The ssl_bc_hsk_err sample fetch will need to raise more errors than only
handshake related ones hence its renaming to a more generic ssl_bc_err.
This patch is required because some handshake failures that should have
been caught by this fetch (verify error on the server side for instance)
were missed. This is caused by a change in TLS1.3 in which the
'Finished' state on the client is reached before its certificate is sent
(and verified) on the server side (see the "Protocol Overview" part of
RFC 8446).
This means that the SSL_do_handshake call is finished long before the
server can verify and potentially reject the client certificate.
The ssl_bc_hsk_err will then need to be expanded to catch other types of
This change is also applied to the frontend fetches (ssl_fc_hsk_err
becomes ssl_fc_err) and to their string counterparts.
Those fetches are used to identify connection errors and SSL handshake
errors on the backend side of a connection. They can for instance be
used in a log-format line as in the regtest.
This option can be used to define a specific log format that will be
used in case of error, timeout, connection failure on a frontend... It
will be used for any log line concerned by the log-separate-errors
option. It will also replace the format of specific error messages
decribed in section 8.2.6.
If no "error-log-format" is defined, the legacy error messages are still
emitted and the other error logs keep using the regular log-format.
Most of the SSL sample fetches related to the client certificate were
based on the SSL_get_peer_certificate function which returns NULL when
the verification process failed. This made it impossible to use those
fetches in a log format since they would always be empty.
The patch adds a reference to the X509 object representing the client
certificate in the SSL structure and makes use of this reference in the
The reference can only be obtained in ssl_sock_bind_verifycbk which
means that in case of an SSL error occurring before the verification
process ("no shared cipher" for instance, which happens while processing
the Client Hello), we won't ever start the verification process and it
will be impossible to get information about the client certificate.
This patch also allows most of the ssl_c_XXX fetches to return a usable
value in case of connection failure (because of a verification error for
instance) by making the "conn->flags & CO_FL_WAIT_XPRT" test (which
requires a connection to be established) less strict.
Thanks to this patch, a log-format such as the following should return
usable information in case of an error occurring during the verification
process :
log-format "DN=%{+Q}[ssl_c_s_dn] serial=%[ssl_c_serial,hex] \
It should answer to GitHub issue #693.
Rename the 'dontloglegacyconnerr' option to 'log-error-via-logformat'
which is much more self-explanatory and readable.
Note: only legacy keywords don't use hyphens, it is recommended to
separate words with them in new keywords.
Disable the new ssl_errors.vtc reg-tests because in does not work
correctly on the CI since it requires a version of OpenSSL which is
compatible with TLSv1.3 and the ciphersuites keyword.
This reg-test checks that the connection and SSL sample fetches related
to errors are functioning properly. It also tests the proper behaviour
of the default HTTPS log format and of the log-legacy-conn-error option
which enables or disables the output of a special error message in case
of connection failure (otherwise a line following the configured
log-format is output).