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533 lines
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533 lines
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Executable File
#! /usr/bin/perl
=head1 NAME
rbd_functional_tests.pl - Script to test the RBD functionality.
perl rbd_functional_tests.pl [--help]
perl rbd_functional_tests.pl
perl rbd_functional_tests.pl --help
rbd_functional_tests.pl takes the following arguments:
(optional) Displays the usage message.
If cephx is enabled, set 'export CEPH_ARGS="--keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.keyring --id <user>"'
and execute the script as root.
For Example,for "nova" user, 'export CEPH_ARGS="--keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.keyring --id nova"'
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use RbdLib qw(perform_action log_results display_result _pre_clean_up _post_clean_up _create_rados_pool display_ceph_os_info $RADOS_MKPOOL $RADOS_RMPOOL $RBD_CREATE $RBD_RESIZE $RBD_INFO $RBD_REMOVE $RBD_RENAME $RBD_MV $RBD_LS $RBD_LIST $RBD_CLONE $RBD_EXPORT $RBD_IMPORT $RBD_CP $RBD_COPY $SNAP_CREATE $SNAP_LS $SNAP_LIST $SNAP_ROLLBACK $SNAP_PURGE $SNAP_REMOVE $POOL_RM_SUCCESS $POOL_MK_SUCCESS $RBD_EXISTS_ERR $RBD_WATCH $RBD_MAP $RBD_UNMAP $RBD_SHOWMAPPED $RADOS_LS get_command_output verify_action debug_msg tpass tfail display_func_result $CLI_FLAG);
use Pod::Usage();
use Getopt::Long();
my $help;
'help' => \$help
Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if ($help);
my $pool_name = "rbd";
#===========Variables used in the script========
my $img_name = "test_img";
my $snap_name = "snap1";
my $snap_name2 = "snap2";
my $snap_name3 = "snap3";
my $snap_name4 = "snap4";
my $new_rbd_img = "new_rbd_img";
my $non_existing_img = "rbdimage";
my $cp_new = "new";
my $exp_file = "rbd_test_file1";
my $exp_file1 = "rbd_test_file2";
my $exp_file2 = "rbd_test_file3";
my $rbd_imp_file = "test_file";
my $rbd_imp_image = "new_imp_img";
my $content = "This is a test file";
my $rbd_snap_new = "new";
my $neg_img_name = "neg_img";
my $max_img_name = "max_img";
my $img_name1 = "test_img1";
my $rbd_imp_test = "new_test_file";
my $non_pool_name = "no_pool";
my $no_snap = "no_snap";
my $img_name_mv = "new_img_mv";
my $test_log = "logfile.txt";
my $success = "test_completed.txt";
my $fail = "log.txt";
my $obj_initial = "000000000000";
my $obj_second = "000000000001";
my $exec_cmd;
our $MSG;
our $CLI_FLAG = "FALSE";
my $TC3_LOG = "verify import of file to rbd image and export the same image to file";
my $TC5_LOG = "Export rbd image to already existing non-empty file";
my $TC6_LOG = "Import file to an existing rbd image";
my $TC7_LOG = "verify import of an empty local file to rbd image";
my $TC8_LOG = "verify import of nonexisting file to rbd image";
my $TC9_LOG = "verify import of a directory to rbd image";
my $TC11_LOG = "verify export from an non-existing rbd image";
sub _create_pool {
$exec_cmd = get_command_output("$RADOS_RMPOOL $pool_name");
if ( ( $exec_cmd =~ /$POOL_RM_SUCCESS/ )
|| ( $exec_cmd =~ /does not exist/ ) )
debug_msg ("Pool $pool_name deleted");
$exec_cmd = get_command_output("$RADOS_MKPOOL $pool_name");
if ( ( $exec_cmd =~ /$POOL_MK_SUCCESS/ )
|| ( $exec_cmd =~ /RBD_EXISTS_ERR/ ) )
debug_msg ("Pool $pool_name created");
#To map rbd image to device
sub rbd_mapp {
my $img_name = shift;
# Execute "modprobe rbd"
my $cmd = get_command_output("sudo modprobe rbd");
if ( !$cmd ) {
perform_action( $RBD_MAP, "$pool_name\/$img_name", 0 );
my $ret = rbd_showmapped1($img_name);
print "ret is $ret \n";
return $ret;
#perform_action( $RBD_MAP, "$pool_name\/$non_existing_img", 2 );
# To list rbd map
sub rbd_showmapped1 {
my $img = shift;
my $ret_map = get_command_output($RBD_SHOWMAPPED);
my @lines = split( /\n/, $ret_map );
foreach (@lines) {
if ( $_ =~ /(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+($img)\s+\-\s+(\S+)/ ) {
print "match $2 and $3 and $4 \n";
return $4;
return 0;
# To unmap rbd device
sub rbd_unmap {
perform_action( $RBD_UNMAP, "/dev/rbd0", 0 );
perform_action( $RBD_UNMAP, "/dev/rbd10", 2 );
# To unmap rbd device
sub rbd_unmap_dev {
my $dev = shift;
my $rcode = perform_action( $RBD_UNMAP, $dev, 0 );
return $rcode;
# Delete the RBD image used by the client
sub del_mapped_img {
debug_msg("start of test");
my $img = rand();
my $dev;
my $rc_create =
perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img,pool $pool_name,size 100", 0 );
if ( !$rc_create ) {
$dev = rbd_mapp($img);
if ($dev) {
my $rc_del = perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
if ($rc_del) {
tpass("TC22 - Delete mapped rbd img");
perform_action( $RBD_UNMAP, $dev, 0 );
perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
else {
tfail("TC22 - Delete mapped rbd img");
debug_msg("end of test");
# To create a test file and write to it
sub create_test_file {
my ( $test_file, $dd_ifile ) = @_;
print "dd is $dd_ifile \n";
my $command = "dd if=$dd_ifile of=$test_file bs=1024 count=5000";
my $cmd_op = get_command_output($command);
if ( $cmd_op =~ /records/ ) {
my $csum = get_cksum($test_file);
return $csum;
else {
return -1;
# get cksum of given file
sub get_cksum {
my ($t_file) = @_;
my $csum = get_command_output("cksum $t_file");
my $cksum = ( split / /, $csum )[0];
return $cksum;
#import file to rbd image and verify if objects created
sub import_verify_objs {
my ( $img, $file ) = @_;
my $rc = perform_action( $RBD_IMPORT, "$file $img", 0 );
if ( !$rc ) {
my $rc1 = check_rados_objs($img);
debug_msg("import $file $img passed") && return 0 if ( !$rc1 );
debug_msg("import $file $img failed");
return 1;
sub import_resize_checkobjs {
my $img = "image1";
my $file = "imp_file";
my $dd_if = "/dev/zero";
my $exp_to_file = "/tmp/new";
my $rcc = create_test_file( $file, $dd_if );
if ( $rcc != -1 ) {
my $rc1 = import_verify_objs( $img, $file );
if ( !$rc1 ) {
my $rc2 =
perform_action( $RBD_RESIZE, "$pool_name\/$img --size 0", 0 );
if ( !$rc2 ) {
my $rc3 = check_rados_objs($img);
if ($rc3) {
tpass("TC2 passed: Import file to an image, resize image and verify");
=head - this one hangs
my $rc2 = perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT,"$pool_name\/$img $exp_to_file",0);
if ($rc2) {
tpass( "TC12 Passed - Export image of size 0" );
} else {
tfail( "TC12 Failed - Export image of size 0" );
else {
tfail("TC2 failed: Import file to an image, resize and verify");
perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
sub remove_test_files {
my $file = shift;
my $cmd = get_command_output("rm -rf $file");
if ( $cmd !~ /./ ) {
debug_msg("$file deleted");
else {
debug_msg("$file NOT deleted");
sub import_export {
my $new_img = "testin";
my $imp_from_file = "/tmp/file1";
my $exp_to_file = "/tmp/file2";
my ( $dd_ip_file, $tc, $tc_log ) = @_;
my $csum = create_test_file( $imp_from_file, $dd_ip_file );
if ( $csum != -1 ) {
my $rc1 = import_verify_objs( $new_img, $imp_from_file );
if ( !$rc1 ) {
my $rc2 = perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "$new_img $exp_to_file", 0 );
my $csum2 = get_cksum($exp_to_file);
if ( !$rc2 ) {
if ( $csum == $csum2 ) { tpass("TC$tc passed: $tc_log"); }
else { tfail("TC$tc failed: $tc_log") }
my $a = perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$new_img", 0 );
sub import_rename_export {
my $new_img = "testing_img1";
my $new1_img = "testing_img2";
my $imp_from_file = "/tmp/file1";
my $dd_ifile = "/dev/zero";
my $exp_to_file = "/tmp/file2";
my $csum = create_test_file( $imp_from_file, $dd_ifile );
if ( $csum != -1 ) {
my $rc1 = import_verify_objs( $new_img, $imp_from_file );
my $rc_mv =
perform_action( $RBD_RENAME,
"$pool_name/$new_img $pool_name/$new1_img", 0 )
if ( !$rc1 );
if ( !$rc_mv ) {
my $rc2 = perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "$new_img $exp_to_file", 0 );
if ($rc2) {
tpass("TC4 passed: verify import file to an image , rename image and export image");
else {
tfail("TC4 failed: verify import file to an image , rename image and export image");
perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$new1_img", 0 );
sub imp_exp_existing {
my ( $cmd, $imgg, $file, $tc, $tc_log ) = @_;
my $dd_if = "/dev/zero";
my $rc2 = " ";
my $rc_create = perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$imgg, pool $pool_name, size 1024", 0 );
print ":rc is $rc_create \n";
if ( !$rc_create ) {
my $cksum = create_test_file( $file, $dd_if );
if ( $cksum != -1 ) {
$rc2 = perform_action( "$cmd", "$file $pool_name\/$imgg", 0 )
if ( $cmd eq 'rbd import' );
$rc2 = perform_action( "$cmd", "$pool_name\/$imgg $file", 0 )
if ( $cmd eq 'rbd export' );
if ($rc2) {
tpass("TC$tc passed: $tc_log");
else {
tfail("TC$tc failed: $tc_log");
perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$imgg", 0 );
remove_test_files( $file );
sub import_tcs {
my $new_img = rand();
my $rc1;
my ( $option, $tc, $tc_log ) = @_;
get_command_output("touch $option") if ( $tc == 7 );
get_command_output("mkdir $option") if ( $tc == 9 );
if ( ( $tc == 7 ) || ( $tc == 9 ) || ( $tc == 8 ) ) {
$rc1 = perform_action( $RBD_IMPORT, "$option $new_img", 0 );
elsif ( $tc == 11 ) {
$rc1 = perform_action( $RBD_EXPORT, "$new_img $option", 0 );
if ($rc1) {
tpass("TC$tc passed: $tc_log");
else {
tfail("TC$tc failed: $tc_log");
sub get_prefix_obj {
my $img = shift;
my $rbd_info_op = verify_action( $RBD_INFO, "$img", 0 );
my @get_prefix_l = split( "\n", $rbd_info_op );
my $get_prefix = ( split /:/, $get_prefix_l[3] )[-1];
$get_prefix =~ s/^\s+//;
return $get_prefix;
sub get_img_size {
my $img = shift;
my $rbd_info_op = verify_action( $RBD_INFO, "$img", 0 );
my @get_size_l = split( "\n", $rbd_info_op );
my $get_size = ( split / /, $get_size_l[1] )[1];
return $get_size;
sub check_rados_basic_ls {
my ($image) = @_;
my $rbd_image = "$image\.rbd";
my $cmd_output = verify_action( $RADOS_LS, "-p $pool_name", 0 );
if ( ( $cmd_output =~ /rbd_directory/ )
&& ( $cmd_output =~ /$rbd_image/ ) )
return 0;
else {
return 1;
sub check_rados_objs {
my ($img) = @_;
my $get_obj_prefix = get_prefix_obj($img);
my $obj1 = "$get_obj_prefix\.$obj_initial";
my $obj2 = "$get_obj_prefix\.$obj_second";
my @get_rados_objs = verify_action( $RADOS_LS, "-p $pool_name", 0 );
if ( ( grep /$obj1/, @get_rados_objs )
&& ( grep /$obj2/, @get_rados_objs ) )
return 0;
return 1;
sub create_check_objs {
my $cmd_rc =
perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$img_name,pool $pool_name,size 1024", 0 );
my $rc = check_rados_basic_ls($img_name);
if ( !$rc ) {
tpass("TC1 passed: rados ls passed");
else {
tfail("TC1 failed: rados ls failed");
sub create_snap_resize_rollback {
my $img = rand();
my $snp = rand();
debug_msg("Start of Test");
my $rc_c = create_snapshot( $img, $snp );
if ( !$rc_c ) {
my $rc1 =
perform_action( $RBD_RESIZE, "$pool_name\/$img --size 50", 0 );
if ( !$rc1 ) {
my $rc_sr = rollback_snapshots( $img, $snp );
if ( !$rc_sr ) {
tpass("TC13 passed: create,resize and rollback");
perform_action( $SNAP_PURGE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
else {
tfail("TC13 failed: create,resize and rollback");
debug_msg("End of the Test");
sub create_snap_rollback {
my $img = rand();
my $snp = rand();
debug_msg("Start of Test");
my $rc_c = create_snapshot( $img, $snp );
if ( !$rc_c ) {
my $rc_sr = rollback_snapshots( $img, $snp );
if ( !$rc_sr ) {
tpass("TC15 passed: create snapshot and rollback snapshot immediately");
perform_action( $SNAP_PURGE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
else {
tfail("TC15 failed: create snapshot and rollback snapshot immediately");
debug_msg("End of the Test");
sub create_delete_rollback {
my $img = rand();
my $snp = rand();
debug_msg("Start of Test");
my $rc_c = create_snapshot( $img, $snp );
if ( !$rc_c ) {
my $rc1 = perform_action( $SNAP_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img\@$snp", 0 );
if ( !$rc1 ) {
my $rc_sr = rollback_snapshots( $img, $snp );
if ($rc_sr) {
tpass("TC16 passed: create,delete and rollback");
my $rc_srm =
perform_action( $SNAP_PURGE, "$pool_name\/$img", 2 );
if ($rc_srm) {
tpass("TC17 passed: snap purge on image with no snapshots");
else {
tfail("TC17 passed: snap purge on image with no snapshot failed");
else {
tfail("TC16 failed: create,delete and rollback");
my $rc_rm = perform_action( $RBD_REMOVE, "$pool_name\/$img", 0 );
debug_msg("End of the Test");
sub create_snapshot {
my ( $image, $snap ) = @_;
my $rc_create =
perform_action( $RBD_CREATE, "$image,pool $pool_name,size 100", 0 );
if ( !$rc_create ) {
my $rc_snap =
perform_action( $SNAP_CREATE, "--snap $snap $pool_name\/$image", 0 );
return $rc_snap;
sub rollback_snapshots {
my ( $img, $snap ) = @_;
my $rc_sr =
perform_action( $SNAP_ROLLBACK, "--snap $snap $pool_name\/$img", 0 );
if ( !$rc_sr ) {
my $img_size1 = get_img_size($img);
if ( $img_size1 == 102400 ) {
return 0;
return 1;
my $test_img = rand();
my $test_file = rand();
my $test_dir = rand();
import_export( "/dev/zero", 3, $TC3_LOG );
imp_exp_existing( $RBD_EXPORT, $test_img, $test_file, 5 , $TC5_LOG);
imp_exp_existing( $RBD_IMPORT, $test_img, $test_file, 6 , $TC6_LOG);
import_tcs( $test_file, 7, $TC7_LOG );
import_tcs( $test_file, 8 , $TC8_LOG);
import_tcs( $test_dir, 9 , $TC9_LOG);
import_tcs( $test_file, 11, $TC11_LOG );
#del_mapped_img () dont execute this when cluster and client is on the same m/c