CLEANUP: ssl: remove utility functions for bundle

Remove the last utility functions for handling the multi-cert bundles
and remove the multi-variable from the ckch structure.

With this patch, the bundles are completely removed.
This commit is contained in:
William Lallemand 2020-09-16 16:17:51 +02:00 committed by William Lallemand
parent 5685ccf75e
commit e7eb1fec2f
3 changed files with 1 additions and 311 deletions

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@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ struct cert_key_and_chain {
struct ckch_store {
struct cert_key_and_chain *ckch;
unsigned int multi:1; /* is it a multi-cert bundle ? */
struct list ckch_inst; /* list of ckch_inst which uses this ckch_node */
struct list crtlist_entry; /* list of entries which use this store */
struct ebmb_node node;

View File

@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ void ckch_store_free(struct ckch_store *store);
/* ckch_inst functions */
void ckch_inst_free(struct ckch_inst *inst);
struct ckch_inst *ckch_inst_new();
int ckch_inst_new_load_multi_store(const char *path, struct ckch_store *ckchs,
struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct ssl_bind_conf *ssl_conf,
char **sni_filter, int fcount, struct ckch_inst **ckchi, char **err);
int ckch_inst_new_load_store(const char *path, struct ckch_store *ckchs, struct bind_conf *bind_conf,
struct ssl_bind_conf *ssl_conf, char **sni_filter, int fcount, struct ckch_inst **ckchi, char **err);

View File

@ -3155,309 +3155,6 @@ static int ssl_sock_put_ckch_into_ctx(const char *path, const struct cert_key_an
return errcode;
static int ssl_sock_populate_sni_keytypes_hplr(const char *str, struct eb_root *sni_keytypes, int key_index)
struct sni_keytype *s_kt = NULL;
struct ebmb_node *node;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < trash.size; i++) {
if (!str[i])
trash.area[i] = tolower((unsigned char)str[i]);
trash.area[i] = 0;
node = ebst_lookup(sni_keytypes, trash.area);
if (!node) {
/* CN not found in tree */
s_kt = malloc(sizeof(struct sni_keytype) + i + 1);
/* Using memcpy here instead of strncpy.
* strncpy will cause sig_abrt errors under certain versions of gcc with -O2
* See:
if (!s_kt)
return -1;
memcpy(s_kt->name.key, trash.area, i+1);
s_kt->keytypes = 0;
ebst_insert(sni_keytypes, &s_kt->name);
} else {
/* CN found in tree */
s_kt = container_of(node, struct sni_keytype, name);
/* Mark that this CN has the keytype of key_index via keytypes mask */
s_kt->keytypes |= 1<<key_index;
return 0;
* Take a ckch_store which contains a multi-certificate bundle.
* Group these certificates into a set of SSL_CTX*
* based on shared and unique CN and SAN entries. Add these SSL_CTX* to the SNI tree.
* This will allow the user to explicitly group multiple cert/keys for a single purpose
* Returns a bitfield containing the flags:
* ERR_FATAL in any fatal error case
* ERR_ALERT if the reason of the error is available in err
* ERR_WARN if a warning is available into err
int ckch_inst_new_load_multi_store(const char *path, struct ckch_store *ckchs,
struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct ssl_bind_conf *ssl_conf,
char **sni_filter, int fcount, struct ckch_inst **ckchi, char **err)
int i = 0, n = 0;
struct cert_key_and_chain *certs_and_keys;
struct eb_root sni_keytypes_map = EB_ROOT;
struct ebmb_node *node;
struct ebmb_node *next;
/* Array of SSL_CTX pointers corresponding to each possible combo
* of keytypes
struct key_combo_ctx key_combos[SSL_SOCK_POSSIBLE_KT_COMBOS] = { {0} };
int errcode = 0;
X509_NAME *xname = NULL;
char *str = NULL;
struct ckch_inst *ckch_inst;
*ckchi = NULL;
if (!ckchs || !ckchs->ckch || !ckchs->multi) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to load SSL certificate file '%s' file does not exist.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path);
ckch_inst = ckch_inst_new();
if (!ckch_inst) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to allocate SSL context for cert '%s'.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path);
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
certs_and_keys = ckchs->ckch;
/* Process each ckch and update keytypes for each CN/SAN
* for example, if CN/SAN is associated with
* certs with keytype 0 and 2, then at the end of the loop,
* will have:
* keyindex = 0 | 1 | 4 = 5
for (n = 0; n < SSL_SOCK_NUM_KEYTYPES; n++) {
int ret;
if (!ssl_sock_is_ckch_valid(&certs_and_keys[n]))
if (fcount) {
for (i = 0; i < fcount; i++) {
ret = ssl_sock_populate_sni_keytypes_hplr(sni_filter[i], &sni_keytypes_map, n);
if (ret < 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to allocate SSL context.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "");
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
} else {
/* A lot of the following code is OpenSSL boilerplate for processing CN's and SAN's,
* so the line that contains logic is marked via comments
xname = X509_get_subject_name(certs_and_keys[n].cert);
i = -1;
while ((i = X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(xname, NID_commonName, i)) != -1) {
X509_NAME_ENTRY *entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(xname, i);
ASN1_STRING *value;
value = X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry);
if (ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8((unsigned char **)&str, value) >= 0) {
/* Important line is here */
ret = ssl_sock_populate_sni_keytypes_hplr(str, &sni_keytypes_map, n);
str = NULL;
if (ret < 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to allocate SSL context.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "");
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
/* Do the above logic for each SAN */
names = X509_get_ext_d2i(certs_and_keys[n].cert, NID_subject_alt_name, NULL, NULL);
if (names) {
for (i = 0; i < sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(names); i++) {
GENERAL_NAME *name = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(names, i);
if (name->type == GEN_DNS) {
if (ASN1_STRING_to_UTF8((unsigned char **)&str, name->d.dNSName) >= 0) {
/* Important line is here */
ret = ssl_sock_populate_sni_keytypes_hplr(str, &sni_keytypes_map, n);
str = NULL;
if (ret < 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to allocate SSL context.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "");
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
/* If no files found, return error */
if (eb_is_empty(&sni_keytypes_map)) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to load SSL certificate file '%s' file does not exist.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path);
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
/* We now have a map of CN/SAN to keytypes that are loaded in
* Iterate through the map to create the SSL_CTX's (if needed)
* and add each CTX to the SNI tree
* Some math here:
* There are 2^n - 1 possible combinations, each unique
* combination is denoted by the key in the map. Each key
* has a value between 1 and 2^n - 1. Conveniently, the array
* of SSL_CTX* is sized 2^n. So, we can simply use the i'th
* entry in the array to correspond to the unique combo (key)
* associated with i. This unique key combo (i) will be associated
* with combos[i-1]
node = ebmb_first(&sni_keytypes_map);
while (node) {
SSL_CTX *cur_ctx;
char cur_file[MAXPATHLEN+1];
const struct pkey_info kinfo = { .sig = TLSEXT_signature_anonymous, .bits = 0 };
str = (char *)container_of(node, struct sni_keytype, name)->name.key;
i = container_of(node, struct sni_keytype, name)->keytypes;
cur_ctx = key_combos[i-1].ctx;
if (cur_ctx == NULL) {
/* need to create SSL_CTX */
cur_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
if (cur_ctx == NULL) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to allocate SSL context.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "");
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
/* Load all required certs/keys/chains/OCSPs info into SSL_CTX */
for (n = 0; n < SSL_SOCK_NUM_KEYTYPES; n++) {
if (i & (1<<n)) {
/* Key combo contains ckch[n] */
snprintf(cur_file, MAXPATHLEN+1, "%s.%s", path, SSL_SOCK_KEYTYPE_NAMES[n]);
errcode |= ssl_sock_put_ckch_into_ctx(cur_file, &certs_and_keys[n], cur_ctx, err);
if (errcode & ERR_CODE)
goto end;
/* Update key_combos */
key_combos[i-1].ctx = cur_ctx;
/* Update SNI Tree */
key_combos[i-1].order = ckch_inst_add_cert_sni(cur_ctx, ckch_inst, bind_conf, ssl_conf,
kinfo, str, key_combos[i-1].order);
if (key_combos[i-1].order < 0) {
memprintf(err, "%sunable to create a sni context.\n", err && *err ? *err : "");
errcode |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
goto end;
node = ebmb_next(node);
/* Mark a default context if none exists, using the ctx that has the most shared keys */
if (!bind_conf->default_ctx) {
for (i = SSL_SOCK_POSSIBLE_KT_COMBOS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (key_combos[i].ctx) {
bind_conf->default_ctx = key_combos[i].ctx;
bind_conf->default_ssl_conf = ssl_conf;
ckch_inst->is_default = 1;
ckch_inst->bind_conf = bind_conf;
ckch_inst->ssl_conf = ssl_conf;
ckch_inst->ckch_store = ckchs;
if (names)
sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(names, GENERAL_NAME_free);
node = ebmb_first(&sni_keytypes_map);
while (node) {
next = ebmb_next(node);
free(ebmb_entry(node, struct sni_keytype, name));
node = next;
/* we need to free the ctx since we incremented the refcount where it's used */
for (i = 0; i < SSL_SOCK_POSSIBLE_KT_COMBOS; i++) {
if (key_combos[i].ctx)
if (errcode & ERR_CODE && ckch_inst) {
if (ckch_inst->is_default) {
bind_conf->default_ctx = NULL;
ckch_inst = NULL;
*ckchi = ckch_inst;
return errcode;
/* This is a dummy, that just logs an error and returns error */
int ckch_inst_new_load_multi_store(const char *path, struct ckch_store *ckchs,
struct bind_conf *bind_conf, struct ssl_bind_conf *ssl_conf,
char **sni_filter, int fcount, struct ckch_inst **ckchi, char **err)
memprintf(err, "%sunable to stat SSL certificate from file '%s' : %s.\n",
err && *err ? *err : "", path, strerror(errno));
#endif /* #if HA_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x1000200fL: Support for loading multiple certs into a single SSL_CTX */
* This function allocate a ckch_inst and create its snis
@ -3627,10 +3324,7 @@ static int ssl_sock_load_ckchs(const char *path, struct ckch_store *ckchs,
int errcode = 0;
/* we found the ckchs in the tree, we can use it directly */
if (ckchs->multi)
errcode |= ckch_inst_new_load_multi_store(path, ckchs, bind_conf, ssl_conf, sni_filter, fcount, ckch_inst, err);
errcode |= ckch_inst_new_load_store(path, ckchs, bind_conf, ssl_conf, sni_filter, fcount, ckch_inst, err);
errcode |= ckch_inst_new_load_store(path, ckchs, bind_conf, ssl_conf, sni_filter, fcount, ckch_inst, err);
if (errcode & ERR_CODE)
return errcode;