diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 8086d1548..cf3f1dfbb 100644
@@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ following files :
     doc/DeviceAtlas-device-detection.txt   for DeviceAtlas
     doc/51Degrees-device-detection.txt     for 51Degrees
-    doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt         for Scientiamobile WURFL
 4.9) Miscellaneous
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6c19d3dfe..0ab190295 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 #   USE_RT               : enable it if your system requires -lrt. Automatic on Linux.
 #   USE_DEVICEATLAS      : enable DeviceAtlas api.
 #   USE_51DEGREES        : enable third party device detection library from 51Degrees
-#   USE_WURFL            : enable WURFL detection library from Scientiamobile
 #   USE_SYSTEMD          : enable sd_notify() support.
 # Options can be forced by specifying "USE_xxx=1" or can be disabled by using
@@ -753,24 +752,6 @@ BUILD_OPTIONS   += $(call ignore_implicit,USE_51DEGREES)
-ifneq ($(USE_WURFL),)
-# Use WURFL_SRC and possibly WURFL_INC and WURFL_LIB to force path
-# to WURFL headers and libraries if needed.
-OPTIONS_OBJS    += src/wurfl.o
-ifneq ($(WURFL_DEBUG),)
-BUILD_OPTIONS   += $(call ignore_implicit,USE_WURFL)
 ifneq ($(USE_SYSTEMD),)
 BUILD_OPTIONS   += $(call ignore_implicit,USE_SYSTEMD)
diff --git a/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt b/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c96861513..000000000
--- a/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Scientiamobile WURFL Device Detection
-You can also include WURFL for inbuilt device detection enabling attributes.
-WURFL is a high-performance and low-memory footprint mobile device detection
-software component that can quickly and accurately detect over 500 capabilities
-of visiting devices. It can differentiate between portable mobile devices, desktop devices,
-SmartTVs and any other types of devices on which a web browser can be installed.
-In order to add WURFL device detection support, you would need to download Scientiamobile
-InFuze C API and install it on your system. Refer to www.scientiamobile.com to obtain a valid
-InFuze license.
-Compile haproxy as shown :
-    $ make TARGET=<target> USE_WURFL=1
-Optionally WURFL_DEBUG=1 may be set to increase logs verbosity
-These are the supported WURFL directives (see doc/configuration.txt) :
-- wurfl-data-file <path to WURFL data file>
-- wurfl-information-list [<string>] (list of WURFL capabilities,
-   virtual capabilities, property names we plan to use in injected headers)
-- wurfl-information-list-separator <char> (character that will be
-   used to separate values in a response header, ',' by default).
-- wurfl-engine-mode <string> (Sets the WURFL engine target. You can choose
-   between "accuracy" and "performance","performance" by default)
-- wurfl-cache-size <string> (Sets the WURFL caching strategy)
-- wurfl-patch-file [<file path>] (Sets the paths to custom WURFL patch files)
-Sample configuration :
-    global
-	wurfl-data-file /usr/share/wurfl/wurfl-eval.xml
-	wurfl-information-list wurfl_id model_name
-	#wurfl-information-list-separator |
-	wurfl-engine-mode performance
-	#wurfl-engine-mode accuracy
-	## double LRU cache
-	wurfl-cache-size 100000,30000
-	## single LRU cache
-	#wurfl-cache-size 100000
-	## no cache
-	#wurfl-cache-size 0
-	#wurfl-patch-file <paths to custom patch files>
-    ...
-    frontend
-	bind *:8888
-	default_backend servers
-There are two distinct methods available to transmit the WURFL data downstream
-to the target application:
-All data listed in wurfl-information-list
-    http-request set-header X-WURFL-All %[wurfl-get-all()]
-A subset of data listed in wurfl-information-list
-    http-request set-header X-WURFL-Properties %[wurfl-get(wurfl_id,is_tablet)]
-Please find more information about WURFL and the detection methods at https://www.scientiamobile.com
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index ab09e8367..4a671e479 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -596,12 +596,6 @@ The following keywords are supported in the "global" section :
    - 51degrees-property-name-list
    - 51degrees-property-separator
    - 51degrees-cache-size
-   - wurfl-data-file
-   - wurfl-information-list
-   - wurfl-information-list-separator
-   - wurfl-engine-mode
-   - wurfl-cache-size
-   - wurfl-useragent-priority
  * Performance tuning
    - max-spread-checks
@@ -1217,95 +1211,6 @@ description <text>
   Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been
   compiled with USE_51DEGREES.
-wurfl-data-file <file path>
-  The path of the WURFL data file to provide device detection services. The
-  file should be accessible by HAProxy with relevant permissions.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-information-list [<capability>]*
-  A space-delimited list of WURFL capabilities, virtual capabilities, property
-  names we plan to use in injected headers. A full list of capability and
-  virtual capability names is available on the Scientiamobile website :
-      https://www.scientiamobile.com/wurflCapability
-  Valid WURFL properties are:
-  - wurfl_id                    Contains the device ID of the matched device.
-  - wurfl_root_id               Contains the device root ID of the matched
-                                device.
-  - wurfl_isdevroot             Tells if the matched device is a root device.
-                                Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE".
-  - wurfl_useragent             The original useragent coming with this
-                                particular web request.
-  - wurfl_api_version           Contains a string representing the currently
-                                used Libwurfl API version.
-  - wurfl_engine_target         Contains a string representing the currently
-                                set WURFL Engine Target. Possible values are
-                                "HIGH_ACCURACY", "HIGH_PERFORMANCE", "INVALID".
-  - wurfl_info                  A string containing information on the parsed
-                                wurfl.xml and its full path.
-  - wurfl_last_load_time        Contains the UNIX timestamp of the last time
-                                WURFL has been loaded successfully.
-  - wurfl_normalized_useragent  The normalized useragent.
-  - wurfl_useragent_priority    The user agent priority used by WURFL.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-information-list-separator <char>
-  A char that will be used to separate values in a response header containing
-  WURFL results. If not set that a comma (',') will be used by default.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-patch-file [<file path>]
-  A list of WURFL patch file paths. Note that patches are loaded during startup
-  thus before the chroot.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-engine-mode { accuracy | performance }
-  Sets the WURFL engine target. You can choose between 'accuracy' or
-  'performance' targets. In performance mode, desktop web browser detection is
-  done programmatically without referencing the WURFL data. As a result, most
-  desktop web browsers are returned as generic_web_browser WURFL ID for
-  performance. If either performance or accuracy are not defined, performance
-  mode is enabled by default.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-cache-size <U>[,<D>]
-  Sets the WURFL caching strategy. Here <U> is the Useragent cache size, and
-  <D> is the internal device cache size. There are three possibilities here :
-  - "0"     : no cache is used.
-  - <U>     : the Single LRU cache is used, the size is expressed in elements.
-  - <U>,<D> : the Double LRU cache is used, both sizes are in elements. This is
-              the highest performing option.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-useragent-priority { plain | sideloaded_browser }
-  Tells WURFL if it should prioritize use of the plain user agent ('plain')
-  over the default sideloaded browser user agent ('sideloaded_browser').
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
 3.2. Performance tuning
diff --git a/examples/wurfl-example.cfg b/examples/wurfl-example.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index ad651a8cd..000000000
--- a/examples/wurfl-example.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# This is an example of how to configure HAProxy to be used with WURFL Device Detection module.
-# HAProxy needs to be compiled with support for this. See README section 1.3
-	# The WURFL data file
-	wurfl-data-file		/usr/share/wurfl/wurfl-eval.xml
-	# WURFL patches definition (as much as needed, patches will be applied in the same order as specified in this conf file)
-	#wurfl-patch-file	/path/to/patch1.xml;
-	# WURFL engine target: one of the following (default is performance)
-	wurfl-engine-mode	performance
-	#wurfl-engine-mode	accuracy
-	# WURFL cache: one of the following
-	## double LRU cache
-	wurfl-cache-size	100000,30000
-	## single LRU cache
-	#wurfl-cache-size	100000
-	## no cache
-	#wurfl-cache-size	0
-	wurfl-information-list-separator |
-	# list of WURFL capabilities, virtual capabilities, property names planned to be used in injected headers
-	wurfl-information-list wurfl_id model_name
-	mode http
-	timeout connect		30s
-	timeout client		30s
-	timeout server		30s
-frontend TheFrontend
-	bind
-	default_backend		TheBackend
-	# inject a header called X-Wurfl-All with all the WURFL informations listed in wurfl-information-list
-	http-request set-header X-Wurfl-All %[wurfl-get-all()]
-	# inject a header called X-WURFL-PROPERTIES with the "wurfl_id" information (should be listed in wurfl-information-list)
-	#http-request set-header X-WURFL-PROPERTIES %[wurfl-get(wurfl_id)]
-backend TheBackend
-	server			TheWebServer
diff --git a/src/wurfl.c b/src/wurfl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 75dcf0045..000000000
--- a/src/wurfl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <common/cfgparse.h>
-#include <common/chunk.h>
-#include <common/buffer.h>
-#include <common/errors.h>
-#include <common/initcall.h>
-#include <types/global.h>
-#include <proto/arg.h>
-#include <proto/log.h>
-#include <proto/proto_http.h>
-#include <proto/sample.h>
-#include <ebsttree.h>
-#include <ebmbtree.h>
-#include <wurfl/wurfl.h>
-static struct {
-	char *data_file; /* the WURFL data file */
-	char *cache_size; /* the WURFL cache parameters */
-	int engine_mode; /* the WURFL engine mode */
-	int useragent_priority; /* the WURFL ua priority */
-	struct list patch_file_list; /* the list of WURFL patch file to use */
-	char information_list_separator; /* the separator used in request to separate values */
-	struct list information_list; /* the list of WURFL data to return into request */
-	void *handle; /* the handle to WURFL engine */
-	struct eb_root btree; /* btree containing info (name/type) on WURFL data to return */
-} global_wurfl = {
-	.data_file = NULL,
-	.cache_size = NULL,
-	.engine_mode = -1,
-	.useragent_priority = -1,
-	.information_list_separator = ',',
-	.information_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(global_wurfl.information_list),
-	.patch_file_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(global_wurfl.patch_file_list),
-	.handle = NULL,
-inline static void ha_wurfl_log(char * message, ...)
-	char logbuf[256];
-	va_list argp;
-	va_start(argp, message);
-	vsnprintf(logbuf, sizeof(logbuf), message, argp);
-	va_end(argp);
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, logbuf, NULL);
-inline static void ha_wurfl_log(char * message, ...)
-typedef char *(*PROP_CALLBACK_FUNC)(wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-enum wurfl_data_type {
-typedef struct {
-	char *name;
-	enum wurfl_data_type type;
-	PROP_CALLBACK_FUNC func_callback;
-	struct ebmb_node nd;
-} wurfl_data_t;
-static const char HA_WURFL_MODULE_VERSION[] = "1.0";
-static const char HA_WURFL_ISDEVROOT_FALSE[] = "FALSE";
-static const char HA_WURFL_ISDEVROOT_TRUE[] = "TRUE";
-static const char HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY[] = "accuracy";
-static const char HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE[] = "performance";
-static const char HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN[] = "plain";
-static const char HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_SIDELOADED_BROWSER[] = "sideloaded_browser";
-static const char HA_WURFL_MIN_ENGINE_VERSION_MANDATORY[] = "";
-static const char HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN_STRING[] = "unknown";
-static const char HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP_STRING[] = "capability";
-static const char HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_VCAP_STRING[] = "virtual_capability";
-static const char HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY_STRING[] = "property";
-static const char *ha_wurfl_retrieve_header(const char *header_name, const void *wh);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_root_id (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_id (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_isdevroot (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_api_version (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_engine_target (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_info (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_last_load_time (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_normalized_useragent (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent_priority (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-static const char *(*ha_wurfl_get_property_callback(char *name)) (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-// ordered property=>function map, suitable for binary search
-static const struct {
-	const char *name;
-	const char *(*func)(wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
-} wurfl_properties_function_map [] = {
-	{"wurfl_api_version", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_api_version},
-	{"wurfl_engine_target", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_engine_target},
-	{"wurfl_id", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_id },
-	{"wurfl_info", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_info },
-	{"wurfl_isdevroot", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_isdevroot},
-	{"wurfl_last_load_time", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_last_load_time},
-	{"wurfl_normalized_useragent", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_normalized_useragent},
-	{"wurfl_useragent", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent},
-	{"wurfl_useragent_priority", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent_priority },
-	{"wurfl_root_id", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_root_id},
-static const int HA_WURFL_PROPERTIES_NBR = 10;
-typedef struct {
-	struct list list;
-	wurfl_data_t data;
-} wurfl_information_t;
-typedef struct {
-	struct list list;
-	char *patch_file_path;
-} wurfl_patches_t;
-typedef struct {
-	struct sample *wsmp;
-	char header_value[HA_WURFL_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH + 1];
-} ha_wurfl_header_t;
- * configuration parameters parsing functions
- */
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_data_file(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                                  struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                                  char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	global_wurfl.data_file = strdup(args[1]);
-	return 0;
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_cache(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                              struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                              char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	global_wurfl.cache_size = strdup(args[1]);
-	return 0;
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_engine_mode(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                                    struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                                    char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(args[1],HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY)) {
-		global_wurfl.engine_mode = WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_ACCURACY;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(args[1],HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE)) {
-		global_wurfl.engine_mode = WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_PERFORMANCE;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s valid values are %s or %s.\n", args[0], HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE, HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY);
-	return -1;
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_information_list_separator(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                                                   struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                                                   char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a single character.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (strlen(args[1]) > 1) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a single character, got %s.\n", args[0], args[1]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	global_wurfl.information_list_separator = *args[1];
-	return 0;
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_information_list(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                                         struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                                         char **err)
-	int argIdx = 1;
-	wurfl_information_t *wi;
-	if (*(args[argIdx]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	while (*(args[argIdx])) {
-		wi = calloc(1, sizeof(*wi));
-		if (wi == NULL) {
-			memprintf(err, "WURFL: Error allocating memory for %s element.\n", args[0]);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		wi->data.name = strdup(args[argIdx]);
-		wi->data.type = HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-		wi->data.func_callback = NULL;
-		LIST_ADDQ(&global_wurfl.information_list, &wi->list);
-		++argIdx;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_patch_file_list(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                                        struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                                        char **err)
-	int argIdx = 1;
-	wurfl_patches_t *wp;
-	if (*(args[argIdx]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	while (*(args[argIdx])) {
-		wp = calloc(1, sizeof(*wp));
-		if (wp == NULL) {
-			memprintf(err, "WURFL: Error allocating memory for %s element.\n", args[0]);
-			return -1;
-		}
-		wp->patch_file_path = strdup(args[argIdx]);
-		LIST_ADDQ(&global_wurfl.patch_file_list, &wp->list);
-		++argIdx;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static int ha_wurfl_cfg_useragent_priority(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
-                                           struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
-                                           char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(args[1],HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN)) {
-		global_wurfl.useragent_priority = WURFL_USERAGENT_PRIORITY_USE_PLAIN_USERAGENT;
-		return 0;
-	}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s valid values are %s or %s.\n", args[0], HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN, HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_SIDELOADED_BROWSER);
-	return -1;
- * module init / deinit functions. Returns 0 if OK, or a combination of ERR_*.
- */
-static int ha_wurfl_init(void)
-	wurfl_information_t *wi;
-	wurfl_patches_t *wp;
-	wurfl_data_t * wn;
-	int wurfl_result_code = WURFL_OK;
-	int len;
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Loading module v.%s\n", HA_WURFL_MODULE_VERSION);
-	// creating WURFL handler
-	global_wurfl.handle = wurfl_create();
-	if (global_wurfl.handle == NULL) {
-		ha_warning("WURFL: Engine handler creation failed");
-		send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Engine handler creation failed\n");
-		return ERR_WARN;
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine handler created - API version %s\n", wurfl_get_api_version() );
-	// set wurfl data file
-	if (global_wurfl.data_file == NULL) {
-		ha_warning("WURFL: missing wurfl-data-file parameter in global configuration\n");
-		send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: missing wurfl-data-file parameter in global configuration\n");
-		return ERR_WARN;
-	}
-	if (global.nbthread > 1) {
-		ha_alert("WURFL: multithreading is not supported for now.\n");
-		return (ERR_FATAL | ERR_ALERT);
-	}
-	if (wurfl_set_root(global_wurfl.handle, global_wurfl.data_file) != WURFL_OK) {
-		ha_warning("WURFL: Engine setting root file failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-		send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Engine setting root file failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-		return ERR_WARN;
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine root file set to %s\n", global_wurfl.data_file);
-	// just a log to inform which separator char has to be used
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Information list separator set to '%c'\n", global_wurfl.information_list_separator);
-	// load wurfl data needed ( and filter whose are supposed to be capabilities )
-	if (LIST_ISEMPTY(&global_wurfl.information_list)) {
-		ha_warning("WURFL: missing wurfl-information-list parameter in global configuration\n");
-		send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: missing wurfl-information-list parameter in global configuration\n");
-		return ERR_WARN;
-	} else {
-		// ebtree initialization
-		global_wurfl.btree = EB_ROOT;
-		// checking if informations are valid WURFL data ( cap, vcaps, properties )
-		list_for_each_entry(wi, &global_wurfl.information_list, list) {
-			// check if information is already loaded looking into btree
-			if (ebst_lookup(&global_wurfl.btree, wi->data.name) == NULL) {
-				if ((wi->data.func_callback = (PROP_CALLBACK_FUNC) ha_wurfl_get_property_callback(wi->data.name)) != NULL) {
-					wi->data.type = HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY;
-					ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: [%s] is a valid wurfl data [property]\n",wi->data.name);
-				} else if (wurfl_has_virtual_capability(global_wurfl.handle, wi->data.name)) {
-					wi->data.type = HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_VCAP;
-					ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: [%s] is a valid wurfl data [virtual capability]\n",wi->data.name);
-				} else {
-					// by default a cap type is assumed to be and we control it on engine load
-					wi->data.type = HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP;
-					if (wurfl_add_requested_capability(global_wurfl.handle, wi->data.name) != WURFL_OK) {
-						ha_warning("WURFL: capability filtering failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-						send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: capability filtering failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-						return ERR_WARN;
-					}
-					ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: [%s] treated as wurfl capability. Will check its validity later, on engine load\n",wi->data.name);
-				}
-				// ebtree insert here
-				len = strlen(wi->data.name);
-				wn = malloc(sizeof(wurfl_data_t) + len + 1);
-				if (wn == NULL) {
-					ha_warning("WURFL: Error allocating memory for information tree element.\n");
-					send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Error allocating memory for information tree element.\n");
-					return ERR_WARN;
-				}
-				wn->name = wi->data.name;
-				wn->type = wi->data.type;
-				wn->func_callback = wi->data.func_callback;
-				memcpy(wn->nd.key, wi->data.name, len);
-				wn->nd.key[len] = 0;
-				if (!ebst_insert(&global_wurfl.btree, &wn->nd)) {
-					ha_warning("WURFL: [%s] not inserted in btree\n",wn->name);
-					send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: [%s] not inserted in btree\n",wn->name);
-					return ERR_WARN;
-				}
-			} else {
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: [%s] already loaded\n",wi->data.name);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// filtering mandatory capabilities if engine version <
-	if (strcmp(wurfl_get_api_version(), HA_WURFL_MIN_ENGINE_VERSION_MANDATORY) < 0) {
-		wurfl_capability_enumerator_handle hmandatorycapabilityenumerator;
-		ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: Engine version %s < %s - Filtering mandatory capabilities\n", wurfl_get_api_version(), HA_WURFL_MIN_ENGINE_VERSION_MANDATORY);
-		hmandatorycapabilityenumerator = wurfl_get_mandatory_capability_enumerator(global_wurfl.handle);
-		while (wurfl_capability_enumerator_is_valid(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator)) {
-			char *name = (char *)wurfl_capability_enumerator_get_name(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator);
-			if (ebst_lookup(&global_wurfl.btree, name) == NULL) {
-				if (wurfl_add_requested_capability(global_wurfl.handle, name) != WURFL_OK) {
-					ha_warning("WURFL: Engine adding mandatory capability [%s] failed - %s\n", name, wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-					send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Adding mandatory capability [%s] failed - %s\n", name, wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-					return ERR_WARN;
-				}
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: Mandatory capability [%s] added\n", name);
-			} else {
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: Mandatory capability [%s] already filtered\n", name);
-			}
-			wurfl_capability_enumerator_move_next(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator);
-		}
-		wurfl_capability_enumerator_destroy(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator);
-	}
-	// adding WURFL patches if needed
-	if (!LIST_ISEMPTY(&global_wurfl.patch_file_list)) {
-		list_for_each_entry(wp, &global_wurfl.patch_file_list, list) {
-			if (wurfl_add_patch(global_wurfl.handle, wp->patch_file_path) != WURFL_OK) {
-				ha_warning("WURFL: Engine adding patch file failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-				send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Adding engine patch file failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-				return ERR_WARN;
-			}
-			send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine patch file added %s\n", wp->patch_file_path);
-		}
-	}
-	// setting cache provider if specified in cfg, otherwise let engine choose
-	if (global_wurfl.cache_size != NULL) {
-		if (strpbrk(global_wurfl.cache_size, ",") != NULL) {
-			wurfl_result_code = wurfl_set_cache_provider(global_wurfl.handle, WURFL_CACHE_PROVIDER_DOUBLE_LRU, global_wurfl.cache_size) ;
-		} else {
-			if (strcmp(global_wurfl.cache_size, "0")) {
-				wurfl_result_code = wurfl_set_cache_provider(global_wurfl.handle, WURFL_CACHE_PROVIDER_LRU, global_wurfl.cache_size) ;
-			} else {
-				wurfl_result_code = wurfl_set_cache_provider(global_wurfl.handle, WURFL_CACHE_PROVIDER_NONE, 0);
-			}
-		}
-		if (wurfl_result_code != WURFL_OK) {
-			ha_warning("WURFL: Setting cache to [%s] failed - %s\n", global_wurfl.cache_size, wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Setting cache to [%s] failed - %s\n", global_wurfl.cache_size, wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			return ERR_WARN;
-		}
-		send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Cache set to [%s]\n", global_wurfl.cache_size);
-	}
-	// setting engine mode if specified in cfg, otherwise let engine choose
-	if (global_wurfl.engine_mode != -1) {
-		if (wurfl_set_engine_target(global_wurfl.handle, global_wurfl.engine_mode) != WURFL_OK ) {
-			ha_warning("WURFL: Setting engine target failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Setting engine target failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			return ERR_WARN;
-		}
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine target set to [%s]\n", (global_wurfl.engine_mode == WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_PERFORMANCE) ? (HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE) : (HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY) );
-	// setting ua priority if specified in cfg, otherwise let engine choose
-	if (global_wurfl.useragent_priority != -1) {
-		if (wurfl_set_useragent_priority(global_wurfl.handle, global_wurfl.useragent_priority) != WURFL_OK ) {
-			ha_warning("WURFL: Setting engine useragent priority failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Setting engine useragent priority failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			return ERR_WARN;
-		}
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine useragent priority set to [%s]\n", (global_wurfl.useragent_priority == WURFL_USERAGENT_PRIORITY_USE_PLAIN_USERAGENT) ? (HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN) : (HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_SIDELOADED_BROWSER) );
-	// loading WURFL engine
-	if (wurfl_load(global_wurfl.handle) != WURFL_OK) {
-		ha_warning("WURFL: Engine load failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-		send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Engine load failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-		return ERR_WARN;
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine loaded\n");
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Module load completed\n");
-	return 0;
-static void ha_wurfl_deinit(void)
-	wurfl_information_t *wi, *wi2;
-	wurfl_patches_t *wp, *wp2;
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Unloading module v.%s\n", HA_WURFL_MODULE_VERSION);
-	wurfl_destroy(global_wurfl.handle);
-	global_wurfl.handle = NULL;
-	free(global_wurfl.data_file);
-	global_wurfl.data_file = NULL;
-	free(global_wurfl.cache_size);
-	global_wurfl.cache_size = NULL;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(wi, wi2, &global_wurfl.information_list, list) {
-		LIST_DEL(&wi->list);
-		free(wi);
-	}
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(wp, wp2, &global_wurfl.patch_file_list, list) {
-		LIST_DEL(&wp->list);
-		free(wp);
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Module unloaded\n");
-static int ha_wurfl_get_all(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
-	wurfl_device_handle dHandle;
-	struct buffer *temp;
-	wurfl_information_t *wi;
-	ha_wurfl_header_t wh;
-	ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: starting ha_wurfl_get_all\n");
-	wh.wsmp = smp;
-	dHandle = wurfl_lookup(global_wurfl.handle, &ha_wurfl_retrieve_header, &wh);
-	if (!dHandle) {
-		ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: unable to retrieve device from request %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-		return 1;
-	}
-	temp = get_trash_chunk();
-	chunk_reset(temp);
-	list_for_each_entry(wi, &global_wurfl.information_list, list) {
-		chunk_appendf(temp, "%c", global_wurfl.information_list_separator);
-		switch(wi->data.type) {
-			ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is of an %s type\n", wi->data.name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN_STRING);
-			// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN_STRING, wi->data.name);
-			break;
-			ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is a %s\n", wi->data.name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP_STRING);
-			// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s=", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP_STRING, wi->data.name);
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", wurfl_device_get_capability(dHandle, wi->data.name));
-			break;
-			ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is a %s\n", wi->data.name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_VCAP_STRING);
-			// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s=", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_VCAP_STRING, wi->data.name);
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", wurfl_device_get_virtual_capability(dHandle, wi->data.name));
-			break;
-			ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is a %s\n", wi->data.name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY_STRING);
-			// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s=", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY_STRING, wi->data.name);
-			chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", wi->data.func_callback(global_wurfl.handle, dHandle));
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	wurfl_device_destroy(dHandle);
-	smp->data.u.str.area = temp->area;
-	smp->data.u.str.data = temp->data;
-	return 1;
-static int ha_wurfl_get(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, const char *kw, void *private)
-	wurfl_device_handle dHandle;
-	struct buffer *temp;
-	wurfl_data_t *wn = NULL;
-	struct ebmb_node *node;
-	ha_wurfl_header_t wh;
-	int i = 0;
-	ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: starting ha_wurfl_get\n");
-	wh.wsmp = smp;
-	dHandle = wurfl_lookup(global_wurfl.handle, &ha_wurfl_retrieve_header, &wh);
-	if (!dHandle) {
-		ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: unable to retrieve device from request %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-		return 1;
-	}
-	temp = get_trash_chunk();
-	chunk_reset(temp);
-	while (args[i].data.str.area) {
-		chunk_appendf(temp, "%c", global_wurfl.information_list_separator);
-		node = ebst_lookup(&global_wurfl.btree, args[i].data.str.area);
-		wn = container_of(node, wurfl_data_t, nd);
-		if (wn) {
-			switch(wn->type) {
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is of an %s type\n", wn->name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN_STRING);
-				// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN_STRING, wn->name);
-				break;
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is a %s\n", wn->name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP_STRING);
-				// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s=", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP_STRING, wn->name);
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", wurfl_device_get_capability(dHandle, wn->name));
-				break;
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is a %s\n", wn->name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_VCAP_STRING);
-				// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s=", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_VCAP_STRING, wn->name);
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", wurfl_device_get_virtual_capability(dHandle, wn->name));
-				break;
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s is a %s\n", wn->name, HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY_STRING);
-				// write WURFL property type and name before its value...
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s=%s=", HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_PROPERTY_STRING, wn->name);
-				chunk_appendf(temp, "%s", wn->func_callback(global_wurfl.handle, dHandle));
-				break;
-			}
-		} else {
-			ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: %s not in wurfl-information-list \n",
-				     args[i].data.str.area);
-		}
-		i++;
-	}
-	wurfl_device_destroy(dHandle);
-	smp->data.u.str.area = temp->area;
-	smp->data.u.str.data = temp->data;
-	return 1;
-static struct cfg_kw_list wurflcfg_kws = {{ }, {
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-data-file", ha_wurfl_cfg_data_file },
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-information-list-separator", ha_wurfl_cfg_information_list_separator },
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-information-list", ha_wurfl_cfg_information_list },
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-patch-file", ha_wurfl_cfg_patch_file_list },
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-cache-size", ha_wurfl_cfg_cache },
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-engine-mode", ha_wurfl_cfg_engine_mode },
-		{ CFG_GLOBAL, "wurfl-useragent-priority", ha_wurfl_cfg_useragent_priority },
-		{ 0, NULL, NULL },
-	}
-INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, cfg_register_keywords, &wurflcfg_kws);
-/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten */
-static struct sample_fetch_kw_list fetch_kws = {ILH, {
-		{ "wurfl-get-all", ha_wurfl_get_all, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_HRQHV },
-		{ "wurfl-get", ha_wurfl_get, ARG12(1,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR,STR), NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_USE_HRQHV },
-		{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
-	}
-INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, sample_register_fetches, &fetch_kws);
-/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten */
-static struct sample_conv_kw_list conv_kws = {ILH, {
-		{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
-	}
-INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, sample_register_convs, &conv_kws);
-// WURFL properties wrapper functions
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_root_id (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_device_get_root_id(dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_id (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_device_get_id(dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_isdevroot (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	if (wurfl_device_is_actual_device_root(dHandle))
-	else
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_device_get_original_useragent(dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_api_version (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_api_version();
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_engine_target (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_engine_target_as_string(wHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_info (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_wurfl_info(wHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_last_load_time (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_last_load_time_as_string(wHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_normalized_useragent (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_device_get_normalized_useragent(dHandle);
-static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent_priority (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_useragent_priority_as_string(wHandle);
-// call function for WURFL properties
-static const char *(*ha_wurfl_get_property_callback(char *name)) (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	int position;
-	int begin = 0;
-	int end = HA_WURFL_PROPERTIES_NBR - 1;
-	int cond = 0;
-	while(begin <= end) {
-		position = (begin + end) / 2;
-		if((cond = strcmp(wurfl_properties_function_map[position].name, name)) == 0) {
-			ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: ha_wurfl_get_property_callback match %s\n", wurfl_properties_function_map[position].name );
-			return wurfl_properties_function_map[position].func;
-		} else if(cond < 0)
-			begin = position + 1;
-		else
-			end = position - 1;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static const char *ha_wurfl_retrieve_header(const char *header_name, const void *wh)
-	struct sample *smp;
-	struct hdr_idx *idx;
-	struct hdr_ctx ctx;
-	const struct http_msg *msg;
-	int header_len = HA_WURFL_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH;
-	ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: retrieve header request [%s]\n", header_name);
-	smp =  ((ha_wurfl_header_t *)wh)->wsmp;
-	idx = &smp->strm->txn->hdr_idx;
-	msg = &smp->strm->txn->req;
-	ctx.idx = 0;
-	if (http_find_full_header2(header_name, strlen(header_name), msg->chn->buf->p, idx, &ctx) == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (header_len > ctx.vlen)
-		header_len = ctx.vlen;
-	strncpy(((ha_wurfl_header_t *)wh)->header_value, ctx.line + ctx.val, header_len);
-	((ha_wurfl_header_t *)wh)->header_value[header_len] = '\0';
-	ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: retrieve header request returns [%s]\n", ((ha_wurfl_header_t *)wh)->header_value);
-	return ((ha_wurfl_header_t *)wh)->header_value;
-REGISTER_BUILD_OPTS("Built with WURFL support.");