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synced 2025-03-09 17:59:10 +00:00
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367 lines
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import json
import subprocess
import shlex
from StringIO import StringIO
import errno
import sys
import os
import io
import re
import rados
from ceph_argparse import *
keyring_base = '/tmp/cephtest-caps.keyring'
class UnexpectedReturn(Exception):
def __init__(self, cmd, ret, expected, msg):
if isinstance(cmd, list):
self.cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
assert isinstance(cmd, str) or isinstance(cmd, unicode), \
'cmd needs to be either a list or a str'
self.cmd = cmd
self.cmd = str(self.cmd)
self.ret = int(ret)
self.expected = int(expected)
self.msg = str(msg)
def __str__(self):
return repr('{c}: expected return {e}, got {r} ({o})'.format(
c=self.cmd, e=self.expected, r=self.ret, o=self.msg))
def call(cmd):
if isinstance(cmd, list):
args = cmd
elif isinstance(cmd, str) or isinstance(cmd, unicode):
args = shlex.split(cmd)
assert False, 'cmd is not a string/unicode nor a list!'
print 'call: {0}'.format(args)
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
ret = proc.wait()
return (ret, proc)
def expect(cmd, expected_ret):
(r, p) = call(cmd)
except ValueError as e:
print >> sys.stderr, \
'unable to run {c}: {err}'.format(c=repr(cmd), err=e.message)
return errno.EINVAL
assert r == p.returncode, \
'wth? r was supposed to match returncode!'
if r != expected_ret:
raise UnexpectedReturn(repr(cmd), r, expected_ret, str(p.stderr.read()))
return p
def expect_to_file(cmd, expected_ret, out_file, mode='a'):
# Let the exception be propagated to the caller
p = expect(cmd, expected_ret)
assert p.returncode == expected_ret, \
'expected result doesn\'t match and no exception was thrown!'
with io.open(out_file, mode) as file:
return p
class Command:
def __init__(self, cid, j):
self.cid = cid[3:]
self.perms = j['perm']
self.module = j['module']
self.sig = ''
self.args = []
for s in j['sig']:
if not isinstance(s, dict):
assert isinstance(s, str) or isinstance(s,unicode), \
'malformatted signature cid {0}: {1}\n{2}'.format(cid,s,j)
if len(self.sig) > 0:
self.sig += ' '
self.sig += s
def __str__(self):
return repr('command {0}: {1} (requires \'{2}\')'.format(self.cid,\
self.sig, self.perms))
def destroy_keyring(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise Exception('oops! cannot remove inexistent keyring {0}'.format(path))
# grab all client entities from the keyring
entities = [m.group(1) for m in [re.match(r'\[client\.(.*)\]', l)
for l in [str(line.strip())
for line in io.open(path,'r')]] if m is not None]
# clean up and make sure each entity is gone
for e in entities:
expect('ceph auth del client.{0}'.format(e), 0)
expect('ceph auth get client.{0}'.format(e), errno.ENOENT)
# remove keyring
return True
def test_basic_auth():
# make sure we can successfully add/del entities, change their caps
# and import/export keyrings.
expect('ceph auth add client.basicauth', 0)
expect('ceph auth caps client.basicauth mon \'allow *\'', 0)
# entity exists and caps do not match
expect('ceph auth add client.basicauth', errno.EINVAL)
# this command attempts to change an existing state and will fail
expect('ceph auth add client.basicauth mon \'allow w\'', errno.EINVAL)
expect('ceph auth get-or-create client.basicauth', 0)
expect('ceph auth get-key client.basicauth', 0)
expect('ceph auth get-or-create client.basicauth2', 0)
# cleanup
expect('ceph auth del client.basicauth', 0)
expect('ceph auth del client.basicauth2', 0)
return True
def gen_module_keyring(module):
module_caps = [
('all', '{t} \'allow service {s} rwx\'', 0),
('none', '', errno.EACCES),
('wrong', '{t} \'allow service foobar rwx\'', errno.EACCES),
('right', '{t} \'allow service {s} {p}\'', 0),
('no-execute', '{t} \'allow service {s} x\'', errno.EACCES)
keyring = '{0}.service-{1}'.format(keyring_base,module)
for perms in 'r rw x'.split():
for (n,p,r) in module_caps:
c = p.format(t='mon', s=module, p=perms)
'ceph auth get-or-create client.{cn}-{cp} {caps}'.format(
cn=n,cp=perms,caps=c), 0, keyring)
return keyring
def test_all():
perms = {
'good': {
('rwx', 'allow *'),
('r', 'allow r'),
('rw', 'allow rw'),
('x', 'allow x'),
('rwx', 'allow service {s} rwx'),
('r', 'allow service {s} r'),
('rw', 'allow service {s} rw'),
('x', 'allow service {s} x'),
('rwx', 'allow command "{c}"'),
('rwx', 'allow command "{c}" with {kv}')
('rwx', 'allow command "{c}" with {key} prefix {val}')
'bad': {
('none', ''),
('none1', 'allow service foo rwx'),
('none2', 'allow service foo r'),
('none3', 'allow service foo rw'),
('none4', 'allow service foo x'),
('none', 'allow command foo'),
('none', 'allow command "{c}" with foo=bar'),
('none', 'allow command "{c}" with foo prefix bar'),
cmds = {
'cmd':('status', '', 'r')
'pre':'heap start_profiler',
'cmd':('heap', 'heapcmd=stats', 'rw'),
'post':'heap stop_profiler'
'cmd':('auth ls', '', 'r'),
'pre':'auth get-or-create client.foo mon \'allow *\'',
'cmd':('auth caps', 'entity="client.foo"', 'rw'),
'post':'auth del client.foo'
'cmd':('pg getmap', '', 'r'),
'cmd':('mds getmap', '', 'r'),
'cmd':('mds cluster_down', '', 'rw'),
'post':'mds cluster_up'
'cmd':('mon getmap', '', 'r')
'cmd':('mon remove', 'name=a', 'rw')
'cmd':('osd getmap', '', 'r'),
'cmd':('osd pause', '', 'rw'),
'post':'osd unpause'
'cmd':('osd crush dump', '', 'r')
'pre':'config-key set foo bar',
'cmd':('config-key get', 'key=foo', 'r')
'pre':'config-key set foo bar',
'cmd':('config-key del', 'key=foo', 'rw')
for (module,cmd_lst) in cmds.iteritems():
k = keyring_base + '.' + module
for cmd in cmd_lst:
(cmd_cmd, cmd_args, cmd_perm) = cmd['cmd']
cmd_args_key = ''
cmd_args_val = ''
if len(cmd_args) > 0:
(cmd_args_key, cmd_args_val) = cmd_args.split('=')
print 'generating keyring for {m}/{c}'.format(m=module,c=cmd_cmd)
# gen keyring
for (good_or_bad,kind_map) in perms.iteritems():
for (kind,lst) in kind_map.iteritems():
for (perm, cap) in lst:
cap_formatted = cap.format(
if len(cap_formatted) == 0:
run_cap = ''
run_cap = 'mon \'{fc}\''.format(fc=cap_formatted)
cname = 'client.{gb}-{kind}-{p}'.format(
'ceph auth get-or-create {n} {c}'.format(
n=cname,c=run_cap), 0, k)
# keyring generated
print 'testing {m}/{c}'.format(m=module,c=cmd_cmd)
# test
for good_bad in perms.iterkeys():
for (kind,lst) in perms[good_bad].iteritems():
for (perm,_) in lst:
cname = 'client.{gb}-{k}-{p}'.format(gb=good_bad,k=kind,p=perm)
if good_bad == 'good':
expect_ret = 0
expect_ret = errno.EACCES
if ( cmd_perm not in perm ):
expect_ret = errno.EACCES
if 'with' in kind and len(cmd_args) == 0:
expect_ret = errno.EACCES
if 'service' in kind and len(module) == 0:
expect_ret = errno.EACCES
if 'pre' in cmd and len(cmd['pre']) > 0:
expect('ceph {0}'.format(cmd['pre']), 0)
expect('ceph -n {cn} -k {k} {c} {arg_val}'.format(
cn=cname,k=k,c=cmd_cmd,arg_val=cmd_args_val), expect_ret)
if 'post' in cmd and len(cmd['post']) > 0:
expect('ceph {0}'.format(cmd['post']), 0)
# finish testing
return True
def test_misc():
k = keyring_base + '.misc'
'ceph auth get-or-create client.caps mon \'allow command "auth caps"' \
' with entity="client.caps"\'', 0, k)
expect('ceph -n client.caps -k {kf} mon_status'.format(kf=k), errno.EACCES)
expect('ceph -n client.caps -k {kf} auth caps client.caps mon \'allow *\''.format(kf=k), 0)
expect('ceph -n client.caps -k {kf} mon_status'.format(kf=k), 0)
def main():
print 'OK'
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':