#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <51Degrees.h> struct _51d_property_names { struct list list; char *name; }; #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED static struct lru64_head *_51d_lru_tree = NULL; static unsigned long long _51d_lru_seed; #endif static struct { char property_separator; /* the separator to use in the response for the values. this is taken from 51degrees-property-separator from config. */ struct list property_names; /* list of properties to load into the data set. this is taken from 51degrees-property-name-list from config. */ char *data_file_path; int header_count; /* number of HTTP headers related to device detection. */ struct chunk *header_names; /* array of HTTP header names. */ fiftyoneDegreesDataSet data_set; /* data set used with the pattern and trie detection methods. */ #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPool *pool; /* pool of worksets to avoid creating a new one for each request. */ #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED int32_t *header_offsets; /* offsets to the HTTP header name string. */ fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets device_offsets; /* Memory used for device offsets. */ #endif int cache_size; } global_51degrees = { .property_separator = ',', .property_names = LIST_HEAD_INIT(global_51degrees.property_names), .data_file_path = NULL, #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED .data_set = { }, #endif .cache_size = 0, }; static int _51d_data_file(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx, struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line, char **err) { if (*(args[1]) == 0) { memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a filepath to a 51Degrees trie or pattern data file.", args[0]); return -1; } if (global_51degrees.data_file_path) free(global_51degrees.data_file_path); global_51degrees.data_file_path = strdup(args[1]); return 0; } static int _51d_property_name_list(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx, struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line, char **err) { int cur_arg = 1; struct _51d_property_names *name; if (*(args[cur_arg]) == 0) { memprintf(err, "'%s' expects at least one 51Degrees property name.", args[0]); return -1; } while (*(args[cur_arg])) { name = calloc(1, sizeof(*name)); name->name = strdup(args[cur_arg]); LIST_ADDQ(&global_51degrees.property_names, &name->list); ++cur_arg; } return 0; } static int _51d_property_separator(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx, struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line, char **err) { if (*(args[1]) == 0) { memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a single character.", args[0]); return -1; } if (strlen(args[1]) > 1) { memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a single character, got '%s'.", args[0], args[1]); return -1; } global_51degrees.property_separator = *args[1]; return 0; } static int _51d_cache_size(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx, struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line, char **err) { if (*(args[1]) == 0) { memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a positive numeric value.", args[0]); return -1; } global_51degrees.cache_size = atoi(args[1]); if (global_51degrees.cache_size < 0) { memprintf(err, "'%s' expects a positive numeric value, got '%s'.", args[0], args[1]); return -1; } return 0; } static int _51d_fetch_check(struct arg *arg, char **err_msg) { if (global_51degrees.data_file_path) return 1; memprintf(err_msg, "51Degrees data file is not specified (parameter '51degrees-data-file')"); return 0; } static int _51d_conv_check(struct arg *arg, struct sample_conv *conv, const char *file, int line, char **err_msg) { if (global_51degrees.data_file_path) return 1; memprintf(err_msg, "51Degrees data file is not specified (parameter '51degrees-data-file')"); return 0; } #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED static void _51d_lru_free(void *cache_entry) { struct chunk *ptr = cache_entry; if (!ptr) return; free(ptr->area); free(ptr); } /* Allocates memory freeing space in the cache if necessary. */ static void *_51d_malloc(int size) { void *ptr = malloc(size); if (!ptr) { /* free the oldest 10 entries from lru to free up some memory * then try allocating memory again */ lru64_kill_oldest(_51d_lru_tree, 10); ptr = malloc(size); } return ptr; } /* Insert the data associated with the sample into the cache as a fresh item. */ static void _51d_insert_cache_entry(struct sample *smp, struct lru64 *lru, void* domain) { struct chunk *cache_entry = _51d_malloc(sizeof(*cache_entry)); if (!cache_entry) return; cache_entry->area = _51d_malloc(smp->data.u.str.data + 1); if (!cache_entry->area) { free(cache_entry); return; } memcpy(cache_entry->area, smp->data.u.str.area, smp->data.u.str.data); cache_entry->area[smp->data.u.str.data] = 0; cache_entry->data = smp->data.u.str.data; lru64_commit(lru, cache_entry, domain, 0, _51d_lru_free); } /* Retrieves the data from the cache and sets the sample data to this string. */ static void _51d_retrieve_cache_entry(struct sample *smp, struct lru64 *lru) { struct chunk *cache_entry = lru->data; smp->data.u.str.area = cache_entry->area; smp->data.u.str.data = cache_entry->data; } #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED /* Sets the important HTTP headers ahead of the detection */ static void _51d_set_headers(struct sample *smp, fiftyoneDegreesWorkset *ws) { struct hdr_idx *idx; struct hdr_ctx ctx; const struct http_msg *msg; int i; idx = &smp->strm->txn->hdr_idx; msg = &smp->strm->txn->req; ws->importantHeadersCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < global_51degrees.header_count; i++) { ctx.idx = 0; if (http_find_full_header2((global_51degrees.header_names + i)->area, (global_51degrees.header_names + i)->data, msg->chn->buf->p, idx, &ctx) == 1) { ws->importantHeaders[ws->importantHeadersCount].header = ws->dataSet->httpHeaders + i; ws->importantHeaders[ws->importantHeadersCount].headerValue = ctx.line + ctx.val; ws->importantHeaders[ws->importantHeadersCount].headerValueLength = ctx.vlen; ws->importantHeadersCount++; } } } #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED static void _51d_set_device_offsets(struct sample *smp) { struct hdr_idx *idx; struct hdr_ctx ctx; const struct http_msg *msg; int index; fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets *offsets = &global_51degrees.device_offsets; idx = &smp->strm->txn->hdr_idx; msg = &smp->strm->txn->req; offsets->size = 0; for (index = 0; index < global_51degrees.header_count; index++) { ctx.idx = 0; if (http_find_full_header2((global_51degrees.header_names + index)->area, (global_51degrees.header_names + index)->data, msg->chn->buf->p, idx, &ctx) == 1) { (offsets->firstOffset + offsets->size)->httpHeaderOffset = *(global_51degrees.header_offsets + index); (offsets->firstOffset + offsets->size)->deviceOffset = fiftyoneDegreesGetDeviceOffset(&global_51degrees.data_set, ctx.line + ctx.val); offsets->size++; } } } #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED /* Provides a hash code for the important HTTP headers. */ unsigned long long _51d_req_hash(const struct arg *args, fiftyoneDegreesWorkset* ws) { unsigned long long seed = _51d_lru_seed ^ (long)args; unsigned long long hash = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < ws->importantHeadersCount; i++) { hash ^= ws->importantHeaders[i].header->headerNameOffset; hash ^= XXH64(ws->importantHeaders[i].headerValue, ws->importantHeaders[i].headerValueLength, seed); } return hash; } #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED static void _51d_process_match(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, fiftyoneDegreesWorkset* ws) { char *methodName; #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED static void _51d_process_match(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp) { char valuesBuffer[1024]; const char **requiredProperties = fiftyoneDegreesGetRequiredPropertiesNames(&global_51degrees.data_set); int requiredPropertiesCount = fiftyoneDegreesGetRequiredPropertiesCount(&global_51degrees.data_set); fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffsets *deviceOffsets = &global_51degrees.device_offsets; #endif char no_data[] = "NoData"; /* response when no data could be found */ struct chunk *temp = get_trash_chunk(); int j, i = 0, found; const char* property_name; /* Loop through property names passed to the filter and fetch them from the dataset. */ while (args[i].data.str.area) { /* Try to find request property in dataset. */ found = 0; #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED if (strcmp("Method", args[i].data.str.area) == 0) { switch(ws->method) { case EXACT: methodName = "Exact"; break; case NUMERIC: methodName = "Numeric"; break; case NEAREST: methodName = "Nearest"; break; case CLOSEST: methodName = "Closest"; break; default: case NONE: methodName = "None"; break; } chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", methodName); found = 1; } else if (strcmp("Difference", args[i].data.str.area) == 0) { chunk_appendf(temp, "%d", ws->difference); found = 1; } else if (strcmp("Rank", args[i].data.str.area) == 0) { chunk_appendf(temp, "%d", fiftyoneDegreesGetSignatureRank(ws)); found = 1; } else { for (j = 0; j < ws->dataSet->requiredPropertyCount; j++) { property_name = fiftyoneDegreesGetPropertyName(ws->dataSet, ws->dataSet->requiredProperties[j]); if (strcmp(property_name, args[i].data.str.area) == 0) { found = 1; fiftyoneDegreesSetValues(ws, j); chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", fiftyoneDegreesGetValueName(ws->dataSet, *ws->values)); break; } } } #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED found = 0; for (j = 0; j < requiredPropertiesCount; j++) { property_name = requiredProperties[j]; if (strcmp(property_name, args[i].data.str.area) == 0 && fiftyoneDegreesGetValueFromOffsets(&global_51degrees.data_set, deviceOffsets, j, valuesBuffer, 1024) > 0) { found = 1; chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", valuesBuffer); break; } } #endif if (!found) chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", no_data); /* Add separator. */ chunk_appendf(temp, "%c", global_51degrees.property_separator); ++i; } if (temp->data) { --temp->data; temp->area[temp->data] = '\0'; } smp->data.u.str.area = temp->area; smp->data.u.str.data = temp->data; } static int _51d_fetch(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private) { #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesWorkset* ws; /* workset for detection */ struct lru64 *lru = NULL; #endif /* Needed to ensure that the HTTP message has been fully recieved when * used with TCP operation. Not required for HTTP operation. * Data type has to be reset to ensure the string output is processed * correctly. */ CHECK_HTTP_MESSAGE_FIRST(); smp->data.type = SMP_T_STR; /* Flags the sample to show it uses constant memory*/ smp->flags |= SMP_F_CONST; #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED /* Get only the headers needed for device detection so they can be used * with the cache to return previous results. Pattern is slower than * Trie so caching will help improve performance. */ /* Get a workset from the pool which will later contain detection results. */ ws = fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolGet(global_51degrees.pool); if (!ws) return 0; /* Set the important HTTP headers for this request in the workset. */ _51d_set_headers(smp, ws); /* Check the cache to see if there's results for these headers already. */ if (_51d_lru_tree) { lru = lru64_get(_51d_req_hash(args, ws), _51d_lru_tree, (void*)args, 0); if (lru && lru->domain) { fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolRelease(global_51degrees.pool, ws); _51d_retrieve_cache_entry(smp, lru); return 1; } } fiftyoneDegreesMatchForHttpHeaders(ws); _51d_process_match(args, smp, ws); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED /* Trie is very fast so all the headers can be passed in and the result * returned faster than the hashing algorithm process. */ _51d_set_device_offsets(smp); _51d_process_match(args, smp); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolRelease(global_51degrees.pool, ws); if (lru) _51d_insert_cache_entry(smp, lru, (void*)args); #endif return 1; } static int _51d_conv(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, void *private) { #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesWorkset* ws; /* workset for detection */ struct lru64 *lru = NULL; #endif /* Flags the sample to show it uses constant memory*/ smp->flags |= SMP_F_CONST; #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED /* Look in the list. */ if (_51d_lru_tree) { unsigned long long seed = _51d_lru_seed ^ (long)args; lru = lru64_get(XXH64(smp->data.u.str.area, smp->data.u.str.data, seed), _51d_lru_tree, (void*)args, 0); if (lru && lru->domain) { _51d_retrieve_cache_entry(smp, lru); return 1; } } /* Create workset. This will later contain detection results. */ ws = fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolGet(global_51degrees.pool); if (!ws) return 0; #endif /* Duplicate the data and remove the "const" flag before device detection. */ if (!smp_dup(smp)) return 0; smp->data.u.str.area[smp->data.u.str.data] = '\0'; /* Perform detection. */ #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesMatch(ws, smp->data.u.str.area); _51d_process_match(args, smp, ws); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED global_51degrees.device_offsets.firstOffset->deviceOffset = fiftyoneDegreesGetDeviceOffset(&global_51degrees.data_set, smp->data.u.str.area); global_51degrees.device_offsets.size = 1; _51d_process_match(args, smp); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolRelease(global_51degrees.pool, ws); if (lru) _51d_insert_cache_entry(smp, lru, (void*)args); #endif return 1; } #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED void _51d_init_http_headers() { int index = 0; const fiftyoneDegreesAsciiString *headerName; fiftyoneDegreesDataSet *ds = &global_51degrees.data_set; global_51degrees.header_count = ds->httpHeadersCount; global_51degrees.header_names = malloc(global_51degrees.header_count * sizeof(struct chunk)); for (index = 0; index < global_51degrees.header_count; index++) { headerName = fiftyoneDegreesGetString(ds, ds->httpHeaders[index].headerNameOffset); (global_51degrees.header_names + index)->area = (char*)&headerName->firstByte; (global_51degrees.header_names + index)->data = headerName->length - 1; (global_51degrees.header_names + index)->size = (global_51degrees.header_names + index)->data; } } #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED void _51d_init_http_headers() { int index = 0; fiftyoneDegreesDataSet *ds = &global_51degrees.data_set; global_51degrees.header_count = fiftyoneDegreesGetHttpHeaderCount(ds); global_51degrees.device_offsets.firstOffset = malloc( global_51degrees.header_count * sizeof(fiftyoneDegreesDeviceOffset)); global_51degrees.header_names = malloc(global_51degrees.header_count * sizeof(struct chunk)); global_51degrees.header_offsets = malloc(global_51degrees.header_count * sizeof(int32_t)); for (index = 0; index < global_51degrees.header_count; index++) { global_51degrees.header_offsets[index] = fiftyoneDegreesGetHttpHeaderNameOffset(ds, index); global_51degrees.header_names->area = (char*)fiftyoneDegreesGetHttpHeaderNamePointer(ds, index); global_51degrees.header_names->data = strlen(global_51degrees.header_names->area); global_51degrees.header_names[index].size = global_51degrees.header_names->data; } } #endif /* * module init / deinit functions. Returns 0 if OK, or a combination of ERR_*. */ static int init_51degrees(void) { int i = 0; struct chunk *temp; struct _51d_property_names *name; char **_51d_property_list = NULL; fiftyoneDegreesDataSetInitStatus _51d_dataset_status = DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_NOT_SET; if (!global_51degrees.data_file_path) return 0; if (global.nbthread > 1) { ha_alert("51Degrees: multithreading is not supported for now.\n"); return (ERR_FATAL | ERR_ALERT); } if (!LIST_ISEMPTY(&global_51degrees.property_names)) { i = 0; list_for_each_entry(name, &global_51degrees.property_names, list) ++i; _51d_property_list = calloc(i, sizeof(char *)); i = 0; list_for_each_entry(name, &global_51degrees.property_names, list) _51d_property_list[i++] = name->name; } _51d_dataset_status = fiftyoneDegreesInitWithPropertyArray(global_51degrees.data_file_path, &global_51degrees.data_set, (const char**)_51d_property_list, i); temp = get_trash_chunk(); chunk_reset(temp); switch (_51d_dataset_status) { case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_SUCCESS: #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED /* only 1 workset in the pool because HAProxy is currently single threaded * this value should be set to the number of threads in future versions. */ global_51degrees.pool = fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolCreate(&global_51degrees.data_set, NULL, 1); #endif _51d_init_http_headers(); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: chunk_printf(temp, "Insufficient memory."); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_CORRUPT_DATA: #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED chunk_printf(temp, "Corrupt data file. Check that the data file provided is uncompressed and Pattern data format."); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED chunk_printf(temp, "Corrupt data file. Check that the data file provided is uncompressed and Trie data format."); #endif break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_INCORRECT_VERSION: #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED chunk_printf(temp, "Incorrect version. Check that the data file provided is uncompressed and Pattern data format."); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED chunk_printf(temp, "Incorrect version. Check that the data file provided is uncompressed and Trie data format."); #endif break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUND: chunk_printf(temp, "File not found."); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_NULL_POINTER: chunk_printf(temp, "Null pointer to the existing dataset or memory location."); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_POINTER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: chunk_printf(temp, "Allocated continuous memory containing 51Degrees data file appears to be smaller than expected. Most likely" " because the data file was not fully loaded into the allocated memory."); break; case DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_NOT_SET: chunk_printf(temp, "Data set not initialised."); break; default: chunk_printf(temp, "Other error."); break; } if (_51d_dataset_status != DATA_SET_INIT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (temp->data) ha_alert("51Degrees Setup - Error reading 51Degrees data file. %s\n", temp->area); else ha_alert("51Degrees Setup - Error reading 51Degrees data file.\n"); return ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL; } free(_51d_property_list); #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED _51d_lru_seed = random(); if (global_51degrees.cache_size) { _51d_lru_tree = lru64_new(global_51degrees.cache_size); } #endif return 0; } static void deinit_51degrees(void) { struct _51d_property_names *_51d_prop_name, *_51d_prop_nameb; free(global_51degrees.header_names); #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED fiftyoneDegreesWorksetPoolFree(global_51degrees.pool); #endif #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_TRIE_INCLUDED free(global_51degrees.device_offsets.firstOffset); free(global_51degrees.header_offsets); #endif fiftyoneDegreesDataSetFree(&global_51degrees.data_set); free(global_51degrees.data_file_path); global_51degrees.data_file_path = NULL; list_for_each_entry_safe(_51d_prop_name, _51d_prop_nameb, &global_51degrees.property_names, list) { LIST_DEL(&_51d_prop_name->list); free(_51d_prop_name); } #ifdef FIFTYONEDEGREES_H_PATTERN_INCLUDED while (lru64_destroy(_51d_lru_tree)); #endif } static struct cfg_kw_list _51dcfg_kws = {{ }, { { CFG_GLOBAL, "51degrees-data-file", _51d_data_file }, { CFG_GLOBAL, "51degrees-property-name-list", _51d_property_name_list }, { CFG_GLOBAL, "51degrees-property-separator", _51d_property_separator }, { CFG_GLOBAL, "51degrees-cache-size", _51d_cache_size }, { 0, NULL, NULL }, }}; /* Note: must not be declared as its list will be overwritten */ static struct sample_fetch_kw_list sample_fetch_keywords = {ILH, { { "51d.all", _51d_fetch, ARG5(1,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR), _51d_fetch_check, SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_HRQHV }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 }, }}; /* Note: must not be declared as its list will be overwritten */ static struct sample_conv_kw_list conv_kws = {ILH, { { "51d.single", _51d_conv, ARG5(1,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR), _51d_conv_check, SMP_T_STR, SMP_T_STR }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 }, }}; __attribute__((constructor)) static void __51d_init(void) { /* register sample fetch and conversion keywords */ sample_register_fetches(&sample_fetch_keywords); sample_register_convs(&conv_kws); cfg_register_keywords(&_51dcfg_kws); hap_register_build_opts("Built with 51Degrees support.", 0); hap_register_post_check(init_51degrees); hap_register_post_deinit(deinit_51degrees); }