51Degrees Device Detection -------------------------- You can also include 51Degrees for inbuilt device detection enabling attributes such as screen size (physical & pixels), supported input methods, release date, hardware vendor and model, browser information, and device price among many others. Such information can be used to improve the user experience of a web site by tailoring the page content, layout and business processes to the precise characteristics of the device. Such customisations improve profit by making it easier for customers to get to the information or services they need. Attributes of the device making a web request can be added to HTTP headers as configurable parameters. In order to enable 51Degrees download the 51Degrees source code from the official git repository : - either use the proven stable but frozen 3.2.10 version which supports the Trie algorithm : git clone https://git.51Degrees.com/Device-Detection.git -b v3.2.10 - use newer version which continues to receive database updates and supports a new Hash Trie algorithm, but which is not compatible with older Trie databases : git clone https://github.com/51Degrees/Device-Detection.git -b v3.2.12 - or use the latest 51Degrees version 4 with 51Degrees Hash algorithm, not compatible with older databases : git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/51Degrees/device-detection-cxx.git then run 'make' with USE_51DEGREES or USE_51DEGREES_V4 (if using 51Degrees version 4), and 51DEGREES_SRC set. Both 51DEGREES_INC and 51DEGREES_LIB may additionally be used to force specific different paths for .o and .h, but will default to 51DEGREES_SRC. Make sure to replace '51D_REPO_PATH' with the path to the 51Degrees repository. 51Degrees provide 4 different detection algorithms: 1. Pattern - balances main memory usage and CPU. 2. Trie - a very high performance detection solution which uses more main memory than Pattern. 3. Hash Trie - replaces Trie, 3x faster, 80% lower memory consumption and tuning options. 4. 51Degrees V4 Hash - only with 51Degrees Device Detection V4. To make with 51Degrees Pattern algorithm use the following command line. $ make TARGET= USE_51DEGREES=1 51DEGREES_SRC='51D_REPO_PATH'/src/pattern To use the 51Degrees Trie algorithm use the following command line. $ make TARGET= USE_51DEGREES=1 51DEGREES_SRC='51D_REPO_PATH'/src/trie To build with the 51Degrees Device Detection V4 use the following command line. $ make TARGET= USE_51DEGREES_V4=1 51DEGREES_SRC='51D_REPO_PATH'/src A data file containing information about devices, browsers, operating systems and their associated signatures is then needed. 51Degrees provide a free database with Github repo for this purpose. These free data files are located in '51D_REPO_PATH'/data with the extensions .dat for Pattern data and .trie for Trie data. Free Hash Trie data file can be obtained by signing up for a licence key at https://51degrees.com/products/store/on-premise-device-detection. If using the 51degrees version 4, the free hash data file is located in '51D_REPO_PATH'/device-detection-data with the .hash extension. For HAProxy developers who need to verify that their changes didn't affect the 51Degrees implementation, a dummy library is provided in the "addons/51degrees/dummy" directory. This does not function, but implements the API such that the 51Degrees module can be used (but not return any meaningful information). To test either Pattern or Hash Trie, or the 51Degrees version 4 Hash algorithm, build with: $ make TARGET= USE_51DEGREES=1 51DEGREES_SRC=addons/51degrees/dummy/pattern or $ make TARGET= USE_51DEGREES=1 51DEGREES_SRC=addons/51degrees/dummy/trie or $ make TARGET= USE_51DEGREES_V4=1 51DEGREES_SRC=addons/51degrees/dummy/v4hash respectively. The configuration file needs to set the following parameters: global 51degrees-data-file path to the Pattern, Trie or V4 Hash data file 51degrees-property-name-list list of 51Degrees properties to detect 51degrees-property-separator separator to use between values 51degrees-cache-size LRU-based cache size (disabled by default) The following is an example of the settings for Pattern. global 51degrees-data-file '51D_REPO_PATH'/data/51Degrees-LiteV3.2.dat 51degrees-property-name-list IsTablet DeviceType IsMobile 51degrees-property-separator , 51degrees-cache-size 10000 HAProxy needs a way to pass device information to the backend servers. This is done by using the 51d converter or fetch method, which intercepts the HTTP headers and creates some new headers. This is controlled in the frontend http-in section. The following is an example which adds two new HTTP headers prefixed X-51D- frontend http-in bind *:8081 default_backend servers http-request set-header X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet %[51d.all(DeviceType,IsMobile,IsTablet)] http-request set-header X-51D-Tablet %[51d.all(IsTablet)] Here, two headers are created with 51Degrees data, X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet and X-51D-Tablet. Any number of headers can be created this way and can be named anything. 51d.all( ) invokes the 51degrees fetch. It can be passed up to five property names of values to return. Values will be returned in the same order, separated by the 51-degrees-property-separator configured earlier. If a property name can't be found the value 'NoData' is returned instead. In addition to the device properties three additional properties related to the validity of the result can be returned when used with the Pattern method. The following example shows how Method, Difference and Rank could be included as one new HTTP header X-51D-Stats. frontend http-in ... http-request set-header X-51D-Stats %[51d.all(Method,Difference,Rank)] These values indicate how confident 51Degrees is in the result that that was returned. More information is available on the 51Degrees web site at: https://51degrees.com/support/documentation/pattern The above 51d.all fetch method uses all available HTTP headers for detection. A modest performance improvement can be obtained by only passing one HTTP header to the detection method with the 51d.single converter. The following example uses the User-Agent HTTP header only for detection. frontend http-in ... http-request set-header X-51D-DeviceTypeMobileTablet %[req.fhdr(User-Agent),51d.single(DeviceType,IsMobile,IsTablet)] Any HTTP header could be used inplace of User-Agent by changing the parameter provided to req.fhdr. When compiled to use the Trie detection method the trie format data file needs to be provided. Changing the extension of the data file from dat to trie will use the correct data. global 51degrees-data-file '51D_REPO_PATH'/data/51Degrees-LiteV3.2.trie When used with Trie the Method, Difference and Rank properties are not available. When using the 51Degrees V4 Hash algorithm, the hash format data file needs to be provided as in the following example. global 51degrees-data-file '51D_REPO_PATH'/device-detection-data/51Degrees-LiteV4.1.hash The free Lite data file contains information about screen size in pixels and whether the device is a mobile. A full list of available properties is located on the 51Degrees web site at: https://51degrees.com/resources/property-dictionary Some properties are only available in the paid for Premium and Enterprise versions of 51Degrees. These data sets not only contain more properties but are updated weekly and daily and contain signatures for 100,000s of different device combinations. For more information see the data options comparison web page: https://51degrees.com/compare-data-options