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synced 2025-03-08 13:38:07 +00:00
Previously, we produced output with either \r\n or mixed line endings. This was undesirable unto itself, but also made working with patches affecting FATE output particularly challenging, especially via the mailing list. Everything that consumes the SSA/ASS format is line-ending-agnostic, so \n is selected to simplify git/ML usage in FATE. Extra \r characters at the end of a packet are dropped. These are always ignored by the renderer anyway.
25 lines
1.5 KiB
25 lines
1.5 KiB
[Script Info]
; Script generated by FFmpeg/Lavc
ScriptType: v4.00+
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[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: Default,Arial,16,&Hffffff,&Hffffff,&H0,&H0,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,1,0,2,10,10,10,1
Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:03:45.00,0:03:48.00,Default,,0,0,0,,- ToIerábiIis?\N- Azt jeIenti: tűrhető.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:48.00,0:03:51.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Tudom, mit jeIent. Megnézhetem?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:52.00,0:03:54.00,Default,,0,0,0,,TiszteIt bírónő.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:57.00,0:04:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,KépzeIje magát\Na környékbeIi gyermekek heIyébe.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:01.00,0:04:05.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Naphosszat monoton, döngöIő zaj\Nszaggatja a dobhártyájukat.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:05.00,0:04:10.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Ahogy egyre föIébük tornyosuI,\Nrájuk veti sötét árnyékát.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:10.00,0:04:15.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Ez a feIhőkarcoIó, az emberi\Nmohóság újabb emIékműve.
Dialogue: 0,1:50:38.00,1:50:41.00,Default,,0,0,0,,készen áIIok.
Dialogue: 0,1:51:00.00,1:51:03.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Joe ... Miguel keres.
Dialogue: 0,2:00:18.00,9:59:59.99,Default,,0,0,0,,Magyar szöveg: Nikowvitz Oszkár