*gitsigns.txt* Gitsigns *gitsigns.nvim* Author: Lewis Russell Version: v0.9.0 Homepage: License: MIT license ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *gitsigns* Gitsigns is a plugin for Neovim that provides integration with Git via a feature set which includes (but not limited to): • Provides signs in the |signcolumn| to show changed/added/removed lines. • Mappings to operate on hunks to stage, undo or reset against Git's index. Gitsigns is implemented entirely in Lua which is built into Neovim and requires no external dependencies other than git. This is unlike other plugins that require python, node, etc, which need to communicate with Neovim using |RPC|. By default, Gitsigns also uses Neovim's built-in diff library (`vim.diff`) unlike other similar plugins that need to run `git-diff` as an external process which is less efficient, has tighter bottlenecks and requires file IO. ============================================================================== USAGE *gitsigns-usage* For basic setup with all batteries included: >lua require('gitsigns').setup() < Configuration can be passed to the setup function. Here is an example with most of the default settings: >lua require('gitsigns').setup { signs = { add = { text = '┃' }, change = { text = '┃' }, delete = { text = '_' }, topdelete = { text = '‾' }, changedelete = { text = '~' }, untracked = { text = '┆' }, }, signs_staged = { add = { text = '┃' }, change = { text = '┃' }, delete = { text = '_' }, topdelete = { text = '‾' }, changedelete = { text = '~' }, untracked = { text = '┆' }, }, signs_staged_enable = true, signcolumn = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_signs` numhl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_numhl` linehl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_linehl` word_diff = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_word_diff` watch_gitdir = { follow_files = true }, auto_attach = true, attach_to_untracked = false, current_line_blame = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame` current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text = true, virt_text_pos = 'eol', -- 'eol' | 'overlay' | 'right_align' delay = 1000, ignore_whitespace = false, virt_text_priority = 100, use_focus = true, }, current_line_blame_formatter = ', - ', sign_priority = 6, update_debounce = 100, status_formatter = nil, -- Use default max_file_length = 40000, -- Disable if file is longer than this (in lines) preview_config = { -- Options passed to nvim_open_win border = 'single', style = 'minimal', relative = 'cursor', row = 0, col = 1 }, } < ============================================================================== MAPPINGS *gitsigns-mappings* Custom mappings can be defined in the `on_attach` callback in the config table passed to |gitsigns-setup()|. See |gitsigns-config-on_attach|. Most actions can be repeated with `.` if you have |vim-repeat| installed. ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *gitsigns-functions* Note functions with the {async} attribute are run asynchronously and accept an optional {callback} argument. setup({cfg}) *gitsigns.setup()* Setup and start Gitsigns. Parameters: ~ {cfg} (table|nil): Configuration for Gitsigns. See |gitsigns-usage| for more details. attach({bufnr}, {ctx}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.attach()* Attach Gitsigns to the buffer. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {bufnr} (integer): Buffer number {ctx} (table|nil): Git context data that may optionally be used to attach to any buffer that represents a real git object. • {file}: (string) Path to the file represented by the buffer, relative to the top-level. • {toplevel}: (string?) Path to the top-level of the parent git repository. • {gitdir}: (string?) Path to the git directory of the parent git repository (typically the ".git/" directory). • {commit}: (string?) The git revision that the file belongs to. • {base}: (string?) The git revision that the file should be compared to. detach({bufnr}) *gitsigns.detach()* Detach Gitsigns from the buffer {bufnr}. If {bufnr} is not provided then the current buffer is used. Parameters: ~ {bufnr} (integer): Buffer number detach_all() *gitsigns.detach_all()* Detach Gitsigns from all buffers it is attached to. refresh() *gitsigns.refresh()* Refresh all buffers. Attributes: ~ {async} get_actions() *gitsigns.get_actions()* Get all the available line specific actions for the current buffer at the cursor position. Returns: ~ (table|nil): Dictionary of action name to function which when called performs action. setloclist({nr}, {target}) *gitsigns.setloclist()* Populate the location list with hunks. Automatically opens the location list window. Alias for: `setqflist({target}, { use_location_list = true, nr = {nr} }` Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {nr?} (integer): Window number or the |window-ID|. `0` for the current window (default). {target} (integer|string): See |gitsigns.setqflist()|. setqflist({target}, {opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.setqflist()* Populate the quickfix list with hunks. Automatically opens the quickfix window. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {target} (integer|string): Specifies which files hunks are collected from. Possible values. • [integer]: The buffer with the matching buffer number. `0` for current buffer (default). • `"attached"`: All attached buffers. • `"all"`: All modified files for each git directory of all attached buffers in addition to the current working directory. {opts} (table|nil): Additional options: • {use_location_list}: (boolean) Populate the location list instead of the quickfix list. Default to `false`. • {nr}: (integer) Window number or ID when using location list. Expand folds when navigating to a hunk which is inside a fold. Defaults to `0`. • {open}: (boolean) Open the quickfix/location list viewer. Defaults to `true`. show({revision}, {callback}) *gitsigns.show()* Show revision {base} of the current file, if it is given, or with the currently set base (index by default). If {base} is the index, then the opened buffer is editable and any written changes will update the index accordingly. Examples: >vim " View the index version of the file :Gitsigns show " View revision of file in the last commit :Gitsigns show ~1 < For a more complete list of ways to specify bases, see |gitsigns-revision|. Attributes: ~ {async} diffthis({base}, {opts}) *gitsigns.diffthis()* Perform a |vimdiff| on the given file with {base} if it is given, or with the currently set base (index by default). If {base} is the index, then the opened buffer is editable and any written changes will update the index accordingly. Examples: >vim " Diff against the index :Gitsigns diffthis " Diff against the last commit :Gitsigns diffthis ~1 < For a more complete list of ways to specify bases, see |gitsigns-revision|. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {base} (string|nil): Revision to diff against. Defaults to index. {opts} (table|nil): Additional options: • {vertical}: {boolean}. Split window vertically. Defaults to config.diff_opts.vertical. If running via command line, then this is taken from the command modifiers. • {split}: {string}. One of: 'aboveleft', 'belowright', 'botright', 'rightbelow', 'leftabove', 'topleft'. Defaults to 'aboveleft'. If running via command line, then this is taken from the command modifiers. reset_base({global}) *gitsigns.reset_base()* Reset the base revision to diff against back to the index. Alias for `change_base(nil, {global})` . change_base({base}, {global}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.change_base()* Change the base revision to diff against. If {base} is not given, then the original base is used. If {global} is given and true, then change the base revision of all buffers, including any new buffers. Attributes: ~ {async} Examples: >vim " Change base to 1 commit behind head :lua require('gitsigns').change_base('HEAD~1') " Also works using the Gitsigns command :Gitsigns change_base HEAD~1 " Other variations :Gitsigns change_base ~1 :Gitsigns change_base ~ :Gitsigns change_base ^ " Commits work too :Gitsigns change_base 92eb3dd " Revert to original base :Gitsigns change_base < For a more complete list of ways to specify bases, see |gitsigns-revision|. Parameters: ~ {base} (string|nil): The object/revision to diff against. {global} (boolean|nil): Change the base of all buffers. blame({callback?}) *gitsigns.blame()* Run git-blame on the current file and open the results in a scroll-bound vertical split. Mappings: is mapped to open a menu with the other mappings Note: must be held to activate the mappings whilst the menu is open. s [Show commit] in a vertical split. S [Show commit] in a new tab. r [Reblame at commit] Attributes: ~ {async} blame_line({opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.blame_line()* Run git blame on the current line and show the results in a floating window. If already open, calling this will cause the window to get focus. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {opts} (table|nil): Additional options: • {full}: (boolean) Display full commit message with hunk. • {ignore_whitespace}: (boolean) Ignore whitespace when running blame. • {extra_opts}: (string[]) Extra options passed to `git-blame`. get_hunks({bufnr}) *gitsigns.get_hunks()* Get hunk array for specified buffer. Parameters: ~ {bufnr} (integer): Buffer number, if not provided (or 0) will use current buffer. Returns: ~ (table|nil): Array of hunk objects. Each hunk object has keys: • `"type"`: String with possible values: "add", "change", "delete" • `"head"`: Header that appears in the unified diff output. • `"lines"`: Line contents of the hunks prefixed with either `"-"` or `"+"`. • `"removed"`: Sub-table with fields: • `"start"`: Line number (1-based) • `"count"`: Line count • `"added"`: Sub-table with fields: • `"start"`: Line number (1-based) • `"count"`: Line count select_hunk() *gitsigns.select_hunk()* Select the hunk under the cursor. preview_hunk_inline() *gitsigns.preview_hunk_inline()* Preview the hunk at the cursor position inline in the buffer. preview_hunk() *gitsigns.preview_hunk()* Preview the hunk at the cursor position in a floating window. If the preview is already open, calling this will cause the window to get focus. prev_hunk({opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.prev_hunk()* DEPRECATED: use |gitsigns.nav_hunk()| Jump to the previous hunk in the current buffer. If a hunk preview (popup or inline) was previously opened, it will be re-opened at the previous hunk. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ See |gitsigns.nav_hunk()|. next_hunk({opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.next_hunk()* DEPRECATED: use |gitsigns.nav_hunk()| Jump to the next hunk in the current buffer. If a hunk preview (popup or inline) was previously opened, it will be re-opened at the next hunk. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ See |gitsigns.nav_hunk()|. nav_hunk({direction}, {opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.nav_hunk()* Jump to hunk in the current buffer. If a hunk preview (popup or inline) was previously opened, it will be re-opened at the next hunk. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {direction} ('first'|'last'|'next'|'prev'): {opts} (table|nil): Configuration table. Keys: • {wrap}: (boolean) Whether to loop around file or not. Defaults to the value 'wrapscan' • {navigation_message}: (boolean) Whether to show navigation messages or not. Looks at 'shortmess' for default behaviour. • {foldopen}: (boolean) Expand folds when navigating to a hunk which is inside a fold. Defaults to `true` if 'foldopen' contains `search`. • {preview}: (boolean) Automatically open preview_hunk() upon navigating to a hunk. • {greedy}: (boolean) Only navigate between non-contiguous hunks. Only useful if 'diff_opts' contains `linematch`. Defaults to `true`. • {target}: (`'unstaged'|'staged'|'all'`) Which kinds of hunks to target. Defaults to `'unstaged'`. • {count}: (integer) Number of times to advance. Defaults to |v:count1|. reset_buffer_index() *gitsigns.reset_buffer_index()* Unstage all hunks for current buffer in the index. Note: Unlike |gitsigns.undo_stage_hunk()| this doesn't simply undo stages, this runs an `git reset` on current buffers file. Attributes: ~ {async} stage_buffer() *gitsigns.stage_buffer()* Stage all hunks in current buffer. Attributes: ~ {async} undo_stage_hunk() *gitsigns.undo_stage_hunk()* Undo the last call of stage_hunk(). Note: only the calls to stage_hunk() performed in the current session can be undone. Attributes: ~ {async} reset_buffer() *gitsigns.reset_buffer()* Reset the lines of all hunks in the buffer. reset_hunk({range}, {opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.reset_hunk()* Reset the lines of the hunk at the cursor position, or all lines in the given range. If {range} is provided, all lines in the given range are reset. This supports partial-hunks, meaning if a range only includes a portion of a particular hunk, only the lines within the range will be reset. Parameters: ~ {range} (table|nil): List-like table of two integers making up the line range from which you want to reset the hunks. If running via command line, then this is taken from the command modifiers. {opts} (table|nil): Additional options: • {greedy}: (boolean) Stage all contiguous hunks. Only useful if 'diff_opts' contains `linematch`. Defaults to `true`. stage_hunk({range}, {opts}, {callback?}) *gitsigns.stage_hunk()* Stage the hunk at the cursor position, or all lines in the given range. If {range} is provided, all lines in the given range are staged. This supports partial-hunks, meaning if a range only includes a portion of a particular hunk, only the lines within the range will be staged. Attributes: ~ {async} Parameters: ~ {range} (table|nil): List-like table of two integers making up the line range from which you want to stage the hunks. If running via command line, then this is taken from the command modifiers. {opts} (table|nil): Additional options: • {greedy}: (boolean) Stage all contiguous hunks. Only useful if 'diff_opts' contains `linematch`. Defaults to `true`. toggle_deleted({value}) *gitsigns.toggle_deleted()* Toggle |gitsigns-config-show_deleted| Parameters: ~ {value} (boolean|nil): Value to set toggle. If `nil` the toggle value is inverted. Returns: ~ (boolean): Current value of |gitsigns-config-show_deleted| toggle_current_line_blame({value}) *gitsigns.toggle_current_line_blame()* Toggle |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame| Parameters: ~ {value} (boolean|nil): Value to set toggle. If `nil` the toggle value is inverted. Returns: ~ (boolean): Current value of |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame| toggle_word_diff({value}) *gitsigns.toggle_word_diff()* Toggle |gitsigns-config-word_diff| Parameters: ~ {value} (boolean|nil): Value to set toggle. If `nil` the toggle value is inverted. Returns: ~ (boolean): Current value of |gitsigns-config-word_diff| toggle_linehl({value}) *gitsigns.toggle_linehl()* Toggle |gitsigns-config-linehl| Parameters: ~ {value} (boolean|nil): Value to set toggle. If `nil` the toggle value is inverted. Returns: ~ (boolean): Current value of |gitsigns-config-linehl| toggle_numhl({value}) *gitsigns.toggle_numhl()* Toggle |gitsigns-config-numhl| Parameters: ~ {value} (boolean|nil): Value to set toggle. If `nil` the toggle value is inverted. Returns: ~ (boolean): Current value of |gitsigns-config-numhl| toggle_signs({value}) *gitsigns.toggle_signs()* Toggle |gitsigns-config-signbooleancolumn| Parameters: ~ {value} (boolean|nil): Value to set toggle. If `nil` the toggle value is inverted. Returns: ~ (boolean): Current value of |gitsigns-config-signcolumn| ============================================================================== CONFIGURATION *gitsigns-config* This section describes the configuration fields which can be passed to |gitsigns.setup()|. Note fields of type `table` may be marked with extended meaning the field is merged with the default, with the user value given higher precedence. This allows only specific sub-fields to be configured without having to redefine the whole field. signs *gitsigns-config-signs* Type: `table[extended]` Default: > { add = { text = '┃' }, change = { text = '┃' }, delete = { text = '▁' }, topdelete = { text = '▔' }, changedelete = { text = '~' }, untracked = { text = '┆' }, } < Configuration for signs: • `text` specifies the character to use for the sign. • `show_count` to enable showing count of hunk, e.g. number of deleted lines. The highlights `GitSigns[kind][type]` is used for each kind of sign. E.g. 'add' signs uses the highlights: • `GitSignsAdd` (for normal text signs) • `GitSignsAddNr` (for signs when `config.numhl == true`) • `GitSignsAddLn `(for signs when `config.linehl == true`) • `GitSignsAddCul `(for signs when `config.culhl == true`) See |gitsigns-highlight-groups|. signs_staged *gitsigns-config-signs_staged* Type: `table[extended]` Default: > { add = { text = '┃' }, change = { text = '┃' }, delete = { text = '▁' }, topdelete = { text = '▔' }, changedelete = { text = '~' }, } < Configuration for signs of staged hunks. See |gitsigns-config-signs|. signs_staged_enable *gitsigns-config-signs_staged_enable* Type: `boolean`, Default: `true` Show signs for staged hunks. When enabled the signs defined in |git-config-signs_staged|` are used. worktrees *gitsigns-config-worktrees* Type: `table`, Default: `nil` Detached working trees. Array of tables with the keys `gitdir` and `toplevel`. If normal attaching fails, then each entry in the table is attempted with the work tree details set. Example: >lua worktrees = { { toplevel = vim.env.HOME, gitdir = vim.env.HOME .. '/projects/dotfiles/.git' } } on_attach *gitsigns-config-on_attach* Type: `function`, Default: `nil` Callback called when attaching to a buffer. Mainly used to setup keymaps. The buffer number is passed as the first argument. This callback can return `false` to prevent attaching to the buffer. Example: >lua on_attach = function(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr):match() then -- Don't attach to specific buffers whose name matches a pattern return false end -- Setup keymaps vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'hs', 'lua require"gitsigns".stage_hunk()', {}) ... -- More keymaps end < watch_gitdir *gitsigns-config-watch_gitdir* Type: `table[extended]` Default: > `{ enable = true, follow_files = true }` < When opening a file, a libuv watcher is placed on the respective `.git` directory to detect when changes happen to use as a trigger to update signs. Fields: ~ • `enable`: Whether the watcher is enabled. • `follow_files`: If a file is moved with `git mv`, switch the buffer to the new location. sign_priority *gitsigns-config-sign_priority* Type: `number`, Default: `6` Priority to use for signs. signcolumn *gitsigns-config-signcolumn* Type: `boolean`, Default: `true` Enable/disable symbols in the sign column. When enabled the highlights defined in `signs.*.hl` and symbols defined in `signs.*.text` are used. numhl *gitsigns-config-numhl* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Enable/disable line number highlights. When enabled the highlights defined in `signs.*.numhl` are used. If the highlight group does not exist, then it is automatically defined and linked to the corresponding highlight group in `signs.*.hl`. linehl *gitsigns-config-linehl* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Enable/disable line highlights. When enabled the highlights defined in `signs.*.linehl` are used. If the highlight group does not exist, then it is automatically defined and linked to the corresponding highlight group in `signs.*.hl`. culhl *gitsigns-config-culhl* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Enable/disable highlights for the sign column when the cursor is on the same line. When enabled the highlights defined in `signs.*.culhl` are used. If the highlight group does not exist, then it is automatically defined and linked to the corresponding highlight group in `signs.*.hl`. show_deleted *gitsigns-config-show_deleted* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Show the old version of hunks inline in the buffer (via virtual lines). Note: Virtual lines currently use the highlight `GitSignsDeleteVirtLn`. diff_opts *gitsigns-config-diff_opts* Type: `table[extended]`, Default: derived from 'diffopt' Diff options. If the default value is used, then changes to 'diffopt' are automatically applied. Fields: ~ • algorithm: string Diff algorithm to use. Values: • "myers" the default algorithm • "minimal" spend extra time to generate the smallest possible diff • "patience" patience diff algorithm • "histogram" histogram diff algorithm • internal: boolean Use Neovim's built in xdiff library for running diffs. • indent_heuristic: boolean Use the indent heuristic for the internal diff library. • vertical: boolean Start diff mode with vertical splits. • linematch: integer Enable second-stage diff on hunks to align lines. Requires `internal=true`. • ignore_blank_lines: boolean Ignore changes where lines are blank. • ignore_whitespace_change: boolean Ignore changes in amount of white space. It should ignore adding trailing white space, but not leading white space. • ignore_whitespace: boolean Ignore all white space changes. • ignore_whitespace_change_at_eol: boolean Ignore white space changes at end of line. base *gitsigns-config-base* Type: `string`, Default: index The object/revision to diff against. See |gitsigns-revision|. count_chars *gitsigns-config-count_chars* Type: `table` Default: > `{ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ["+"] = ">" }` < The count characters used when `signs.*.show_count` is enabled. The `+` entry is used as a fallback. With the default, any count outside of 1-9 uses the `>` character in the sign. Possible use cases for this field: • to specify unicode characters for the counts instead of 1-9. • to define characters to be used for counts greater than 9. status_formatter *gitsigns-config-status_formatter* Type: `function` Default: > function(status) local added, changed, removed = status.added, status.changed, status.removed local status_txt = {} if added and added > 0 then table.insert(status_txt, '+'..added ) end if changed and changed > 0 then table.insert(status_txt, '~'..changed) end if removed and removed > 0 then table.insert(status_txt, '-'..removed) end return table.concat(status_txt, ' ') end < Function used to format `b:gitsigns_status`. max_file_length *gitsigns-config-max_file_length* Type: `number`, Default: `40000` Max file length (in lines) to attach to. preview_config *gitsigns-config-preview_config* Type: `table[extended]` Default: > `{ border = "single", col = 1, relative = "cursor", row = 0, style = "minimal" }` < Option overrides for the Gitsigns preview window. Table is passed directly to `nvim_open_win`. auto_attach *gitsigns-config-auto_attach* Type: `boolean`, Default: `true` Automatically attach to files. attach_to_untracked *gitsigns-config-attach_to_untracked* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Attach to untracked files. update_debounce *gitsigns-config-update_debounce* Type: `number`, Default: `100` Debounce time for updates (in milliseconds). current_line_blame *gitsigns-config-current_line_blame* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Adds an unobtrusive and customisable blame annotation at the end of the current line. The highlight group used for the text is `GitSignsCurrentLineBlame`. current_line_blame_opts *gitsigns-config-current_line_blame_opts* Type: `table[extended]` Default: > `{ delay = 1000, use_focus = true, virt_text = true, virt_text_pos = "eol", virt_text_priority = 100 }` < Options for the current line blame annotation. Fields: ~ • virt_text: boolean Whether to show a virtual text blame annotation. • virt_text_pos: string Blame annotation position. Available values: `eol` Right after eol character. `overlay` Display over the specified column, without shifting the underlying text. `right_align` Display right aligned in the window. • delay: integer Sets the delay (in milliseconds) before blame virtual text is displayed. • ignore_whitespace: boolean Ignore whitespace when running blame. • virt_text_priority: integer Priority of virtual text. • use_focus: boolean Enable only when buffer is in focus • extra_opts: string[] Extra options passed to `git-blame`. current_line_blame_formatter *gitsigns-config-current_line_blame_formatter* Type: `string|function`, Default: `" , - "` String or function used to format the virtual text of |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame|. When a string, accepts the following format specifiers: • `` • `` • `` • `` • `` • `` or `` • `` • `` • `` • `` or `` • `` • `` • `` • `` For `` and ``, `FORMAT` can be any valid date format that is accepted by `os.date()` with the addition of `%R` (defaults to `%Y-%m-%d`): • `%a` abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Wed) • `%A` full weekday name (e.g., Wednesday) • `%b` abbreviated month name (e.g., Sep) • `%B` full month name (e.g., September) • `%c` date and time (e.g., 09/16/98 23:48:10) • `%d` day of the month (16) [01-31] • `%H` hour, using a 24-hour clock (23) [00-23] • `%I` hour, using a 12-hour clock (11) [01-12] • `%M` minute (48) [00-59] • `%m` month (09) [01-12] • `%p` either "am" or "pm" (pm) • `%S` second (10) [00-61] • `%w` weekday (3) [0-6 = Sunday-Saturday] • `%x` date (e.g., 09/16/98) • `%X` time (e.g., 23:48:10) • `%Y` full year (1998) • `%y` two-digit year (98) [00-99] • `%%` the character `%´ • `%R` relative (e.g., 4 months ago) When a function: Parameters: ~ {name} Git user name returned from `git config user.name` . {blame_info} Table with the following keys: • `abbrev_sha`: string • `orig_lnum`: integer • `final_lnum`: integer • `author`: string • `author_mail`: string • `author_time`: integer • `author_tz`: string • `committer`: string • `committer_mail`: string • `committer_time`: integer • `committer_tz`: string • `summary`: string • `previous`: string • `filename`: string • `boundary`: true? Note that the keys map onto the output of: `git blame --line-porcelain` Return: ~ The result of this function is passed directly to the `opts.virt_text` field of |nvim_buf_set_extmark| and thus must be a list of [text, highlight] tuples. current_line_blame_formatter_nc *gitsigns-config-current_line_blame_formatter_nc* Type: `string|function`, Default: `" "` String or function used to format the virtual text of |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame| for lines that aren't committed. See |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame_formatter| for more information. trouble *gitsigns-config-trouble* Type: `boolean`, Default: true if installed When using setqflist() or setloclist(), open Trouble instead of the quickfix/location list window. word_diff *gitsigns-config-word_diff* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Highlight intra-line word differences in the buffer. Requires `config.diff_opts.internal = true` . Uses the highlights: • For word diff in previews: • `GitSignsAddInline` • `GitSignsChangeInline` • `GitSignsDeleteInline` • For word diff in buffer: • `GitSignsAddLnInline` • `GitSignsChangeLnInline` • `GitSignsDeleteLnInline` • For word diff in virtual lines (e.g. show_deleted): • `GitSignsAddVirtLnInline` • `GitSignsChangeVirtLnInline` • `GitSignsDeleteVirtLnInline` debug_mode *gitsigns-config-debug_mode* Type: `boolean`, Default: `false` Enables debug logging and makes the following functions available: `dump_cache`, `debug_messages`, `clear_debug`. ============================================================================== HIGHLIGHT GROUPS *gitsigns-highlight-groups* These are the highlights groups used by Gitsigns. Note if a highlight is not defined, it will be automatically derived by searching for other defined highlights in order. *hl-GitSignsAdd* GitSignsAdd Used for the text of 'add' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterAdd`, `SignifySignAdd`, `DiffAddedGutter`, `Added`, `DiffAdd` *hl-GitSignsChange* GitSignsChange Used for the text of 'change' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterChange`, `SignifySignChange`, `DiffModifiedGutter`, `Changed`, `DiffChange` *hl-GitSignsDelete* GitSignsDelete Used for the text of 'delete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterDelete`, `SignifySignDelete`, `DiffRemovedGutter`, `Removed`, `DiffDelete` *hl-GitSignsChangedelete* GitSignsChangedelete Used for the text of 'changedelete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsChange` *hl-GitSignsTopdelete* GitSignsTopdelete Used for the text of 'topdelete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDelete` *hl-GitSignsUntracked* GitSignsUntracked Used for the text of 'untracked' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsAdd` *hl-GitSignsAddNr* GitSignsAddNr Used for number column (when `config.numhl == true`) of 'add' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterAddLineNr`, `GitSignsAdd` *hl-GitSignsChangeNr* GitSignsChangeNr Used for number column (when `config.numhl == true`) of 'change' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterChangeLineNr`, `GitSignsChange` *hl-GitSignsDeleteNr* GitSignsDeleteNr Used for number column (when `config.numhl == true`) of 'delete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterDeleteLineNr`, `GitSignsDelete` *hl-GitSignsChangedeleteNr* GitSignsChangedeleteNr Used for number column (when `config.numhl == true`) of 'changedelete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsChangeNr` *hl-GitSignsTopdeleteNr* GitSignsTopdeleteNr Used for number column (when `config.numhl == true`) of 'topdelete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDeleteNr` *hl-GitSignsUntrackedNr* GitSignsUntrackedNr Used for number column (when `config.numhl == true`) of 'untracked' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsAddNr` *hl-GitSignsAddLn* GitSignsAddLn Used for buffer line (when `config.linehl == true`) of 'add' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterAddLine`, `SignifyLineAdd`, `DiffAdd` *hl-GitSignsChangeLn* GitSignsChangeLn Used for buffer line (when `config.linehl == true`) of 'change' signs. Fallbacks: `GitGutterChangeLine`, `SignifyLineChange`, `DiffChange` *hl-GitSignsChangedeleteLn* GitSignsChangedeleteLn Used for buffer line (when `config.linehl == true`) of 'changedelete' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsChangeLn` *hl-GitSignsUntrackedLn* GitSignsUntrackedLn Used for buffer line (when `config.linehl == true`) of 'untracked' signs. Fallbacks: `GitSignsAddLn` *hl-GitSignsAddCul* GitSignsAddCul Used for the text of 'add' signs when the cursor is on the same line as the sign. Fallbacks: `GitSignsAdd` *hl-GitSignsChangeCul* GitSignsChangeCul Used for the text of 'change' signs when the cursor is on the same line as the sign. Fallbacks: `GitSignsChange` *hl-GitSignsDeleteCul* GitSignsDeleteCul Used for the text of 'delete' signs when the cursor is on the same line as the sign. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDelete` *hl-GitSignsChangedeleteCul* GitSignsChangedeleteCul Used for the text of 'changedelete' signs when the cursor is on the same line as the sign. Fallbacks: `GitSignsChangeCul` *hl-GitSignsTopdeleteCul* GitSignsTopdeleteCul Used for the text of 'topdelete' signs when the cursor is on the same line as the sign. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDeleteCul` *hl-GitSignsUntrackedCul* GitSignsUntrackedCul Used for the text of 'untracked' signs when the cursor is on the same line as the sign. Fallbacks: `GitSignsAddCul` *hl-GitSignsAddPreview* GitSignsAddPreview Used for added lines in previews. Fallbacks: `GitGutterAddLine`, `SignifyLineAdd`, `DiffAdd` *hl-GitSignsDeletePreview* GitSignsDeletePreview Used for deleted lines in previews. Fallbacks: `GitGutterDeleteLine`, `SignifyLineDelete`, `DiffDelete` *hl-GitSignsCurrentLineBlame* GitSignsCurrentLineBlame Used for current line blame. Fallbacks: `NonText` *hl-GitSignsAddInline* GitSignsAddInline Used for added word diff regions in inline previews. Fallbacks: `TermCursor` *hl-GitSignsDeleteInline* GitSignsDeleteInline Used for deleted word diff regions in inline previews. Fallbacks: `TermCursor` *hl-GitSignsChangeInline* GitSignsChangeInline Used for changed word diff regions in inline previews. Fallbacks: `TermCursor` *hl-GitSignsAddLnInline* GitSignsAddLnInline Used for added word diff regions when `config.word_diff == true`. Fallbacks: `GitSignsAddInline` *hl-GitSignsChangeLnInline* GitSignsChangeLnInline Used for changed word diff regions when `config.word_diff == true`. Fallbacks: `GitSignsChangeInline` *hl-GitSignsDeleteLnInline* GitSignsDeleteLnInline Used for deleted word diff regions when `config.word_diff == true`. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDeleteInline` *hl-GitSignsDeleteVirtLn* GitSignsDeleteVirtLn Used for deleted lines shown by inline `preview_hunk_inline()` or `show_deleted()`. Fallbacks: `GitGutterDeleteLine`, `SignifyLineDelete`, `DiffDelete` *hl-GitSignsDeleteVirtLnInLine* GitSignsDeleteVirtLnInLine Used for word diff regions in lines shown by inline `preview_hunk_inline()` or `show_deleted()`. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDeleteLnInline` *hl-GitSignsVirtLnum* GitSignsVirtLnum Used for line numbers in inline hunks previews. Fallbacks: `GitSignsDeleteVirtLn` ============================================================================== COMMAND *gitsigns-command* *:Gitsigns* :Gitsigns {subcmd} {args} Run a Gitsigns command. {subcmd} can be any function documented in |gitsigns-functions|. Each argument in {args} will be attempted to be parsed as a Lua value using `loadstring`, however if this fails the argument will remain as the string given by ||. Note this command is equivalent to: >vim :lua require('gitsigns').{subcmd}({args}) < Examples: >vim :Gitsigns diffthis HEAD~1 :Gitsigns blame_line :Gitsigns toggle_signs :Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame :Gitsigns change_base ~ :Gitsigns reset_buffer :Gitsigns change_base nil true < ============================================================================== SPECIFYING OBJECTS *gitsigns-object* *gitsigns-revision* Gitsigns objects are Git revisions as defined in the "SPECIFYING REVISIONS" section in the gitrevisions(7) man page. For commands that accept an optional base, the default is the file in the index. Examples: Additionally, Gitsigns also accepts the value `FILE` to specify the working version of a file. Object Meaning ~ @ Version of file in the commit referenced by @ aka HEAD main Version of file in the commit referenced by main main^ Version of file in the parent of the commit referenced by main main~ " main~1 " main...other Version of file in the merge base of main and other @^ Version of file in the parent of HEAD @~2 Version of file in the grandparent of HEAD 92eb3dd Version of file in the commit 92eb3dd :1 The file's common ancestor during a conflict :2 The alternate file in the target branch during a conflict ============================================================================== STATUSLINE *gitsigns-statusline* *b:gitsigns_status* *b:gitsigns_status_dict* The buffer variables `b:gitsigns_status` and `b:gitsigns_status_dict` are provided. `b:gitsigns_status` is formatted using `config.status_formatter` . `b:gitsigns_status_dict` is a dictionary with the keys: • `added` - Number of added lines. • `changed` - Number of changed lines. • `removed` - Number of removed lines. • `head` - Name of current HEAD (branch or short commit hash). • `root` - Top level directory of the working tree. • `gitdir` - .git directory. Example: >vim set statusline+=%{get(b:,'gitsigns_status','')} < *b:gitsigns_head* *g:gitsigns_head* Use `g:gitsigns_head` and `b:gitsigns_head` to return the name of the current HEAD (usually branch name). If the current HEAD is detached then this will be a short commit hash. `g:gitsigns_head` returns the current HEAD for the current working directory, whereas `b:gitsigns_head` returns the current HEAD for each buffer. *b:gitsigns_blame_line* *b:gitsigns_blame_line_dict* Provided if |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame| is enabled. `b:gitsigns_blame_line` if formatted using `config.current_line_blame_formatter`. `b:gitsigns_blame_line_dict` is a dictionary containing of the blame object for the current line. For complete list of keys, see the {blame_info} argument from |gitsigns-config-current_line_blame_formatter|. ============================================================================== TEXT OBJECTS *gitsigns-textobject* Since text objects are defined via keymaps, these are exposed and configurable via the config, see |gitsigns-config-keymaps|. The lua implementation is exposed through |gitsigns.select_hunk()|. ============================================================================== EVENTS *gitsigns-events* |User| |autocommands| provided to allow extending behaviors. Example: >lua vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', { pattern = 'GitSignsUpdate', callback = function(args) print(os.time(), ' Gitsigns made an update on ', args.data.buffer) end }) < *User_GitSignsUpdate* GitSignsUpdate After Gitsigns updates its knowledge about hunks. Provides `bufnr` in the autocmd user data. *User_GitSignsChanged* GitSignsChanged After any event in which Gitsigns can potentially change the repository. Provides `file` in the autocmd user data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: