ARG ARG CEPH_TAG=v16 FROM ${CEPH_IMG}:${CEPH_TAG} # A CEPH_VERSION env var is already set in the base image. # We save our build arg as GO_CEPH_VERSION and later ensure that # the values agree to ensure we're building what we meant to build. ARG GO_CEPH_VERSION ENV GO_CEPH_VERSION=${GO_CEPH_VERSION:-$CEPH_VERSION} RUN true && \ echo "Check: [ ${CEPH_VERSION} = ${GO_CEPH_VERSION} ]" && \ [ "${CEPH_VERSION}" = "${GO_CEPH_VERSION}" ] && \ yum update -y && \ cv="$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{version}-%{release}' ceph-common)" && \ yum install -y \ git wget curl make \ /usr/bin/cc /usr/bin/c++ \ "libcephfs-devel-${cv}" "librados-devel-${cv}" "librbd-devel-${cv}" && \ yum clean all && \ true ARG GO_VERSION=1.19.5 ENV GO_VERSION=${GO_VERSION} ARG GOARCH ENV GOARCH=${GOARCH} ARG GOPROXY ENV GOPROXY=${GOPROXY} RUN true && \ gotar=go${GO_VERSION}.linux-${GOARCH}.tar.gz && \ gourl="${gotar}" && \ curl -o /tmp/${gotar} "${gourl}" && \ tar -x -C /opt/ -f /tmp/${gotar} && \ rm -f /tmp/${gotar} && \ true ENV PATH="${PATH}:/opt/go/bin" ENV GOROOT=/opt/go ENV GO111MODULE=on ENV GOPATH /go ENV GODEBUG=cgocheck=2 ENV GOCACHE=/go/cache WORKDIR /go/src/ VOLUME /go/src/ COPY / COPY / ENTRYPOINT ["/"]