varnishtest "Preload counters via stats-file" feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'version_atleast(3.0-dev9)'" feature ignore_unknown_macro haproxy h1 -conf { global stats-file ${testdir}/sample-stats-file defaults timeout client 30s timeout server 30s timeout connect 30s frontend fe guid guid-fe bind "fd@${feS}" guid-prefix guid-feS frontend fe2 guid guid-fe2 option socket-stats bind "fd@${fe2S}" guid-prefix guid-fe2S backend be guid guid-be server srv ${s1_addr}:${s1_port} guid guid-srv } -start haproxy h1 -cli { send "show stat fe 15 -1 typed" expect ~ "F.*.*.*.stot.1:MCP:u64:1024" send "show stat fe2 15 -1 typed" expect ~ "L.*.*.*.stot.1:MCP:u64:1024" send "show stat be 15 -1 typed" expect ~ "B.*.*.*.stot.1:MCP:u64:1024" send "show stat be 15 -1 typed" expect ~ "S.*.*.*.stot.1:MCP:u64:1024" }