/* * FFv1 codec * * Copyright (c) 2024 Lynne * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ uint slice_coord(uint width, uint sx, uint num_h_slices, uint chroma_shift) { uint mpw = 1 << chroma_shift; uint awidth = align(width, mpw); if ((version < 4) || ((version == 4) && (micro_version < 3))) return width * sx / num_h_slices; sx = (2 * awidth * sx + num_h_slices * mpw) / (2 * num_h_slices * mpw) * mpw; if (sx == awidth) sx = width; return sx; } void init_slice(out SliceContext sc, const uint slice_idx) { /* Set coordinates */ uvec2 img_size = imageSize(src[0]); uint sxs = slice_coord(img_size.x, gl_WorkGroupID.x + 0, gl_NumWorkGroups.x, chroma_shift.x); uint sxe = slice_coord(img_size.x, gl_WorkGroupID.x + 1, gl_NumWorkGroups.x, chroma_shift.x); uint sys = slice_coord(img_size.y, gl_WorkGroupID.y + 0, gl_NumWorkGroups.y, chroma_shift.y); uint sye = slice_coord(img_size.y, gl_WorkGroupID.y + 1, gl_NumWorkGroups.y, chroma_shift.y); sc.slice_pos = ivec2(sxs, sys); sc.slice_dim = ivec2(sxe - sxs, sye - sys); sc.slice_rct_coef = ivec2(1, 1); sc.slice_coding_mode = int(force_pcm == 1); rac_init(sc.c, OFFBUF(u8buf, out_data, slice_idx * slice_size_max), slice_size_max); } void put_rac_full(inout RangeCoder c, uint64_t state, bool bit) { put_rac_norenorm(c, state, bit); if (c.range < 0x100) renorm_encoder_full(c); } void put_symbol_unsigned(inout RangeCoder c, uint64_t state, uint v) { bool is_nil = (v == 0); put_rac_full(c, state, is_nil); if (is_nil) return; const int e = findMSB(v); state += 1; for (int i = 0; i < e; i++) put_rac_full(c, state + min(i, 9), true); put_rac_full(c, state + min(e, 9), false); state += 21; for (int i = e - 1; i >= 0; i--) put_rac_full(c, state + min(i, 9), bool(bitfieldExtract(v, i, 1))); } void write_slice_header(inout SliceContext sc, uint64_t state) { u8buf sb = u8buf(state); [[unroll]] for (int i = 0; i < CONTEXT_SIZE; i++) sb[i].v = uint8_t(128); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, gl_WorkGroupID.x); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, gl_WorkGroupID.y); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, 0); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, 0); for (int i = 0; i < codec_planes; i++) put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, context_model); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, pic_mode); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, sar.x); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, sar.y); if (version >= 4) { put_rac_full(sc.c, state, sc.slice_coding_mode == 1); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, sc.slice_coding_mode); if (sc.slice_coding_mode != 1 && colorspace == 1) { put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, sc.slice_rct_coef.y); put_symbol_unsigned(sc.c, state, sc.slice_rct_coef.x); } } } void write_frame_header(inout SliceContext sc, uint64_t state) { u8buf sb = u8buf(state); sb.v = uint8_t(128); put_rac_full(sc.c, state, bool(key_frame)); } #ifdef GOLOMB void init_golomb(inout SliceContext sc) { sc.hdr_len = rac_terminate(sc.c); init_put_bits(sc.pb, OFFBUF(u8buf, sc.c.bytestream_start, sc.hdr_len), slice_size_max - sc.hdr_len); } #endif void main(void) { const uint slice_idx = gl_WorkGroupID.y*gl_NumWorkGroups.x + gl_WorkGroupID.x; /* Write slice data */ uint64_t scratch_state = uint64_t(scratch_data) + slice_idx*CONTEXT_SIZE; u8buf sb = u8buf(scratch_state); init_slice(slice_ctx[slice_idx], slice_idx); if (slice_idx == 0) write_frame_header(slice_ctx[slice_idx], scratch_state); write_slice_header(slice_ctx[slice_idx], scratch_state); #ifdef GOLOMB init_golomb(slice_ctx[slice_idx]); #endif }