When backends extra counters are dumped, the wrong pointer was used in the
promex context to retrieve the stats module. p[1] must be used instead of
p[2]. Because of this typo, a infinite loop could be experienced if the
output buffer is full during this stage. But in all cases an overflow is
possible leading to a memory corruption.
This patch may be related to issue #2831. It must be backported as far as
While the global description is exposed, when defined, in a dedicated
metric, it is not possible to dump the description defined in a
frontend/listen/backend sections. So, thanks to this patch, it is now
possible to dump it as a label of all metrics of the corresponding
section. To do so, "desc-labels" parameter must be provided on the URL:
When this parameter is set, if a description is provided in a section,
including the global one, the "desc" label will be added to all metrics of
this section. For instance:
haproxy_frontend_current_sessions{proxy="front-http",desc="..."} 1
Note that servers metrics inherit the description of their backend/listen
This patch should solve the issue #1531.
The global node value is now exposed via "haproxy_process_node" metrics. The
metric value is always set to 1 and the node name itself is the "node"
label. The same is performed for the global description. But only if it is
defined. In that case "haproxy_process_description" metric is defined, with
1 as value and the description itself is set in the "desc" label.
When extra counters are dumped for an entity (frontend, backend, server or
listener), there is a filter on capabilities. Some extra counters are not
available for all entities and must be ignored. However, when this was
performed, the field number, used as an index to dump the metric value, was
still incremented while it should not and leads to an overflow or a stats
This patch must be backported to 3.0.
It is similar to the previous fix about the stats applet ("BUG/MEDIUM:
cache/stats: Wait to have the request before sending the response").
However, for promex, there is no crash and no obvious issue. But it depends
on the filter. Indeed, the request is used by promex, independantly if it
was considered as forwarded or not. So if it is modified by the filter,
modification are just ignored.
Same bug, same fix. We now wait the request was forwarded before processing
it and produce the response.
When the support for modules was added, the function producing the #HELP
line of each metric was refactored. Since then, the prefix "#HELP
<metric-name>" is printed twice because a code block was not removed. It is
now fixed.
This patch must be backported to 3.0.
Prepare stats function to handle a new format labelled "stats-file". Its
purpose is to generate a statistics dump with a format closed from the
CSV output. Such output will be then used to preload haproxy internal
counters on process startup.
stats-file output differs from a standard CSV on several points. First,
only an excerpt of all statistics is outputted. All values that does not
make sense to preload are excluded. For the moment, stats-file only list
stats fully defined via "struct stat_col" method. Contrary to a CSV, sll
columns of a stats-file will be filled. As such, empty field value is
used to mark stats which should not be outputted.
Some adaptation specifics to stats-file are necessary into
me_generate_field(). First, stats-file will output separatedly values
from frontend and backend sides with their own respective set of
columns. As such, an empty field value is returned if stat is not
defined for either frontend/listener, or backend/server when outputting
the other side. Also, as stats-file does not support empty column,
stcol_hide() is not used for it.
A minor adjustement was necessary for stats_fill_fe_line() to pass
context flags. This is necessary to detect stat output format. All other
listener/server/backend corresponding functions already have it.
The name "metrics" was chosen to represent the various list of haproxy
exposed statistics. However, it is deemed as ambiguous as some stats are
indeed metric in the true sense, but some are not, as highlighted by
various "enum field_origin" values.
Replace it by the new name "stat_cols" for statistic columns. Along with
the already existing notion of stat lines it should better reflect its
Several unique names were used for different purposes under statistics
implementation. This caused the code to be difficult to understand.
* stat/stats name is removed when a more specific name could be used
* restrict field usage to purely refer to <struct field> which
represents a raw stat value.
* use "line" naming to represent an array of <struct field>
Info are used to expose haproxy global metrics. It is similar to proxy
statistics and any other module. As such, rename info indexes using
SI_I_INF_* prefix. Also info variable is renamed stat_line_info.
Thanks to this, naming is now consistent between info and other
statistics. It will help to integrate it as a "global" statistics
Statistics were extended with the introduction of stats module. This
mechanism allows to expose various metrics for several haproxy
components. As a consequence of this, some static variables were
transformed to dynamic ones to be able to regroup all statistics
Rename these variables with more explicit naming :
* stat_lines can be used to generate one line of statistics for any
module using struct field as value
* metrics and metrics_len are used to stored description of metrics
indexed by module
Note that info is not integrated in the statistics module mechanism.
However, it could be done in the future to better reflect its purpose.
This commit is the first one of a serie which adjust naming convention
for stats module. The objective is to remove ambiguity and better
reflect how stats are implemented, especially since the introduction of
stats module.
This patch renames elements related to proxies statistics. One of the
main change is to rename ST_F_* statistics indexes prefix with the new
name ST_I_PX_*. This remove the reference to field which represents
another concept in the stats module. In the same vein, global
stat_fields variable is renamed metrics_px.
This is 39th iteration of typo fixes
The naming issue on the argument called "unsued" instead of "unused"
in two functions from resolvers and stick-tables was put into a second
patch so that it can be omitted if it were to cause backport issues.
Promex applet is used to dump many metrics. Some of them are related to
a server instance. The applet can be interrupted in the middle of a
dump, for example waiting for output buffer space. In this case, its
context is save to resume dump on the correct instance.
A crash can occur if dump is interrupted during servers loop. If the
server instance is deleted during two scheduling of the promex applet,
its context will still referenced the deleted server on resume.
To fix this, use server refcount to prevent its deletion during parsing.
No backport is needed, despite all stable releases being affected. This
is because promex applet context has been recently rewritten to use
generic pointers. As such, a specific commit will be applied for earlier
It is now possible to filter the metrics on their name, by listing
explicitly metrics to dump or on the opposite to exclude only some metrics
from the dump. To do so, a comma-separated list of metrics must be
specified. If a name is preceded by a minus (-), the metric is excluded from
the dump. If at least one metric is specified to be explicitly dumped, all
metrics are no longer dumped, but only those explicitly listed.
The list is specified via one or more "metrics" parameters in the uri
query-string. For insance:
# Dumped all metrics, except "haproxy_server_check_status"
# Only dump frontends, backends and servers status
Included and Excluded metrics can be mixed. Only the intersection will be
This patch should fix the issue #770.
It is easier this way, especially for promex modules. And because name and
description are now explicitly passed to this function, there is no reason
to still pass the metric, its type is enough. The function is easier to read
this way.
In Prometheus, a time series a stream of timestamped values belonging to the
same metric and the same set of labeled dimensions. Thus the exporter dump
time-series and not metrics.
Thus, promex_dump_metric(), promex_dump_metric_header() and
promex_metric_to_str() functions were renamed to replace "metric"
Just like for stick-tables, this patch adds a promex module to dump
resolvers metrics. It adds the "resolver" scope and for now, it dumps
folloowing metrics:
* haproxy_resolver_sent
* haproxy_resolver_send_error
* haproxy_resolver_valid
* haproxy_resolver_update
* haproxy_resolver_cname
* haproxy_resolver_cname_error
* haproxy_resolver_any_err
* haproxy_resolver_nx
* haproxy_resolver_timeout
* haproxy_resolver_refused
* haproxy_resolver_other
* haproxy_resolver_invalid
* haproxy_resolver_too_big
* haproxy_resolver_outdated
This patch adds a dump loop on the registered modules. It is very similar to
other dump loops. When a module registered, a implicit scope is created with
the module's name. It means a module name must be unique. It also means,
metrics dump of modules can be filtered via the "scope" parameter.
In this patch we add a registration mechanism for modules. To do so, a
module must defined the "promex_module" structure. The dump itself will be
based on 2 contexts. One for all the dump and another one for each metric
time-series. These contexts are used as restart points when the dump is
Modules must also implement 6 callback functions:
* start_metric_dump(): It is an optional callback function. If defined, it
is responsible to initialize the dump context use
as the first restart point.
* stop_metric_dump(): It is an optional callback function. If defined, it
is responsible to deinit the dump context.
* metric_info(): This one is mandatory. It returns the info about the
metric: name, type and flags and descrition.
* start_ts(): This one is mandatory, it initializes the context for a time
series for a given metric. This context is the second
restart point.
* next_ts(): This one is mandatory. It interates on time series for a
given metrics. It is also responsible to handle end of a
time series and deinit the context.
* fill_ts(): It fills info on the time series for a given metric : the
labels and the value.
In addition, a module must set its name and declare the number of metrics is
Instead of using typed pointers to save the restart points we know use
generic pointers. 4 pointers can be saved now. This replaces the 5 typed
pointers used before. So, we save 8-bytes but it is also more generic and
this will be used by the promex modules.
It was not an issue since now, be a way to register modules on promex will
be added. Thus it is important to add some extra checks. Here, we take care
to never dump more than the max labels allowed.
The context of the promex applet was extended to support the dump of extra
counters. These counters are not dumped yet, but info to interrupt and
restart the dump are required. The stats module and the relative field
number for this module can now be saved.
In addition support for "extra-counters" parameter was added on the
query-string to dump these counters. Otherwise, no extra-counters are
When a metric is dumped, it is now possible to specify a custom
description. We will add the support for extra counters. The list of these
counters is retrived dynamically. Thus the description must be dynamic
too. Note it was already possible to customize the metric name.
numbers of active and backup servers per backend were exported but the info
was not exported per-server. The main issue to do so was we were unable to
have a different name for the same metric in a different scope. Thanks to
the previous patch ("MINOR: promex: Add support for specialized
front/back/li/srv metric names") it is now possible. So the info is now
exported per-server.
This patch should fix the issue #2271.
Depending on the scope, metrics can have different names. For instance, the
number of active/backend servers are reported with
"haproxy_backend_active_servers"/"haproxy_backend_backup_servers" metric names
in the backend scope while it should be
"haproxy_server_active"/"haproxy_server_backup" in the server scope.
To be able to support different names depending on the scope for the same
metric, arrays of ISTs were added, one by scope (front, back, listen,
server). These arrays only contain names overriding the default ones.
Note: the exemple above is not supported for now and is the reason for this
When a server is in maintenance, the check.status is no longer updated.
Therefore, we shouldn't consider check.status if the checks are not active. This
check was properly implemented in the haproxy_server_check_status metric, but
wasn't carried over to backend_agg_check_status, which introduced
inconsistencies between the two metrics.
[cf: This patch must be backported as far as 2.4]
sc_need_room() now takes the required free space to receive more data as
parameter. All calls to this function are updated accordingly. For now, this
value is set but not used. When we are waiting for a buffer, 0 is used. So
we expect to be unblocked ASAP. However this must be reviewed because
SC_FL_NEED_BUF is probably enough in this case and this flag is already set
if the input buffer allocation fails.
Thanks to the previous patch, it is now possible for applets to not set the
CF_EOI flag on the channels. On this point, the applets get closer to the
It was done by hand by callers when a shutdown for read or write was
performed. It is now always handled by the functions performing the
shutdown. This way the callers don't take care of it. This will avoid some
When the promex applet triggers an error, for instance because the URI is
invalid, we must still take care to consume the request. Otherwise, the
error will be handled by HTTP analyzers as a server abort.
This patch must be backported as far as 2.0.
CF_READ_NULL flag is not really useful and used. It is a transient event
used to wakeup the stream. As we will see, all read events on a channel may
be resumed to only one and are all used to wake up the stream.
In this patch, we introduce CF_READ_EVENT flag as a replacement to
CF_READ_NULL. There is no breaking change for now, it is just a
rename. Gradually, other read events will be merged with this one.
"haproxy_backend_agg_server_status" and "haproxy_backend_agg_check_status"
were not referenced in promex README.
"haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status" is also missing but it is a
deprecated metric. Thus, it is better to not reference it.
This patch introduces haproxy_backend_agg_check_status metric
as we wanted in 42d7c402d but with the right data source.
This patch could be backported as far as 2.4.
haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status currently aggregates
haproxy_server_status instead of haproxy_server_check_status.
We deprecate this and create a new one,
haproxy_backend_agg_server_status to clarify what it really
This patch could be backported as far as 2.4.
There's no more reason for keepin the code and definitions in conn_stream,
let's move all that to stconn. The alphabetical ordering of include files
was adjusted.
This file contains all the stream-connector functions that are specific
to application layers of type stream. So let's name it accordingly so
that it's easier to figure what's located there.
The alphabetical ordering of include files was preserved.