mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 10:14:41 +00:00
MINOR: lua: move the http service context out of appctx.ctx
Just like for the TCP service, let's move the context away from appctx.ctx. A new struct hlua_http_ctx was defined, reserved in hlua_applet_http_init() and used everywhere else. Similarly, the task dump code will no more report decoded stack traces in case these services would be involved. That may be solved later.
This commit is contained in:
@ -99,14 +99,6 @@ struct appctx {
char storage[APPLET_MAX_SVCCTX]; /* storage of svcctx above */
} svc; /* generic storage for most commands */
union {
struct {
struct hlua *hlua;
int left_bytes; /* The max amount of bytes that we can read. */
int flags;
int status;
const char *reason;
struct task *task;
} hlua_apphttp; /* used by the Lua HTTP services */
struct {
const char *msg; /* pointer to a persistent message to be returned in CLI_ST_PRINT state */
int severity; /* severity of the message to be returned according to (syslog) rfc5424 */
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void ha_task_dump(struct buffer *buf, const struct task *task, const char *pfx)
chunk_appendf(buf, "%sCurrent executing a Lua TCP service -- ", pfx);
else if (task->process == task_run_applet && (appctx = task->context) &&
(appctx->applet->fct == hlua_applet_http_fct && (hlua = appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.hlua))) {
(appctx->applet->fct == hlua_applet_http_fct)) {
chunk_appendf(buf, "%sCurrent executing a Lua HTTP service -- ", pfx);
@ -259,6 +259,16 @@ struct hlua_tcp_ctx {
struct task *task;
/* appctx context used by HTTP services */
struct hlua_http_ctx {
struct hlua *hlua;
int left_bytes; /* The max amount of bytes that we can read. */
int flags;
int status;
const char *reason;
struct task *task;
/* used by registered CLI keywords */
struct hlua_cli_ctx {
struct hlua *hlua;
@ -4703,9 +4713,12 @@ __LJMP static struct hlua_appctx *hlua_checkapplet_http(lua_State *L, int ud)
/* This function creates and push in the stack an Applet object
* according with a current TXN.
* It relies on the caller to have already reserved the room in ctx->svcctx
* for the local storage of hlua_http_ctx.
static int hlua_applet_http_new(lua_State *L, struct appctx *ctx)
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = ctx->svcctx;
struct hlua_appctx *luactx;
struct hlua_txn htxn;
struct stream *s = __cs_strm(ctx->owner);
@ -4730,8 +4743,8 @@ static int hlua_applet_http_new(lua_State *L, struct appctx *ctx)
luactx = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*luactx));
lua_rawseti(L, -2, 0);
luactx->appctx = ctx;
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status = 200; /* Default status code returned. */
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.reason = NULL; /* Use default reason based on status */
http_ctx->status = 200; /* Default status code returned. */
http_ctx->reason = NULL; /* Use default reason based on status */
luactx->htxn.s = s;
luactx->htxn.p = px;
@ -5221,9 +5234,10 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send_yield(lua_State *L, int status, lua_KCon
__LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send(lua_State *L)
struct hlua_appctx *luactx = MAY_LJMP(hlua_checkapplet_http(L, 1));
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = luactx->appctx->svcctx;
/* We want to send some data. Headers must be sent. */
if (!(luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_HDR_SENT)) {
if (!(http_ctx->flags & APPLET_HDR_SENT)) {
hlua_pusherror(L, "Lua: 'send' you must call start_response() before sending data.");
@ -5291,14 +5305,15 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_status(lua_State *L)
struct hlua_appctx *luactx = MAY_LJMP(hlua_checkapplet_http(L, 1));
int status = MAY_LJMP(luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
const char *reason = MAY_LJMP(luaL_optlstring(L, 3, NULL, NULL));
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = luactx->appctx->svcctx;
if (status < 100 || status > 599) {
lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
return 1;
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status = status;
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.reason = reason;
http_ctx->status = status;
http_ctx->reason = reason;
lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
return 1;
@ -5307,6 +5322,7 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_status(lua_State *L)
__LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send_response(lua_State *L)
struct hlua_appctx *luactx = MAY_LJMP(hlua_checkapplet_http(L, 1));
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = luactx->appctx->svcctx;
struct conn_stream *cs = luactx->appctx->owner;
struct channel *res = cs_ic(cs);
struct htx *htx;
@ -5322,11 +5338,11 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send_response(lua_State *L)
/* Use the same http version than the request. */
status = ultoa_r(luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status, trash.area, trash.size);
reason = luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.reason;
status = ultoa_r(http_ctx->status, trash.area, trash.size);
reason = http_ctx->reason;
if (reason == NULL)
reason = http_get_reason(luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status);
if (luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_HTTP11) {
reason = http_get_reason(http_ctx->status);
if (http_ctx->flags & APPLET_HTTP11) {
flags = (HTX_SL_F_IS_RESP|HTX_SL_F_VER_11);
sl = htx_add_stline(htx, HTX_BLK_RES_SL, flags, ist("HTTP/1.1"), ist(status), ist(reason));
@ -5339,7 +5355,7 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send_response(lua_State *L)
sl->info.res.status = luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status;
sl->info.res.status = http_ctx->status;
/* Get the array associated to the field "response" in the object AppletHTTP. */
lua_pushvalue(L, 0);
@ -5466,9 +5482,7 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send_response(lua_State *L)
* chunked itself, don't do anything.
if ((flags & (HTX_SL_F_VER_11|HTX_SL_F_XFER_LEN)) == HTX_SL_F_VER_11 &&
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status >= 200 &&
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status != 204 &&
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status != 304) {
http_ctx->status >= 200 && http_ctx->status != 204 && http_ctx->status != 304) {
/* Add a new header */
if (!htx_add_header(htx, ist("transfer-encoding"), ist("chunked"))) {
@ -5495,7 +5509,7 @@ __LJMP static int hlua_applet_http_send_response(lua_State *L)
channel_add_input(res, htx->data);
/* Headers sent, set the flag. */
luactx->appctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags |= APPLET_HDR_SENT;
http_ctx->flags |= APPLET_HDR_SENT;
return 0;
@ -9404,10 +9418,11 @@ static void hlua_applet_tcp_release(struct appctx *ctx)
/* The function returns 1 if the initialisation is complete, 0 if
* an errors occurs and -1 if more data are required for initializing
* the applet.
* the applet. It also reserves the appctx for an hlua_http_ctx.
static int hlua_applet_http_init(struct appctx *ctx)
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = applet_reserve_svcctx(ctx, sizeof(*http_ctx));
struct conn_stream *cs = ctx->owner;
struct stream *strm = __cs_strm(cs);
struct http_txn *txn;
@ -9424,12 +9439,12 @@ static int hlua_applet_http_init(struct appctx *ctx)
return 0;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.hlua = hlua;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.left_bytes = -1;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags = 0;
http_ctx->hlua = hlua;
http_ctx->left_bytes = -1;
http_ctx->flags = 0;
if (txn->req.flags & HTTP_MSGF_VER_11)
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags |= APPLET_HTTP11;
http_ctx->flags |= APPLET_HTTP11;
/* Create task used by signal to wakeup applets. */
task = task_new_here();
@ -9441,7 +9456,7 @@ static int hlua_applet_http_init(struct appctx *ctx)
task->nice = 0;
task->context = ctx;
task->process = hlua_applet_wakeup;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.task = task;
http_ctx->task = task;
/* In the execution wrappers linked with a stream, the
* Lua context can be not initialized. This behavior
@ -9510,13 +9525,14 @@ static int hlua_applet_http_init(struct appctx *ctx)
void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = ctx->svcctx;
struct conn_stream *cs = ctx->owner;
struct stream *strm = __cs_strm(cs);
struct channel *req = cs_oc(cs);
struct channel *res = cs_ic(cs);
struct act_rule *rule = ctx->rule;
struct proxy *px = strm->be;
struct hlua *hlua = ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.hlua;
struct hlua *hlua = http_ctx->hlua;
struct htx *req_htx, *res_htx;
res_htx = htx_from_buf(&res->buf);
@ -9532,11 +9548,11 @@ void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
/* check that the output is not closed */
if (res->flags & (CF_SHUTW|CF_SHUTW_NOW|CF_SHUTR))
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags |= APPLET_DONE;
http_ctx->flags |= APPLET_DONE;
/* Set the currently running flag. */
if (!HLUA_IS_RUNNING(hlua) &&
!(ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_DONE)) {
!(http_ctx->flags & APPLET_DONE)) {
if (!co_data(req)) {
goto out;
@ -9544,19 +9560,19 @@ void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
/* Executes The applet if it is not done. */
if (!(ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_DONE)) {
if (!(http_ctx->flags & APPLET_DONE)) {
/* Execute the function. */
switch (hlua_ctx_resume(hlua, 1)) {
/* finished. */
case HLUA_E_OK:
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags |= APPLET_DONE;
http_ctx->flags |= APPLET_DONE;
/* yield. */
if (hlua->wake_time != TICK_ETERNITY)
task_schedule(ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.task, hlua->wake_time);
task_schedule(http_ctx->task, hlua->wake_time);
goto out;
/* finished with error. */
@ -9593,11 +9609,11 @@ void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
if (ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_DONE) {
if (ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_RSP_SENT)
if (http_ctx->flags & APPLET_DONE) {
if (http_ctx->flags & APPLET_RSP_SENT)
goto done;
if (!(ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_HDR_SENT))
if (!(http_ctx->flags & APPLET_HDR_SENT))
goto error;
/* no more data are expected. If the response buffer is empty
@ -9616,12 +9632,12 @@ void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
res_htx->flags |= HTX_FL_EOM;
cs->endp->flags |= CS_EP_EOI;
res->flags |= CF_EOI;
strm->txn->status = ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.status;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags |= APPLET_RSP_SENT;
strm->txn->status = http_ctx->status;
http_ctx->flags |= APPLET_RSP_SENT;
if (ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_DONE) {
if (http_ctx->flags & APPLET_DONE) {
if (!(res->flags & CF_SHUTR)) {
res->flags |= CF_READ_NULL;
@ -9646,7 +9662,7 @@ void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
* if there is no room available in the buffer,
* just close the connection.
if (!(ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags & APPLET_HDR_SENT)) {
if (!(http_ctx->flags & APPLET_HDR_SENT)) {
struct buffer *err = &http_err_chunks[HTTP_ERR_500];
@ -9657,16 +9673,18 @@ void hlua_applet_http_fct(struct appctx *ctx)
if (!(strm->flags & SF_ERR_MASK))
strm->flags |= SF_ERR_RESOURCE;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.flags |= APPLET_DONE;
http_ctx->flags |= APPLET_DONE;
goto done;
static void hlua_applet_http_release(struct appctx *ctx)
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.task = NULL;
ctx->ctx.hlua_apphttp.hlua = NULL;
struct hlua_http_ctx *http_ctx = ctx->svcctx;
http_ctx->task = NULL;
http_ctx->hlua = NULL;
/* global {tcp|http}-request parser. Return ACT_RET_PRS_OK in
Reference in New Issue
Block a user