#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Compares multiple branches against a reference and shows which ones contain # each commit, and the level of backports since the origin or its own ancestors. # # Copyright (c) 2016 Willy Tarreau # # The purpose is to make it easy to visualize what backports might be missing # in a maintenance branch, and to easily spot the ones that are needed and the # ones that are not. It solely relies on the "cherry-picked from" tags in the # commit messages to find what commit is available where, and can even find a # reference commit's ancestor in another branch's commit ancestors as well to # detect that the patch is present. When done with the proper references and # a correct ordering of the branches, it can be used to quickly apply a set of # fixes to a branch since it dumps suggested commands at the end. When doing # so it is a good idea to use "HEAD" as the last branch to avoid doing mistakes. # # Examples : # - find what's in master and not in current branch : # show-backports -q -m -r master HEAD # - find what's in 1.6/master and in hapee-maint-1.5r2 but not in current branch : # show-backports -q -m -r 1.6/master hapee-maint-1.5r2 HEAD | grep ' [a-f0-9]\{8\}[-+][0-9] ' # - check that no recent fix from master is missing in any maintenance branch : # show-backports -r master hapee-maint-1.5r2 aloha-7.5 hapee-maint-1.5r1 aloha-7.0 # - see what was recently merged into 1.6 and has no equivalent in local master : # show-backports -q -m -r 1.6/master -b "1.6/master@{1 week ago}" master # - check what extra backports are present in hapee-r2 compared to hapee-r1 : # show-backports -q -m -r hapee-r2 hapee-r1 USAGE="Usage: ${0##*/} [-q] [-H] [-m] [-u] [-r reference] [-l logexpr] [-s subject] [-b base] {branch|range} [...] [-- file*]" BASES=( ) BRANCHES=( ) REF= BASE= QUIET= LOGEXPR= SUBJECT= MISSING= UPSTREAM= BODYHASH= die() { [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || echo "$*" >&2 exit 1 } err() { echo "$*" >&2 } quit() { [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || echo "$*" exit 0 } short() { # git rev-parse --short $1 echo "${1::8}" } dump_commit_matrix() { title=":$REF:" for branch in "${BRANCHES[@]}"; do #echo -n " $branch" title="$title :${branch}:" done title="$title |" count=0 # now look up commits while read ref subject; do if [ -n "$MISSING" -a "${subject:0:9}" = "[RELEASE]" ]; then continue fi upstream="none" missing=0 refbhash="" line="" for branch in "${BRANCHES[@]}"; do set -- $(grep -m 1 $ref "$WORK/${branch//\//_}") newhash=$1 ; shift bhash="" # count the number of cherry-picks after this one. Since we shift, # the result is in "$#" while [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "$ref" ]; do shift done if [ -n "$newhash" ]; then line="${line} $(short $newhash)-$#" else # before giving up we can check if our current commit was # itself cherry-picked and check this again. In order not # to have to do it all the time, we can cache the result # for the current line. If a match is found we report it # with the '+' delimiter instead of '-'. if [ "$upstream" = "none" ]; then upstream=( $(git log -1 --pretty --format=%B "$ref" | \ sed -n 's/^commit \([^)]*\) upstream\.$/\1/p;s/^(cherry picked from commit \([^)]*\))/\1/p') ) fi newhash="" for h in ${upstream[@]}; do set -- $(grep -m 1 $h "$WORK/${branch//\//_}") newhash=$1 ; shift while [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "$h" ]; do shift done if [ -n "$newhash" ]; then line="${line} $(short $newhash)+$#" break fi done if [ -z "$newhash" -a -n "$BODYHASH" ]; then if [ -z "$refbhash" ]; then refbhash=$(git log -1 --pretty="%an|%ae|%at|%B" "$ref" | sed -n '/^\(Signed-off-by\|(cherry picked\)/q;p' | md5sum) fi set -- $(grep -m 1 "H$refbhash\$" "$WORK/${branch//\//_}") newhash=$1 ; shift if [ -n "$newhash" ]; then line="${line} $(short $newhash)+?" break fi fi if [ -z "$newhash" ]; then line="${line} -" missing=1 fi fi done line="${line} |" if [ -z "$MISSING" -o $missing -gt 0 ]; then [ $((count++)) -gt 0 ] || echo "$title" [ "$QUIET" != "" -o $count -lt 20 ] || count=0 if [ -z "$UPSTREAM" -o "$upstream" = "none" -o -z "$upstream" ]; then echo "$(short $ref) $line" else echo "$(short $upstream) $line" fi fi done < "$WORK/${REF//\//_}" } while [ -n "$1" -a -z "${1##-*}" ]; do case "$1" in -b) BASE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -r) REF="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -l) LOGEXPR="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -s) SUBJECT="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -q) QUIET=1 ; shift ;; -m) MISSING=1 ; shift ;; -u) UPSTREAM=1 ; shift ;; -H) BODYHASH=1 ; shift ;; -h|--help) quit "$USAGE" ;; *) die "$USAGE" ;; esac done # if no ref, either we're checking missing backports and we'll guess # the upstream reference branch based on which one contains most of # the latest commits, or we'll use master. if [ -z "$REF" ]; then if [ -n "$MISSING" ]; then # check the last 10 commits in the base branch, and see where # the seem to be coming from. TAG="$(git describe --tags ${BASE:-HEAD} --abbrev=0)" LAST_COMMITS=( $(git rev-list --abbrev-commit --reverse "$TAG^^.." | tail -n10) ) REF=$(for i in "${LAST_COMMITS[@]}"; do upstream=$(git log -1 --pretty --format=%B $i | sed -n 's/^commit \([^)]*\) upstream\.$/\1/p;s/^(cherry picked from commit \([^)]*\))/\1/p' | tail -n1) if [ -n "$upstream" ]; then # use local first then remote branch ( git branch --sort=refname --contains $upstream | head -n1 ; git branch -r --sort=refname --contains $upstream | head -n1) 2>&1 | grep 'master\|maint' | head -n1 fi done | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | awk '{ print $NF; exit;}') # here we have a name, e.g. "2.6/master" in REF REF="${REF:-master}" err "Warning! No ref specified, using $REF." else REF=master fi fi # branches may also appear as id1..id2 to limit the history instead of looking # back to the common base. The field is left empty if not set. BRANCHES=( ) BASES=( ) while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ "$1" = "--" ]; then shift break fi branch="${1##*..}" if [ "$branch" == "$1" ]; then base="" else base="${1%%..*}" fi BASES[${#BRANCHES[@]}]="$base" BRANCHES[${#BRANCHES[@]}]="$branch" shift done # args left for git-log ARGS=( "$@" ) if [ ${#BRANCHES[@]} = 0 ]; then if [ -n "$MISSING" ]; then BRANCHES=( HEAD ) else die "$USAGE" fi fi for branch in "$REF" "${BRANCHES[@]}"; do if ! git rev-parse --verify -q "$branch" >/dev/null; then die "Failed to check git branch $branch." fi done if [ -z "$BASE" -a -n "$MISSING" ]; then err "Warning! No base specified, checking latest backports from current branch since last tag." TAG="$(git describe --tags HEAD --abbrev=0)" COMMITS=( $(git rev-list --abbrev-commit --reverse "$TAG^^..") ) tip="" for commit in "${COMMITS[@]}"; do parent=$(git log -1 --pretty --format=%B $commit | sed -n 's/^commit \([^)]*\) upstream\.$/\1/p;s/^(cherry picked from commit \([^)]*\))/\1/p' | tail -n1) if [ -z "$tip" ]; then tip=$parent elif [ -n "$parent" ]; then base=$(git merge-base "$tip" "$parent") if [ "$base" = "$tip" ]; then # tip is older than parent, switch tip to it if it # belongs to the upstream branch if [ "$(git merge-base $parent $REF)" = "$parent" ]; then tip=$parent fi fi fi done BASE="$tip" if [ -n "$BASE" ]; then echo "Restarting from $(git log -1 --no-decorate --oneline $BASE)" else echo "Could not figure the base." fi fi if [ -z "$BASE" ]; then err "Warning! No base specified, looking for common ancestor." BASE=$(git merge-base --all "$REF" "${BRANCHES[@]}") if [ -z "$BASE" ]; then die "Couldn't find a common ancestor between these branches" fi fi # we want to go to the git root dir DIR="$PWD" cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) mkdir -p .git/.show-backports #|| die "Can't create .git/.show-backports" WORK=.git/.show-backports rm -f "$WORK/${REF//\//_}" git log --reverse ${LOGEXPR:+--grep $LOGEXPR} --pretty="%H %s" "$BASE".."$REF" -- "${ARGS[@]}" | grep "${SUBJECT}" > "$WORK/${REF//\//_}" # for each branch, enumerate all commits and their ancestry branch_num=0; while [ $branch_num -lt "${#BRANCHES[@]}" ]; do branch="${BRANCHES[$branch_num]}" base="${BASES[$branch_num]}" base="${base:-$BASE}" rm -f "$WORK/${branch//\//_}" git log --reverse --pretty="%H %s" "$base".."$branch" -- "${ARGS[@]}" | grep "${SUBJECT}" | while read h subject; do echo -n "$h" $(git log -1 --pretty --format=%B "$h" | \ sed -n 's/^commit \([^)]*\) upstream\.$/\1/p;s/^(cherry picked from commit \([^)]*\))/\1/p') if [ -n "$BODYHASH" ]; then echo " H$(git log -1 --pretty="%an|%ae|%at|%B" "$h" | sed -n '/^\(Signed-off-by\|(cherry picked\)/q;p' | md5sum)" else echo fi done > "$WORK/${branch//\//_}" (( branch_num++ )) done count=0 dump_commit_matrix | column -t | \ ( left_commits=( ) right_commits=( ) while read line; do # append the subject at the end of the line set -- $line echo -n "$line " if [ "${line::1}" = ":" ]; then echo "---- Subject ----" else # doing it this way prevents git from abusing the terminal echo "$(git log -1 --pretty="%s" "$1")" left_commits[${#left_commits[@]}]="$1" comm="" while [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "-" -a "$1" != "|" ]; do comm="${1%-*}" shift done right_commits[${#right_commits[@]}]="$comm" fi done if [ -n "$MISSING" -a ${#left_commits[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "No missing commit to apply." elif [ -n "$MISSING" ]; then echo echo echo "In order to show and/or apply all leftmost commits to current branch :" echo " git show --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)commit %H%C(normal)%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nDate: %aD%n%n%C(green)%C(bold)git cherry-pick -sx %h%n%n%w(0,4,4)%B%N' ${left_commits[@]}" echo echo " git cherry-pick -sx ${left_commits[@]}" echo if [ "${left_commits[*]}" != "${right_commits[*]}" ]; then echo "In order to show and/or apply all rightmost commits to current branch :" echo " git show --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)commit %H%C(normal)%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nDate: %aD%n%n%C(green)%C(bold)git cherry-pick -sx %h%n%n%w(0,4,4)%B%N' ${right_commits[@]}" echo echo " git cherry-pick -sx ${right_commits[@]}" echo fi fi )