA_T_MASK 0x0F #define SPOE_DATA_FL_MASK 0xF0 /* Flags to set Boolean values */ #define SPOE_DATA_FL_FALSE 0x00 #define SPOE_DATA_FL_TRUE 0x10 static const char *spoe_frm_err_reasons[SPOE_FRM_ERRS] = { [SPOE_FRM_ERR_NONE] = "normal", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO] = "I/O error", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_TOUT] = "a timeout occurred", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_TOO_BIG] = "frame is too big", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID] = "invalid frame received", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_NO_VSN] = "version value not found", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_NO_FRAME_SIZE] = "max-frame-size value not found", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_NO_CAP] = "capabilities value not found", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_BAD_VSN] = "unsupported version", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_BAD_FRAME_SIZE] = "max-frame-size too big or too small", [SPOE_FRM_ERR_UNKNOWN] = "an unknown error occurred", }; bool debug = false; pthread_key_t worker_id; static struct ps *ps_list = NULL; static struct ps_message *ps_messages = NULL; static int nfiles = 0; static char **files = NULL; static inline void add_file(const char *file) { nfiles++; files = realloc(files, sizeof(*files) * nfiles); if (files == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } files[nfiles - 1] = strdup(file); if (files[nfiles - 1] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void ps_register(struct ps *ps) { ps->next = ps_list; ps_list = ps; } void ps_register_message(struct ps *ps, const char *name, void *ref) { struct ps_message *msg; /* Look for already registered name */ for (msg = ps_messages; msg; msg = msg->next) { if (strcmp(name, msg->name) == 0) { LOG("Message \"%s\" already registered\n", name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } msg = calloc(1, sizeof(*msg)); if (msg == NULL) { LOG("Out of memory error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } msg->next = ps_messages; ps_messages = msg; msg->name = strdup(name); if (msg->name == NULL) { LOG("Out of memory error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } msg->ref = ref; msg->ps = ps; } static int do_read(int sock, void *buf, int read_len) { fd_set readfds; int n = 0, total = 0, bytesleft = read_len; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sock, &readfds); while (total < read_len) { if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (!FD_ISSET(sock, &readfds)) return -1; n = read(sock, buf + total, bytesleft); if (n <= 0) break; total += n; bytesleft -= n; } return (n == -1) ? -1 : total; } static int do_write(int sock, void *buf, int write_len) { fd_set writefds; int n = 0, total = 0, bytesleft = write_len; FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(sock, &writefds); while (total < write_len) { if (select(FD_SETSIZE, NULL, &writefds, NULL, NULL) == -1) return -1; if (!FD_ISSET(sock, &writefds)) return -1; n = write(sock, buf + total, bytesleft); if (n <= 0) break; total += n; bytesleft -= n; } return (n == -1) ? -1 : total; } /* Receive a frame sent by HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error occurred, * otherwise the number of read bytes.*/ static int read_frame(int sock, struct worker *w) { uint32_t netint; unsigned int framesz; /* Read the frame size, on 4 bytes */ if (do_read(sock, &netint, sizeof(netint)) != 4) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO; return -1; } /* Check it against the max size */ framesz = ntohl(netint); if (framesz > w->size) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_TOO_BIG; return -1; } /* Read the frame */ if (do_read(sock, w->buf, framesz) != framesz) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO; return -1; } w->len = framesz; return framesz; } /* Send a frame to HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error occurred, otherwise the * number of written bytes. */ static int write_frame(int sock, struct worker *w) { uint32_t netint; /* Write the frame size, on 4 bytes */ netint = htonl(w->len); if (do_write(sock, &netint, sizeof(netint)) != 4) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO; return -1; } /* Write the frame */ if (do_write(sock, w->buf, w->len) != w->len) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO; return -1; } return w->len; } /* Encode a variable-length integer. This function never fails and returns the * number of written bytes. */ static int encode_spoe_varint(uint64_t i, char *buf) { int idx; if (i < 240) { buf[0] = (unsigned char)i; return 1; } buf[0] = (unsigned char)i | 240; i = (i - 240) >> 4; for (idx = 1; i >= 128; ++idx) { buf[idx] = (unsigned char)i | 128; i = (i - 128) >> 7; } buf[idx++] = (unsigned char)i; return idx; } /* Decode a varable-length integer. If the decoding fails, -1 is returned. This * happens when the buffer's end in reached. On success, the number of read * bytes is returned. */ static int decode_spoe_varint(char *buf, char *end, uint64_t *i) { unsigned char *msg = (unsigned char *)buf; int idx = 0; if (msg > (unsigned char *)end) return -1; if (msg[0] < 240) { *i = msg[0]; return 1; } *i = msg[0]; do { ++idx; if (msg+idx > (unsigned char *)end) return -1; *i += (uint64_t)msg[idx] << (4 + 7 * (idx-1)); } while (msg[idx] >= 128); return (idx + 1); } /* Encode a string. The string will be prefix by its length, encoded as a * variable-length integer. This function never fails and returns the number of * written bytes. */ static int encode_spoe_string(const char *str, size_t len, char *dst) { int idx = 0; if (!len) { dst[0] = 0; return 1; } idx += encode_spoe_varint(len, dst); memcpy(dst+idx, str, len); return (idx + len); } /* Decode a string. Its length is decoded first as a variable-length integer. If * it succeeds, and if the string length is valid, the begin of the string is * saved in <*str>, its length is saved in <*len> and the total numbre of bytes * read is returned. If an error occurred, -1 is returned and <*str> remains * NULL. */ static int decode_spoe_string(char *buf, char *end, char **str, uint64_t *len) { int r, idx = 0; *str = NULL; *len = 0; if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(buf, end, len)) == -1) goto error; idx += r; if (buf + idx + *len > end) goto error; *str = buf+idx; return (idx + *len); error: return -1; } /* Skip a typed data. If an error occurred, -1 is returned, otherwise the number * of bytes read is returned. A types data is composed of a type (1 byte) and * corresponding data: * - boolean: non additional data (0 bytes) * - integers: a variable-length integer (see decode_spoe_varint) * - ipv4: 4 bytes * - ipv6: 16 bytes * - binary and string: a buffer prefixed by its size, a variable-length * integer (see decode_spoe_string) */ static int skip_spoe_data(char *frame, char *end) { uint64_t sz = 0; int r, idx = 0; if (frame > end) return -1; switch (frame[idx++] & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) { case SPOE_DATA_T_BOOL: idx++; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_INT32: case SPOE_DATA_T_INT64: case SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32: case SPOE_DATA_T_UINT64: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; idx += r; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_IPV4: idx += 4; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_IPV6: idx += 16; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_STR: case SPOE_DATA_T_BIN: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; idx += r + sz; break; } if (frame+idx > end) return -1; return idx; } /* Decode a typed data. If an error occurred, -1 is returned, otherwise the * number of read bytes is returned. See skip_spoe_data for details. */ static int decode_spoe_data(char *frame, char *end, struct spoe_data *data) { uint64_t sz = 0; int type, r, idx = 0; if (frame > end) return -1; type = frame[idx++]; data->type = (type & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK); switch (data->type) { case SPOE_DATA_T_BOOL: data->u.boolean = ((type & SPOE_DATA_FL_TRUE) == SPOE_DATA_FL_TRUE); break; case SPOE_DATA_T_INT32: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; data->u.sint32 = sz; idx += r; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_INT64: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; data->u.uint32 = sz; idx += r; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; data->u.sint64 = sz; idx += r; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_UINT64: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; data->u.uint64 = sz; idx += r; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_IPV4: if (frame+idx+4 > end) return -1; memcpy(&data->u.ipv4, frame+idx, 4); idx += 4; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_IPV6: if (frame+idx+16 > end) return -1; memcpy(&data->u.ipv6, frame+idx, 16); idx += 16; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_STR: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; idx += r; if (frame+idx+sz > end) return -1; data->u.buffer.str = frame+idx; data->u.buffer.len = sz; idx += sz; break; case SPOE_DATA_T_BIN: if ((r = decode_spoe_varint(frame+idx, end, &sz)) == -1) return -1; idx += r; if (frame+idx+sz > end) return -1; data->u.buffer.str = frame+idx; data->u.buffer.len = sz; idx += sz; break; default: break; } if (frame+idx > end) return -1; return idx; } /* Check the protocol version. It returns -1 if an error occurred, the number of * read bytes otherwise. */ static int check_proto_version(struct worker *w, int idx) { char *str; uint64_t sz; /* Get the list of all supported versions by HAProxy */ if ((w->buf[idx++] & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) != SPOE_DATA_T_STR) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; return -1; } idx += decode_spoe_string(w->buf+idx, w->buf+w->len, &str, &sz); if (str == NULL) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; return -1; } /* TODO: Find the right verion in supported ones */ return idx; } /* Check max frame size value. It returns -1 if an error occurred, the number of * read bytes otherwise. */ static int check_max_frame_size(struct worker *w, int idx) { uint64_t sz; int type, i; /* Get the max-frame-size value of HAProxy */ type = w->buf[idx++]; if ((type & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) != SPOE_DATA_T_INT32 && (type & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) != SPOE_DATA_T_INT64 && (type & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) != SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32 && (type & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) != SPOE_DATA_T_UINT64) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; return -1; } if ((i = decode_spoe_varint(w->buf+idx, w->buf+w->len, &sz)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; return -1; } idx += i; /* Keep the lower value */ if (sz < w->size) w->size = sz; return idx; } /* Check healthcheck value. It returns -1 if an error occurred, the number of * read bytes otherwise. */ static int check_healthcheck(struct worker *w, int idx) { int type; /* Get the "healthcheck" value of HAProxy */ type = w->buf[idx++]; if ((type & SPOE_DATA_T_MASK) != SPOE_DATA_T_BOOL) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; return -1; } w->healthcheck = ((type & SPOE_DATA_FL_TRUE) == SPOE_DATA_FL_TRUE); return idx; } /* Decode a HELLO frame received from HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error * occurred, 0 if the frame must be skipped, otherwise the number of read * bytes. */ static int handle_hahello(struct worker *w) { char *end = w->buf+w->len; int i, idx = 0; /* Check frame type */ if (w->buf[idx++] != SPOE_FRM_T_HAPROXY_HELLO) goto skip; /* Skip flags */ idx += 4; /* stream-id and frame-id must be cleared */ if (w->buf[idx] != 0 || w->buf[idx+1] != 0) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += 2; /* Loop on K/V items */ while (idx < w->len) { char *str; uint64_t sz; /* Decode the item name */ idx += decode_spoe_string(w->buf+idx, end, &str, &sz); if (str == NULL) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } /* Check "supported-versions" K/V item */ if (!memcmp(str, "supported-versions", sz)) { if ((i = check_proto_version(w, idx)) == -1) goto error; idx = i; } /* Check "max-frame-size" K/V item "*/ else if (!memcmp(str, "max-frame-size", sz)) { if ((i = check_max_frame_size(w, idx)) == -1) goto error; idx = i; } /* Check "healthcheck" K/V item "*/ else if (!memcmp(str, "healthcheck", sz)) { if ((i = check_healthcheck(w, idx)) == -1) goto error; idx = i; } /* Skip "capabilities" K/V item for now */ else { /* Silently ignore unknown item */ if ((i = skip_spoe_data(w->buf+idx, end)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += i; } } return idx; skip: return 0; error: return -1; } /* Decode a DISCONNECT frame received from HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error * occurred, 0 if the frame must be skipped, otherwise the number of read * bytes. */ static int handle_hadiscon(struct worker *w) { char *end = w->buf+w->len; int i, idx = 0; /* Check frame type */ if (w->buf[idx++] != SPOE_FRM_T_HAPROXY_DISCON) goto skip; /* Skip flags */ idx += 4; /* stream-id and frame-id must be cleared */ if (w->buf[idx] != 0 || w->buf[idx+1] != 0) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += 2; /* Loop on K/V items */ while (idx < w->len) { char *str; uint64_t sz; /* Decode item key */ idx += decode_spoe_string(w->buf+idx, end, &str, &sz); if (str == NULL) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } /* Silently ignore unknown item */ if ((i = skip_spoe_data(w->buf+idx, end)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += i; } w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_NONE; return idx; skip: return 0; error: return -1; } /* Encode a ACK frame to send it to HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error occurred, * the number of written bytes otherwise. */ static void prepare_agentack(struct worker *w) { unsigned int flags = 0; w->ack_len = 0; /* Frame type */ w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_FRM_T_AGENT_ACK; /* Set flags */ flags |= htonl(SPOE_FRM_FL_FIN); memcpy(w->ack + w->ack_len, &flags, 4); w->ack_len += 4; /* Set stream-id and frame-id for ACK frames */ w->ack_len += encode_spoe_varint(w->stream_id, w->ack + w->ack_len); w->ack_len += encode_spoe_varint(w->frame_id, w->ack + w->ack_len); } static inline int set_var_name(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope) { w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_ACT_T_SET_VAR; /* Action type */ w->ack[w->ack_len++] = 3; /* Number of args */ w->ack[w->ack_len++] = scope; /* Arg 1: the scope */ w->ack_len += encode_spoe_string(name, name_len, w->ack+w->ack_len); /* Arg 2: variable name */ return 1; } int set_var_null(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope) { if (!set_var_name(w, name, name_len, scope)) return 0; w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_DATA_T_NULL; return 1; } int set_var_bool(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, bool value) { if (!set_var_name(w, name, name_len, scope)) return 0; w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_DATA_T_BOOL | (!!value << 4); return 1; } static inline int set_var_int(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, int type, uint64_t value) { if (!set_var_name(w, name, name_len, scope)) return 0; w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32; w->ack_len += encode_spoe_varint(value, w->ack+w->ack_len); /* Arg 3: variable value */ return 1; } int set_var_uint32(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, uint32_t value) { return set_var_int(w, name, name_len, scope, SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32, value); } int set_var_int32(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, int32_t value) { return set_var_int(w, name, name_len, scope, SPOE_DATA_T_INT32, value); } int set_var_uint64(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, uint64_t value) { return set_var_int(w, name, name_len, scope, SPOE_DATA_T_INT32, value); } int set_var_int64(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, int64_t value) { return set_var_int(w, name, name_len, scope, SPOE_DATA_T_INT32, value); } int set_var_ipv4(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, struct in_addr *ipv4) { if (!set_var_name(w, name, name_len, scope)) return 0; w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_DATA_T_IPV4; memcpy(w->ack+w->ack_len, ipv4, 4); w->ack_len += 4; return 1; } int set_var_ipv6(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, struct in6_addr *ipv6) { if (!set_var_name(w, name, name_len, scope)) return 0; w->ack[w->ack_len++] = SPOE_DATA_T_IPV6; memcpy(w->ack+w->ack_len, ipv6, 16); w->ack_len += 16; return 1; } static inline int set_var_buf(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, int type, const char *str, int str_len) { if (!set_var_name(w, name, name_len, scope)) return 0; w->ack[w->ack_len++] = type; w->ack_len += encode_spoe_string(str, str_len, w->ack+w->ack_len); return 1; } int set_var_string(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, const char *str, int strlen) { return set_var_buf(w, name, name_len, scope, SPOE_DATA_T_STR, str, strlen); } int set_var_bin(struct worker *w, const char *name, int name_len, unsigned char scope, const char *str, int strlen) { return set_var_buf(w, name, name_len, scope, SPOE_DATA_T_BIN, str, strlen); } /* This function is a little bit ugly, * TODO: improve the response without copying the bufer */ static int commit_agentack(struct worker *w) { memcpy(w->buf, w->ack, w->ack_len); w->len = w->ack_len; return 1; } /* Decode a NOTIFY frame received from HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error * occurred, 0 if the frame must be skipped, otherwise the number of read * bytes. */ static int handle_hanotify(struct worker *w) { char *end = w->buf+w->len; uint64_t stream_id, frame_id; int nbargs, i, idx = 0; int index; struct spoe_kv args[256]; uint64_t length; struct ps_message *msg; /* Check frame type */ if (w->buf[idx++] != SPOE_FRM_T_HAPROXY_NOTIFY) goto skip; /* Skip flags */ idx += 4; /* Read the stream-id */ if ((i = decode_spoe_varint(w->buf+idx, end, &stream_id)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += i; /* Read the frame-id */ if ((i = decode_spoe_varint(w->buf+idx, end, &frame_id)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += i; w->stream_id = (unsigned int)stream_id; w->frame_id = (unsigned int)frame_id; DEBUG("Notify frame received: stream-id=%u - frame-id=%u", w->stream_id, w->frame_id); /* Prepara ack, if the processing fails tha ack will be cancelled */ prepare_agentack(w); /* Loop on messages */ while (idx < w->len) { char *str; uint64_t sz; /* Decode the message name */ idx += decode_spoe_string(w->buf+idx, end, &str, &sz); if (str == NULL) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } DEBUG(" Message '%.*s' received", (int)sz, str); /* Decode all SPOE data */ nbargs = (unsigned char)w->buf[idx++]; for (index = 0; index < nbargs; index++) { /* Read the key name */ if ((i = decode_spoe_string(w->buf+idx, end, &args[index].name.str, &length)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } if (length > INT_MAX) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_TOO_BIG; goto error; } args[index].name.len = length; idx += i; /* Read the value */ memset(&args[index].value, 0, sizeof(args[index].value)); if ((i = decode_spoe_data(w->buf+idx, end, &args[index].value)) == -1) { w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_INVALID; goto error; } idx += i; } /* Lookup for existsing bindings. If no existing message * where found, does nothing. */ for (msg = ps_messages; msg; msg = msg->next) if (sz == strlen(msg->name) && strncmp(str, msg->name, sz) == 0) break; if (msg == NULL || msg->ps->exec_message == NULL) { DEBUG(" Message '%.*s' have no bindings registered", (int)sz, str); continue; } /* Process the message */ msg->ps->exec_message(w, msg->ref, nbargs, args); } return idx; skip: return 0; error: return -1; } /* Encode a HELLO frame to send it to HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error * occurred, the number of written bytes otherwise. */ static int prepare_agenthello(struct worker *w) { int idx = 0; unsigned int flags = 0; /* Frame Type */ w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_FRM_T_AGENT_HELLO; /* Set flags */ flags |= htonl(SPOE_FRM_FL_FIN); memcpy(w->buf+idx, &flags, 4); idx += 4; /* No stream-id and frame-id for HELLO frames */ w->buf[idx++] = 0; w->buf[idx++] = 0; /* "version" K/V item */ idx += encode_spoe_string("version", 7, w->buf+idx); w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_DATA_T_STR; idx += encode_spoe_string(SPOP_VERSION, SLEN(SPOP_VERSION), w->buf+idx); /* "max-frame-size" K/V item */ idx += encode_spoe_string("max-frame-size", 14, w->buf+idx); w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32; idx += encode_spoe_varint(w->size, w->buf+idx); /* "capabilities" K/V item */ idx += encode_spoe_string("capabilities", 12, w->buf+idx); w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_DATA_T_STR; idx += encode_spoe_string(SPOA_CAPABILITIES, SLEN(SPOA_CAPABILITIES), w->buf+idx); w->len = idx; return idx; } /* Encode a DISCONNECT frame to send it to HAProxy. It returns -1 if an error * occurred, the number of written bytes otherwise. */ static int prepare_agentdicon(struct worker *w) { const char *reason; int rlen, idx = 0; unsigned int flags = 0; if (w->status_code >= SPOE_FRM_ERRS) w->status_code = SPOE_FRM_ERR_UNKNOWN; reason = spoe_frm_err_reasons[w->status_code]; rlen = strlen(reason); /* Frame type */ w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_FRM_T_AGENT_DISCON; /* Set flags */ flags |= htonl(SPOE_FRM_FL_FIN); memcpy(w->buf+idx, &flags, 4); idx += 4; /* No stream-id and frame-id for DISCONNECT frames */ w->buf[idx++] = 0; w->buf[idx++] = 0; /* There are 2 mandatory items: "status-code" and "message" */ /* "status-code" K/V item */ idx += encode_spoe_string("status-code", 11, w->buf+idx); w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_DATA_T_UINT32; idx += encode_spoe_varint(w->status_code, w->buf+idx); /* "message" K/V item */ idx += encode_spoe_string("message", 7, w->buf+idx); w->buf[idx++] = SPOE_DATA_T_STR; idx += encode_spoe_string(reason, rlen, w->buf+idx); w->len = idx; return idx; } static int hello_handshake(int sock, struct worker *w) { if (read_frame(sock, w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to read Haproxy HELLO frame"); goto error; } if (handle_hahello(w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to handle Haproxy HELLO frame"); goto error; } if (prepare_agenthello(w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to prepare Agent HELLO frame"); goto error; } if (write_frame(sock, w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to write Agent frame"); goto error; } DEBUG("Hello handshake done: version=%s - max-frame-size=%u - healthcheck=%s", SPOP_VERSION, w->size, (w->healthcheck ? "true" : "false")); return 0; error: return -1; } static int notify_ack_roundtip(int sock, struct worker *w) { if (read_frame(sock, w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to read Haproxy NOTIFY frame"); goto error_or_quit; } if (handle_hadiscon(w) != 0) { if (w->status_code != SPOE_FRM_ERR_NONE) LOG("Failed to handle Haproxy DISCONNECT frame"); DEBUG("Disconnect frame received: reason=%s", spoe_frm_err_reasons[w->status_code]); goto error_or_quit; } if (handle_hanotify(w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to handle Haproxy NOTIFY frame"); goto error_or_quit; } if (commit_agentack(w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to prepare Agent ACK frame"); goto error_or_quit; } if (write_frame(sock, w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to write Agent ACK frame"); goto error_or_quit; } DEBUG("Ack frame sent: stream-id=%u - frame-id=%u", w->stream_id, w->frame_id); return 0; error_or_quit: return -1; } static void * spoa_worker(void *data) { struct worker w; struct sockaddr_in client; int *info = (int *)data; int csock, lsock = info[0]; struct ps *ps; int i; int len; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); pthread_setspecific(worker_id, &info[1]); /* Init registered processors */ for (ps = ps_list; ps != NULL; ps = ps->next) ps->init_worker(&w); /* Load files */ for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { len = strlen(files[i]); for (ps = ps_list; ps != NULL; ps = ps->next) if (strcmp(files[i] + len - strlen(ps->ext), ps->ext) == 0) break; if (ps == NULL) { LOG("Can't load file \"%s\"\n", files[i]); goto out; } if (!ps->load_file(&w, files[i])) goto out; } while (1) { socklen_t sz = sizeof(client); if ((csock = accept(lsock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &sz)) < 0) { LOG("Failed to accept client connection: %m"); goto out; } memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w)); w.id = info[1]; w.size = MAX_FRAME_SIZE; DEBUG("New connection from HAProxy accepted"); if (hello_handshake(csock, &w) < 0) goto disconnect; if (w.healthcheck == true) goto close; while (1) { if (notify_ack_roundtip(csock, &w) < 0) break; } disconnect: if (w.status_code == SPOE_FRM_ERR_IO) { LOG("Close the client socket because of I/O errors"); goto close; } if (prepare_agentdicon(&w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to prepare Agent DISCONNECT frame"); goto close; } if (write_frame(csock, &w) < 0) { LOG("Failed to write Agent DISCONNECT frame"); goto close; } DEBUG("Disconnect frame sent: reason=%s", spoe_frm_err_reasons[w.status_code]); close: close(csock); } out: free(info); #if 0 pthread_exit(NULL); #endif return NULL; } int process_create(pid_t *pid, void *(*ps)(void *), void *data) { if (debug) { ps(data); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } *pid = fork(); if (*pid == -1) return -1; if (*pid > 0) return 0; ps(data); return 0; } static void usage(char *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-h] [-d] [-p ] [-n ] -f \n", prog); fprintf(stderr, " -h Print this message\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d Enable the debug mode\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p Specify the port to listen on (default: 12345)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n Specify the number of workers (default: 5)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f Specify the file whoch contains the processing code.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " This argument can specified more than once.\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { #if 0 pthread_t *ts = NULL; #endif pid_t *pids; struct sockaddr_in server; int i, sock, opt, nbworkers, port; int status; nbworkers = NUM_WORKERS; port = DEFAULT_PORT; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hdn:p:f:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'd': debug = true; break; case 'n': nbworkers = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': add_file(optarg); break; default: usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (nbworkers <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid number of workers '%d'\n", argv[0], nbworkers); goto error; } if (port <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid port '%d'\n", argv[0], port); goto error; } if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed creating socket: %m\n"); goto error; } setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (int []){1}, sizeof(int)); setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (int []){1}, sizeof(int)); memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to bind the socket: %m\n"); goto error; } if (listen(sock , 10) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to listen on the socket: %m\n"); goto error; } fprintf(stderr, "SPOA is listening on port %d\n", port); pthread_key_create(&worker_id, NULL); /* Initialise the server in thread mode. This code is commented * out and not deleted, because later I expect to work with * process ansd threads. This first version just support processes. */ #if 0 ts = calloc(nbworkers, sizeof(*ts)); for (i = 0; i < nbworkers; i++) { int *info = calloc(2, sizeof(*info)); info[0] = sock; info[1] = i+1; if (pthread_create(&ts[i], NULL, spoa_worker, info) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create thread %d: %m\n", i+1); goto error; } fprintf(stderr, "SPOA worker %02d started\n", i+1); } for (i = 0; i < nbworkers; i++) { pthread_join(ts[i], NULL); fprintf(stderr, "SPOA worker %02d stopped\n", i+1); } free(ts); #endif /* Start processes */ pids = calloc(nbworkers, sizeof(*pids)); if (!pids) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory error\n"); goto error; } for (i = 0; i < nbworkers; i++) { int *info = calloc(2, sizeof(*info)); info[0] = sock; info[1] = i+1; if (process_create(&pids[i], spoa_worker, info) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "SPOA worker %02d started\n", i+1); goto error; } fprintf(stderr, "SPOA worker %02d started\n", i+1); } for (i = 0; i < nbworkers; i++) { waitpid(pids[0], &status, 0); fprintf(stderr, "SPOA worker %02d stopped\n", i+1); } close(sock); pthread_key_delete(worker_id); return EXIT_SUCCESS; error: return EXIT_FAILURE; }