ignoreGeneratedHeader = false severity = "error" confidence = 0.8 errorCode = 1 warningCode = 0 [directive.specify-disable-reason] [rule.blank-imports] [rule.context-as-argument] [rule.context-keys-type] [rule.dot-imports] [rule.error-return] [rule.error-strings] [rule.error-naming] [rule.exported] [rule.if-return] [rule.increment-decrement] [rule.var-naming] arguments = [["ID", "UID"]] [rule.var-declaration] # We need to disable the package-comments check because we check all the .go # files in the repo individually. This appears to confuse the new # pacakge-comments implementation as it works correctly with ./... or ./a/b/c # but not ./a/b/c/*.go. We need the latter input style as we have files with # build tags we want to check, as well as multiple modules, within the repo. [rule.package-comments] disabled = true [rule.range] [rule.receiver-naming] [rule.time-naming] [rule.unexported-return] [rule.indent-error-flow] [rule.errorf] [rule.empty-block] [rule.superfluous-else] [rule.unused-parameter] [rule.unreachable-code] [rule.redefines-builtin-id] [rule.atomic] [rule.bool-literal-in-expr] [rule.constant-logical-expr] [rule.unnecessary-stmt] [rule.unused-receiver] [rule.modifies-parameter] [rule.modifies-value-receiver] [rule.range-val-in-closure] [rule.waitgroup-by-value] [rule.duplicated-imports] [rule.struct-tag] [rule.import-shadowing] [rule.argument-limit] arguments = [7] [rule.function-result-limit] arguments = [3] [rule.unhandled-error] # functions to ignore unhandled errors on arguments = ["fmt.Printf", "fmt.Println"]