# go-ceph - Go bindings for Ceph APIs [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ceph/go-ceph.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/ceph/go-ceph) [![Godoc](http://img.shields.io/badge/godoc-reference-blue.svg?style=flat)](https://godoc.org/github.com/ceph/go-ceph) [![license](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-red.svg?style=flat)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/go-ceph/master/LICENSE) ## Installation go get github.com/ceph/go-ceph The native RADOS library and development headers are expected to be installed. On debian systems (apt): ```sh libcephfs-dev librbd-dev librados-dev ``` On rpm based systems (dnf, yum, etc): ```sh libcephfs-devel librbd-devel librados-devel ``` ## Documentation Detailed documentation is available at . ### Connecting to a cluster Connect to a Ceph cluster using a configuration file located in the default search paths. ```go conn, _ := rados.NewConn() conn.ReadDefaultConfigFile() conn.Connect() ``` A connection can be shutdown by calling the `Shutdown` method on the connection object (e.g. `conn.Shutdown()`). There are also other methods for configuring the connection. Specific configuration options can be set: ```go conn.SetConfigOption("log_file", "/dev/null") ``` and command line options can also be used using the `ParseCmdLineArgs` method. ```go args := []string{ "--mon-host", "" } err := conn.ParseCmdLineArgs(args) ``` For other configuration options see the full documentation. ### Object I/O Object in RADOS can be written to and read from with through an interface very similar to a standard file I/O interface: ```go // open a pool handle ioctx, err := conn.OpenIOContext("mypool") // write some data bytesIn := []byte("input data") err = ioctx.Write("obj", bytesIn, 0) // read the data back out bytesOut := make([]byte, len(bytesIn)) _, err := ioctx.Read("obj", bytesOut, 0) if !bytes.Equal(bytesIn, bytesOut) { fmt.Println("Output is not input!") } ``` ### Pool maintenance The list of pools in a cluster can be retreived using the `ListPools` method on the connection object. On a new cluster the following code snippet: ```go pools, _ := conn.ListPools() fmt.Println(pools) ``` will produce the output `[data metadata rbd]`, along with any other pools that might exist in your cluster. Pools can also be created and destroyed. The following creates a new, empty pool with default settings. ```go conn.MakePool("new_pool") ``` Deleting a pool is also easy. Call `DeletePool(name string)` on a connection object to delete a pool with the given name. The following will delete the pool named `new_pool` and remove all of the pool's data. ```go conn.DeletePool("new_pool") ``` # Development ``` docker run --rm -it --net=host \ --device /dev/fuse --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \ -v ${PWD}:/go/src/github.com/ceph/go-ceph:z \ -v /home/nwatkins/src/ceph/build:/home/nwatkins/src/ceph/build:z \ -e CEPH_CONF=/home/nwatkins/src/ceph/build/ceph.conf \ ceph-golang ``` Run against a `vstart.sh` cluster without installing Ceph: ``` export CGO_CPPFLAGS="-I/ceph/src/include" export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/ceph/build/lib" go build ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome & greatly appreciated, every little bit helps. Make code changes via Github pull requests: - Fork the repo and create a topic branch for every feature/fix. Avoid making changes directly on master branch. - All incoming features should be accompanied with tests. - Make sure that you run `go fmt` before submitting a change set. Alternatively the Makefile has a flag for this, so you can call `make fmt` as well. - The integration tests can be run in a docker container, for this run: ``` make test-docker ```