/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Guo Yejun * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "libavutil/avassert.h" #include "dnn_backend_native_layer_pad.h" int dnn_load_layer_pad(Layer *layer, AVIOContext *model_file_context, int file_size, int operands_num) { LayerPadParams *params; int dnn_size = 0; params = av_malloc(sizeof(*params)); if (!params) return 0; params->mode = (int32_t)avio_rl32(model_file_context); dnn_size += 4; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { params->paddings[i][0] = avio_rl32(model_file_context); params->paddings[i][1] = avio_rl32(model_file_context); dnn_size += 8; } layer->input_operand_indexes[0] = (int32_t)avio_rl32(model_file_context); layer->output_operand_index = (int32_t)avio_rl32(model_file_context); dnn_size += 8; layer->params = params; if (layer->input_operand_indexes[0] >= operands_num || layer->output_operand_index >= operands_num) { return 0; } return dnn_size; } static int before_get_buddy(int given, int paddings, LayerPadModeParam mode) { if (mode == LPMP_SYMMETRIC) { return (2 * paddings - 1 - given); } else if (mode == LPMP_REFLECT) { return (2 * paddings - given); } else { av_assert0(!"should not reach here"); return 0; } } static int after_get_buddy(int given, int border, LayerPadModeParam mode) { if (mode == LPMP_SYMMETRIC) { int offset = given - border; return (border - 1 - offset); } else if (mode == LPMP_REFLECT) { int offset = given - border; return (border - 2 - offset); } else { av_assert0(!"should not reach here"); return 0; } } int dnn_execute_layer_pad(DnnOperand *operands, const int32_t *input_operand_indexes, int32_t output_operand_index, const void *parameters) { int32_t before_paddings; int32_t after_paddings; float* output; const LayerPadParams *params = (const LayerPadParams *)parameters; // suppose format is int32_t input_operand_index = input_operand_indexes[0]; int number = operands[input_operand_index].dims[0]; int height = operands[input_operand_index].dims[1]; int width = operands[input_operand_index].dims[2]; int channel = operands[input_operand_index].dims[3]; const float *input = operands[input_operand_index].data; int new_number = number + params->paddings[0][0] + params->paddings[0][1]; int new_height = height + params->paddings[1][0] + params->paddings[1][1]; int new_width = width + params->paddings[2][0] + params->paddings[2][1]; int new_channel = channel + params->paddings[3][0] + params->paddings[3][1]; int c_stride = channel; int wc_stride = c_stride * width; int hwc_stride = wc_stride * height; int new_c_stride = new_channel; int new_wc_stride = new_c_stride * new_width; int new_hwc_stride = new_wc_stride * new_height; DnnOperand *output_operand = &operands[output_operand_index]; output_operand->dims[0] = new_number; output_operand->dims[1] = new_height; output_operand->dims[2] = new_width; output_operand->dims[3] = new_channel; output_operand->data_type = operands[input_operand_index].data_type; output_operand->length = calculate_operand_data_length(output_operand); output_operand->data = av_realloc(output_operand->data, output_operand->length); if (!output_operand->data) return -1; output = output_operand->data; // copy the original data for (int n = 0; n < number; n++) { for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) { const float *src = input + n * hwc_stride + h * wc_stride + w * c_stride; float *dst = output + (n + params->paddings[0][0]) * new_hwc_stride + (h + params->paddings[1][0]) * new_wc_stride + (w + params->paddings[2][0]) * new_c_stride + params->paddings[3][0]; memcpy(dst, src, channel * sizeof(float)); } } } // handle the first dimension before_paddings = params->paddings[0][0]; after_paddings = params->paddings[0][1]; for (int n = 0; n < before_paddings; n++) { float *dst = output + n * new_hwc_stride; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { for (int i = 0; i < new_hwc_stride; i++) { dst[i] = params->constant_values; } } else { int buddy = before_get_buddy(n, before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = output + buddy * new_hwc_stride; memcpy(dst, src, new_hwc_stride * sizeof(float)); } } for (int n = 0; n < after_paddings; n++) { int given = number + before_paddings + n; float *dst = output + given * new_hwc_stride; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { for (int i = 0; i < new_hwc_stride; i++) { dst[i] = params->constant_values; } } else { int buddy = after_get_buddy(given, number + before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = output + buddy * new_hwc_stride; memcpy(dst, src, new_hwc_stride * sizeof(float)); } } // handle the second dimension before_paddings = params->paddings[1][0]; after_paddings = params->paddings[1][1]; for (int n = 0; n < new_number; n++) { float *start = output + n * new_hwc_stride; for (int h = 0; h < before_paddings; h++) { float *dst = start + h * new_wc_stride; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { for (int i = 0; i < new_wc_stride; i++) { dst[i] = params->constant_values; } } else { int buddy = before_get_buddy(h, before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = start + buddy * new_wc_stride; memcpy(dst, src, new_wc_stride * sizeof(float)); } } for (int h = 0; h < after_paddings; h++) { int given = height + before_paddings + h; float *dst = start + given * new_wc_stride; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { for (int i = 0; i < new_wc_stride; i++) { dst[i] = params->constant_values; } } else { int buddy = after_get_buddy(given, height + before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = start + buddy * new_wc_stride; memcpy(dst, src, new_wc_stride * sizeof(float)); } } } // handle the third dimension before_paddings = params->paddings[2][0]; after_paddings = params->paddings[2][1]; for (int n = 0; n < new_number; n++) { for (int h = 0; h < new_height; h++) { float *start = output + n * new_hwc_stride + h * new_wc_stride; for (int w = 0; w < before_paddings; w++) { float *dst = start + w * new_c_stride; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { for (int i = 0; i < new_c_stride; i++) { dst[i] = params->constant_values; } } else { int buddy = before_get_buddy(w, before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = start + buddy * new_c_stride; memcpy(dst, src, new_c_stride * sizeof(float)); } } for (int w = 0; w < after_paddings; w++) { int given = width + before_paddings + w; float *dst = start + given * new_c_stride; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { for (int i = 0; i < new_c_stride; i++) { dst[i] = params->constant_values; } } else { int buddy = after_get_buddy(given, width + before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = start + buddy * new_c_stride; memcpy(dst, src, new_c_stride * sizeof(float)); } } } } // handle the fourth dimension before_paddings = params->paddings[3][0]; after_paddings = params->paddings[3][1]; for (int n = 0; n < new_number; n++) { for (int h = 0; h < new_height; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < new_width; w++) { float *start = output + n * new_hwc_stride + h * new_wc_stride + w * new_c_stride; for (int c = 0; c < before_paddings; c++) { float *dst = start + c; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { *dst = params->constant_values; } else { int buddy = before_get_buddy(c, before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = start + buddy; *dst = *src; } } for (int c = 0; c < after_paddings; c++) { int given = channel + before_paddings + c; float *dst = start + given; if (params->mode == LPMP_CONSTANT) { *dst = params->constant_values; } else { int buddy = after_get_buddy(given, channel + before_paddings, params->mode); float *src = start + buddy; *dst = *src; } } } } } return 0; }