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282 lines
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282 lines
6.3 KiB
#include "../crush.h"
using namespace crush;
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
Bucket *make_bucket(Crush& c, vector<int>& wid, int h, int& ndisks)
if (h == 0) {
// uniform
Hash hash(123);
vector<int> disks;
for (int i=0; i<wid[h]; i++)
UniformBucket *b = new UniformBucket(1, 0, 10, disks);
//cout << h << " uniformbucket with " << wid[h] << " disks" << endl;
return b;
} else {
// mixed
MixedBucket *b = new MixedBucket(h+1);
for (int i=0; i<wid[h]; i++) {
Bucket *n = make_bucket(c, wid, h-1, ndisks);
b->add_item(n->get_id(), n->get_weight());
//cout << h << " mixedbucket with " << wid[h] << endl;
return b;
int make_hierarchy(Crush& c, vector<int>& wid, int& ndisks)
Bucket *b = make_bucket(c, wid, wid.size()-1, ndisks);
return b->get_id();
Bucket *make_random(Crush& c, int wid, int height, int& ndisks)
int w = rand() % (wid-1) + 2;
if (height == 0) {
// uniform
Hash hash(123);
vector<int> disks;
for (int i=0; i<w; i++)
UniformBucket *b = new UniformBucket(1, 0, 10, disks);
//cout << h << " uniformbucket with " << wid[h] << " disks" << endl;
return b;
} else {
// mixed
int h = rand() % height + 1;
MixedBucket *b = new MixedBucket(h+1);
for (int i=0; i<w; i++) {
Bucket *n = make_random(c, wid, h-1, ndisks);
b->add_item(n->get_id(), n->get_weight());
//cout << h << " mixedbucket with " << wid[h] << endl;
return b;
float go(int dep, int overloadcutoff)
Hash h(73232313);
// crush
Crush c;
// buckets
int root = -1;
int ndisks = 0;
vector<int> wid;
for (int d=0; d<dep; d++)
if (1) {
root = make_hierarchy(c, wid, ndisks);
if (0) {
Bucket *r = make_random(c, 20, 4, ndisks);
root = r->get_id();
//c.print(cout, root);
if (0) {
MixedBucket *b = new MixedBucket(1);
for (int i=0; i<10000; i++)
b->add_item(ndisks++, 10);
root = c.add_bucket(b);
if (0) {
vector<int> disks;
for (int i=0; i<10000; i++)
UniformBucket *b = new UniformBucket(1, 0, 10000, disks);
Hash h(123);
root = c.add_bucket(b);
//cout << ndisks << " disks" << endl;
// rule
int numrep = 1;
Rule rule;
rule.steps.push_back(RuleStep(CRUSH_RULE_TAKE, root));
rule.steps.push_back(RuleStep(CRUSH_RULE_CHOOSE, numrep, 0));
//c.overload[10] = .1;
int pg_per = 100;
int numpg = pg_per*ndisks/numrep;
vector<int> ocount(ndisks);
//cout << ndisks << " disks, " << endl;
//cout << pg_per << " pgs per disk" << endl;
// cout << numpg << " logical pgs" << endl;
//cout << "numrep is " << numrep << endl;
int place = 1000000;
int times = place / numpg;
if (!times) times = 1;
//cout << "looping " << times << " times" << endl;
float tvar = 0;
int tvarnum = 0;
float overloadsum = 0.0;
float adjustsum = 0.0;
float afteroverloadsum = 0.0;
int chooses = 0;
int xs = 1;
for (int t=0; t<times; t++) {
vector<int> v(numrep);
for (int z=0; z<ndisks; z++) ocount[z] = 0;
for (int x=xs; x<numpg+xs; x++) {
//cout << H(x) << "\t" << h(x) << endl;
c.do_rule(rule, x, v);
chooses += numrep;
//cout << "v = " << v << endl;// " " << v[0] << " " << v[1] << " " << v[2] << endl;
bool bad = false;
for (int i=0; i<numrep; i++) {
//int d = b.choose_r(x, i, h);
//v[i] = d;
for (int j=i+1; j<numrep; j++) {
if (v[i] == v[j])
bad = true;
if (bad)
cout << "bad set " << x << ": " << v << endl;
//cout << v << "\t" << ocount << endl;
// overloaded?
int overloaded = 0;
int adjusted = 0;
for (int i=0; i<ocount.size(); i++) {
if (ocount[i] > overloadcutoff)
if (ocount[i] > 100+(overloadcutoff-100)/2) {
c.overload[i] = 100.0 / (float)ocount[i];
//cout << "disk " << i << " has " << ocount[i] << endl;
ocount[i] = 0;
//cout << overloaded << " overloaded" << endl;
overloadsum += (float)overloaded / (float)ndisks;
adjustsum += (float)adjusted / (float)ndisks;
for (int x=xs; x<numpg+xs; x++) {
//cout << H(x) << "\t" << h(x) << endl;
c.do_rule(rule, x, v);
//cout << "v = " << v << endl;// " " << v[0] << " " << v[1] << " " << v[2] << endl;
bool bad = false;
for (int i=0; i<numrep; i++) {
//int d = b.choose_r(x, i, h);
//v[i] = d;
for (int j=i+1; j<numrep; j++) {
if (v[i] == v[j])
bad = true;
if (bad)
cout << "bad set " << x << ": " << v << endl;
//cout << v << "\t" << ocount << endl;
xs += numpg;
int still = 0;
for (int i=0; i<ocount.size(); i++) {
if (ocount[i] > overloadcutoff) {
//c.overload[ocount[i]] = 100.0 / (float)ocount[i];
//cout << "disk " << i << " has " << ocount[i] << endl;
//if (still) cout << "overload was " << overloaded << " now " << still << endl;
afteroverloadsum += (float)still / (float)ndisks;
//cout << "collisions: " << c.collisions << endl;
//cout << "r bumps: " << c.bumps << endl;
float avg = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<ocount.size(); i++)
avg += ocount[i];
avg /= ocount.size();
float var = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<ocount.size(); i++)
var += (ocount[i] - avg) * (ocount[i] - avg);
var /= ocount.size();
//cout << "avg " << avg << " var " << var << " sd " << sqrt(var) << endl;
tvar += var;
overloadsum /= tvarnum;
adjustsum /= tvarnum;
tvar /= tvarnum;
afteroverloadsum /= tvarnum;
int collisions = c.collisions[0] + c.collisions[1] + c.collisions[2] + c.collisions[3];
float crate = (float) collisions / (float)chooses;
//cout << "collisions: " << c.collisions << endl;
//cout << "total variance " << tvar << endl;
//cout << " overlaod " << overloadsum << endl;
cout << overloadcutoff << "\t" << (10000.0 / (float)overloadcutoff) << "\t" << tvar << "\t" << overloadsum << "\t" << adjustsum << "\t" << afteroverloadsum << "\t" << crate << endl;
return tvar;
int main()
for (int d=140; d>100; d -= 5) {
float var = go(3,d);
//cout << "## depth = " << d << endl;
//cout << d << "\t" << var << endl;