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// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
* Ceph - scalable distributed file system
* Copyright (C) 2016 John Spray <john.spray@redhat.com>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
* Foundation. See file COPYING.
#ifndef MGR_CLIENT_H_
#define MGR_CLIENT_H_
#include "msg/Connection.h"
#include "msg/Dispatcher.h"
#include "mon/MgrMap.h"
#include "osd/OSDHealthMetric.h"
#include "common/perf_counters.h"
#include "common/Timer.h"
#include "common/CommandTable.h"
class MMgrMap;
class MMgrConfigure;
class Messenger;
class MCommandReply;
class MPGStats;
class MgrSessionState
// Which performance counters have we already transmitted schema for?
std::set<std::string> declared;
// Our connection to the mgr
ConnectionRef con;
class MgrCommand : public CommandOp
MgrCommand(ceph_tid_t t) : CommandOp(t) {}
MgrCommand() : CommandOp() {}
class MgrClient : public Dispatcher
CephContext *cct;
MgrMap map;
Messenger *msgr;
unique_ptr<MgrSessionState> session;
Mutex lock = {"MgrClient::lock"};
uint32_t stats_period = 0;
uint32_t stats_threshold = 0;
SafeTimer timer;
CommandTable<MgrCommand> command_table;
utime_t last_connect_attempt;
Context *report_callback = nullptr;
Context *connect_retry_callback = nullptr;
// If provided, use this to compose an MPGStats to send with
// our reports (hook for use by OSD)
std::function<MPGStats*()> pgstats_cb;
// for service registration and beacon
bool service_daemon = false;
bool daemon_dirty_status = false;
std::string service_name, daemon_name;
std::map<std::string,std::string> daemon_metadata;
std::map<std::string,std::string> daemon_status;
std::vector<OSDHealthMetric> osd_health_metrics;
void reconnect();
void _send_open();
MgrClient(CephContext *cct_, Messenger *msgr_);
void set_messenger(Messenger *msgr_) { msgr = msgr_; }
void init();
void shutdown();
bool ms_dispatch(Message *m) override;
bool ms_handle_reset(Connection *con) override;
void ms_handle_remote_reset(Connection *con) override {}
bool ms_handle_refused(Connection *con) override;
bool handle_mgr_map(MMgrMap *m);
bool handle_mgr_configure(MMgrConfigure *m);
bool handle_command_reply(MCommandReply *m);
void send_pgstats();
void set_pgstats_cb(std::function<MPGStats*()> cb_)
Mutex::Locker l(lock);
pgstats_cb = cb_;
int start_command(const vector<string>& cmd, const bufferlist& inbl,
bufferlist *outbl, string *outs,
Context *onfinish);
int service_daemon_register(
const std::string& service,
const std::string& name,
const std::map<std::string,std::string>& metadata);
int service_daemon_update_status(
std::map<std::string,std::string>&& status);
void update_osd_health(std::vector<OSDHealthMetric>&& metrics);
void send_stats();
void send_report();