/* * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_2_APIS #include <string.h> #include "config.h" #include "avassert.h" #include "avstring.h" #include "common.h" #include "hwcontext.h" #include "hwcontext_internal.h" #include "hwcontext_opencl.h" #include "mem.h" #include "pixdesc.h" #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_BEIGNET #include <unistd.h> #include <va/va.h> #include <va/va_drmcommon.h> #include <CL/cl_intel.h> #include "hwcontext_vaapi.h" #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET #include <unistd.h> #include <CL/cl_intel.h> #include "hwcontext_drm.h" #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA #if CONFIG_LIBMFX #include <mfx/mfxstructures.h> #endif #include <va/va.h> #include <CL/cl_va_api_media_sharing_intel.h> #include "hwcontext_vaapi.h" #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 #define COBJMACROS #include <CL/cl_dx9_media_sharing.h> #include <dxva2api.h> #include "hwcontext_dxva2.h" #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 #include <CL/cl_d3d11.h> #include "hwcontext_d3d11va.h" #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM #include <CL/cl_ext.h> #include <drm_fourcc.h> #include "hwcontext_drm.h" #endif typedef struct OpenCLDeviceContext { // Default command queue to use for transfer/mapping operations on // the device. If the user supplies one, this is a reference to it. // Otherwise, it is newly-created. cl_command_queue command_queue; // The platform the context exists on. This is needed to query and // retrieve extension functions. cl_platform_id platform_id; // Platform/device-specific functions. #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET int beignet_drm_mapping_usable; clCreateImageFromFdINTEL_fn clCreateImageFromFdINTEL; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA int qsv_mapping_usable; clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL_fn clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL; clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL_fn clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL; clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL_fn clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 int dxva2_mapping_usable; cl_dx9_media_adapter_type_khr dx9_media_adapter_type; clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR_fn clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR; clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR_fn clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR; clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR_fn clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 int d3d11_mapping_usable; clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR_fn clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR; clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR_fn clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR; clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR_fn clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM int drm_arm_mapping_usable; #endif } OpenCLDeviceContext; typedef struct OpenCLFramesContext { // Command queue used for transfer/mapping operations on this frames // context. If the user supplies one, this is a reference to it. // Otherwise, it is a reference to the default command queue for the // device. cl_command_queue command_queue; #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 || HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 // For mapping APIs which have separate creation and acquire/release // steps, this stores the OpenCL memory objects corresponding to each // frame. int nb_mapped_frames; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *mapped_frames; #endif } OpenCLFramesContext; static void CL_CALLBACK opencl_error_callback(const char *errinfo, const void *private_info, size_t cb, void *user_data) { AVHWDeviceContext *ctx = user_data; av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "OpenCL error: %s\n", errinfo); } static void opencl_device_free(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = hwdev->hwctx; cl_int cle; cle = clReleaseContext(hwctx->context); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release OpenCL " "context: %d.\n", cle); } } static struct { const char *key; cl_platform_info name; } opencl_platform_params[] = { { "platform_profile", CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE }, { "platform_version", CL_PLATFORM_VERSION }, { "platform_name", CL_PLATFORM_NAME }, { "platform_vendor", CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR }, { "platform_extensions", CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS }, }; static struct { const char *key; cl_device_info name; } opencl_device_params[] = { { "device_name", CL_DEVICE_NAME }, { "device_vendor", CL_DEVICE_VENDOR }, { "driver_version", CL_DRIVER_VERSION }, { "device_version", CL_DEVICE_VERSION }, { "device_profile", CL_DEVICE_PROFILE }, { "device_extensions", CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS }, }; static struct { const char *key; cl_device_type type; } opencl_device_types[] = { { "cpu", CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU }, { "gpu", CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU }, { "accelerator", CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR }, { "custom", CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CUSTOM }, { "default", CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT }, { "all", CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL }, }; static char *opencl_get_platform_string(cl_platform_id platform_id, cl_platform_info key) { char *str; size_t size; cl_int cle; cle = clGetPlatformInfo(platform_id, key, 0, NULL, &size); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) return NULL; str = av_malloc(size); if (!str) return NULL; cle = clGetPlatformInfo(platform_id, key, size, str, &size); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_free(str); return NULL; } av_assert0(strlen(str) + 1 == size); return str; } static char *opencl_get_device_string(cl_device_id device_id, cl_device_info key) { char *str; size_t size; cl_int cle; cle = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, key, 0, NULL, &size); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) return NULL; str = av_malloc(size); if (!str) return NULL; cle = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, key, size, str, &size); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_free(str); return NULL; } av_assert0(strlen(str) + 1== size); return str; } static int opencl_check_platform_extension(cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *name) { char *str; int found = 0; str = opencl_get_platform_string(platform_id, CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS); if (str && strstr(str, name)) found = 1; av_free(str); return found; } static int opencl_check_device_extension(cl_device_id device_id, const char *name) { char *str; int found = 0; str = opencl_get_device_string(device_id, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS); if (str && strstr(str, name)) found = 1; av_free(str); return found; } static av_unused int opencl_check_extension(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, const char *name) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = hwdev->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *priv = hwdev->internal->priv; if (opencl_check_platform_extension(priv->platform_id, name)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%s found as platform extension.\n", name); return 1; } if (opencl_check_device_extension(hwctx->device_id, name)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%s found as device extension.\n", name); return 1; } return 0; } static int opencl_enumerate_platforms(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_uint *nb_platforms, cl_platform_id **platforms, void *context) { cl_int cle; cle = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, nb_platforms); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get number of " "OpenCL platforms: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(ENODEV); } av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%u OpenCL platforms found.\n", *nb_platforms); *platforms = av_malloc_array(*nb_platforms, sizeof(**platforms)); if (!*platforms) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); cle = clGetPlatformIDs(*nb_platforms, *platforms, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get list of OpenCL " "platforms: %d.\n", cle); av_freep(platforms); return AVERROR(ENODEV); } return 0; } static int opencl_filter_platform(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, void *context) { AVDictionary *opts = context; const AVDictionaryEntry *param; char *str; int i, ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(opencl_platform_params); i++) { param = av_dict_get(opts, opencl_platform_params[i].key, NULL, 0); if (!param) continue; str = opencl_get_platform_string(platform_id, opencl_platform_params[i].name); if (!str) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query %s " "of platform \"%s\".\n", opencl_platform_params[i].key, platform_name); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } if (!av_stristr(str, param->value)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%s does not match (\"%s\").\n", param->key, str); ret = 1; } av_free(str); } return ret; } static int opencl_enumerate_devices(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, cl_uint *nb_devices, cl_device_id **devices, void *context) { cl_int cle; cle = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, NULL, nb_devices); if (cle == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "No devices found " "on platform \"%s\".\n", platform_name); *nb_devices = 0; return 0; } else if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get number of devices " "on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); return AVERROR(ENODEV); } av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%u OpenCL devices found on " "platform \"%s\".\n", *nb_devices, platform_name); *devices = av_malloc_array(*nb_devices, sizeof(**devices)); if (!*devices) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); cle = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, *nb_devices, *devices, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get list of devices " "on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); av_freep(devices); return AVERROR(ENODEV); } return 0; } static int opencl_filter_device(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_device_id device_id, const char *device_name, void *context) { AVDictionary *opts = context; const AVDictionaryEntry *param; char *str; int i, ret = 0; param = av_dict_get(opts, "device_type", NULL, 0); if (param) { cl_device_type match_type = 0, device_type; cl_int cle; for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(opencl_device_types); i++) { if (!strcmp(opencl_device_types[i].key, param->value)) { match_type = opencl_device_types[i].type; break; } } if (!match_type) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown device type %s.\n", param->value); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } cle = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof(device_type), &device_type, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query device type " "of device \"%s\".\n", device_name); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } if (!(device_type & match_type)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "device_type does not match.\n"); return 1; } } for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(opencl_device_params); i++) { param = av_dict_get(opts, opencl_device_params[i].key, NULL, 0); if (!param) continue; str = opencl_get_device_string(device_id, opencl_device_params[i].name); if (!str) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query %s " "of device \"%s\".\n", opencl_device_params[i].key, device_name); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } if (!av_stristr(str, param->value)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%s does not match (\"%s\").\n", param->key, str); ret = 1; } av_free(str); } return ret; } typedef struct OpenCLDeviceSelector { int platform_index; int device_index; void *context; int (*enumerate_platforms)(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_uint *nb_platforms, cl_platform_id **platforms, void *context); int (*filter_platform) (AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, void *context); int (*enumerate_devices) (AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, cl_uint *nb_devices, cl_device_id **devices, void *context); int (*filter_device) (AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_device_id device_id, const char *device_name, void *context); } OpenCLDeviceSelector; static int opencl_device_create_internal(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, const OpenCLDeviceSelector *selector, cl_context_properties *props) { cl_uint nb_platforms; cl_platform_id *platforms = NULL; cl_platform_id platform_id; cl_uint nb_devices; cl_device_id *devices = NULL; AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = hwdev->hwctx; cl_int cle; cl_context_properties default_props[3]; char *platform_name_src = NULL, *device_name_src = NULL; int err, found, p, d; av_assert0(selector->enumerate_platforms && selector->enumerate_devices); err = selector->enumerate_platforms(hwdev, &nb_platforms, &platforms, selector->context); if (err) return err; found = 0; for (p = 0; p < nb_platforms; p++) { const char *platform_name; if (selector->platform_index >= 0 && selector->platform_index != p) continue; av_freep(&platform_name_src); platform_name_src = opencl_get_platform_string(platforms[p], CL_PLATFORM_NAME); if (platform_name_src) platform_name = platform_name_src; else platform_name = "Unknown Platform"; if (selector->filter_platform) { err = selector->filter_platform(hwdev, platforms[p], platform_name, selector->context); if (err < 0) goto fail; if (err > 0) continue; } err = selector->enumerate_devices(hwdev, platforms[p], platform_name, &nb_devices, &devices, selector->context); if (err < 0) continue; for (d = 0; d < nb_devices; d++) { const char *device_name; if (selector->device_index >= 0 && selector->device_index != d) continue; av_freep(&device_name_src); device_name_src = opencl_get_device_string(devices[d], CL_DEVICE_NAME); if (device_name_src) device_name = device_name_src; else device_name = "Unknown Device"; if (selector->filter_device) { err = selector->filter_device(hwdev, devices[d], device_name, selector->context); if (err < 0) goto fail; if (err > 0) continue; } av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "%d.%d: %s / %s\n", p, d, platform_name, device_name); ++found; platform_id = platforms[p]; hwctx->device_id = devices[d]; } av_freep(&devices); } if (found == 0) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No matching devices found.\n"); err = AVERROR(ENODEV); goto fail; } if (found > 1) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "More than one matching device found.\n"); err = AVERROR(ENODEV); goto fail; } if (!props) { props = default_props; default_props[0] = CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM; default_props[1] = (intptr_t)platform_id; default_props[2] = 0; } else { if (props[0] == CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM && props[1] == 0) props[1] = (intptr_t)platform_id; } hwctx->context = clCreateContext(props, 1, &hwctx->device_id, &opencl_error_callback, hwdev, &cle); if (!hwctx->context) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create OpenCL context: " "%d.\n", cle); err = AVERROR(ENODEV); goto fail; } hwdev->free = &opencl_device_free; err = 0; fail: av_freep(&platform_name_src); av_freep(&device_name_src); av_freep(&platforms); av_freep(&devices); return err; } static int opencl_device_create(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, const char *device, AVDictionary *opts, int flags) { OpenCLDeviceSelector selector = { .context = opts, .enumerate_platforms = &opencl_enumerate_platforms, .filter_platform = &opencl_filter_platform, .enumerate_devices = &opencl_enumerate_devices, .filter_device = &opencl_filter_device, }; if (device && device[0]) { // Match one or both indices for platform and device. int d = -1, p = -1, ret; if (device[0] == '.') ret = sscanf(device, ".%d", &d); else ret = sscanf(device, "%d.%d", &p, &d); if (ret < 1) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid OpenCL platform/device " "index specification \"%s\".\n", device); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } selector.platform_index = p; selector.device_index = d; } else { selector.platform_index = -1; selector.device_index = -1; } return opencl_device_create_internal(hwdev, &selector, NULL); } static int opencl_device_init(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = hwdev->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *priv = hwdev->internal->priv; cl_int cle; if (hwctx->command_queue) { cle = clRetainCommandQueue(hwctx->command_queue); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to retain external " "command queue: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(EIO); } priv->command_queue = hwctx->command_queue; } else { priv->command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(hwctx->context, hwctx->device_id, 0, &cle); if (!priv->command_queue) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create internal " "command queue: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(EIO); } } cle = clGetDeviceInfo(hwctx->device_id, CL_DEVICE_PLATFORM, sizeof(priv->platform_id), &priv->platform_id, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to determine the OpenCL " "platform containing the device.\n"); return AVERROR(EIO); } #define CL_FUNC(name, desc) do { \ if (fail) \ break; \ priv->name = clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform( \ priv->platform_id, #name); \ if (!priv->name) { \ av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, \ desc " function not found (%s).\n", #name); \ fail = 1; \ } else { \ av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, \ desc " function found (%s).\n", #name); \ } \ } while (0) #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET { int fail = 0; CL_FUNC(clCreateImageFromFdINTEL, "Beignet DRM to OpenCL image mapping"); if (fail) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Beignet DRM to OpenCL " "mapping not usable.\n"); priv->beignet_drm_mapping_usable = 0; } else { priv->beignet_drm_mapping_usable = 1; } } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA { size_t props_size; cl_context_properties *props = NULL; VADisplay va_display; const char *va_ext = "cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing"; int i, fail = 0; if (!opencl_check_extension(hwdev, va_ext)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "The %s extension is " "required for QSV to OpenCL mapping.\n", va_ext); goto no_qsv; } cle = clGetContextInfo(hwctx->context, CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, 0, NULL, &props_size); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Failed to get context " "properties: %d.\n", cle); goto no_qsv; } if (props_size == 0) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Media sharing must be " "enabled on context creation to use QSV to " "OpenCL mapping.\n"); goto no_qsv; } props = av_malloc(props_size); if (!props) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); cle = clGetContextInfo(hwctx->context, CL_CONTEXT_PROPERTIES, props_size, props, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Failed to get context " "properties: %d.\n", cle); goto no_qsv; } va_display = NULL; for (i = 0; i < (props_size / sizeof(*props) - 1); i++) { if (props[i] == CL_CONTEXT_VA_API_DISPLAY_INTEL) { va_display = (VADisplay)(intptr_t)props[i+1]; break; } } if (!va_display) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Media sharing must be " "enabled on context creation to use QSV to " "OpenCL mapping.\n"); goto no_qsv; } if (!vaDisplayIsValid(va_display)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "A valid VADisplay is " "required on context creation to use QSV to " "OpenCL mapping.\n"); goto no_qsv; } CL_FUNC(clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL, "Intel QSV to OpenCL mapping"); CL_FUNC(clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL, "Intel QSV in OpenCL acquire"); CL_FUNC(clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL, "Intel QSV in OpenCL release"); if (fail) { no_qsv: av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_WARNING, "QSV to OpenCL mapping " "not usable.\n"); priv->qsv_mapping_usable = 0; } else { priv->qsv_mapping_usable = 1; } av_free(props); } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 { int fail = 0; CL_FUNC(clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR, "DXVA2 to OpenCL mapping"); CL_FUNC(clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR, "DXVA2 in OpenCL acquire"); CL_FUNC(clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR, "DXVA2 in OpenCL release"); if (fail) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_WARNING, "DXVA2 to OpenCL mapping " "not usable.\n"); priv->dxva2_mapping_usable = 0; } else { priv->dx9_media_adapter_type = CL_ADAPTER_D3D9EX_KHR; priv->dxva2_mapping_usable = 1; } } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 { const char *d3d11_ext = "cl_khr_d3d11_sharing"; const char *nv12_ext = "cl_intel_d3d11_nv12_media_sharing"; int fail = 0; if (!opencl_check_extension(hwdev, d3d11_ext)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "The %s extension is " "required for D3D11 to OpenCL mapping.\n", d3d11_ext); fail = 1; } else if (!opencl_check_extension(hwdev, nv12_ext)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "The %s extension may be " "required for D3D11 to OpenCL mapping.\n", nv12_ext); // Not fatal. } CL_FUNC(clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR, "D3D11 to OpenCL mapping"); CL_FUNC(clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR, "D3D11 in OpenCL acquire"); CL_FUNC(clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR, "D3D11 in OpenCL release"); if (fail) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_WARNING, "D3D11 to OpenCL mapping " "not usable.\n"); priv->d3d11_mapping_usable = 0; } else { priv->d3d11_mapping_usable = 1; } } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM { const char *drm_arm_ext = "cl_arm_import_memory"; const char *image_ext = "cl_khr_image2d_from_buffer"; int fail = 0; if (!opencl_check_extension(hwdev, drm_arm_ext)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "The %s extension is " "required for DRM to OpenCL mapping on ARM.\n", drm_arm_ext); fail = 1; } if (!opencl_check_extension(hwdev, image_ext)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "The %s extension is " "required for DRM to OpenCL mapping on ARM.\n", image_ext); fail = 1; } // clImportMemoryARM() is linked statically. if (fail) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_WARNING, "DRM to OpenCL mapping on ARM " "not usable.\n"); priv->drm_arm_mapping_usable = 0; } else { priv->drm_arm_mapping_usable = 1; } } #endif #undef CL_FUNC return 0; } static void opencl_device_uninit(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev) { OpenCLDeviceContext *priv = hwdev->internal->priv; cl_int cle; if (priv->command_queue) { cle = clReleaseCommandQueue(priv->command_queue); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release internal " "command queue reference: %d.\n", cle); } priv->command_queue = NULL; } } #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA static int opencl_filter_intel_media_vaapi_platform(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, void *context) { // This doesn't exist as a platform extension, so just test whether // the function we will use for device enumeration exists. if (!clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(platform_id, "clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL")) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Platform %s does not export the " "VAAPI device enumeration function.\n", platform_name); return 1; } else { return 0; } } static int opencl_enumerate_intel_media_vaapi_devices(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, cl_uint *nb_devices, cl_device_id **devices, void *context) { VADisplay va_display = context; clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL_fn clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL; cl_int cle; clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL = clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(platform_id, "clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL"); if (!clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get address of " "clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL().\n"); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } cle = clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL( platform_id, CL_VA_API_DISPLAY_INTEL, va_display, CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_VA_API_INTEL, 0, NULL, nb_devices); if (cle == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "No VAAPI-supporting devices found " "on platform \"%s\".\n", platform_name); *nb_devices = 0; return 0; } else if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get number of devices " "on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } *devices = av_malloc_array(*nb_devices, sizeof(**devices)); if (!*devices) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); cle = clGetDeviceIDsFromVA_APIMediaAdapterINTEL( platform_id, CL_VA_API_DISPLAY_INTEL, va_display, CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_VA_API_INTEL, *nb_devices, *devices, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get list of VAAPI-supporting " "devices on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); av_freep(devices); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } static int opencl_filter_intel_media_vaapi_device(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_device_id device_id, const char *device_name, void *context) { const char *va_ext = "cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing"; if (opencl_check_device_extension(device_id, va_ext)) { return 0; } else { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Device %s does not support the " "%s extension.\n", device_name, va_ext); return 1; } } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 static int opencl_filter_dxva2_platform(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, void *context) { const char *dx9_ext = "cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing"; if (opencl_check_platform_extension(platform_id, dx9_ext)) { return 0; } else { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Platform %s does not support the " "%s extension.\n", platform_name, dx9_ext); return 1; } } static int opencl_enumerate_dxva2_devices(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, cl_uint *nb_devices, cl_device_id **devices, void *context) { IDirect3DDevice9 *device = context; clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR_fn clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR; cl_dx9_media_adapter_type_khr media_adapter_type = CL_ADAPTER_D3D9EX_KHR; cl_int cle; clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR = clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(platform_id, "clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR"); if (!clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get address of " "clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR().\n"); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } cle = clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR( platform_id, 1, &media_adapter_type, (void**)&device, CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_DX9_MEDIA_ADAPTER_KHR, 0, NULL, nb_devices); if (cle == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "No DXVA2-supporting devices found " "on platform \"%s\".\n", platform_name); *nb_devices = 0; return 0; } else if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get number of devices " "on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } *devices = av_malloc_array(*nb_devices, sizeof(**devices)); if (!*devices) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); cle = clGetDeviceIDsFromDX9MediaAdapterKHR( platform_id, 1, &media_adapter_type, (void**)&device, CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_DX9_MEDIA_ADAPTER_KHR, *nb_devices, *devices, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get list of DXVA2-supporting " "devices on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); av_freep(devices); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 static int opencl_filter_d3d11_platform(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, void *context) { const char *d3d11_ext = "cl_khr_d3d11_sharing"; if (opencl_check_platform_extension(platform_id, d3d11_ext)) { return 0; } else { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Platform %s does not support the " "%s extension.\n", platform_name, d3d11_ext); return 1; } } static int opencl_enumerate_d3d11_devices(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, cl_uint *nb_devices, cl_device_id **devices, void *context) { ID3D11Device *device = context; clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR_fn clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR; cl_int cle; clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR = clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform(platform_id, "clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR"); if (!clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get address of " "clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR().\n"); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } cle = clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR(platform_id, CL_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR, device, CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_D3D11_KHR, 0, NULL, nb_devices); if (cle == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "No D3D11-supporting devices found " "on platform \"%s\".\n", platform_name); *nb_devices = 0; return 0; } else if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get number of devices " "on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } *devices = av_malloc_array(*nb_devices, sizeof(**devices)); if (!*devices) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); cle = clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR(platform_id, CL_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR, device, CL_PREFERRED_DEVICES_FOR_D3D11_KHR, *nb_devices, *devices, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get list of D3D11-supporting " "devices on platform \"%s\": %d.\n", platform_name, cle); av_freep(devices); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 || HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 static int opencl_filter_gpu_device(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_device_id device_id, const char *device_name, void *context) { cl_device_type device_type; cl_int cle; cle = clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE, sizeof(device_type), &device_type, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query device type " "of device \"%s\".\n", device_name); return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } if (!(device_type & CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Device %s skipped (not GPU).\n", device_name); return 1; } return 0; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM static int opencl_filter_drm_arm_platform(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_platform_id platform_id, const char *platform_name, void *context) { const char *drm_arm_ext = "cl_arm_import_memory"; if (opencl_check_platform_extension(platform_id, drm_arm_ext)) { return 0; } else { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Platform %s does not support the " "%s extension.\n", platform_name, drm_arm_ext); return 1; } } static int opencl_filter_drm_arm_device(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, cl_device_id device_id, const char *device_name, void *context) { const char *drm_arm_ext = "cl_arm_import_memory"; if (opencl_check_device_extension(device_id, drm_arm_ext)) { return 0; } else { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Device %s does not support the " "%s extension.\n", device_name, drm_arm_ext); return 1; } } #endif static int opencl_device_derive(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, AVHWDeviceContext *src_ctx, AVDictionary *opts, int flags) { int err; switch (src_ctx->type) { #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DRM: case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI: { // Surface mapping works via DRM PRIME fds with no special // initialisation required in advance. This just finds the // Beignet ICD by name. AVDictionary *selector_opts = NULL; err = av_dict_set(&selector_opts, "platform_vendor", "Intel", 0); if (err >= 0) err = av_dict_set(&selector_opts, "platform_version", "beignet", 0); if (err >= 0) { OpenCLDeviceSelector selector = { .platform_index = -1, .device_index = 0, .context = selector_opts, .enumerate_platforms = &opencl_enumerate_platforms, .filter_platform = &opencl_filter_platform, .enumerate_devices = &opencl_enumerate_devices, .filter_device = NULL, }; err = opencl_device_create_internal(hwdev, &selector, NULL); } av_dict_free(&selector_opts); } break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA // The generic code automatically attempts to derive from all // ancestors of the given device, so we can ignore QSV devices here // and just consider the inner VAAPI device it was derived from. case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI: { AVVAAPIDeviceContext *src_hwctx = src_ctx->hwctx; cl_context_properties props[7] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, 0, CL_CONTEXT_VA_API_DISPLAY_INTEL, (intptr_t)src_hwctx->display, CL_CONTEXT_INTEROP_USER_SYNC, CL_FALSE, 0, }; OpenCLDeviceSelector selector = { .platform_index = -1, .device_index = -1, .context = src_hwctx->display, .enumerate_platforms = &opencl_enumerate_platforms, .filter_platform = &opencl_filter_intel_media_vaapi_platform, .enumerate_devices = &opencl_enumerate_intel_media_vaapi_devices, .filter_device = &opencl_filter_intel_media_vaapi_device, }; err = opencl_device_create_internal(hwdev, &selector, props); } break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2: { AVDXVA2DeviceContext *src_hwctx = src_ctx->hwctx; IDirect3DDevice9 *device; HANDLE device_handle; HRESULT hr; hr = IDirect3DDeviceManager9_OpenDeviceHandle(src_hwctx->devmgr, &device_handle); if (FAILED(hr)) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to open device handle " "for Direct3D9 device: %lx.\n", (unsigned long)hr); err = AVERROR_UNKNOWN; break; } hr = IDirect3DDeviceManager9_LockDevice(src_hwctx->devmgr, device_handle, &device, FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { cl_context_properties props[5] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, 0, CL_CONTEXT_ADAPTER_D3D9EX_KHR, (intptr_t)device, 0, }; OpenCLDeviceSelector selector = { .platform_index = -1, .device_index = -1, .context = device, .enumerate_platforms = &opencl_enumerate_platforms, .filter_platform = &opencl_filter_dxva2_platform, .enumerate_devices = &opencl_enumerate_dxva2_devices, .filter_device = &opencl_filter_gpu_device, }; err = opencl_device_create_internal(hwdev, &selector, props); IDirect3DDeviceManager9_UnlockDevice(src_hwctx->devmgr, device_handle, FALSE); } else { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to lock device handle " "for Direct3D9 device: %lx.\n", (unsigned long)hr); err = AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } IDirect3DDeviceManager9_CloseDeviceHandle(src_hwctx->devmgr, device_handle); } break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_D3D11VA: { AVD3D11VADeviceContext *src_hwctx = src_ctx->hwctx; cl_context_properties props[5] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, 0, CL_CONTEXT_D3D11_DEVICE_KHR, (intptr_t)src_hwctx->device, 0, }; OpenCLDeviceSelector selector = { .platform_index = -1, .device_index = -1, .context = src_hwctx->device, .enumerate_platforms = &opencl_enumerate_platforms, .filter_platform = &opencl_filter_d3d11_platform, .enumerate_devices = &opencl_enumerate_d3d11_devices, .filter_device = &opencl_filter_gpu_device, }; err = opencl_device_create_internal(hwdev, &selector, props); } break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DRM: { OpenCLDeviceSelector selector = { .platform_index = -1, .device_index = -1, .context = NULL, .enumerate_platforms = &opencl_enumerate_platforms, .filter_platform = &opencl_filter_drm_arm_platform, .enumerate_devices = &opencl_enumerate_devices, .filter_device = &opencl_filter_drm_arm_device, }; err = opencl_device_create_internal(hwdev, &selector, NULL); } break; #endif default: err = AVERROR(ENOSYS); break; } return err; } static int opencl_get_plane_format(enum AVPixelFormat pixfmt, int plane, int width, int height, cl_image_format *image_format, cl_image_desc *image_desc) { const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc; const AVComponentDescriptor *comp; int channels = 0, order = 0, depth = 0, step = 0; int wsub, hsub, alpha; int c; if (plane >= AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS) return AVERROR(ENOENT); desc = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(pixfmt); // Only normal images are allowed. if (desc->flags & (AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BITSTREAM | AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL | AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_PAL)) return AVERROR(EINVAL); wsub = 1 << desc->log2_chroma_w; hsub = 1 << desc->log2_chroma_h; // Subsampled components must be exact. if (width & wsub - 1 || height & hsub - 1) return AVERROR(EINVAL); for (c = 0; c < desc->nb_components; c++) { comp = &desc->comp[c]; if (comp->plane != plane) continue; // The step size must be a power of two. if (comp->step != 1 && comp->step != 2 && comp->step != 4 && comp->step != 8) return AVERROR(EINVAL); // The bits in each component must be packed in the // most-significant-bits of the relevant bytes. if (comp->shift + comp->depth != 8 && comp->shift + comp->depth != 16) return AVERROR(EINVAL); // The depth must not vary between components. if (depth && comp->depth != depth) return AVERROR(EINVAL); // If a single data element crosses multiple bytes then // it must match the native endianness. if (comp->depth > 8 && HAVE_BIGENDIAN == !(desc->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BE)) return AVERROR(EINVAL); // A single data element must not contain multiple samples // from the same component. if (step && comp->step != step) return AVERROR(EINVAL); depth = comp->depth; order = order * 10 + comp->offset / ((depth + 7) / 8) + 1; step = comp->step; alpha = (desc->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_ALPHA && c == desc->nb_components - 1); ++channels; } if (channels == 0) return AVERROR(ENOENT); memset(image_format, 0, sizeof(*image_format)); memset(image_desc, 0, sizeof(*image_desc)); image_desc->image_type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D; if (plane == 0 || alpha) { image_desc->image_width = width; image_desc->image_height = height; image_desc->image_row_pitch = step * width; } else { image_desc->image_width = width / wsub; image_desc->image_height = height / hsub; image_desc->image_row_pitch = step * width / wsub; } if (depth <= 8) { image_format->image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT8; } else { if (depth <= 16) image_format->image_channel_data_type = CL_UNORM_INT16; else return AVERROR(EINVAL); } #define CHANNEL_ORDER(order, type) \ case order: image_format->image_channel_order = type; break; switch (order) { CHANNEL_ORDER(1, CL_R); CHANNEL_ORDER(12, CL_RG); CHANNEL_ORDER(1234, CL_RGBA); CHANNEL_ORDER(2341, CL_ARGB); CHANNEL_ORDER(3214, CL_BGRA); #ifdef CL_ABGR CHANNEL_ORDER(4321, CL_ABGR); #endif default: return AVERROR(EINVAL); } #undef CHANNEL_ORDER return 0; } static int opencl_frames_get_constraints(AVHWDeviceContext *hwdev, const void *hwconfig, AVHWFramesConstraints *constraints) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = hwdev->hwctx; cl_uint nb_image_formats; cl_image_format *image_formats = NULL; cl_int cle; enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt; int err, pix_fmts_found; size_t max_width, max_height; cle = clGetDeviceInfo(hwctx->device_id, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH, sizeof(max_width), &max_width, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query maximum " "supported image width: %d.\n", cle); } else { constraints->max_width = max_width; } cle = clGetDeviceInfo(hwctx->device_id, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_HEIGHT, sizeof(max_height), &max_height, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query maximum " "supported image height: %d.\n", cle); } else { constraints->max_height = max_height; } av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Maximum supported image size %dx%d.\n", constraints->max_width, constraints->max_height); cle = clGetSupportedImageFormats(hwctx->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, 0, NULL, &nb_image_formats); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query supported " "image formats: %d.\n", cle); err = AVERROR(ENOSYS); goto fail; } if (nb_image_formats == 0) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No image support in OpenCL " "driver (zero supported image formats).\n"); err = AVERROR(ENOSYS); goto fail; } image_formats = av_malloc_array(nb_image_formats, sizeof(*image_formats)); if (!image_formats) { err = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto fail; } cle = clGetSupportedImageFormats(hwctx->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, nb_image_formats, image_formats, NULL); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to query supported " "image formats: %d.\n", cle); err = AVERROR(ENOSYS); goto fail; } pix_fmts_found = 0; for (pix_fmt = 0; pix_fmt < AV_PIX_FMT_NB; pix_fmt++) { cl_image_format image_format; cl_image_desc image_desc; int plane, i; for (plane = 0;; plane++) { err = opencl_get_plane_format(pix_fmt, plane, 0, 0, &image_format, &image_desc); if (err < 0) break; for (i = 0; i < nb_image_formats; i++) { if (image_formats[i].image_channel_order == image_format.image_channel_order && image_formats[i].image_channel_data_type == image_format.image_channel_data_type) break; } if (i == nb_image_formats) { err = AVERROR(EINVAL); break; } } if (err != AVERROR(ENOENT)) continue; av_log(hwdev, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Format %s supported.\n", av_get_pix_fmt_name(pix_fmt)); err = av_reallocp_array(&constraints->valid_sw_formats, pix_fmts_found + 2, sizeof(*constraints->valid_sw_formats)); if (err < 0) goto fail; constraints->valid_sw_formats[pix_fmts_found] = pix_fmt; constraints->valid_sw_formats[pix_fmts_found + 1] = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; ++pix_fmts_found; } av_freep(&image_formats); constraints->valid_hw_formats = av_malloc_array(2, sizeof(*constraints->valid_hw_formats)); if (!constraints->valid_hw_formats) { err = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto fail; } constraints->valid_hw_formats[0] = AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL; constraints->valid_hw_formats[1] = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; return 0; fail: av_freep(&image_formats); return err; } static void opencl_pool_free(void *opaque, uint8_t *data) { AVHWFramesContext *hwfc = opaque; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = (AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor*)data; cl_int cle; int p; for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) { cle = clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release plane %d: " "%d.\n", p, cle); } } av_free(desc); } static AVBufferRef *opencl_pool_alloc(void *opaque, buffer_size_t size) { AVHWFramesContext *hwfc = opaque; AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = hwfc->device_ctx->hwctx; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc; cl_int cle; cl_mem image; cl_image_format image_format; cl_image_desc image_desc; int err, p; AVBufferRef *ref; desc = av_mallocz(sizeof(*desc)); if (!desc) return NULL; for (p = 0;; p++) { err = opencl_get_plane_format(hwfc->sw_format, p, hwfc->width, hwfc->height, &image_format, &image_desc); if (err == AVERROR(ENOENT)) break; if (err < 0) goto fail; // For generic image objects, the pitch is determined by the // implementation. image_desc.image_row_pitch = 0; image = clCreateImage(hwctx->context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &image_format, &image_desc, NULL, &cle); if (!image) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create image for " "plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); goto fail; } desc->planes[p] = image; } desc->nb_planes = p; ref = av_buffer_create((uint8_t*)desc, sizeof(*desc), &opencl_pool_free, hwfc, 0); if (!ref) goto fail; return ref; fail: for (p = 0; desc->planes[p]; p++) clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); av_free(desc); return NULL; } static int opencl_frames_init_command_queue(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc) { AVOpenCLFramesContext *hwctx = hwfc->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *devpriv = hwfc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *priv = hwfc->internal->priv; cl_int cle; priv->command_queue = hwctx->command_queue ? hwctx->command_queue : devpriv->command_queue; cle = clRetainCommandQueue(priv->command_queue); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to retain frame " "command queue: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(EIO); } return 0; } static int opencl_frames_init(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc) { if (!hwfc->pool) { hwfc->internal->pool_internal = av_buffer_pool_init2(sizeof(cl_mem), hwfc, &opencl_pool_alloc, NULL); if (!hwfc->internal->pool_internal) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } return opencl_frames_init_command_queue(hwfc); } static void opencl_frames_uninit(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc) { OpenCLFramesContext *priv = hwfc->internal->priv; cl_int cle; #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 || HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 int i, p; for (i = 0; i < priv->nb_mapped_frames; i++) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = &priv->mapped_frames[i]; for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) { cle = clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release mapped " "frame object (frame %d plane %d): %d.\n", i, p, cle); } } } av_freep(&priv->mapped_frames); #endif if (priv->command_queue) { cle = clReleaseCommandQueue(priv->command_queue); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release frame " "command queue: %d.\n", cle); } priv->command_queue = NULL; } } static int opencl_get_buffer(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVFrame *frame) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc; int p; frame->buf[0] = av_buffer_pool_get(hwfc->pool); if (!frame->buf[0]) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); desc = (AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor*)frame->buf[0]->data; for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) frame->data[p] = (uint8_t*)desc->planes[p]; frame->format = AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL; frame->width = hwfc->width; frame->height = hwfc->height; return 0; } static int opencl_transfer_get_formats(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, enum AVHWFrameTransferDirection dir, enum AVPixelFormat **formats) { enum AVPixelFormat *fmts; fmts = av_malloc_array(2, sizeof(*fmts)); if (!fmts) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); fmts[0] = hwfc->sw_format; fmts[1] = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; *formats = fmts; return 0; } static int opencl_wait_events(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, cl_event *events, int nb_events) { cl_int cle; int i; cle = clWaitForEvents(nb_events, events); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to wait for event " "completion: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(EIO); } for (i = 0; i < nb_events; i++) { cle = clReleaseEvent(events[i]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release " "event: %d.\n", cle); } } return 0; } static int opencl_transfer_data_from(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src) { OpenCLFramesContext *priv = hwfc->internal->priv; cl_image_format image_format; cl_image_desc image_desc; cl_int cle; size_t origin[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; size_t region[3]; cl_event events[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; int err, p; if (dst->format != hwfc->sw_format) return AVERROR(EINVAL); for (p = 0;; p++) { err = opencl_get_plane_format(hwfc->sw_format, p, src->width, src->height, &image_format, &image_desc); if (err < 0) { if (err == AVERROR(ENOENT)) err = 0; break; } if (!dst->data[p]) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Plane %d missing on " "destination frame for transfer.\n", p); err = AVERROR(EINVAL); break; } region[0] = image_desc.image_width; region[1] = image_desc.image_height; region[2] = 1; cle = clEnqueueReadImage(priv->command_queue, (cl_mem)src->data[p], CL_FALSE, origin, region, dst->linesize[p], 0, dst->data[p], 0, NULL, &events[p]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue read of " "OpenCL image plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); break; } } opencl_wait_events(hwfc, events, p); return err; } static int opencl_transfer_data_to(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src) { OpenCLFramesContext *priv = hwfc->internal->priv; cl_image_format image_format; cl_image_desc image_desc; cl_int cle; size_t origin[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; size_t region[3]; cl_event events[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; int err, p; if (src->format != hwfc->sw_format) return AVERROR(EINVAL); for (p = 0;; p++) { err = opencl_get_plane_format(hwfc->sw_format, p, src->width, src->height, &image_format, &image_desc); if (err < 0) { if (err == AVERROR(ENOENT)) err = 0; break; } if (!src->data[p]) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Plane %d missing on " "source frame for transfer.\n", p); err = AVERROR(EINVAL); break; } region[0] = image_desc.image_width; region[1] = image_desc.image_height; region[2] = 1; cle = clEnqueueWriteImage(priv->command_queue, (cl_mem)dst->data[p], CL_FALSE, origin, region, src->linesize[p], 0, src->data[p], 0, NULL, &events[p]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to enqueue write of " "OpenCL image plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); break; } } opencl_wait_events(hwfc, events, p); return err; } typedef struct OpenCLMapping { // The mapped addresses for each plane. // The destination frame is not available when we unmap, so these // need to be stored separately. void *address[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; } OpenCLMapping; static void opencl_unmap_frame(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, HWMapDescriptor *hwmap) { OpenCLFramesContext *priv = hwfc->internal->priv; OpenCLMapping *map = hwmap->priv; cl_event events[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; int p, e; cl_int cle; for (p = e = 0; p < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(map->address); p++) { if (!map->address[p]) break; cle = clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(priv->command_queue, (cl_mem)hwmap->source->data[p], map->address[p], 0, NULL, &events[e]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to unmap OpenCL " "image plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); } ++e; } opencl_wait_events(hwfc, events, e); av_free(map); } static int opencl_map_frame(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { OpenCLFramesContext *priv = hwfc->internal->priv; cl_map_flags map_flags; cl_image_format image_format; cl_image_desc image_desc; cl_int cle; OpenCLMapping *map; size_t origin[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; size_t region[3]; size_t row_pitch; cl_event events[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; int err, p; av_assert0(hwfc->sw_format == dst->format); if (flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_OVERWRITE && !(flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_READ)) { // This is mutually exclusive with the read/write flags, so // there is no way to map with read here. map_flags = CL_MAP_WRITE_INVALIDATE_REGION; } else { map_flags = 0; if (flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_READ) map_flags |= CL_MAP_READ; if (flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_WRITE) map_flags |= CL_MAP_WRITE; } map = av_mallocz(sizeof(*map)); if (!map) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); for (p = 0;; p++) { err = opencl_get_plane_format(hwfc->sw_format, p, src->width, src->height, &image_format, &image_desc); if (err == AVERROR(ENOENT)) break; if (err < 0) goto fail; region[0] = image_desc.image_width; region[1] = image_desc.image_height; region[2] = 1; map->address[p] = clEnqueueMapImage(priv->command_queue, (cl_mem)src->data[p], CL_FALSE, map_flags, origin, region, &row_pitch, NULL, 0, NULL, &events[p], &cle); if (!map->address[p]) { av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to map OpenCL " "image plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } dst->data[p] = map->address[p]; av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Map plane %d (%p -> %p).\n", p, src->data[p], dst->data[p]); } err = opencl_wait_events(hwfc, events, p); if (err < 0) goto fail; err = ff_hwframe_map_create(src->hw_frames_ctx, dst, src, &opencl_unmap_frame, map); if (err < 0) goto fail; dst->width = src->width; dst->height = src->height; return 0; fail: for (p = 0; p < AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS; p++) { if (!map->address[p]) break; clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(priv->command_queue, (cl_mem)src->data[p], map->address[p], 0, NULL, &events[p]); } if (p > 0) opencl_wait_events(hwfc, events, p); av_freep(&map); return err; } #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET typedef struct DRMBeignetToOpenCLMapping { AVFrame *drm_frame; AVDRMFrameDescriptor *drm_desc; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor frame; } DRMBeignetToOpenCLMapping; static void opencl_unmap_from_drm_beignet(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, HWMapDescriptor *hwmap) { DRMBeignetToOpenCLMapping *mapping = hwmap->priv; cl_int cle; int i; for (i = 0; i < mapping->frame.nb_planes; i++) { cle = clReleaseMemObject(mapping->frame.planes[i]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release CL image " "of plane %d of DRM frame: %d.\n", i, cle); } } av_free(mapping); } static int opencl_map_from_drm_beignet(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *hwctx = dst_fc->device_ctx->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; DRMBeignetToOpenCLMapping *mapping; const AVDRMFrameDescriptor *desc; cl_int cle; int err, i, j, p; desc = (const AVDRMFrameDescriptor*)src->data[0]; mapping = av_mallocz(sizeof(*mapping)); if (!mapping) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); p = 0; for (i = 0; i < desc->nb_layers; i++) { const AVDRMLayerDescriptor *layer = &desc->layers[i]; for (j = 0; j < layer->nb_planes; j++) { const AVDRMPlaneDescriptor *plane = &layer->planes[j]; const AVDRMObjectDescriptor *object = &desc->objects[plane->object_index]; cl_import_image_info_intel image_info = { .fd = object->fd, .size = object->size, .type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, .offset = plane->offset, .row_pitch = plane->pitch, }; cl_image_desc image_desc; err = opencl_get_plane_format(dst_fc->sw_format, p, src->width, src->height, &image_info.fmt, &image_desc); if (err < 0) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "DRM frame layer %d " "plane %d is not representable in OpenCL: %d.\n", i, j, err); goto fail; } image_info.width = image_desc.image_width; image_info.height = image_desc.image_height; mapping->frame.planes[p] = priv->clCreateImageFromFdINTEL(hwctx->context, &image_info, &cle); if (!mapping->frame.planes[p]) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create CL image " "from layer %d plane %d of DRM frame: %d.\n", i, j, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } dst->data[p] = (uint8_t*)mapping->frame.planes[p]; mapping->frame.nb_planes = ++p; } } err = ff_hwframe_map_create(dst->hw_frames_ctx, dst, src, &opencl_unmap_from_drm_beignet, mapping); if (err < 0) goto fail; dst->width = src->width; dst->height = src->height; return 0; fail: for (p = 0; p < mapping->frame.nb_planes; p++) { if (mapping->frame.planes[p]) clReleaseMemObject(mapping->frame.planes[p]); } av_free(mapping); return err; } #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_BEIGNET static int opencl_map_from_vaapi(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { AVFrame *tmp; int err; tmp = av_frame_alloc(); if (!tmp) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); tmp->format = AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME; err = av_hwframe_map(tmp, src, flags); if (err < 0) goto fail; err = opencl_map_from_drm_beignet(dst_fc, dst, tmp, flags); if (err < 0) goto fail; err = ff_hwframe_map_replace(dst, src); fail: av_frame_free(&tmp); return err; } #endif /* HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_BEIGNET */ #endif /* HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET */ static inline cl_mem_flags opencl_mem_flags_for_mapping(int map_flags) { if ((map_flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_READ) && (map_flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_WRITE)) return CL_MEM_READ_WRITE; else if (map_flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_READ) return CL_MEM_READ_ONLY; else if (map_flags & AV_HWFRAME_MAP_WRITE) return CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY; else return 0; } #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA static void opencl_unmap_from_qsv(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, HWMapDescriptor *hwmap) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = hwmap->priv; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv; cl_event event; cl_int cle; int p; av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Unmap QSV/VAAPI surface from OpenCL.\n"); cle = device_priv->clEnqueueReleaseVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release surface " "handles: %d.\n", cle); } opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) { cle = clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release CL " "image of plane %d of QSV/VAAPI surface: %d\n", p, cle); } } av_free(desc); } static int opencl_map_from_qsv(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { AVHWFramesContext *src_fc = (AVHWFramesContext*)src->hw_frames_ctx->data; AVOpenCLDeviceContext *dst_dev = dst_fc->device_ctx->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc; VASurfaceID va_surface; cl_mem_flags cl_flags; cl_event event; cl_int cle; int err, p; #if CONFIG_LIBMFX if (src->format == AV_PIX_FMT_QSV) { mfxFrameSurface1 *mfx_surface = (mfxFrameSurface1*)src->data[3]; va_surface = *(VASurfaceID*)mfx_surface->Data.MemId; } else #endif if (src->format == AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI) { va_surface = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)src->data[3]; } else { return AVERROR(ENOSYS); } cl_flags = opencl_mem_flags_for_mapping(flags); if (!cl_flags) return AVERROR(EINVAL); av_log(src_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Map QSV/VAAPI surface %#x to " "OpenCL.\n", va_surface); desc = av_mallocz(sizeof(*desc)); if (!desc) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); // The cl_intel_va_api_media_sharing extension only supports NV12 // surfaces, so for now there are always exactly two planes. desc->nb_planes = 2; for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) { desc->planes[p] = device_priv->clCreateFromVA_APIMediaSurfaceINTEL( dst_dev->context, cl_flags, &va_surface, p, &cle); if (!desc->planes[p]) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create CL " "image from plane %d of QSV/VAAPI surface " "%#x: %d.\n", p, va_surface, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } dst->data[p] = (uint8_t*)desc->planes[p]; } cle = device_priv->clEnqueueAcquireVA_APIMediaSurfacesINTEL( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to acquire surface " "handles: %d.\n", cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } err = opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); if (err < 0) goto fail; err = ff_hwframe_map_create(dst->hw_frames_ctx, dst, src, &opencl_unmap_from_qsv, desc); if (err < 0) goto fail; dst->width = src->width; dst->height = src->height; return 0; fail: for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) if (desc->planes[p]) clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); av_freep(&desc); return err; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 static void opencl_unmap_from_dxva2(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, HWMapDescriptor *hwmap) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = hwmap->priv; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; cl_event event; cl_int cle; av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Unmap DXVA2 surface from OpenCL.\n"); cle = device_priv->clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release surface " "handle: %d.\n", cle); return; } opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); } static int opencl_map_from_dxva2(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { AVHWFramesContext *src_fc = (AVHWFramesContext*)src->hw_frames_ctx->data; AVDXVA2FramesContext *src_hwctx = src_fc->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc; cl_event event; cl_int cle; int err, i; av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Map DXVA2 surface %p to " "OpenCL.\n", src->data[3]); for (i = 0; i < src_hwctx->nb_surfaces; i++) { if (src_hwctx->surfaces[i] == (IDirect3DSurface9*)src->data[3]) break; } if (i >= src_hwctx->nb_surfaces) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Trying to map from a surface which " "is not in the mapped frames context.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } desc = &frames_priv->mapped_frames[i]; cle = device_priv->clEnqueueAcquireDX9MediaSurfacesKHR( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to acquire surface " "handle: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(EIO); } err = opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); if (err < 0) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < desc->nb_planes; i++) dst->data[i] = (uint8_t*)desc->planes[i]; err = ff_hwframe_map_create(dst->hw_frames_ctx, dst, src, &opencl_unmap_from_dxva2, desc); if (err < 0) goto fail; dst->width = src->width; dst->height = src->height; return 0; fail: cle = device_priv->clEnqueueReleaseDX9MediaSurfacesKHR( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle == CL_SUCCESS) opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); return err; } static int opencl_frames_derive_from_dxva2(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, int flags) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *dst_dev = dst_fc->device_ctx->hwctx; AVDXVA2FramesContext *src_hwctx = src_fc->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv; cl_mem_flags cl_flags; cl_int cle; int err, i, p, nb_planes; if (src_fc->sw_format != AV_PIX_FMT_NV12) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Only NV12 textures are supported " "for DXVA2 to OpenCL mapping.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } nb_planes = 2; if (src_fc->initial_pool_size == 0) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Only fixed-size pools are supported " "for DXVA2 to OpenCL mapping.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } cl_flags = opencl_mem_flags_for_mapping(flags); if (!cl_flags) return AVERROR(EINVAL); frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames = src_hwctx->nb_surfaces; frames_priv->mapped_frames = av_mallocz_array(frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames, sizeof(*frames_priv->mapped_frames)); if (!frames_priv->mapped_frames) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); for (i = 0; i < frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames; i++) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = &frames_priv->mapped_frames[i]; cl_dx9_surface_info_khr surface_info = { .resource = src_hwctx->surfaces[i], .shared_handle = NULL, }; desc->nb_planes = nb_planes; for (p = 0; p < nb_planes; p++) { desc->planes[p] = device_priv->clCreateFromDX9MediaSurfaceKHR( dst_dev->context, cl_flags, device_priv->dx9_media_adapter_type, &surface_info, p, &cle); if (!desc->planes[p]) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create CL " "image from plane %d of DXVA2 surface %d: %d.\n", p, i, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } } } return 0; fail: for (i = 0; i < frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames; i++) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = &frames_priv->mapped_frames[i]; for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) { if (desc->planes[p]) clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); } } av_freep(&frames_priv->mapped_frames); frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames = 0; return err; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 static void opencl_unmap_from_d3d11(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, HWMapDescriptor *hwmap) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = hwmap->priv; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; cl_event event; cl_int cle; cle = device_priv->clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to release surface " "handle: %d.\n", cle); } opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); } static int opencl_map_from_d3d11(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv; AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc; cl_event event; cl_int cle; int err, index, i; index = (intptr_t)src->data[1]; if (index >= frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Texture array index out of range for " "mapping: %d >= %d.\n", index, frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Map D3D11 texture %d to OpenCL.\n", index); desc = &frames_priv->mapped_frames[index]; cle = device_priv->clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle != CL_SUCCESS) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to acquire surface " "handle: %d.\n", cle); return AVERROR(EIO); } err = opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); if (err < 0) goto fail; for (i = 0; i < desc->nb_planes; i++) dst->data[i] = (uint8_t*)desc->planes[i]; err = ff_hwframe_map_create(dst->hw_frames_ctx, dst, src, &opencl_unmap_from_d3d11, desc); if (err < 0) goto fail; dst->width = src->width; dst->height = src->height; return 0; fail: cle = device_priv->clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR( frames_priv->command_queue, desc->nb_planes, desc->planes, 0, NULL, &event); if (cle == CL_SUCCESS) opencl_wait_events(dst_fc, &event, 1); return err; } static int opencl_frames_derive_from_d3d11(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, int flags) { AVOpenCLDeviceContext *dst_dev = dst_fc->device_ctx->hwctx; AVD3D11VAFramesContext *src_hwctx = src_fc->hwctx; OpenCLDeviceContext *device_priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; OpenCLFramesContext *frames_priv = dst_fc->internal->priv; cl_mem_flags cl_flags; cl_int cle; int err, i, p, nb_planes; if (src_fc->sw_format != AV_PIX_FMT_NV12) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Only NV12 textures are supported " "for D3D11 to OpenCL mapping.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } nb_planes = 2; if (src_fc->initial_pool_size == 0) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Only fixed-size pools are supported " "for D3D11 to OpenCL mapping.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } cl_flags = opencl_mem_flags_for_mapping(flags); if (!cl_flags) return AVERROR(EINVAL); frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames = src_fc->initial_pool_size; frames_priv->mapped_frames = av_mallocz_array(frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames, sizeof(*frames_priv->mapped_frames)); if (!frames_priv->mapped_frames) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); for (i = 0; i < frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames; i++) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = &frames_priv->mapped_frames[i]; desc->nb_planes = nb_planes; for (p = 0; p < nb_planes; p++) { UINT subresource = 2 * i + p; desc->planes[p] = device_priv->clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR( dst_dev->context, cl_flags, src_hwctx->texture, subresource, &cle); if (!desc->planes[p]) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create CL " "image from plane %d of D3D texture " "index %d (subresource %u): %d.\n", p, i, (unsigned int)subresource, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } } } return 0; fail: for (i = 0; i < frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames; i++) { AVOpenCLFrameDescriptor *desc = &frames_priv->mapped_frames[i]; for (p = 0; p < desc->nb_planes; p++) { if (desc->planes[p]) clReleaseMemObject(desc->planes[p]); } } av_freep(&frames_priv->mapped_frames); frames_priv->nb_mapped_frames = 0; return err; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM typedef struct DRMARMtoOpenCLMapping { int nb_objects; cl_mem object_buffers[AV_DRM_MAX_PLANES]; int nb_planes; cl_mem plane_images[AV_DRM_MAX_PLANES]; } DRMARMtoOpenCLMapping; static void opencl_unmap_from_drm_arm(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, HWMapDescriptor *hwmap) { DRMARMtoOpenCLMapping *mapping = hwmap->priv; int i; for (i = 0; i < mapping->nb_planes; i++) clReleaseMemObject(mapping->plane_images[i]); for (i = 0; i < mapping->nb_objects; i++) clReleaseMemObject(mapping->object_buffers[i]); av_free(mapping); } static int opencl_map_from_drm_arm(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { AVHWFramesContext *src_fc = (AVHWFramesContext*)src->hw_frames_ctx->data; AVOpenCLDeviceContext *dst_dev = dst_fc->device_ctx->hwctx; const AVDRMFrameDescriptor *desc; DRMARMtoOpenCLMapping *mapping = NULL; cl_mem_flags cl_flags; const cl_import_properties_arm props[3] = { CL_IMPORT_TYPE_ARM, CL_IMPORT_TYPE_DMA_BUF_ARM, 0, }; cl_int cle; int err, i, j; desc = (const AVDRMFrameDescriptor*)src->data[0]; cl_flags = opencl_mem_flags_for_mapping(flags); if (!cl_flags) return AVERROR(EINVAL); mapping = av_mallocz(sizeof(*mapping)); if (!mapping) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); mapping->nb_objects = desc->nb_objects; for (i = 0; i < desc->nb_objects; i++) { int fd = desc->objects[i].fd; av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Map DRM PRIME fd %d to OpenCL.\n", fd); if (desc->objects[i].format_modifier) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Warning: object %d fd %d has " "nonzero format modifier %"PRId64", result may not " "be as expected.\n", i, fd, desc->objects[i].format_modifier); } mapping->object_buffers[i] = clImportMemoryARM(dst_dev->context, cl_flags, props, &fd, desc->objects[i].size, &cle); if (!mapping->object_buffers[i]) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create CL buffer " "from object %d (fd %d, size %"SIZE_SPECIFIER") of DRM frame: %d.\n", i, fd, desc->objects[i].size, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } } mapping->nb_planes = 0; for (i = 0; i < desc->nb_layers; i++) { const AVDRMLayerDescriptor *layer = &desc->layers[i]; for (j = 0; j < layer->nb_planes; j++) { const AVDRMPlaneDescriptor *plane = &layer->planes[j]; cl_mem plane_buffer; cl_image_format image_format; cl_image_desc image_desc; cl_buffer_region region; int p = mapping->nb_planes; err = opencl_get_plane_format(src_fc->sw_format, p, src_fc->width, src_fc->height, &image_format, &image_desc); if (err < 0) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid plane %d (DRM " "layer %d plane %d): %d.\n", p, i, j, err); goto fail; } region.origin = plane->offset; region.size = image_desc.image_row_pitch * image_desc.image_height; plane_buffer = clCreateSubBuffer(mapping->object_buffers[plane->object_index], cl_flags, CL_BUFFER_CREATE_TYPE_REGION, ®ion, &cle); if (!plane_buffer) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create sub-buffer " "for plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } image_desc.buffer = plane_buffer; mapping->plane_images[p] = clCreateImage(dst_dev->context, cl_flags, &image_format, &image_desc, NULL, &cle); // Unreference the sub-buffer immediately - we don't need it // directly and a reference is held by the image. clReleaseMemObject(plane_buffer); if (!mapping->plane_images[p]) { av_log(dst_fc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create image " "for plane %d: %d.\n", p, cle); err = AVERROR(EIO); goto fail; } ++mapping->nb_planes; } } for (i = 0; i < mapping->nb_planes; i++) dst->data[i] = (uint8_t*)mapping->plane_images[i]; err = ff_hwframe_map_create(dst->hw_frames_ctx, dst, src, &opencl_unmap_from_drm_arm, mapping); if (err < 0) goto fail; dst->width = src->width; dst->height = src->height; return 0; fail: for (i = 0; i < mapping->nb_planes; i++) { clReleaseMemObject(mapping->plane_images[i]); } for (i = 0; i < mapping->nb_objects; i++) { if (mapping->object_buffers[i]) clReleaseMemObject(mapping->object_buffers[i]); } av_free(mapping); return err; } #endif static int opencl_map_from(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { av_assert0(src->format == AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL); if (hwfc->sw_format != dst->format) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); return opencl_map_frame(hwfc, dst, src, flags); } static int opencl_map_to(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc, AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags) { av_unused OpenCLDeviceContext *priv = hwfc->device_ctx->internal->priv; av_assert0(dst->format == AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL); switch (src->format) { #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET case AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME: if (priv->beignet_drm_mapping_usable) return opencl_map_from_drm_beignet(hwfc, dst, src, flags); #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_BEIGNET case AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI: if (priv->beignet_drm_mapping_usable) return opencl_map_from_vaapi(hwfc, dst, src, flags); #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA case AV_PIX_FMT_QSV: case AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI: if (priv->qsv_mapping_usable) return opencl_map_from_qsv(hwfc, dst, src, flags); #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 case AV_PIX_FMT_DXVA2_VLD: if (priv->dxva2_mapping_usable) return opencl_map_from_dxva2(hwfc, dst, src, flags); #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 case AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11: if (priv->d3d11_mapping_usable) return opencl_map_from_d3d11(hwfc, dst, src, flags); #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM case AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME: if (priv->drm_arm_mapping_usable) return opencl_map_from_drm_arm(hwfc, dst, src, flags); #endif } return AVERROR(ENOSYS); } static int opencl_frames_derive_to(AVHWFramesContext *dst_fc, AVHWFramesContext *src_fc, int flags) { av_unused OpenCLDeviceContext *priv = dst_fc->device_ctx->internal->priv; switch (src_fc->device_ctx->type) { #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_BEIGNET case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DRM: if (!priv->beignet_drm_mapping_usable) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_BEIGNET case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI: if (!priv->beignet_drm_mapping_usable) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_VAAPI_INTEL_MEDIA case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_QSV: case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI: if (!priv->qsv_mapping_usable) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DXVA2 case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2: if (!priv->dxva2_mapping_usable) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); { int err; err = opencl_frames_derive_from_dxva2(dst_fc, src_fc, flags); if (err < 0) return err; } break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_D3D11 case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_D3D11VA: if (!priv->d3d11_mapping_usable) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); { int err; err = opencl_frames_derive_from_d3d11(dst_fc, src_fc, flags); if (err < 0) return err; } break; #endif #if HAVE_OPENCL_DRM_ARM case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DRM: if (!priv->drm_arm_mapping_usable) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); break; #endif default: return AVERROR(ENOSYS); } return opencl_frames_init_command_queue(dst_fc); } const HWContextType ff_hwcontext_type_opencl = { .type = AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_OPENCL, .name = "OpenCL", .device_hwctx_size = sizeof(AVOpenCLDeviceContext), .device_priv_size = sizeof(OpenCLDeviceContext), .frames_hwctx_size = sizeof(AVOpenCLFramesContext), .frames_priv_size = sizeof(OpenCLFramesContext), .device_create = &opencl_device_create, .device_derive = &opencl_device_derive, .device_init = &opencl_device_init, .device_uninit = &opencl_device_uninit, .frames_get_constraints = &opencl_frames_get_constraints, .frames_init = &opencl_frames_init, .frames_uninit = &opencl_frames_uninit, .frames_get_buffer = &opencl_get_buffer, .transfer_get_formats = &opencl_transfer_get_formats, .transfer_data_to = &opencl_transfer_data_to, .transfer_data_from = &opencl_transfer_data_from, .map_from = &opencl_map_from, .map_to = &opencl_map_to, .frames_derive_to = &opencl_frames_derive_to, .pix_fmts = (const enum AVPixelFormat[]) { AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE }, };