--- pull_request_rules: - name: remove outdated approvals conditions: - base=master actions: dismiss_reviews: approved: true changes_requested: false - name: automatic merge conditions: - label!=do-not-merge - label!=extended-review - base=master - "#approved-reviews-by>=2" - "#changes-requested-reviews-by=0" - status-success=check - status-success=dpulls # each test should be listed separately, do not use regular expressions: # https://docs.mergify.io/conditions.html#validating-all-status-check - status-success=test-suite (nautilus) - status-success=test-suite (octopus) - status-success=test-suite (pacific) actions: merge: method: rebase rebase_fallback: merge strict: smart strict_method: rebase dismiss_reviews: {} delete_head_branch: {} - name: ask to resolve conflict conditions: - conflict actions: comment: message: "This pull request now has conflicts with the target branch. Could you please resolve conflicts and force push the corrected changes? 🙏"