mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 20:08:44 +00:00
Removed the `LastSeen` property of MirrorPeerSite struct as it is not being set/updated anywhere by the ceph API. Fixes: #870 Signed-off-by: Nikhil-Ladha <nikhilladha1999@gmail.com>
257 lines
7.0 KiB
257 lines
7.0 KiB
//go:build !nautilus && ceph_preview
// +build !nautilus,ceph_preview
package rbd
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lrbd
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <rbd/librbd.h>
import "C"
import (
// AddMirrorPeerSite adds a peer site to the list of existing sites
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_add(rados_ioctx_t p, char *uuid, size_t uuid_max_length,
// rbd_mirror_peer_direction_t direction,
// const char *site_name,
// const char *client_name);
func AddMirrorPeerSite(ioctx *rados.IOContext, siteName string, clientName string,
direction MirrorPeerDirection) (string, error) {
var (
err error
buf []byte
cSize C.size_t
cSiteName := C.CString(siteName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cSiteName))
cClientName := C.CString(clientName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cClientName))
retry.WithSizes(512, 1<<16, func(size int) retry.Hint {
cSize = C.size_t(size)
buf = make([]byte, cSize)
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_add(
cSize, C.rbd_mirror_peer_direction_t(direction),
cSiteName, cClientName)
err = getError(ret)
return retry.Size(int(cSize)).If(err != nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(bytes.Trim(buf[:cSize], "\x00")), nil
// RemoveMirrorPeerSite removes the site with the provided uuid
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_remove(rados_ioctx_t p, const char *uuid)
func RemoveMirrorPeerSite(ioctx *rados.IOContext, uuid string) error {
cUUID := C.CString(uuid)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUUID))
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_remove(cephIoctx(ioctx), cUUID)
return getError(ret)
// GetAttributesMirrorPeerSite fetches the list of key,value pair of attributes of a peer site
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_get_attributes(rados_ioctx_t p, const char *uuid, char *keys,
// size_t *max_key_len, char *values, size_t *max_val_len,
// size_t *key_value_count);
func GetAttributesMirrorPeerSite(ioctx *rados.IOContext, uuid string) (map[string]string, error) {
var (
err error
keys []byte
vals []byte
keySize C.size_t
valSize C.size_t
count = C.size_t(0)
cUUID := C.CString(uuid)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUUID))
retry.WithSizes(1024, 1<<16, func(size int) retry.Hint {
keySize = C.size_t(size)
valSize = C.size_t(size)
keys = make([]byte, keySize)
vals = make([]byte, valSize)
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_get_attributes(
cephIoctx(ioctx), cUUID, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&keys[0])),
&keySize, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&vals[0])), &valSize,
err = getErrorIfNegative(ret)
return retry.Size(int(keySize)).If(err == errRange)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keyList := cutil.SplitBuffer(keys[:keySize])
valList := cutil.SplitBuffer(vals[:valSize])
attributes := map[string]string{}
for i := 0; i < int(len(keyList)); i++ {
attributes[keyList[i]] = valList[i]
return attributes, nil
// SetAttributesMirrorPeerSite sets the attributes for the site with the given uuid
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_attributes(rados_ioctx_t p, const char *uuid,
// const char *keys, const char *values,
// size_t count) ;
func SetAttributesMirrorPeerSite(ioctx *rados.IOContext, uuid string, attributes map[string]string) error {
cUUID := C.CString(uuid)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUUID))
var (
key string
val string
count = C.size_t(len(attributes))
for k, v := range attributes {
key += k + "\000"
val += v + "\000"
cKey := C.CString(key)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cKey))
cVal := C.CString(val)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cVal))
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_attributes(cephIoctx(ioctx), cUUID, cKey, cVal, count)
return getError(ret)
// MirrorPeerSite is go equivalent of rbd_mirror_peer_site_t struct and contains information
// about a mirroring peer site. Here, we are ignoring the "last_seen" as this property is redundant
// and not updated in the ceph API. Related Ceph issue: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/59581
type MirrorPeerSite struct {
UUID string
Direction MirrorPeerDirection
SiteName string
MirrorUUID string
ClientName string
// ListMirrorPeerSite returns the list of peer sites
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_list(rados_ioctx_t p, rbd_mirror_peer_site_t *peers, int *max_peers)
func ListMirrorPeerSite(ioctx *rados.IOContext) ([]*MirrorPeerSite, error) {
var mps []*MirrorPeerSite
cMaxPeers := C.int(10)
var cSites []C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_t
for {
cSites = make([]C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_t, cMaxPeers)
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_list(cephIoctx(ioctx), &cSites[0], &cMaxPeers)
err := getError(ret)
if err == errRange {
// There are too many peer sites to fit in the list, and the number of peer sites has been
// returned in cMaxPeers. Try again with the returned value.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ret == 0
defer C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_list_cleanup(&cSites[0], cMaxPeers)
cSites = cSites[:cMaxPeers]
for _, cSite := range cSites {
mps = append(mps, &MirrorPeerSite{
UUID: C.GoString(cSite.uuid),
Direction: MirrorPeerDirection(cSite.direction),
SiteName: C.GoString(cSite.site_name),
MirrorUUID: C.GoString(cSite.mirror_uuid),
ClientName: C.GoString(cSite.client_name),
return mps, nil
// SetMirrorPeerSiteClientName sets the client name for a mirror peer site
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_client_name(rados_ioctx_t p, const char *uuid,
// const char *client_name);
func SetMirrorPeerSiteClientName(ioctx *rados.IOContext, uuid string, clientName string) error {
cUUID := C.CString(uuid)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUUID))
cClientName := C.CString(clientName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cClientName))
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_client_name(cephIoctx(ioctx), cUUID, cClientName)
return getError(ret)
// SetMirrorPeerSiteDirection sets the direction of a mirror peer site
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_direction(rados_ioctx_t p, const char *uuid,
// rbd_mirror_peer_direction_t direction);
func SetMirrorPeerSiteDirection(ioctx *rados.IOContext, uuid string, direction MirrorPeerDirection) error {
cUUID := C.CString(uuid)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUUID))
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_direction(cephIoctx(ioctx), cUUID,
return getError(ret)
// SetMirrorPeerSiteName sets the name of a mirror peer site
// Implements:
// int rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_name(rados_ioctx_t p, const char *uuid,
// const char *site_name);
func SetMirrorPeerSiteName(ioctx *rados.IOContext, uuid string, siteName string) error {
cUUID := C.CString(uuid)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cUUID))
cSiteName := C.CString(siteName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cSiteName))
ret := C.rbd_mirror_peer_site_set_name(cephIoctx(ioctx), cUUID, cSiteName)
return getError(ret)