If a server varies on the accept-encoding header and it sends a response
with an encoding we do not know (see parse_encoding_value function), we
will not store it. This will prevent unexpected errors caused by
cache collisions that could happen in accept_encoding_hash_cmp.
This patch fixes GitHub Issue #988. Commit ce9e7b2521
was not sufficient, because it fell back to a hash comparison if the bitmap
of known encodings was not acceptable instead of directly returning the the
cached response is not compatible.
This patch also extends the reg-test to test the hash collision that was
mentioned in #988.
Vary handling is 2.4, no backport needed.
The accept-encoding part of the secondary key (vary) was only built out
of the first occurrence of the header. So if a client had two
accept-encoding headers, gzip and br for instance, the key would have
been built out of the gzip string. So another client that only managed
gzip would have been sent the cached resource, even if it was a br resource.
The http_find_header function is now called directly by the normalizers
so that they can manage multiple headers if needed.
A request that has more than 16 encodings will be considered as an
illegitimate request and its response will not be stored.
This fixes GitHub issue #987.
It does not need any backport.
In case of successful unsafe method on a stored resource, the cached entry
must be invalidated (see RFC7234#4.4).
A "non-error response" is one with a 2xx (Successful) or 3xx (Redirection)
status code.
This implies that the primary hash must now be calculated on requests
that have an unsafe method (POST or PUT for instance) so that we can
disable the corresponding entries when we process the response.
When a response has an Age header (filled in by another cache on the
message's path) that is greater than its defined maximum age (extracted
either from cache-control directives or an expires header), it is
already stale and should not be cached.
Turn the "Accept-Encoding" value to lower case before processing it.
Calculate the CRC on every token instead of a sorted concatenation of
them all (in order to avoir copying them) then XOR all the CRCs into a
single hash (while ignoring duplicates).
The cache section's process-vary option takes a 0 or 1 value to disable
or enable the vary processing.
When disabled, a response containing such a header will never be cached.
When enabled, we will calculate a preliminary hash for a subset of request
headers on all the incoming requests (which might come with a cpu cost) which
will be used to build a secondary key for a given request (see RFC 7234#4.1).
The default value is 0 (disabled).
Calculate a preliminary secondary key for every request we see so that
we can have a real secondary key if the response is cacheable and
contains a manageable Vary header.
The cache's ebtree is now allowed to have multiple entries with the same
primary key. Two of those entries will be distinguished thanks to
secondary keys stored in the cache_entry (based on hashes of a subset of
their headers).
When looking for an entry in the cache (cache_use), we still use the
primary key (built the same way as before), but in case of match, we
also need to check if the entry has a vary signature. If it has one, we
need to perform an extra check based on the newly built secondary key.
We will only be able to forge a response out of the cache if both the
primary and secondary keys match with one of our entries. Otherwise the
request will be forwarder to the server.
Do not cache responses that do not have an explicit expiration time
(s-maxage or max-age Cache-Control directives or Expires header) or a
validator (ETag or Last-Modified headers) anymore, as suggested in
RFC 7234#3.
The TX_FLAG_IGNORE flag is used instead of the TX_FLAG_CACHEABLE so as
not to change the behavior of the checkcache option.
When no Cache-Control max-age or s-maxage information is present in a
cached response, we need to parse the Expires header value (RFC 7234#5.3).
An invalid Expires date value or a date earlier than the reception date
will make the cache_entry stale upon creation.
For now, the Cache-Control and Expires headers are parsed after the
insertion of the response in the cache so even if the parsing of the
Expires results in an already stale entry, the entry will exist in the
Res.cache_hit sample fetch returns a boolean which is true when the HTTP
response was built out of a cache. The cache's name is returned by the
res.cache_name sample_fetch.
This resolves GitHub issue #900.
If a client sends a conditional request containing an If-Modified-Since
header (and no If-None-Match header), we try to compare the date with
the one stored in the cache entry (coming either from a Last-Modified
head, or a Date header, or corresponding to the first response's
reception time). If the request's date is earlier than the stored one,
we send a "304 Not Modified" response back. Otherwise, the stored is sent
(through a 200 OK response).
This resolves GitHub issue #821.
Test that if-none-match header is properly taken into account and that
when the conditions are fulfilled, a "304 Not Modified" response can be
sent to the client.
Co-authored-by: Tim Duesterhus <tim@bastelstu.be>
The client makes the same HTTP request four times.
The varnishtest HTTP server serves the first client request and quits.
So, the three last requests are handled by the haproxy cache.