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pdns-backend-rgw.py | ||
README.md | ||
rgw-pdns.conf.in |
PowerDNS RADOS Gateway backend
A backend for PowerDNS to direct RADOS Gateway bucket traffic to the correct regions.
For example, two regions exist, US and EU.
EU: o.myobjects.eu
US: o.myobjects.us
A global domain o.myobjects.com exists.
Bucket 'foo' exists in the region EU and 'bar' in US.
foo.o.myobjects.com will return a CNAME to foo.o.myobjects.eu
bar.o.myobjects.com will return a CNAME to foo.o.myobjects.us
The HTTP Remote Backend from PowerDNS is used in this case: http://doc.powerdns.com/html/remotebackend.html
PowerDNS must be compiled with Remote HTTP backend support enabled, this is not default.
For more information visit the Blueprint
PowerDNS backend
Usage for this backend is showed by invoking with --help. See rgw-pdns.conf.in for a configuration example
The ACCESS and SECRET key pair requires the caps "metadata=read"
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:6780/dns/lookup/foo.o.myobjects.com/ANY
Should return something like:
"result": [
"content": "foo.o.myobjects.eu",
"qtype": "CNAME",
"qname": "foo.o.myobjects.com",
"ttl": 60
You can run this backend directly behind an Apache server with mod_wsgi
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/pdns-backend-rgw.py
Placing that in your virtualhost should be sufficient.
Afterwards point PowerDNS to localhost on port 80: