commit 0f7af9126525b01b82ad3f1b1cde8843de93a89d Author: willy tarreau <willy@wtap.(none)> Date: Sat Dec 17 12:21:26 2005 +0100 * initial commit of version 1.0.0 diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7aef9fec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +CC = gcc +LD = gcc + +COPTS = -O2 -g -DSTATTIME=0 +LIBS = + +# to compile under solaris, uncomment these two lines +#COPTS = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DSOLARIS +#LIBS = -lnsl -lsocket + +CFLAGS = -Wall $(COPTS) +LDFLAGS = -g + +all: haproxy + +haproxy: haproxy.o + $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) + +%.o: %.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< + +clean: + rm -vf *.[oas] *~ core haproxy test nohup.out gmon.out diff --git a/doc/haproxy.txt b/doc/haproxy.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36bd2ea3b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/haproxy.txt @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ + + H A - P r o x y + --------------- + version 1.0.0 + willy tarreau + 2001/12/16 + +============== +|Introduction| +============== + +HA-Proxy est un relais TCP/HTTP offrant des facilit�s d'int�gration en +environnement hautement disponible. En effet, il est capable de : + - assurer un aiguillage statique d�fini par des cookies ; + - fournir une visibilit� externe de son �tat de sant� ; + - s'arr�ter en douceur sans perte brutale de service. + +Il requiert peu de ressources, et son architecture �v�nementielle +mono-processus lui permet facilement de g�rer plusieurs milliers de +connexions simultan�es sur plusieurs relais sans effondrer le syst�me. + +=========================== +| Param�tres de lancement | +=========================== + +Les options de lancement sont peu nombreuses : + + -f <fichier de configuration> + -n <nombre maximal total de connexions simultan�es> + -N <nombre maximal de connexions simultan�es par proxy> + -d active le mode debug + -D passe en daemon + -s affiche les statistiques (si option compil�e) + -l ajoute des informations aux statistiques + +Le nombre maximal de connexion simultan�es par proxy est le param�tre +par d�faut pour les proxies pour lesquels ce param�tre n'est pas +pr�cis� dans le fichier de configuration. + +Le nombre maximal total de connexions simultan�es limite le nombre de +connexions TCP utilisables � un instant par le processus, tous proxies +confondus. + +============================ +| Fichier de configuration | +============================ + + +Commentaires +============ + +L'analyseur du fichier de configuration ignore des lignes vides, les +espaces, les tabulations, et tout ce qui est compris entre le symbole +'#' et la fin de la ligne. + + +Serveur +======= + +Le fichier de configuration contient des sections rep�r�es par le mot +cl� "listen" : + + listen <nom_instance> <adresse_IP>:<port> + +<nom_instance> est le nom de l'instance d�crite. Ce nom sera envoy� +dans les logs, donc il est souhaitable d'utiliser un nom relatif au +service relay�. Aucun test n'est effectu� concernant l'unicit� de ce +nom, qui n'est pas obligatoire, mais fortement recommand�e. + +<adresse_IP> est l'adresse IP sur laquelle le relais attend ses +connexions. L'adresse signifie que les connexions pourront +s'effectuer sur toutes les adresses de la machine. + +<port> est le num�ro de port TCP sur lequel le relais attend ses +connexions. Le couple <adresse_IP>:<port> doit �tre unique pour toutes +les instances d'une m�me machine. L'attachement � un port inf�rieur � +1024 n�cessite un niveau de privil�ge particulier. + +Exemple : +--------- + listen http_proxy + + +Inhibition +========== + +Un serveur peut �tre d�sactiv� pour des besoins de maintenance, sans +avoir � commenter toute une partie du fichier. Il suffit de +positionner le mot cl� "disabled" dans sa section : + + listen smtp_proxy + disabled + +Mode +==== + +Un serveur peut fonctionner dans trois modes diff�rents : + - TCP + - HTTP + - supervision + +Mode TCP +-------- +Dans ce mode, le service relaye, d�s leur �tablissement, les +connexions TCP vers un unique serveur distant. Aucun traitement n'est +effectu� sur le flux. Il s'agit simplement d'une association +<adresse_source:port_source> <adresse_destination:port_destination>. +Pour l'utiliser, pr�ciser le mode TCP sous la d�claration du relais : + + listen smtp_proxy + mode tcp + +Mode HTTP +--------- +Dans ce mode, le service relaye les connexions TCP vers un ou +plusieurs serveurs, une fois qu'il dispose d'assez d'informations pour +en prendre la d�cision. Les ent�tes HTTP sont analys�s pour y trouver +un �ventuel cookie, et certains d'entre-eux peuvent �tre modifi�s par +le biais d'expressions r�guli�res. Pour activer ce mode, pr�ciser le +mode HTTP sous la d�claration du relais : + + listen http_proxy + mode http + +Mode supervision +---------------- +Il s'agit d'un mode offrant � un composant externe une visibilit� de +l'�tat de sant� du service. Il se contente de retourner "OK" � tout +client se connectant sur son port. Il peut �tre utilis� avec des +r�partiteurs de charge �volu�s pour d�terminer quels sont les services +utilisables. Pour activer ce mode, pr�ciser le mode HEALTH sous la +d�claration du relais : + + listen health_check + mode health + + +Limitation du nombre de connexions simultan�es +============================================== + +Le param�tre "maxconn" permet de fixer la limite acceptable en nombre +de connexions simultan�es par proxy. Chaque proxy qui atteint cette +valeur cesse d'�couter jusqu'� lib�ration d'une connexion. Voir plus +loin concernant les limitations li�es au syst�me. Exemple: + + maxconn 16000 + + +Arr�t en douceur +================ + +Il est possible d'arr�ter les services en douceur en envoyant un +signal SIG_USR1 au processus relais. Tous les services seront alors +mis en phase d'arr�t, mais pourront continuer d'accepter des connexions +pendant un temps d�fini par le param�tre "grace" (en millisecondes). +Cela permet par exemple, de faire savoir rapidement � un r�partiteur +de charge qu'il ne doit plus utiliser un relais, tout en continuant +d'assurer le service le temps qu'il s'en rende compte. Remarque : les +connexions actives ne sont jamais cass�es. Dans le pire des cas, il +faudra attendre en plus leur expiration avant l'arr�t total du +processus. La valeur par d�faut est 0 (pas de gr�ce). + +Exemple : +--------- + + # le service tournera encore 10 secondes apr�s la demande d'arr�t + listen http_proxy + mode http + grace 10000 + + listen health_check + mode health + grace 0 + + +Temps d'expiration des connexions +================================= + +Il est possible de param�trer certaines dur�es d'expiration au niveau +des connexions TCP. Trois temps ind�pendants sont configurables et +acceptent des valeurs en millisecondes. Si l'une de ces trois +temporisations est d�pass�e, la session est termin�e � chaque +extr�mit�. + + - temps d'attente d'une donn�e de la part du client, ou de la + possibilit� de lui envoyer des donn�es : "clitimeout" : + + # time-out client � 2mn30. + clitimeout 150000 + + - temps d'attente d'une donn�e de la part du serveur, ou de la + possibilit� de lui envoyer des donn�es : "srvtimeout" : + + # time-out client � 30s. + srvtimeout 30000 + + - temps d'attente de l'�tablissement d'une connexion vers un serveur + "contimeout" : + + # on abandonne si la connexion n'est pas �tablie apr�s 3 secondes + contimeout 3000 + +Remarque: "contimeout" et "srvtimeout" n'ont pas d'utilit� dans le cas +du serveur de type "health". + +Tentatives de reconnexion +========================= + +Lors d'un �chec de connexion vers un serveur, il est possible de +retenter (potentiellement vers un autre serveur, en cas de r�partition +de charge). Le nombre de nouvelles tentatives infructueuses avant +abandon est fourni par le param�tre "retries" : + + # on essaie encore trois fois maxi + retries 3 + +Adresse du serveur +================== + +Le serveur vers lequel sont redirig�es les connexions est d�fini par +le param�tre "dispatch" sous la forme <adresse_ip>:<port> : + + # on envoie toutes les nouvelles connexions ici + dispatch + +Remarque: ce param�tre n'a pas d'utilit� pour un serveur en mode "health". + +D�finition du nom du cookie +=========================== + +En mode HTTP, il est possible de rechercher la valeur d'un cookie pour +savoir vers quel serveur aiguiller la requ�te utilisateur. Le nom du +cookie est donn� par le param�tre "cookie" : + + listen http_proxy + mode http + cookie SERVERID + + +Assignation d'un serveur � une valeur de cookie +=============================================== + +En mode HTTP, il est possible d'associer des serveurs � des valeurs de +cookie par le param�tre "server". La syntaxe est : + + server <valeur> <adresse_ip>:<port> + +<valeur> est la valeur trouv�e dans le cookie, +<adresse_ip>:<port> le couple adresse-port sur lequel le serveur �coute. + +Exemple : le cookie SERVERID peut contenir server01 ou server02 +------- + listen http_proxy + mode http + cookie SERVERID + dispatch + server server01 + server server02 + + +Reconnexion vers le r�partiteur +=============================== + +En mode HTTP, si un serveur d�fini par un cookie ne r�pond plus, les +clients seront d�finitivement aiguill�s dessus � cause de leur cookie, +et de ce fait, d�finitivement priv�s de service. La sp�cification du +param�tre "redisp" autorise dans ce cas � renvoyer les connexions +�chou�es vers l'adresse de r�partition (dispatch) afin d'assigner un +nouveau serveur � ces clients. + +Exemple : +------- + listen http_proxy + mode http + cookie SERVERID + dispatch + server server01 + server server02 + redisp # renvoyer vers dispatch si serveur HS. + +Journalisation des connexions +============================= + +Les connexions TCP et HTTP peuvent donner lieu � une journalisation +sommaire indiquant, pour chaque connexion, la date, l'heure, les adresses +IP source et destination, et les ports source et destination qui la +caract�risent. Ult�rieurement, les URLs seront logu�es en mode HTTP, +tout comme les arr�ts de service. Tous les messages sont envoy�s en +syslog vers un ou deux serveurs. La syntaxe est la suivante : + + log <adresse_ip> <facility> + +Exemple : +--------- + listen http_proxy + mode http + log local3 + log local4 + +Les connexions sont envoy�es en niveau "info". Les d�marrages de +service seront envoy�s en "notice", les signaux d'arr�ts en "warning" +et les arr�ts d�finitifs en "alert". + +Les cat�gories possibles sont : + kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, + uucp, cron, auth2, ftp, ntp, audit, alert, cron2, + local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7 + + +Remplacement d'ent�tes par expressions r�guli�res +================================================= + +En mode HTTP uniquement, il est possible de remplacer certains ent�tes +client et/ou serveur � partir d'expressions r�guli�res. Deux +limitations cependant : + - il n'est pas encore possible de supprimer un ent�te ni d'en + ajouter un ; On peut en g�n�ral s'en sortir avec des + modifications. + - les ent�tes fournis au milieu de connexions persistentes + (keep-alive) ne sont pas vus. + +La syntaxe est : + cliexp <search> <replace> pour les ent�tes client + srvexp <search> <replace> pour les ent�tes serveur + +<search> est une expression r�guli�re compatible GNU regexp supportant +le groupage par parenth�ses (sans les '\'). Les espaces et autres +s�parateurs doivent �tres pr�c�d�s d'un '\' pour ne pas �tre confondus +avec la fin de la cha�ne. + +<replace> contient la cha�ne rempla�ant la portion v�rifi�e par +l'expression. Elle peut inclure des espaces et tabulations pr�c�d�s +par un '\', faire r�f�rence � un groupe d�limit� par des parenth�ses +dans l'expression r�guli�re, par sa position num�rale. Les positions +vont de 1 � 9, et sont cod�es par un '\' suivi du chiffre d�sir�. Il +est �galement possible d'ins�rer un caract�re non imprimable (utile +pour le saut de ligne) inscrivant '\x' suivi du code hexad�cimal de ce +caract�re (comme en C). + +Remarque : la premi�re ligne de la requ�te et celle de la r�ponse sont +trait�es comme des ent�tes, ce qui permet de r��crire des URL et des +codes d'erreur. + +Exemples : +---------- + cliexp ^(GET.*)(*) \\3 + cliexp ^(POST.*)(*) \\3 + cliexp ^Proxy-Connection:.* Proxy-Connection:\ close + srvexp ^Proxy-Connection:.* Proxy-Connection:\ close + srvexp ^(Location:\ )([^:]*://[^/]*)(.*) \1\3 + + +===================== +|Param�trage syst�me| +===================== + +Sous Linux 2.4 +============== + +echo 131072 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max +echo 65536 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max +echo 1024 60999 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range +echo 16384 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_queue_maxlen +echo 60 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout +echo 4096 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_orphans +echo 16384 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog +echo 262144 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_tw_buckets +echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle +echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps +ulimit -n 65536 + +-- fin -- diff --git a/examples/cfg b/examples/cfg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..053648f5b --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/cfg @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +listen proxy1 + mode http + cookie SERVERID + dispatch + server srv1 + server srv2 + contimeout 3000 + clitimeout 150000 + srvtimeout 150000 + maxconn 60000 + redisp + retries 3 + grace 3000 + +listen proxy2 + mode http + dispatch + contimeout 3000 + clitimeout 150000 + srvtimeout 150000 + maxconn 60000 + retries 3 + grace 3000 + +# log local1 +# log local2 + +# cliexp ^(.*ASPSESSIONID.*=)(.*) \1FENICGGCBECLFFEEOAEAIFGF +# cliexp ^(GET.*)(*) \\3 +# cliexp ^(POST.*)(*) \\3 +# cliexp ^Proxy-Connection:.* Proxy-Connection:\ close +# srvexp ^(Location:\ )([^:]*://[^/]*)(.*) \1\3 + +listen health + mode health + clitimeout 1500 + srvtimeout 1500 + maxconn 4 + grace 0 diff --git a/haproxy.c b/haproxy.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..912f391af --- /dev/null +++ b/haproxy.c @@ -0,0 +1,2999 @@ +/* + * HA-Proxy : High Availability-enabled HTTP/TCP proxy - Willy Tarreau + * willy AT meta-x DOT org. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version + * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * ChangeLog : + * + * 2001/12/16 : release of version 1.0.0. + * 2001/12/16 : added syslog capability for each accepted connection. + * 2001/11/19 : corrected premature end of files and occasional SIGPIPE. + * 2001/10/31 : added health-check type servers (mode health) which replies OK then closes. + * 2001/10/30 : added the ability to support standard TCP proxies and HTTP proxies + * with or without cookies (use keyword http for this). + * 2001/09/01 : added client/server header replacing with regexps. + * eg: + * cliexp ^(Host:\ [^:]*).* Host:\ \1:80 + * srvexp ^Server:\ .* Server:\ Apache + * 2000/11/29 : first fully working release with complete FSMs and timeouts. + * 2000/11/28 : major rewrite + * 2000/11/26 : first write + * + * TODO: handle properly intermediate incomplete server headers. + * + */ + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <unistd.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <ctype.h> +#include <sys/time.h> +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <sys/socket.h> +#include <netinet/tcp.h> +#include <netinet/in.h> +#include <arpa/inet.h> +#include <netdb.h> +#include <fcntl.h> +#include <errno.h> +#include <signal.h> +#include <stdarg.h> +#include <sys/resource.h> +#include <time.h> +#include <regex.h> +#include <syslog.h> + +#define HAPROXY_VERSION "1.0.0" +#define HAPROXY_DATE "2001/12/16" + +/* this is for libc5 for example */ +#ifndef TCP_NODELAY +#define TCP_NODELAY 1 +#endif + +#ifndef SHUT_RD +#define SHUT_RD 0 +#endif + +#ifndef SHUT_WR +#define SHUT_WR 1 +#endif + +#define BUFSIZE 4096 + +// reserved buffer space for header rewriting +#define MAXREWRITE 256 + +// max # of regexps per proxy +#define MAX_REGEXP 10 + +// max # of matches per regexp +#define MAX_MATCH 10 + +#define COOKIENAME_LEN 16 +#define SERVERID_LEN 16 +#define CONN_RETRIES 3 + +/* how many bits are needed to code the size of an int (eg: 32bits -> 5) */ +#define INTBITS 5 + +/* show stats this every millisecond, 0 to disable */ +#ifndef STATTIME +#define STATTIME 2000 +#endif + +#define MINTIME(old, new) (((new)<0)?(old):(((old)<0||(new)<(old))?(new):(old))) +#define SETNOW(a) (*a=now) + +#define MEM_OPTIM +#ifdef MEM_OPTIM +/* + * Returns a pointer to type <type> taken from the + * pool <pool_type> or dynamically allocated. In the + * first case, <pool_type> is updated to point to the + * next element in the list. + */ +#define pool_alloc(type) ({ \ + void *p; \ + if ((p = pool_##type) == NULL) \ + p = malloc(sizeof_##type); \ + else { \ + pool_##type = *(void **)pool_##type; \ + } \ + p; \ +}) + +/* + * Puts a memory area back to the corresponding pool. + * Items are chained directly through a pointer that + * is written in the beginning of the memory area, so + * there's no need for any carrier cells. This implies + * that each memory area is at least as big as one + * pointer. + */ +#define pool_free(type, ptr) ({ \ + *(void **)ptr = (void *)pool_##type; \ + pool_##type = (void *)ptr; \ +}) + +#else +#define pool_alloc(type) (calloc(1,sizeof_##type)); +#define pool_free(type, ptr) (free(ptr)); +#endif /* MEM_OPTIM */ + +#define sizeof_session sizeof(struct task) +#define sizeof_buffer sizeof(struct buffer) +#define sizeof_fdtab sizeof(struct fdtab) +#define sizeof_str256 256 + + +/* + * different possible states for the sockets + */ +#define FD_STCLOSE 0 +#define FD_STLISTEN 1 +#define FD_STCONN 2 +#define FD_STREADY 3 +#define FD_STERROR 4 + +#define TASK_IDLE 0 +#define TASK_RUNNING 1 + +#define PR_STNEW 0 +#define PR_STIDLE 1 +#define PR_STRUN 2 +#define PR_STDISABLED 3 + +#define PR_MODE_TCP 0 +#define PR_MODE_HTTP 1 +#define PR_MODE_HEALTH 2 + +#define CL_STHEADERS 0 +#define CL_STDATA 1 +#define CL_STSHUTR 2 +#define CL_STSHUTW 3 +#define CL_STCLOSE 4 + +#define SV_STIDLE 0 +#define SV_STCONN 1 +#define SV_STHEADERS 2 +#define SV_STDATA 3 +#define SV_STSHUTR 4 +#define SV_STSHUTW 5 +#define SV_STCLOSE 6 + +/* result of an I/O event */ +#define RES_SILENT 0 /* didn't happen */ +#define RES_DATA 1 /* data were sent or received */ +#define RES_NULL 2 /* result is 0 (read == 0), or connect without need for writing */ +#define RES_ERROR 3 /* result -1 or error on the socket (eg: connect()) */ + +/* modes of operation */ +#define MODE_DEBUG 1 +#define MODE_STATS 2 +#define MODE_LOG 4 +#define MODE_DAEMON 8 + +/*********************************************************************/ + +#define LIST_HEAD(a) ((void *)(&(a))) + +/*********************************************************************/ + +struct hdr_exp { + regex_t *preg; /* expression to look for */ + char *replace; /* expression to set instead */ +}; + +struct buffer { + unsigned int l; /* data length */ + char *r, *w, *h, *lr; /* read ptr, write ptr, last header ptr, last read */ + char data[BUFSIZE]; +}; + +struct server { + struct server *next; + char *id; /* the id found in the cookie */ + struct sockaddr_in addr; /* the address to connect to */ +}; + +struct task { + struct task *next, *prev; /* chaining ... */ + struct task *rqnext; /* chaining in run queue ... */ + int state; /* task state : IDLE or RUNNING */ + struct timeval expire; /* next expiration time for this task, use only for fast sorting */ + /* application specific below */ + struct timeval crexpire; /* expiration date for a client read */ + struct timeval cwexpire; /* expiration date for a client write */ + struct timeval srexpire; /* expiration date for a server read */ + struct timeval swexpire; /* expiration date for a server write */ + struct timeval cnexpire; /* expiration date for a connect */ + char res_cr, res_cw, res_sr, res_sw;/* results of some events */ + struct proxy *proxy; /* the proxy this socket belongs to */ + int cli_fd; /* the client side fd */ + int srv_fd; /* the server side fd */ + int cli_state; /* state of the client side */ + int srv_state; /* state of the server side */ + int conn_retries; /* number of connect retries left */ + int conn_redisp; /* allow reconnection to dispatch in case of errors */ + struct buffer *req; /* request buffer */ + struct buffer *rep; /* response buffer */ + struct sockaddr_in cli_addr; /* the client address */ + struct sockaddr_in srv_addr; /* the address to connect to */ + char cookie_val[SERVERID_LEN+1]; /* the cookie value, if present */ +}; + +struct proxy { + int listen_fd; /* the listen socket */ + int state; /* proxy state */ + struct sockaddr_in listen_addr; /* the address we listen to */ + struct sockaddr_in dispatch_addr; /* the default address to connect to */ + struct server *srv; /* known servers */ + char *cookie_name; /* name of the cookie to look for */ + int clitimeout; /* client I/O timeout (in milliseconds) */ + int srvtimeout; /* server I/O timeout (in milliseconds) */ + int contimeout; /* connect timeout (in milliseconds) */ + char *id; /* proxy id */ + int nbconn; /* # of active sessions */ + int maxconn; /* max # of active sessions */ + int conn_retries; /* number of connect retries left */ + int conn_redisp; /* allow to reconnect to dispatch in case of errors */ + int mode; /* mode = PR_MODE_TCP or PR_MODE_HTTP */ + struct task task; /* active sessions (bi-dir chaining) */ + struct task *rq; /* sessions in the run queue (unidir chaining) */ + struct proxy *next; + struct sockaddr_in logsrv1, logsrv2; /* 2 syslog servers */ + char logfac1, logfac2; /* log facility for both servers. -1 = disabled */ + struct timeval stop_time; /* date to stop listening, when stopping != 0 */ + int nb_cliexp, nb_srvexp; + struct hdr_exp cli_exp[MAX_REGEXP]; /* regular expressions for client headers */ + struct hdr_exp srv_exp[MAX_REGEXP]; /* regular expressions for server headers */ + int grace; /* grace time after stop request */ +}; + +/* info about one given fd */ +struct fdtab { + int (*read)(int fd); /* read function */ + int (*write)(int fd); /* write function */ + struct task *owner; /* the session (or proxy) associated with this fd */ + int state; /* the state of this fd */ +}; + +/*********************************************************************/ + +int cfg_maxconn = 2000; /* # of simultaneous connections, (-n) */ +int cfg_maxpconn = 2000; /* # of simultaneous connections per proxy (-N) */ +int cfg_maxsock = 0; /* max # of sockets */ +char *cfg_cfgfile = NULL; /* configuration file */ +char *progname = NULL; /* program name */ +int pid; /* current process id */ +/*********************************************************************/ + +fd_set *ReadEvent, + *WriteEvent, + *StaticReadEvent, + *StaticWriteEvent; + +void **pool_session = NULL, + **pool_buffer = NULL, + **pool_fdtab = NULL, + **pool_str256 = NULL; + +struct proxy *proxy = NULL; /* list of all existing proxies */ +struct fdtab *fdtab = NULL; /* array of all the file descriptors */ + +static int mode = 0; /* MODE_DEBUG, ... */ +static int totalconn = 0; /* total # of terminated sessions */ +static int actconn = 0; /* # of active sessions */ +static int maxfd = 0; /* # of the highest fd + 1 */ +static int listeners = 0; /* # of listeners */ +static int stopping = 0; /* non zero means stopping in progress */ +static struct timeval now = {0,0}; /* the current date at any moment */ + +static regmatch_t pmatch[MAX_MATCH]; /* rm_so, rm_eo for regular expressions */ +static char trash[BUFSIZE]; + +/* + * Syslog facilities and levels + */ + +#define MAX_SYSLOG_LEN 1024 +#define NB_LOG_FACILITIES 24 +const char *log_facilities[NB_LOG_FACILITIES] = { + "kern", "user", "mail", "daemon", + "auth", "syslog", "lpr", "news", + "uucp", "cron", "auth2", "ftp", + "ntp", "audit", "alert", "cron2", + "local0", "local1", "local2", "local3", + "local4", "local5", "local6", "local7" +}; + + +#define NB_LOG_LEVELS 8 +const char *log_levels[NB_LOG_LEVELS] = { + "emerg", "alert", "crit", "err", + "warning", "notice", "info", "debug" +}; + +#define SYSLOG_PORT 514 + +const char *monthname[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", + "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; +#define MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN 32 +static char hostname[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN] = ""; + +/*********************************************************************/ +/* statistics ******************************************************/ +/*********************************************************************/ + +static int stats_tsk_lsrch, stats_tsk_rsrch, + stats_tsk_good, stats_tsk_right, stats_tsk_left, + stats_tsk_new, stats_tsk_nsrch; + + +/*********************************************************************/ +/* function prototypes *********************************************/ +/*********************************************************************/ + +int event_accept(int fd); +int event_cli_read(int fd); +int event_cli_write(int fd); +int event_srv_read(int fd); +int event_srv_write(int fd); + +/*********************************************************************/ +/* general purpose functions ***************************************/ +/*********************************************************************/ + +void display_version() { + printf("HA-Proxy version " HAPROXY_VERSION " " HAPROXY_DATE"\n"); + printf("Copyright 2000-2001 Willy Tarreau <willy AT meta-x DOT org>\n\n"); +} + +/* + * This function prints the command line usage and exits + */ +void usage(char *name) { + display_version(); + fprintf(stderr, + "Usage : %s -f <cfgfile> [ -vd" +#if STATTIME > 0 + "sl" +#endif + "D ] [ -n <maxconn> ] [ -N <maxpconn> ]\n" + " -v displays version\n" + " -d enters debug mode\n" +#if STATTIME > 0 + " -s enables statistics output\n" + " -l enables long statistics format\n" +#endif + " -D goes daemon\n" + " -n sets the maximum total # of connections (%d)\n" + " -N sets the default, per-proxy maximum # of connections (%d)\n\n", + name, cfg_maxconn, cfg_maxpconn); + exit(1); +} + + +/* + * Displays the message on stderr with the date and pid. + */ +void Alert(char *fmt, ...) { + va_list argp; + struct timeval tv; + struct tm *tm; + + va_start(argp, fmt); + + gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); + tm=localtime(&tv.tv_sec); + fprintf(stderr, "[ALERT] %03d/%02d%02d%02d (%d) : ", + tm->tm_yday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, getpid()); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp); + fflush(stderr); + va_end(argp); +} + + +/* + * Displays the message on stderr with the date and pid. + */ +void Warning(char *fmt, ...) { + va_list argp; + struct timeval tv; + struct tm *tm; + + va_start(argp, fmt); + + gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); + tm=localtime(&tv.tv_sec); + fprintf(stderr, "[WARNING] %03d/%02d%02d%02d (%d) : ", + tm->tm_yday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, getpid()); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp); + fflush(stderr); + va_end(argp); +} + + +/* + * converts <str> to a struct sockaddr_in* which is locally allocated. + * The format is "addr:port", where "addr" can be empty or "*" to indicate + * INADDR_ANY. + */ +struct sockaddr_in *str2sa(char *str) { + static struct sockaddr_in sa; + char *c; + int port; + + bzero(&sa, sizeof(sa)); + str=strdup(str); + + if ((c=strrchr(str,':')) != NULL) { + *c++=0; + port=atol(c); + } + else + port=0; + + if (*str == '*' || *str == '\0') { /* INADDR_ANY */ + sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; + } + else if ( +#ifndef SOLARIS + !inet_aton(str, &sa.sin_addr) +#else + !inet_pton(AF_INET, str, &sa.sin_addr) +#endif + ) { + struct hostent *he; + + if ((he = gethostbyname(str)) == NULL) { + Alert("Invalid server name: <%s>\n",str); + } + else + sa.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) *(he->h_addr_list); + } + sa.sin_port=htons(port); + sa.sin_family=AF_INET; + + free(str); + return &sa; +} + +/* + * This function tries to send a syslog message to the syslog server at + * address <sa>. It doesn't care about errors nor does it report them. + * WARNING! no check is made on the prog+hostname+date length, so the + * local hostname + the prog name must be shorter than MAX_SYSLOG_LEN-19. + * the message will be truncated to fit the maximum length. + */ +void send_syslog(struct sockaddr_in *sa, + int facility, int level, char *message) +{ + + static int logfd = -1; /* syslog UDP socket */ + struct timeval tv; + struct tm *tm; + static char logmsg[MAX_SYSLOG_LEN]; + char *p; + + if (logfd < 0) { + if ((logfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) + return; + } + + if (facility < 0 || level < 0 + || sa == NULL || progname == NULL || message == NULL) + return; + + gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); + tm = localtime(&tv.tv_sec); + + p = logmsg; + //p += sprintf(p, "<%d>%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %s %s[%d]: ", + // facility * 8 + level, + // monthname[tm->tm_mon], + // tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, + // hostname, progname, pid); + /* 20011216/WT : other progs don't set the hostname, and syslogd + * systematically repeats it which is contrary to RFC3164. + */ + p += sprintf(p, "<%d>%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %s[%d]: ", + facility * 8 + level, + monthname[tm->tm_mon], + tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, + progname, pid); + + if (((char *)&logmsg - p + MAX_SYSLOG_LEN) > 0) { + int len = strlen(message); + if (len > ((char *)&logmsg + MAX_SYSLOG_LEN - p)) + len = ((char *)&logmsg + MAX_SYSLOG_LEN - p); + memcpy(p, message, len); + p += len; + } + + sendto(logfd, logmsg, p - logmsg, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL, + (struct sockaddr *)sa, sizeof(*sa)); +} + + +/* sets <tv> to the current time */ +static inline struct timeval *tv_now(struct timeval *tv) { + if (tv) + gettimeofday(tv, NULL); + return tv; +} + +/* + * adds <ms> ms to <from>, set the result to <tv> and returns a pointer <tv> + */ +static inline struct timeval *tv_delayfrom(struct timeval *tv, struct timeval *from, int ms) { + if (!tv || !from) + return NULL; + tv->tv_usec = from->tv_usec + (ms%1000)*1000; + tv->tv_sec = from->tv_sec + (ms/1000); + while (tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) { + tv->tv_usec -= 1000000; + tv->tv_sec++; + } + return tv; +} + +/* + * compares <tv1> and <tv2> : returns 0 if equal, -1 if tv1 < tv2, 1 if tv1 > tv2 + */ +static inline int tv_cmp(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + if (tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec) + return 1; + else if (tv1->tv_sec < tv2->tv_sec) + return -1; + else if (tv1->tv_usec > tv2->tv_usec) + return 1; + else if (tv1->tv_usec < tv2->tv_usec) + return -1; + else + return 0; +} + +/* + * returns the absolute difference, in ms, between tv1 and tv2 + */ +unsigned long tv_delta(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + int cmp; + unsigned long ret; + + + cmp=tv_cmp(tv1, tv2); + if (!cmp) + return 0; /* same dates, null diff */ + else if (cmp<0) { + struct timeval *tmp=tv1; + tv1=tv2; + tv2=tmp; + } + ret=(tv1->tv_sec - tv2->tv_sec)*1000; + if (tv1->tv_usec > tv2->tv_usec) + ret+=(tv1->tv_usec - tv2->tv_usec)/1000; + else + ret-=(tv2->tv_usec - tv1->tv_usec)/1000; + return (unsigned long) ret; +} + +/* + * compares <tv1> and <tv2> modulo 1ms: returns 0 if equal, -1 if tv1 < tv2, 1 if tv1 > tv2 + */ +static inline int tv_cmp_ms(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + if ((tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec + 1) || + ((tv1->tv_sec == tv2->tv_sec + 1) && (tv1->tv_usec + 1000000 >= tv2->tv_usec + 1000))) + return 1; + else if ((tv2->tv_sec > tv1->tv_sec + 1) || + ((tv2->tv_sec == tv1->tv_sec + 1) && (tv2->tv_usec + 1000000 >= tv1->tv_usec + 1000))) + return -1; + else + return 0; +} + +/* + * returns the remaining time between tv1=now and event=tv2 + * if tv2 is passed, 0 is returned. + */ +static inline unsigned long tv_remain(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + unsigned long ret; + + + if (tv_cmp_ms(tv1, tv2) >= 0) + return 0; /* event elapsed */ + + ret=(tv2->tv_sec - tv1->tv_sec)*1000; + if (tv2->tv_usec > tv1->tv_usec) + ret+=(tv2->tv_usec - tv1->tv_usec)/1000; + else + ret-=(tv1->tv_usec - tv2->tv_usec)/1000; + return (unsigned long) ret; +} + + +/* + * zeroes a struct timeval + */ + +static inline struct timeval *tv_eternity(struct timeval *tv) { + tv->tv_sec = tv->tv_usec = 0; + return tv; +} + +/* + * returns 1 if tv is null, else 0 + */ +static inline int tv_iseternity(struct timeval *tv) { + if (tv->tv_sec == 0 && tv->tv_usec == 0) + return 1; + else + return 0; +} + +/* + * compares <tv1> and <tv2> : returns 0 if equal, -1 if tv1 < tv2, 1 if tv1 > tv2, + * considering that 0 is the eternity. + */ +static inline int tv_cmp2(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + if (tv_iseternity(tv1)) + if (tv_iseternity(tv2)) + return 0; /* same */ + else + return 1; /* tv1 later than tv2 */ + else if (tv_iseternity(tv2)) + return -1; /* tv2 later than tv1 */ + + if (tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec) + return 1; + else if (tv1->tv_sec < tv2->tv_sec) + return -1; + else if (tv1->tv_usec > tv2->tv_usec) + return 1; + else if (tv1->tv_usec < tv2->tv_usec) + return -1; + else + return 0; +} + +/* + * compares <tv1> and <tv2> modulo 1 ms: returns 0 if equal, -1 if tv1 < tv2, 1 if tv1 > tv2, + * considering that 0 is the eternity. + */ +static inline int tv_cmp2_ms(struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + if (tv_iseternity(tv1)) + if (tv_iseternity(tv2)) + return 0; /* same */ + else + return 1; /* tv1 later than tv2 */ + else if (tv_iseternity(tv2)) + return -1; /* tv2 later than tv1 */ + + if ((tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec + 1) || + ((tv1->tv_sec == tv2->tv_sec + 1) && (tv1->tv_usec + 1000000 >= tv2->tv_usec + 1000))) + return 1; + else if ((tv2->tv_sec > tv1->tv_sec + 1) || + ((tv2->tv_sec == tv1->tv_sec + 1) && (tv2->tv_usec + 1000000 >= tv1->tv_usec + 1000))) + return -1; + else + return 0; +} + +/* + * returns the first event between tv1 and tv2 into tvmin. + * a zero tv is ignored. tvmin is returned. + */ +static inline struct timeval *tv_min(struct timeval *tvmin, + struct timeval *tv1, struct timeval *tv2) { + + if (tv_cmp2(tv1, tv2) <= 0) + *tvmin = *tv1; + else + *tvmin = *tv2; + + return tvmin; +} + + + +/***********************************************************/ +/* fd management ***************************************/ +/***********************************************************/ + + + +/* deletes an FD from the fdsets, and recomputes the maxfd limit */ +static inline void fd_delete(int fd) { + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STCLOSE; + FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent); + FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent); + + while ((maxfd-1 >= 0) && (fdtab[maxfd-1].state == FD_STCLOSE)) + maxfd--; +} + +/* recomputes the maxfd limit from the fd */ +static inline void fd_insert(int fd) { + if (fd+1 > maxfd) + maxfd = fd+1; +} + +/*************************************************************/ +/* task management ***************************************/ +/*************************************************************/ + +/* puts the task <s> in <p>'s run queue, and returns <s> */ +static inline struct task *task_wakeup(struct proxy *p, struct task *s) { + // fprintf(stderr,"task_wakeup: proxy %p, task %p\n", p, s); + + if (s->state == TASK_RUNNING) + return s; + else { + s->rqnext = p->rq; + s->state = TASK_RUNNING; + return p->rq = s; + } +} + +/* removes the task <s> from <p>'s run queue. + * <s> MUST be <p>'s first task in the queue. + * set the run queue to point to the next one, and return it + */ +static inline struct task *task_sleep(struct proxy *p, struct task *s) { + if (s->state == TASK_RUNNING) { + p->rq = s->rqnext; + s->state = TASK_IDLE; /* tell that s has left the run queue */ + } + return p->rq; /* return next running task */ +} + +/* + * removes the task <s> from its wait queue. It must have already been removed + * from the run queue. A pointer to the task itself is returned. + */ +static inline struct task *task_delete(struct task *s) { + s->prev->next = s->next; + s->next->prev = s->prev; + return s; +} + +/* + * frees the context associated to a task. It must have been removed first. + */ +static inline void task_free(struct task *t) { + if (t->req) + pool_free(buffer, t->req); + if (t->rep) + pool_free(buffer, t->rep); + pool_free(session, t); +} + +/* inserts <task> into the list <list>, where it may already be. In this case, it + * may be only moved or left where it was, depending on its timing requirements. + * <task> is returned. + */ + +struct task *task_queue(struct task *list, struct task *task) { + struct task *start_from; + + /* first, test if the task was already in a list */ + if (task->prev == NULL) { + // start_from = list; + start_from = list->prev; + stats_tsk_new++; + + /* insert the unlinked <task> into the list, searching back from the last entry */ + while (start_from != list && tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &start_from->expire) < 0) { + start_from = start_from->prev; + stats_tsk_nsrch++; + } + + // while (start_from->next != list && tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &start_from->next->expire) > 0) { + // start_from = start_from->next; + // stats_tsk_nsrch++; + // } + } + else if (task->prev == list || + tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &task->prev->expire) >= 0) { /* walk right */ + start_from = task->next; + if (start_from == list || tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &start_from->expire) <= 0) { + stats_tsk_good++; + return task; /* it's already in the right place */ + } + + stats_tsk_right++; + /* insert the unlinked <task> into the list, searching after position <start_from> */ + while (start_from->next != list && tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &start_from->next->expire) > 0) { + start_from = start_from->next; + stats_tsk_rsrch++; + } + /* we need to unlink it now */ + task_delete(task); + } + else { /* walk left. */ + stats_tsk_left++; +#ifdef LEFT_TO_TOP /* not very good */ + start_from = list; + while (start_from->next != list && tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &start_from->next->expire) > 0) { + start_from = start_from->next; + stats_tsk_lsrch++; + } +#else + start_from = task->prev->prev; /* valid because of the previous test above */ + while (start_from != list && tv_cmp2(&task->expire, &start_from->expire) < 0) { + start_from = start_from->prev; + stats_tsk_lsrch++; + } +#endif + /* we need to unlink it now */ + task_delete(task); + } + task->prev = start_from; + task->next = start_from->next; + task->next->prev = task; + start_from->next = task; + return task; +} + + +/*********************************************************************/ +/* more specific functions ***************************************/ +/*********************************************************************/ + +/* some prototypes */ +static int maintain_proxies(void); + + +/* + * This function initiates a connection to the server whose name is in <s->proxy->src->id>, + * or the dispatch server if <id> not found. It returns 0 if + * it's OK, -1 if it's impossible. + */ +int connect_server(struct task *s, int usecookie) { + struct server *srv = s->proxy->srv; + char *sn = s->cookie_val; + int one = 1; + int fd; + + // fprintf(stderr,"connect_server : s=%p\n",s); + + if (usecookie) { + while (*sn && srv && strcmp(sn, srv->id)) { + srv = srv->next; + } + if (!srv || !*sn) { /* server not found, let's use the dispatcher */ + s->srv_addr = s->proxy->dispatch_addr; + } + else { + s->srv_addr = srv->addr; + } + } + else + s->srv_addr = s->proxy->dispatch_addr; + + if ((fd = s->srv_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { + fprintf(stderr,"Cannot get a server socket.\n"); + return -1; + } + + if ((fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)==-1) || + (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &one, sizeof(one)) == -1)) { + fprintf(stderr,"Cannot set client socket to non blocking mode.\n"); + close(fd); + return -1; + } + + if ((connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s->srv_addr, sizeof(s->srv_addr)) == -1) && (errno != EINPROGRESS)) { + if (errno == EAGAIN) { /* no free ports left, try again later */ + fprintf(stderr,"Cannot connect, no free ports.\n"); + close(fd); + return -1; + } + else if (errno != EALREADY && errno != EISCONN) { + close(fd); + return -1; + } + } + + fdtab[fd].owner = s; + fdtab[fd].read = &event_srv_read; + fdtab[fd].write = &event_srv_write; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STCONN; /* connection in progress */ + + FD_SET(fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* for connect status */ + + fd_insert(fd); + + if (s->proxy->contimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&s->cnexpire, &now, s->proxy->contimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&s->cnexpire); + return 0; +} + +/* + * this function is called on a read event from a client socket. + * It returns 0. + */ +int event_cli_read(int fd) { + struct task *s = fdtab[fd].owner; + struct buffer *b = s->req; + int ret, max; + //20011216//int skerr, lskerr; + + // fprintf(stderr,"event_cli_read : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s); + + if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */ + b->r = b->w = b->data; + max = BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE; + } + else if (b->r > b->w) { + max = b->data + BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE - b->r; + } + else { + max = b->w - b->r; + if (max > BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) + max = BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE; + } + + if (max == 0) { + FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent); + //fprintf(stderr, "cli_read(%d) : max=%d, d=%p, r=%p, w=%p, l=%d\n", + //fd, max, b->data, b->r, b->w, b->l); + return 0; + } + + //20011216//lskerr=sizeof(skerr); + //20011216//getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr); + //20011216//if (skerr == 0 && fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + //20011216//ret=read(fd, b->r, max); + ret = recv(fd, b->r, max, MSG_NOSIGNAL); + + if (ret > 0) { + b->r += ret; + b->l += ret; + s->res_cr = RES_DATA; + + if (b->r == b->data + BUFSIZE) { + b->r = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */ + } + } + else if (ret == 0) + s->res_cr = RES_NULL; + else if (errno == EAGAIN) /* ignore EAGAIN */ + return 0; + else { + s->res_cr = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + } + else { + s->res_cr = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + + if (s->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&s->crexpire, &now, s->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&s->crexpire); + + task_wakeup(s->proxy, s); + return 0; +} + + +/* + * this function is called on a read event from a server socket. + * It returns 0. + */ +int event_srv_read(int fd) { + struct task *s = fdtab[fd].owner; + struct buffer *b = s->rep; + int ret, max; + //20011216//int skerr, lskerr; + + // fprintf(stderr,"event_srv_read : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s); + + if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */ + b->r = b->w = b->data; + max = BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE; + } + else if (b->r > b->w) { + max = b->data + BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE - b->r; + } + else { + max = b->w - b->r; + if (max > BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) + max = BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE; + } + + if (max == 0) { + FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent); + //fprintf(stderr, "srv_read(%d) : max=%d, d=%p, r=%p, w=%p, l=%d\n", + //fd, max, b->data, b->r, b->w, b->l); + return 0; + } + + //20011216//lskerr=sizeof(skerr); + //20011216//getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr); + //20011216//if (skerr == 0 && fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + //20011216//ret=read(fd, b->r, max); + ret = recv(fd, b->r, max, MSG_NOSIGNAL); + + if (ret > 0) { + b->r += ret; + b->l += ret; + s->res_sr = RES_DATA; + + if (b->r == b->data + BUFSIZE) { + b->r = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */ + } + } + else if (ret == 0) + s->res_sr = RES_NULL; + else if (errno != EAGAIN) /* ignore EAGAIN */ + return 0; + else { + s->res_sr = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + } + else { + s->res_sr = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + + + if (s->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&s->srexpire, &now, s->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&s->srexpire); + + task_wakeup(s->proxy, s); + return 0; +} + +/* + * this function is called on a write event from a client socket. + * It returns 0. + */ +int event_cli_write(int fd) { + struct task *s = fdtab[fd].owner; + struct buffer *b = s->rep; + int ret, max; + //20011216//int skerr, lskerr; + + // fprintf(stderr,"event_cli_write : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s); + + if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */ + b->r = b->w = b->data; + // max = BUFSIZE; BUG !!!! + max = 0; + } + else if (b->r > b->w) { + max = b->r - b->w; + } + else + max = b->data + BUFSIZE - b->w; + + if (max == 0) { + FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent); + //fprintf(stderr, "cli_write(%d) : max=%d, d=%p, r=%p, w=%p, l=%d\n", + //fd, max, b->data, b->r, b->w, b->l); + s->res_cw = RES_NULL; + return 0; + } + + //20011216//lskerr=sizeof(skerr); + //20011216//getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr); + //20011216//if (skerr == 0 && fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + if (max == 0) { /* nothing to write, just make as if we were never called */ + s->res_cw = RES_NULL; + task_wakeup(s->proxy, s); + return 0; + } + + //20011216//ret=write(fd, b->w, max); + ret = send(fd, b->w, max, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL); + + if (ret > 0) { + b->l -= ret; + b->w += ret; + + s->res_cw = RES_DATA; + + if (b->w == b->data + BUFSIZE) { + b->w = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */ + } + } + else if (ret == 0) { + /* nothing written, just make as if we were never called */ +// s->res_cw = RES_NULL; + return 0; + } + else if (errno == EAGAIN) /* ignore EAGAIN */ + return 0; + else { + s->res_cw = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + } + else { + s->res_cw = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + + if (s->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&s->cwexpire, &now, s->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&s->cwexpire); + + task_wakeup(s->proxy, s); + return 0; +} + + +/* + * this function is called on a write event from a server socket. + * It returns 0. + */ +int event_srv_write(int fd) { + struct task *s = fdtab[fd].owner; + struct buffer *b = s->req; + int ret, max; + //20011216//int skerr, lskerr; + + //fprintf(stderr,"event_srv_write : fd=%d, s=%p\n", fd, s); + + if (b->l == 0) { /* let's realign the buffer to optimize I/O */ + b->r = b->w = b->data; + // max = BUFSIZE; BUG !!!! + max = 0; + } + else if (b->r > b->w) { + max = b->r - b->w; + } + else + max = b->data + BUFSIZE - b->w; + + if (max == 0) { + FD_CLR(fd, StaticWriteEvent); + //fprintf(stderr, "srv_write(%d) : max=%d, d=%p, r=%p, w=%p, l=%d\n", + //fd, max, b->data, b->r, b->w, b->l); + s->res_sw = RES_NULL; + return 0; + } + + //20011216//lskerr=sizeof(skerr); + //20011216//getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &skerr, &lskerr); + //20011216//if (skerr == 0 && fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + if (fdtab[fd].state != FD_STERROR) { + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STREADY; + if (max == 0) { /* nothing to write, just make as if we were never called, except to finish a connect() */ + s->res_sw = RES_NULL; + task_wakeup(s->proxy, s); + return 0; + } + + //20011216//ret=write(fd, b->w, max); + ret = send(fd, b->w, max, MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NOSIGNAL); + + if (ret > 0) { + b->l -= ret; + b->w += ret; + + s->res_sw = RES_DATA; + + if (b->w == b->data + BUFSIZE) { + b->w = b->data; /* wrap around the buffer */ + } + } + else if (ret == 0) { + /* nothing written, just make as if we were never called */ + // s->res_sw = RES_NULL; + return 0; + } + else if (errno == EAGAIN) /* ignore EAGAIN */ + return 0; + else { + s->res_sw = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + } + else { + s->res_sw = RES_ERROR; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STERROR; + } + + if (s->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&s->swexpire, &now, s->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&s->swexpire); + + task_wakeup(s->proxy, s); + return 0; +} + + +/* + * this function is called on a read event from a listen socket, corresponding + * to an accept. It returns 0. + */ +int event_accept(int fd) { + struct proxy *p = (struct proxy *)fdtab[fd].owner; + struct task *s; + int laddr; + int cfd; + int one = 1; + + if ((s = pool_alloc(session)) == NULL) { /* disable this proxy for a while */ + Alert("out of memory in event_accept().\n"); + FD_CLR(fd, StaticReadEvent); + p->state = PR_STIDLE; + return 0; + } + + laddr = sizeof(s->cli_addr); + if ((cfd = accept(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s->cli_addr, &laddr)) == -1) { + pool_free(session, s); + return 0; + } + + if ((fcntl(cfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) || + (setsockopt(cfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, + (char *) &one, sizeof(one)) == -1)) { + Alert("accept(): cannot set the socket in non blocking mode. Giving up\n"); + close(cfd); + pool_free(session, s); + return 0; + } + + if ((p->mode == PR_MODE_TCP || p->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) + && (p->logfac1 >= 0 || p->logfac2 >= 0)) { + struct sockaddr_in peername, sockname; + unsigned char *pn, *sn; + int namelen; + char message[256]; + + namelen = sizeof(peername); + getpeername(cfd, (struct sockaddr *)&peername, &namelen); + pn = (unsigned char *)&peername.sin_addr; + + namelen = sizeof(sockname); + getsockname(cfd, (struct sockaddr *)&sockname, &namelen); + sn = (unsigned char *)&sockname.sin_addr; + + sprintf(message, "Connect from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d (%s/%s)\n", + pn[0], pn[1], pn[2], pn[3], ntohs(peername.sin_port), + sn[0], sn[1], sn[2], sn[3], ntohs(sockname.sin_port), + p->id, (p->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) ? "HTTP" : "TCP"); + + if (p->logfac1 >= 0) + send_syslog(&p->logsrv1, p->logfac1, LOG_INFO, message); + if (p->logfac2 >= 0) + send_syslog(&p->logsrv2, p->logfac2, LOG_INFO, message); + } + + s->proxy = p; + s->state = TASK_IDLE; + s->cli_state = (p->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) ? CL_STHEADERS : CL_STDATA; /* no HTTP headers for non-HTTP proxies */ + s->srv_state = SV_STIDLE; + s->req = s->rep = NULL; /* will be allocated later */ + s->cookie_val[0] = 0; + s->res_cr = s->res_cw = s->res_sr = s->res_sw = RES_SILENT; + s->rqnext = NULL; /* task not in run queue */ + s->next = s->prev = NULL; + s->cli_fd = cfd; + s->conn_retries = p->conn_retries; + s->conn_redisp = p->conn_redisp; + + if ((s->req = pool_alloc(buffer)) == NULL) { /* no memory */ + close(cfd); /* nothing can be done for this fd without memory */ + pool_free(session, s); + return 0; + } + s->req->l = 0; + s->req->h = s->req->r = s->req->lr = s->req->w = s->req->data; /* r and w will be reset further */ + + if ((s->rep = pool_alloc(buffer)) == NULL) { /* no memory */ + pool_free(buffer, s->req); + close(cfd); /* nothing can be done for this fd without memory */ + pool_free(session, s); + return 0; + } + s->rep->l = 0; + s->rep->h = s->rep->r = s->rep->lr = s->rep->w = s->rep->data; + + fdtab[cfd].read = &event_cli_read; + fdtab[cfd].write = &event_cli_write; + fdtab[cfd].owner = s; + fdtab[cfd].state = FD_STREADY; + + if (p->mode == PR_MODE_HEALTH) { /* health check mode, no client reading */ + FD_CLR(cfd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&s->crexpire); + shutdown(s->cli_fd, SHUT_RD); + s->cli_state = CL_STSHUTR; + + strcpy(s->rep->data, "OK\n"); /* forge an "OK" response */ + s->rep->l = 3; + s->rep->r += 3; + } + else { + FD_SET(cfd, StaticReadEvent); + } + + fd_insert(cfd); + + tv_eternity(&s->cnexpire); + tv_eternity(&s->srexpire); + tv_eternity(&s->swexpire); + tv_eternity(&s->cwexpire); + + if (s->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&s->crexpire, &now, s->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&s->crexpire); + + s->expire = s->crexpire; + + task_queue(LIST_HEAD(p->task), s); + task_wakeup(p, s); + + p->nbconn++; + actconn++; + totalconn++; + + // fprintf(stderr, "accepting from %p => %d conn, %d total\n", p, actconn, totalconn); + + return 0; +} + + +/* + * this function writes the string <str> at position <pos> which must be in buffer <b>, + * and moves <end> just after the end of <str>. + * <b>'s parameters (l, r, w, h, lr) are recomputed to be valid after the shift. + * the shift value (positive or negative) is returned. + * If there's no space left, the move is not done. + * + */ +int buffer_replace(struct buffer *b, char *pos, char *str, char *end) { + int delta; + int len; + + len = strlen(str); + delta = len - (end - pos); + + if (delta + b->r >= b->data + BUFSIZE) + return 0; /* no space left */ + + /* first, protect the end of the buffer */ + memmove(end + delta, end, b->data + b->l - end); + + /* now, copy str over pos */ + memcpy(pos, str,len); + + if (b->r >= end) b->r += delta; + if (b->w >= end) b->w += delta; + if (b->h >= end) b->h += delta; + if (b->lr >= end) b->lr += delta; + b->l += delta; + + return delta; +} + +/* same except that the string len is given */ +int buffer_replace2(struct buffer *b, char *pos, char *str, int len, char *end) { + int delta; + + delta = len - (end - pos); + + if (delta + b->r >= b->data + BUFSIZE) + return 0; /* no space left */ + + /* first, protect the end of the buffer */ + memmove(end + delta, end, b->data + b->l - end); + + /* now, copy str over pos */ + memcpy(pos, str,len); + + if (b->r >= end) b->r += delta; + if (b->w >= end) b->w += delta; + if (b->h >= end) b->h += delta; + if (b->lr >= end) b->lr += delta; + b->l += delta; + + return delta; +} + + +int exp_replace(char *dst, char *src, char *str, regmatch_t *matches) { + char *old_dst = dst; + + while (*str) { + if (*str == '\\') { + str++; + if (isdigit(*str)) { + int len, num; + + num = *str - '0'; + str++; + + if (matches[num].rm_so > -1) { + len = matches[num].rm_eo - matches[num].rm_so; + memcpy(dst, src + matches[num].rm_so, len); + dst += len; + } + + } + else if (*str == 'x') { + unsigned char hex1, hex2; + str++; + + hex1=toupper(*str++) - '0'; hex2=toupper(*str++) - '0'; + + if (hex1 > 9) hex1 -= 'A' - '9' - 1; + if (hex2 > 9) hex2 -= 'A' - '9' - 1; + *dst++ = (hex1<<4) + hex2; + } + else + *dst++ = *str++; + } + else + *dst++ = *str++; + } + *dst = 0; + return dst - old_dst; +} + +/* + * manages the client FSM and its socket. BTW, it also tries to handle the + * cookie. It returns 1 if a state has changed (and a resync may be needed), + * 0 else. + */ +int process_cli(struct task *t) { + int s = t->srv_state; + int c = t->cli_state; + struct buffer *req = t->req; + struct buffer *rep = t->rep; + + //fprintf(stderr,"process_cli: c=%d, s=%d, cr=%d, cw=%d, sr=%d, sw=%d\n", c, s, + //FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent), FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent), + //FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent), FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent) + //); + if (c == CL_STHEADERS) { + char *ptr; + + /* read timeout, read error, or last read : give up */ + if (t->res_cr == RES_ERROR || t->res_cr == RES_NULL || + tv_cmp2_ms(&t->crexpire, &now) <= 0) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + fd_delete(t->cli_fd); + close(t->cli_fd); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + t->cli_state = CL_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else if (t->res_cr == RES_SILENT) { + return 0; + } + /* now we know that there are headers to process */ + + if (req->l >= BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) { + /* buffer full : stop reading till we free some space */ + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + } + + ptr = req->lr; + req->lr = req->r; /* tell that bytes up to <lr> have been read and processes */ + while (ptr < req->r) { + /* look for the end of the current header */ + while (ptr < req->r && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\r') + ptr++; + + if (ptr < req->r) { + /* now we have one complete client header between req->h and ptr */ + if (ptr == req->h) { /* empty line, end of headers */ + t->cli_state = CL_STDATA; + //req->lr = ptr; /* tell that bytes up to <lr> have been read and processes */ + return 1; + } + else { + /* we have one standard header */ + if (mode & MODE_DEBUG) { + int len, max; + len = sprintf(trash, "clihdr[%04x:%04x]: ", (unsigned short)t->cli_fd, (unsigned short)t->srv_fd); + max = ptr - req->h; + if (max > sizeof(trash) - len - 2) + max = sizeof(trash) - len - 2; + strncat(trash+len, req->h, max); len += max; + trash[len++] = '\n'; + trash[len] = '\0'; + // write(1,"Client Header found: ",21); + // write(1, req->h, ptr - req->h); + // write(1, "\n", 1); + write(1, trash, len); + } + + if ((req->r >= req->h + 8) && (t->proxy->cookie_name != NULL) + && (strncmp(req->h, "Cookie: ", 8) == 0)) { + char *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4; + + p1 = req->h + 8; /* first char after 'Cookie: ' */ + + while (p1 < ptr) { + while (p1 < ptr && (isspace(*p1) || *p1 == ';')) + p1++; + + if (p1 == ptr) + break; + else if (*p1 == ';') { /* next cookie */ + ++p1; + continue; + } + + /* p1 is at the beginning of the cookie name */ + p2 = p1; + + while (p2 < ptr && *p2 != '=' && *p2 != ';') + p2++; + + if (p2 == ptr) + break; + else if (*p2 == ';') { /* next cookie */ + p1=++p2; + continue; + } + + p3 = p2 + 1; /* skips the '=' sign */ + if (p3 == ptr) + break; + + p4=p3; + while (p4 < ptr && !isspace(*p4) && *p4 != ';') + p4++; + + /* here, we have the cookie name between p1 and p2, + * and its value between p3 and p4. + * we can process it. + */ + + if ((p2-p1 == strlen(t->proxy->cookie_name)) && + (strncmp(p1, t->proxy->cookie_name, p2-p1) == 0)) { + /* Cool... it's the right one */ + int l; + l = (p4 - p3) < SERVERID_LEN ? + (p4 - p3) : SERVERID_LEN; + strncpy(t->cookie_val, p3, l); + t->cookie_val[l] = 0; + break; + } + else { +// fprintf(stderr,"Ignoring unknown cookie : "); +// write(2, p1, p2-p1); +// fprintf(stderr," = "); +// write(2, p3, p4-p3); +// fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + } + /* we'll have to look for another cookie ... */ + p1 = p4; + } + /* FIXME */ +// fprintf(stderr,"Cookie is now: <%s>\n", s->cookie_val); + } + else if (t->proxy->nb_cliexp) { /* try headers regexps */ + struct proxy *p = t->proxy; + int exp; + char term; + + term = *ptr; + *ptr = '\0'; + for (exp=0; exp < p->nb_cliexp; exp++) { + if (regexec(p->cli_exp[exp].preg, req->h, MAX_MATCH, pmatch, 0) == 0) { + int len = exp_replace(trash, req->h, p->cli_exp[exp].replace, pmatch); + ptr += buffer_replace2(req, req->h, trash, len, ptr); + break; + } + } + *ptr = term; /* restore the string terminator */ + } + + /* look for the beginning of the next header */ + if (ptr < req->r) { + if (*ptr == '\n') { + if ((++ptr < req->r) && (*ptr == '\r')) + ptr++; + } + else if (*ptr == '\r') { + if ((++ptr < req->r) && (*ptr == '\n')) + ptr++; + } + req->h = ptr; + } + } + } + else if (ptr >= req->data + BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) { /* no more headers */ + t->cli_state = CL_STDATA; + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + //req->lr = ptr; /* tell that bytes up to <lr> have been read and processes */ + return 1; + } + } + //req->lr = ptr; /* tell that bytes up to <lr> have been read and processes */ + } + else if (c == CL_STDATA) { + /* read or write error */ + if (t->res_cw == RES_ERROR || t->res_cr == RES_ERROR) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + close(t->cli_fd); + t->cli_state = CL_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + /* read timeout, last read, or end of server write */ + else if (t->res_cr == RES_NULL || s == SV_STSHUTW || s == SV_STCLOSE + || tv_cmp2_ms(&t->crexpire, &now) <= 0) { + + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + // if (req->l == 0) /* nothing to write on the server side */ + // FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + shutdown(t->cli_fd, SHUT_RD); + t->cli_state = CL_STSHUTR; + return 1; + } + /* write timeout, or last server read and buffer empty */ + else if (((s == SV_STSHUTR || s == SV_STCLOSE) && (rep->l == 0)) + ||(tv_cmp2_ms(&t->cwexpire, &now) <= 0)) { + + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + shutdown(t->cli_fd, SHUT_WR); + t->cli_state = CL_STSHUTW; + return 1; + } + + if (req->l >= BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) { /* no room to read more data */ + if (FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + } + } + else { + if (! FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + if (t->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->crexpire, &now, t->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + } + } + + if ((rep->l == 0) || + ((s == SV_STHEADERS) && (rep->w == rep->h))) { + if (FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* stop writing */ + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + } + } + else { /* buffer not empty */ + if (! FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* restart writing */ + if (t->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->cwexpire, &now, t->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + } + } + return 0; /* other cases change nothing */ + } + else if (c == CL_STSHUTR) { + if ((t->res_cw == RES_ERROR) || + ((s == SV_STSHUTR || s == SV_STCLOSE) && (rep->l == 0)) + || (tv_cmp2_ms(&t->crexpire, &now) <= 0)) { + + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + fd_delete(t->cli_fd); + close(t->cli_fd); + t->cli_state = CL_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else if ((rep->l == 0) || + ((s == SV_STHEADERS) && (rep->w == rep->h))) { + if (FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* stop writing */ + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + } + } + else { /* buffer not empty */ + if (! FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* restart writing */ + if (t->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->cwexpire, &now, t->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->cwexpire); + } + } + return 0; + } + else if (c == CL_STSHUTW) { + if (t->res_cr == RES_ERROR || t->res_cr == RES_NULL || s == SV_STSHUTW || + s == SV_STCLOSE || tv_cmp2_ms(&t->cwexpire, &now) <= 0) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + fd_delete(t->cli_fd); + close(t->cli_fd); + t->cli_state = CL_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else if (req->l >= BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) { /* no room to read more data */ + if (FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + } + } + else { + if (! FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent); + if (t->proxy->clitimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->crexpire, &now, t->proxy->clitimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->crexpire); + } + } + return 0; + } + else { /* CL_STCLOSE: nothing to do */ + if (mode & MODE_DEBUG) { + int len; + len = sprintf(trash, "clicls[%04x:%04x]\n", t->cli_fd, t->srv_fd); + write(1, trash, len); + } + return 0; + } + return 0; +} + + +/* + * manages the server FSM and its socket. It returns 1 if a state has changed + * (and a resync may be needed), 0 else. + */ +int process_srv(struct task *t) { + int s = t->srv_state; + int c = t->cli_state; + struct buffer *req = t->req; + struct buffer *rep = t->rep; + + //fprintf(stderr,"process_srv: c=%d, s=%d, cr=%d, cw=%d, sr=%d, sw=%d\n", c, s, + //FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent), FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent), + //FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent), FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent) + //); + if (s == SV_STIDLE) { + if (c == CL_STHEADERS) + return 0; /* stay in idle, waiting for data to reach the client side */ + else if (c == CL_STCLOSE || + c == CL_STSHUTW || + (c == CL_STSHUTR && t->req->l == 0)) { /* give up */ + tv_eternity(&t->cnexpire); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else { /* go to SV_STCONN */ + if (connect_server(t, 1) == 0) { /* initiate a connection to the server */ + //fprintf(stderr,"0: c=%d, s=%d\n", c, s); + t->srv_state = SV_STCONN; + } + else { /* try again */ + while (t->conn_retries-- > 0) { + if (connect_server(t, !t->conn_redisp || (t->conn_retries > 0)) == 0) { + t->srv_state = SV_STCONN; + break; + } + } + if (t->conn_retries < 0) { + /* if conn_retries < 0 or other error, let's abort */ + tv_eternity(&t->cnexpire); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + } + } + return 1; + } + } + else if (s == SV_STCONN) { /* connection in progress */ + if (t->res_sw == RES_SILENT && tv_cmp2_ms(&t->cnexpire, &now) > 0) { + //fprintf(stderr,"1: c=%d, s=%d\n", c, s); + return 0; /* nothing changed */ + } + else if (t->res_sw == RES_SILENT || t->res_sw == RES_ERROR) { + //fprintf(stderr,"2: c=%d, s=%d\n", c, s); + /* timeout, connect error or first write error */ + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + fd_delete(t->srv_fd); + close(t->srv_fd); + t->conn_retries--; + if (t->conn_retries >= 0 && + connect_server(t, !t->conn_redisp || (t->conn_retries > 0)) == 0) { + return 0; /* no state changed */ + } + /* if conn_retries < 0 or other error, let's abort */ + tv_eternity(&t->cnexpire); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else { /* no error or write 0 */ + //fprintf(stderr,"3: c=%d, s=%d\n", c, s); + if (req->l == 0) /* nothing to write */ + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + else /* need the right to write */ + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + + if (t->proxy->mode == PR_MODE_TCP) { /* let's allow immediate data connection in this case */ + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->srexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + + t->srv_state = SV_STDATA; + } + else + t->srv_state = SV_STHEADERS; + return 1; + } + } + else if (s == SV_STHEADERS) { /* receiving server headers */ + char *ptr; + int header_processed = 0; + + /* read or write error */ + if (t->res_sw == RES_ERROR || t->res_sr == RES_ERROR) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + close(t->srv_fd); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + /* read timeout, last read, or end of client write */ + else if (t->res_sr == RES_NULL || c == CL_STSHUTW || c == CL_STCLOSE || + tv_cmp2_ms(&t->srexpire, &now) <= 0) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + shutdown(t->srv_fd, SHUT_RD); + t->srv_state = SV_STSHUTR; + return 1; + + } + /* write timeout, or last client read and buffer empty */ + else if (((c == CL_STSHUTR || c == CL_STCLOSE) && (req->l == 0)) || + (tv_cmp2_ms(&t->swexpire, &now) <= 0)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + shutdown(t->srv_fd, SHUT_WR); + t->srv_state = SV_STSHUTW; + return 1; + } + + if (req->l == 0) { + if (FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* stop writing */ + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + } + } + else { /* client buffer not empty */ + if (! FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* restart writing */ + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->swexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + } + } + + if (rep->l >= BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) { /* no room to read more data */ + if (FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + } + } + + /* now parse the partial (or complete) headers */ + + //fprintf(stderr,"rep->data=%p, rep->lr=%p, rep->r=%p, rep->l=%d\n", rep->data, rep->lr, rep->r, rep->l); + ptr = rep->lr; + rep->lr = rep->r; + + //write(1,"rep=",4); write(1, ptr, 4); write(1,"\n",1); + //write(1,"hdr=",4); write(1, rep->h, 4); write(1,"\n",1); + while (ptr < rep->r) { + /* look for the end of the current header */ + while (ptr < rep->r && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\r') + ptr++; + + if (ptr < rep->r) { + //write(1,"ptr=",4); write(1, ptr, 4); write(1,"\n",1); + /* now we have one complete header between rep->h and ptr */ + header_processed = 1; + if (ptr == rep->h) { /* empty line, end of headers */ + t->srv_state = SV_STDATA; + //rep->lr = ptr; /* tell that bytes up to <lr> have been read and processes */ + return 1; + } + else { + /* we have one standard header */ + if (mode & MODE_DEBUG) { + int len, max; + len = sprintf(trash, "srvhdr[%04x:%04x]: ", (unsigned short)t->cli_fd, (unsigned short)t->srv_fd); + max = ptr - rep->h; + if (max > sizeof(trash) - len - 2) + max = sizeof(trash) - len - 2; + strncat(trash+len, rep->h, max); len += max; + trash[len++] = '\n'; + trash[len] = '\0'; + write(1, trash, len); + // write(1,"Server Header found: ",21); + // write(1, rep->h, ptr-rep->h); + // write(1, "\n", 1); + } + + if (t->proxy->nb_srvexp) { /* try headers regexps */ + struct proxy *p = t->proxy; + int exp; + char term; + + term = *ptr; + *ptr = '\0'; + for (exp=0; exp < p->nb_srvexp; exp++) { + if (regexec(p->srv_exp[exp].preg, rep->h, MAX_MATCH, pmatch, 0) == 0) { + int len = exp_replace(trash, rep->h, p->srv_exp[exp].replace, pmatch); + ptr += buffer_replace2(rep, rep->h, trash, len, ptr); + break; + } + } + *ptr = term; /* restore the string terminator */ + } + + /* look for the beginning of the next header */ + if (ptr < rep->r) { + if (*ptr == '\n') { + if ((++ptr < rep->r) && (*ptr == '\r')) + ptr++; + } + else if (*ptr == '\r') { + if ((++ptr < rep->r) && (*ptr == '\n')) + ptr++; + } + rep->h = ptr; + } + } + //// rep->lr = ptr; + //rep->lr = rep->h; + } + } + + if ((rep->l < BUFSIZE - MAXREWRITE) && ! FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->srexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + } + + /* be nice with the client side which would like to send a complete header */ + return header_processed; + //return 0; + } + else if (s == SV_STDATA) { + /* read or write error */ + if (t->res_sw == RES_ERROR || t->res_sr == RES_ERROR) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + close(t->srv_fd); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + /* read timeout, last read, or end of client write */ + else if (t->res_sr == RES_NULL || c == CL_STSHUTW || c == CL_STCLOSE || + tv_cmp2_ms(&t->srexpire, &now) <= 0) { + + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + shutdown(t->srv_fd, SHUT_RD); + t->srv_state = SV_STSHUTR; + return 1; + + } + /* write timeout, or last client read and buffer empty */ + else if (((c == CL_STSHUTR || c == CL_STCLOSE) && (req->l == 0)) || + (tv_cmp2_ms(&t->swexpire, &now) <= 0)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + shutdown(t->srv_fd, SHUT_WR); + t->srv_state = SV_STSHUTW; + return 1; + } + else if (req->l == 0) { + if (FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* stop writing */ + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + } + } + else { /* buffer not empty */ + if (! FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* restart writing */ + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->swexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + } + } + + if (rep->l == BUFSIZE) { /* no room to read more data */ + if (FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + } + } + else { + if (! FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->srexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + } + } + + return 0; /* other cases change nothing */ + } + else if (s == SV_STSHUTR) { + if ((t->res_sw == RES_ERROR) || + ((c == CL_STSHUTR || c == CL_STCLOSE) && (req->l == 0)) || + (tv_cmp2_ms(&t->swexpire, &now) <= 0)) { + + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + fd_delete(t->srv_fd); + close(t->srv_fd); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else if (req->l == 0) { + if (FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* stop writing */ + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + } + } + else { /* buffer not empty */ + if (! FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent); /* restart writing */ + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->swexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->swexpire); + } + } + return 0; + } + else if (s == SV_STSHUTW) { + if (t->res_sr == RES_ERROR || t->res_sr == RES_NULL || + c == CL_STSHUTW || c == CL_STCLOSE || + tv_cmp2_ms(&t->srexpire, &now) <= 0) { + + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + fd_delete(t->srv_fd); + close(t->srv_fd); + t->srv_state = SV_STCLOSE; + return 1; + } + else if (rep->l == BUFSIZE) { /* no room to read more data */ + if (FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_CLR(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + } + } + else { + if (! FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent)) { + FD_SET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent); + if (t->proxy->srvtimeout) + tv_delayfrom(&t->srexpire, &now, t->proxy->srvtimeout); + else + tv_eternity(&t->srexpire); + } + } + return 0; + } + else { /* SV_STCLOSE : nothing to do */ + if (mode & MODE_DEBUG) { + int len; + len = sprintf(trash, "srvcls[%04x:%04x]\n", t->cli_fd, t->srv_fd); + write(1, trash, len); + } + return 0; + } + return 0; +} + + +/* + * puts a task back to the wait queue in a clean state, or + * cleans up its resources if it must be deleted. + */ +void process_task(struct task *t) { + + if (t->cli_state != CL_STCLOSE || t->srv_state != SV_STCLOSE) { + struct timeval min1, min2; + t->res_cw = t->res_cr = t->res_sw = t->res_sr = RES_SILENT; + + tv_min(&min1, &t->crexpire, &t->cwexpire); + tv_min(&min2, &t->srexpire, &t->swexpire); + tv_min(&min1, &min1, &t->cnexpire); + tv_min(&t->expire, &min1, &min2); + + /* restore t to its place in the task list */ + task_queue(LIST_HEAD(t->proxy->task), t); + + return; /* nothing more to do */ + } + + t->proxy->nbconn--; + actconn--; + + if (mode & MODE_DEBUG) { + int len; + len = sprintf(trash, "closed[%04x:%04x]\n", t->cli_fd, t->srv_fd); + write(1, trash, len); + } + + /* the task MUST not be in the run queue anymore */ + task_delete(t); + task_free(t); +} + + +#if STATTIME > 0 +int stats(void); +#endif + +/* + * Main select() loop. + */ + +void select_loop() { + int next_time; +#if STATTIME > 0 + int time2; +#endif + int status; + int fd,i; + struct timeval delta; + int readnotnull, writenotnull; + struct proxy *p; + + /* stop when there's no connection left and we don't allow them anymore */ + while (actconn || listeners > 0) { + next_time = -1; + tv_now(&now); + + maintain_proxies(); + +#if STATTIME > 0 + time2 = stats(); + // fprintf(stderr," stats = %d\n", time2); + next_time = MINTIME(time2, next_time); +#endif + + if (next_time >= 0) { + /* Convert to timeval */ + delta.tv_sec=next_time/1000; + delta.tv_usec=(next_time%1000)*1000; + } + + + /* let's restore fdset state */ + + readnotnull = 0; writenotnull = 0; + for (i = 0; i < (cfg_maxsock + 3 + FD_SETSIZE - 1)/(8*sizeof(int)); i++) { + readnotnull |= (*(((int*)ReadEvent)+i) = *(((int*)StaticReadEvent)+i)) != 0; + writenotnull |= (*(((int*)WriteEvent)+i) = *(((int*)StaticWriteEvent)+i)) != 0; + } + +// /* just a verification code, needs to be removed for performance */ +// for (i=0; i<maxfd; i++) { +// if (FD_ISSET(i, ReadEvent) != FD_ISSET(i, StaticReadEvent)) +// abort(); +// if (FD_ISSET(i, WriteEvent) != FD_ISSET(i, StaticWriteEvent)) +// abort(); +// +// } + + status=select(maxfd, + readnotnull ? ReadEvent : NULL, + writenotnull ? WriteEvent : NULL, + NULL, + (next_time >= 0) ? &delta : NULL); + + tv_now(&now); + if (status > 0) { /* must proceed with events */ + + int fds; + char count; + + for (fds = 0; (fds << INTBITS) < maxfd; fds++) + if ((((int *)(ReadEvent))[fds] | ((int *)(WriteEvent))[fds]) != 0) + for (count = 1<<INTBITS, fd = fds << INTBITS; count && fd < maxfd; count--, fd++) { + + if (fdtab[fd].state == FD_STCLOSE) + continue; + + if (FD_ISSET(fd, WriteEvent)) + fdtab[fd].write(fd); + + if (FD_ISSET(fd, ReadEvent)) + fdtab[fd].read(fd); + } + } + else { + // fprintf(stderr,"select returned %d, maxfd=%d\n", status, maxfd); + } + + for (p = proxy; p; p = p->next) { + struct task *t, *tnext; + tnext = ((struct task *)LIST_HEAD(p->task))->next; + while ((t = tnext) != LIST_HEAD(p->task)) { /* we haven't looped ? */ + tnext = t->next; + + /* wakeup expired entries. It doesn't matter if they are + * already running because of a previous event + */ + if (tv_cmp2_ms(&t->expire, &now) <= 0) { + // fprintf(stderr,"WQ: expiring task %p : rq=%p\n", t, p->rq); + task_wakeup(p, t); + } + else { + // fprintf(stderr,"WQ: ignoring task %p : rq=%p\n", t, p->rq); + break; + } + } + + /* process each task in the run queue now. Each task may be deleted + * since we only use tnext. + */ + tnext = p->rq; + while ((t = tnext) != NULL) { + int fsm_resync = 0; + + tnext = t->rqnext; + task_sleep(p, t); + + do { + fsm_resync = 0; + //fprintf(stderr,"before_cli:cli=%d, srv=%d\n", t->cli_state, t->srv_state); + fsm_resync |= process_cli(t); + //fprintf(stderr,"cli/srv:cli=%d, srv=%d\n", t->cli_state, t->srv_state); + fsm_resync |= process_srv(t); + //fprintf(stderr,"after_srv:cli=%d, srv=%d\n", t->cli_state, t->srv_state); + } while (fsm_resync); + + // task_queue(LIST_HEAD(p->task), t); /* restore t to its place in the task list */ + // it has been moved to process_task which was more logical. + process_task(t); + } + } + } +} + + +#if STATTIME > 0 +/* + * Display proxy statistics regularly. It is designed to be called from the + * select_loop(). + */ +int stats(void) { + static int lines; + static struct timeval nextevt; + static struct timeval lastevt; + static struct timeval starttime = {0,0}; + unsigned long totaltime, deltatime; + int ret; + + if (tv_remain(&now, &nextevt) == 0) { + deltatime = (tv_delta(&now, &lastevt)?:1); + totaltime = (tv_delta(&now, &starttime)?:1); + + if (mode & MODE_STATS) { + if ((lines++ % 16 == 0) && !(mode & MODE_LOG)) + fprintf(stderr, + "\n active total tsknew tskgood tskleft tskrght tsknsch tsklsch tskrsch\n"); + if (lines>1) { + fprintf(stderr,"%07d %07d %07d %07d %07d %07d %07d %07d %07d\n", + actconn, totalconn, + stats_tsk_new, stats_tsk_good, + stats_tsk_left, stats_tsk_right, + stats_tsk_nsrch, stats_tsk_lsrch, stats_tsk_rsrch); + } + } + + tv_delayfrom(&nextevt, &now, STATTIME); + + lastevt=now; + } + ret = tv_remain(&now, &nextevt); + return ret; +} +#endif + + +/* + * this function enables proxies when there are enough free sessions, + * or stops them when the table is full. It is designed to be called from the + * select_loop(). + */ +static int maintain_proxies(void) { + struct proxy *p; + + p = proxy; + + if (stopping) { + while (p) { + if (p->state != PR_STDISABLED) { + if (stopping && (tv_remain(&now, &p->stop_time) == 0)) { + FD_CLR(p->listen_fd, StaticReadEvent); + close(p->listen_fd); + p->state = PR_STDISABLED; + listeners--; + } + } + p = p->next; + } + return -1; + } + + /* if there are enough free sessions, we'll activate proxies */ + if (actconn < cfg_maxconn) { + while (p) { + if (p->nbconn < p->maxconn) { + if (p->state == PR_STIDLE) { + FD_SET(p->listen_fd, StaticReadEvent); + p->state = PR_STRUN; + } + } + else { + if (p->state == PR_STRUN) { + FD_CLR(p->listen_fd, StaticReadEvent); + p->state = PR_STIDLE; + } + } + p = p->next; + } + } + else { /* block all proxies */ + while (p) { + if (p->state == PR_STRUN) { + FD_CLR(p->listen_fd, StaticReadEvent); + p->state = PR_STIDLE; + } + p = p->next; + } + } + + return -1; +} + +/* + * this function disables health-check servers so that the process will quickly be ignored + * by load balancers. + */ +static void soft_stop(void) { + struct proxy *p; + + stopping = 1; + p = proxy; + while (p) { + if (p->state != PR_STDISABLED) + tv_delayfrom(&p->stop_time, &now, p->grace); + p = p->next; + } +} + +/* + * upon SIGUSR1, let's have a soft stop. + */ +void sig_soft_stop(int sig) { + soft_stop(); + signal(sig, SIG_IGN); +} + + +void dump(int sig) { + struct proxy *p; + + for (p = proxy; p; p = p->next) { + struct task *t, *tnext; + tnext = ((struct task *)LIST_HEAD(p->task))->next; + while ((t = tnext) != LIST_HEAD(p->task)) { /* we haven't looped ? */ + tnext = t->next; + fprintf(stderr,"[dump] wq: task %p, still %ld ms, " + "cli=%d, srv=%d, cr=%d, cw=%d, sr=%d, sw=%d, " + "req=%d, rep=%d, clifd=%d\n", + t, tv_remain(&now, &t->expire), + t->cli_state, + t->srv_state, + FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent), + FD_ISSET(t->cli_fd, StaticWriteEvent), + FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticReadEvent), + FD_ISSET(t->srv_fd, StaticWriteEvent), + t->req->l, t->rep?t->rep->l:0, t->cli_fd + ); + } + } +} + +/* + * This function reads and parses the configuration file given in the argument. + * returns 0 if OK, -1 if error. + */ +int readcfgfile(char *file) { + char thisline[256]; + char *line; + FILE *f; + int linenum = 0; + char *cmd; + char *args[10]; + int arg; + int cfgerr = 0; + + struct proxy *curproxy = NULL; + struct server *newsrv = NULL; + + if ((f=fopen(file,"r")) == NULL) + return -1; + + while (fgets(line = thisline, sizeof(thisline), f) != NULL) { + linenum++; + /* skips leading spaces */ + while (isspace(*line)) + line++; + + /* cleans up line contents */ + cmd = line; + while (*cmd) { + if (*cmd == '#' || *cmd == ';' || *cmd == '\n' || *cmd == '\r') + *cmd = 0; /* end of string, end of loop */ + else + cmd++; + } + + if (*line == 0) + continue; + + /* fills args[0..9] with the line contents */ + for (arg=0; arg<9; arg++) { + int escaped = 0; + + args[arg] = line; + while (*line && (escaped || !isspace(*line))) { + if (!escaped) { + if (*line == '\\') + escaped = 1; + } + else + escaped = 0; + line++; + } + + if (*line) { + *(line++) = 0; + while (isspace(*line)) + line++; + } + } + + if (!strcmp(args[0], "listen")) { /* new proxy */ + if (strchr(args[2], ':') == NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <listen> expects <id> and <addr:port> as arguments.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + + if ((curproxy = (struct proxy *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct proxy))) + == NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : out of memory\n", file, linenum); + exit(1); + } + curproxy->next = proxy; + proxy = curproxy; + curproxy->id = strdup(args[1]); + curproxy->listen_addr = *str2sa(args[2]); + curproxy->state = PR_STNEW; + curproxy->task.prev = curproxy-> = LIST_HEAD(curproxy->task); + curproxy->rq = NULL; + /* set default values */ + curproxy->maxconn = cfg_maxpconn; + curproxy->conn_retries = CONN_RETRIES; + curproxy->conn_redisp = 0; + curproxy->clitimeout = curproxy->contimeout = curproxy->srvtimeout = 0; + curproxy->mode = PR_MODE_TCP; + curproxy->logfac1 = curproxy->logfac2 = -1; /* log disabled */ + continue; + } + else if (curproxy == NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <listen> expected.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + + if (!strcmp(args[0], "mode")) { /* sets the proxy mode */ + if (!strcmp(args[1], "http")) curproxy->mode = PR_MODE_HTTP; + else if (!strcmp(args[1], "tcp")) curproxy->mode = PR_MODE_TCP; + else if (!strcmp(args[1], "health")) curproxy->mode = PR_MODE_HEALTH; + else { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : unknown proxy mode <%s>.\n", file, linenum, args[1]); + return -1; + } + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "disabled")) { /* disables this proxy */ + curproxy->state = PR_STDISABLED; + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "cookie")) { /* cookie name */ + if (curproxy->cookie_name != NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : cookie name already specified. Continuing.\n", + file, linenum); + continue; + } + + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <cookie> expects <cookie_name> as argument.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->cookie_name = strdup(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "contimeout")) { /* connect timeout */ + if (curproxy->contimeout != 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : contimeout already specified. Continuing.\n", + file, linenum); + continue; + } + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <contimeout> expects an integer <time_in_ms> as argument.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->contimeout = atol(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "clitimeout")) { /* client timeout */ + if (curproxy->clitimeout != 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : clitimeout already specified. Continuing.\n", + file, linenum); + continue; + } + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <clitimeout> expects an integer <time_in_ms> as argument.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->clitimeout = atol(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "srvtimeout")) { /* server timeout */ + if (curproxy->srvtimeout != 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : srvtimeout already specified. Continuing.\n", + file, linenum); + continue; + } + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <srvtimeout> expects an integer <time_in_ms> as argument.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->srvtimeout = atol(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "retries")) { /* connection retries */ + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <retries> expects an integer argument (dispatch counts for one).\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->conn_retries = atol(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "redisp")) { /* enable reconnections to dispatch */ + curproxy->conn_redisp = 1; + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "maxconn")) { /* maxconn */ + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <maxconn> expects an integer argument.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->maxconn = atol(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "grace")) { /* grace time (ms) */ + if (*(args[1]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <grace> expects a time in milliseconds.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->grace = atol(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "dispatch")) { /* dispatch address */ + if (strchr(args[1], ':') == NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <dispatch> expects <addr:port> as argument.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + curproxy->dispatch_addr = *str2sa(args[1]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "server")) { /* server address */ + if (strchr(args[2], ':') == NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <server> expects <name> and <addr:port> as arguments.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + if ((newsrv = (struct server *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct server))) + == NULL) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : out of memory\n", file, linenum); + exit(1); + } + newsrv->next = curproxy->srv; + curproxy->srv = newsrv; + newsrv->id = strdup(args[1]); + newsrv->addr = *str2sa(args[2]); + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "log")) { /* syslog server address */ + struct sockaddr_in *sa; + int facility; + + if (*(args[1]) == 0 || *(args[2]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <log> expects <address> and <facility> as arguments.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + + for (facility = 0; facility < NB_LOG_FACILITIES; facility++) + if (!strcmp(log_facilities[facility], args[2])) + break; + + if (facility >= NB_LOG_FACILITIES) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : unknown log facility <%s>\n", file, linenum, args[2]); + exit(1); + } + + sa = str2sa(args[1]); + if (!sa->sin_port) + sa->sin_port = htons(SYSLOG_PORT); + + if (curproxy->logfac1 == -1) { + curproxy->logsrv1 = *sa; + curproxy->logfac1 = facility; + } + else if (curproxy->logfac2 == -1) { + curproxy->logsrv2 = *sa; + curproxy->logfac2 = facility; + } + else { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : too many syslog servers\n", file, linenum); + exit(1); + } + + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "cliexp")) { /* client regex */ + regex_t *preg; + if (curproxy->nb_cliexp >= MAX_REGEXP) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : too many client expressions. Continuing.\n", + file, linenum); + continue; + } + + if (*(args[1]) == 0 || *(args[2]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <cliexp> expects <search> and <replace> as arguments.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + + preg = calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t)); + if (regcomp(preg, args[1], REG_EXTENDED) != 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : bad regular expression <%s>.\n", file, linenum, args[1]); + return -1; + } + curproxy->cli_exp[curproxy->nb_cliexp].preg = preg; + curproxy->cli_exp[curproxy->nb_cliexp].replace = strdup(args[2]); + curproxy->nb_cliexp++; + } + else if (!strcmp(args[0], "srvexp")) { /* server regex */ + regex_t *preg; + if (curproxy->nb_srvexp >= MAX_REGEXP) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : too many server expressions. Continuing.\n", + file, linenum); + continue; + } + + if (*(args[1]) == 0 || *(args[2]) == 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : <srvexp> expects <search> and <replace> as arguments.\n", + file, linenum); + return -1; + } + + preg = calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t)); + if (regcomp(preg, args[1], REG_EXTENDED) != 0) { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : bad regular expression <%s>.\n", file, linenum, args[1]); + return -1; + } + // fprintf(stderr,"before=<%s> after=<%s>\n", args[1], args[2]); + curproxy->srv_exp[curproxy->nb_srvexp].preg = preg; + curproxy->srv_exp[curproxy->nb_srvexp].replace = strdup(args[2]); + curproxy->nb_srvexp++; + } + else { + Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : unknown keyword <%s>\n", file, linenum, args[0]); + exit(1); + } + } + fclose(f); + + /* + * Now, check for the integrity of all that we have collected. + */ + + if ((curproxy = proxy) == NULL) { + Alert("parsing %s : no <listen> line. Nothing to do !\n", + file); + return -1; + } + + while (curproxy != NULL) { + if (curproxy->mode == PR_MODE_TCP || curproxy->mode == PR_MODE_HEALTH) { /* TCP PROXY or HEALTH CHECK */ + if (curproxy->cookie_name != NULL) { + Warning("parsing %s : cookie will be ignored for listener %s.\n", + file, curproxy->id); + } + if ((newsrv = curproxy->srv) != NULL) { + Warning("parsing %s : servers will be ignored for listener %s.\n", + file, curproxy->id); + } + if (curproxy->nb_srvexp) { + Warning("parsing %s : server regular expressions will be ignored for listener %s.\n", + file, curproxy->id); + } + if (curproxy->nb_cliexp) { + Warning("parsing %s : client regular expressions will be ignored for listener %s.\n", + file, curproxy->id); + } + } + else if (curproxy->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) { /* HTTP PROXY */ + if ((curproxy->cookie_name != NULL) && ((newsrv = curproxy->srv) == NULL)) { + Alert("parsing %s : HTTP proxy %s has a cookie but no server list !\n", + file, curproxy->id); + cfgerr++; + } + else { + while (newsrv != NULL) { + /* nothing to check for now */ + newsrv = newsrv->next; + } + } + } + curproxy = curproxy->next; + } + if (cfgerr > 0) { + Alert("Errors found in configuration file, aborting.\n"); + return -1; + } + else + return 0; +} + + +/* + * This function initializes all the necessary variables. It only returns + * if everything is OK. If something fails, it exits. + */ +void init(int argc, char **argv) { + int i; + char *old_argv = *argv; + char *tmp; + + if (1<<INTBITS != sizeof(int)*8) { + fprintf(stderr, + "Error: wrong architecture. Recompile so that sizeof(int)=%d\n", + sizeof(int)*8); + exit(1); + } + + pid = getpid(); + progname = *argv; + while ((tmp = strchr(progname, '/')) != NULL) + progname = tmp + 1; + + argc--; argv++; + while (argc > 0) { + char *flag; + + if (**argv == '-') { + flag = *argv+1; + + /* 1 arg */ + if (*flag == 'v') { + display_version(); + exit(0); + } + else if (*flag == 'd') + mode |= MODE_DEBUG; + else if (*flag == 'D') + mode |= MODE_DAEMON; +#if STATTIME > 0 + else if (*flag == 's') + mode |= MODE_STATS; + else if (*flag == 'l') + mode |= MODE_LOG; +#endif + else { /* >=2 args */ + argv++; argc--; + if (argc == 0) + usage(old_argv); + + switch (*flag) { + case 'n' : cfg_maxconn = atol(*argv); break; + case 'N' : cfg_maxpconn = atol(*argv); break; + case 'f' : cfg_cfgfile = *argv; break; + default: usage(old_argv); + } + } + } + else + usage(old_argv); + argv++; argc--; + } + + cfg_maxsock = cfg_maxconn * 2; /* each connection needs two sockets */ + + if (!cfg_cfgfile) + usage(old_argv); + + gethostname(hostname, MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN); + + if (readcfgfile(cfg_cfgfile) < 0) { + Alert("Error reading configuration file : %s\n", cfg_cfgfile); + exit(1); + } + + ReadEvent = (fd_set *)calloc(1, + sizeof(fd_set) * + (cfg_maxsock + 3 + FD_SETSIZE - 1) / FD_SETSIZE); + WriteEvent = (fd_set *)calloc(1, + sizeof(fd_set) * + (cfg_maxsock + 3 + FD_SETSIZE - 1) / FD_SETSIZE); + StaticReadEvent = (fd_set *)calloc(1, + sizeof(fd_set) * + (cfg_maxsock + 3 + FD_SETSIZE - 1) / FD_SETSIZE); + StaticWriteEvent = (fd_set *)calloc(1, + sizeof(fd_set) * + (cfg_maxsock + 3 + FD_SETSIZE - 1) / FD_SETSIZE); + + fdtab = (struct fdtab *)calloc(1, + sizeof(struct fdtab) * (cfg_maxsock + 3)); + for (i = 0; i < cfg_maxsock + 3; i++) { + fdtab[i].state = FD_STCLOSE; + } +} + +/* + * this function starts all the proxies. It returns 0 if OK, -1 if not. + */ +int start_proxies() { + struct proxy *curproxy; + int one = 1; + int fd; + + for (curproxy = proxy; curproxy != NULL; curproxy = curproxy->next) { + + if (curproxy->state == PR_STDISABLED) + continue; + + if ((fd = curproxy->listen_fd = + socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) { + Alert("cannot create listening socket for proxy %s. Aborting.\n", + curproxy->id); + return -1; + } + + if ((fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) || + (setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, + (char *) &one, sizeof(one)) == -1)) { + Alert("cannot make socket non-blocking for proxy %s. Aborting.\n", + curproxy->id); + close(fd); + return -1; + } + + if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &one, sizeof(one)) == -1) { + Alert("cannot do so_reuseaddr for proxy %s. Continuing.\n", + curproxy->id); + } + + if (bind(fd, + (struct sockaddr *)&curproxy->listen_addr, + sizeof(curproxy->listen_addr)) == -1) { + Alert("cannot bind socket for proxy %s. Aborting.\n", + curproxy->id); + close(fd); + return -1; + } + + if (listen(fd, curproxy->maxconn) == -1) { + Alert("cannot listen to socket for proxy %s. Aborting.\n", + curproxy->id); + close(fd); + return -1; + } + + /* the function for the accept() event */ + fdtab[fd].read = &event_accept; + fdtab[fd].write = NULL; /* never called */ + fdtab[fd].owner = (struct task *)curproxy; /* reference the proxy */ + curproxy->state = PR_STRUN; + fdtab[fd].state = FD_STLISTEN; + FD_SET(fd, StaticReadEvent); + fd_insert(fd); + listeners++; +// fprintf(stderr,"Proxy %s : socket bound.\n", curproxy->id); + } + return 0; +} + + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + init(argc, argv); + + if (mode & MODE_DAEMON) { + int ret; + + ret = fork(); + + if (ret > 0) + exit(0); /* parent must leave */ + else if (ret < 0) { + Alert("[%s.main()] Cannot fork\n", argv[0]); + exit(1); /* there has been an error */ + } + + /* detach from the tty */ + close(0); close(1); close(2); + setpgid(1, 0); + } + + signal(SIGQUIT, dump); + signal(SIGUSR1, sig_soft_stop); + + /* on very high loads, a sigpipe sometimes happen just between the + * getsockopt() which tells "it's OK to write", and the following write :-( + */ + //20011216//signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); + + if (start_proxies() < 0) + exit(1); + + select_loop(); + + exit(0); +} diff --git a/tests/test.c b/tests/test.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45957121b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/test.c @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +main() { + write(1, "HTTP", 4); + write(1, "/1.0", 4); + write(1, " 200", 4); + write(1, " OK\r\n", 5); + write(1, "TOTO: 1\r\n", 9); + write(1, "Hdr2: 2\r\n", 9); + write(1, "Hdr3:", 5); + write(1, " 2\r\n", 4); + write(1, "\r\n\r\n", 4); + write(1, "DATA\r\n", 6); +} +