EXAMPLES: remove completely outdated acl-content-sw.cfg

This config probably last worked on 1.3, maybe 1.4, but it uses too
many obsolete statements and it silently errors because of the "quiet"
directive, which adds to the confusion. Let's remove it.
This commit is contained in:
Willy Tarreau 2022-05-30 18:14:24 +02:00
parent d5581d527c
commit cc01730d26

View File

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
# This sample configuration makes extensive use of the ACLs. It requires
# HAProxy version 1.3.12 minimum.
log loghost local0
log localhost local0 err
maxconn 250
uid 71
gid 71
chroot /var/empty
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
frontend http-in
bind :80
mode http
log global
clitimeout 30000
option httplog
option dontlognull
#option logasap
option httpclose
maxconn 100
capture request header Host len 20
capture request header User-Agent len 16
capture request header Content-Length len 10
capture request header Referer len 20
capture response header Content-Length len 10
# block any unwanted source IP addresses or networks
acl forbidden_src src
acl forbidden_src src_port 0:1023
block if forbidden_src
# block requests beginning with http:// on wrong domains
acl dangerous_pfx url_beg -i http://
acl valid_pfx url_reg -i ^http://[^/]*1wt\.eu/
block if dangerous_pfx !valid_pfx
# block apache chunk exploit, ...
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_sub(transfer-encoding) -i chunked
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_beg(host) -i apache- localhost
# ... some HTTP content smugling and other various things
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_cnt(host) gt 1
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_cnt(content-length) gt 1
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_val(content-length) lt 0
acl forbidden_hdrs hdr_cnt(proxy-authorization) gt 0
block if forbidden_hdrs
# block annoying worms that fill the logs...
acl forbidden_uris url_reg -i .*(\.|%2e)(\.|%2e)(%2f|%5c|/|\\\\)
acl forbidden_uris url_sub -i %00 <script xmlrpc.php
acl forbidden_uris path_end -i /root.exe /cmd.exe /default.ida /awstats.pl .asp .dll
# block other common attacks (awstats, manual discovery...)
acl forbidden_uris path_dir -i chat main.php read_dump.php viewtopic.php phpbb sumthin horde _vti_bin MSOffice
acl forbidden_uris url_reg -i (\.php\?temppath=|\.php\?setmodules=|[=:]http://)
block if forbidden_uris
# we rewrite the "options" request so that it only tries '*', and we
# only report GET, HEAD, POST and OPTIONS as valid methods
reqirep ^OPTIONS\ /.*HTTP/1\.[01]$ OPTIONS\ \\*\ HTTP/1.0
rspirep ^Allow:\ .* Allow:\ GET,\ HEAD,\ POST,\ OPTIONS
acl host_demo hdr_beg(host) -i demo.
acl host_www2 hdr_beg(host) -i www2.
use_backend demo if host_demo
use_backend www2 if host_www2
default_backend www
backend www
mode http
balance roundrobin
server www1 check inter 30000 rise 2 fall 3 maxconn 10
server back check inter 30000 rise 2 fall 5 backup cookie back maxconn 8
# long timeout to support connection queueing
contimeout 20000
srvtimeout 20000
fullconn 100
retries 3
option httpchk HEAD /
option forwardfor
option checkcache
option httpclose
# allow other syntactically valid requests, and block any other method
acl valid_method method GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
block if !valid_method
# remove unnecessary precisions on the server version. Let's say
# it's an apache under Unix on the Formilux Distro.
rspidel ^Server:\
rspadd Server:\ Apache\ (Unix;\ Formilux/0.1.8)
defaults non_standard_bck
mode http
option forwardfor
option httpclose
balance roundrobin
fullconn 100
contimeout 20000
srvtimeout 20000
retries 2
backend www2
server www2 maxconn 10
# end of defaults
defaults none
backend demo
mode http
balance roundrobin
stats enable
stats uri /
stats scope http-in
stats scope www
stats scope demo