diff --git a/src/hlua.c b/src/hlua.c index bbbf2981f..dd037845f 100644 --- a/src/hlua.c +++ b/src/hlua.c @@ -429,11 +429,73 @@ static enum hlua_exec hlua_ctx_resume(struct hlua *lua, int yield_allowed) return ret; } +/* This function is called by the main configuration key "lua-load". It loads and + * execute an lua file during the parsing of the HAProxy configuration file. It is + * the main lua entry point. + * + * This funtion runs with the HAProxy keywords API. It returns -1 if an error is + * occured, otherwise it returns 0. + * + * In some error case, LUA set an error message in top of the stack. This function + * returns this error message in the HAProxy logs and pop it from the stack. + */ +static int hlua_load(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx, + struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line, + char **err) +{ + int error; + + /* Just load and compile the file. */ + error = luaL_loadfile(gL.T, args[1]); + if (error) { + memprintf(err, "error in lua file '%s': %s", args[1], lua_tostring(gL.T, -1)); + lua_pop(gL.T, 1); + return -1; + } + + /* If no syntax error where detected, execute the code. */ + error = lua_pcall(gL.T, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); + switch (error) { + case LUA_OK: + break; + case LUA_ERRRUN: + memprintf(err, "lua runtime error: %s\n", lua_tostring(gL.T, -1)); + lua_pop(gL.T, 1); + return -1; + case LUA_ERRMEM: + memprintf(err, "lua out of memory error\n"); + return -1; + case LUA_ERRERR: + memprintf(err, "lua message handler error: %s\n", lua_tostring(gL.T, -1)); + lua_pop(gL.T, 1); + return -1; + case LUA_ERRGCMM: + memprintf(err, "lua garbage collector error: %s\n", lua_tostring(gL.T, -1)); + lua_pop(gL.T, 1); + return -1; + default: + memprintf(err, "lua unknonwn error: %s\n", lua_tostring(gL.T, -1)); + lua_pop(gL.T, 1); + return -1; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* configuration keywords declaration */ +static struct cfg_kw_list cfg_kws = {{ },{ + { CFG_GLOBAL, "lua-load", hlua_load }, + { 0, NULL, NULL }, +}}; + void hlua_init(void) { /* Initialise com signals pool session. */ pool2_hlua_com = create_pool("hlua_com", sizeof(struct hlua_com), MEM_F_SHARED); + /* Register configuration keywords. */ + cfg_register_keywords(&cfg_kws); + /* Init main lua stack. */ gL.Mref = LUA_REFNIL; gL.state = HLUA_STOP;