Kalpesh 42d87989e9 rgw/test: Changing force-branch to master
This PR includes 2 things:
1. Changing force-branch to master and removing the git-remote. This change was forgetten for PR #39139.
2. Proper cleanup/removal after completion of commands more precisely removing the kafka logs directory.

Signed-off-by: Kalpesh Pandya <kapandya@redhat.com>
2021-04-08 01:37:29 +05:30

201 lines
6.7 KiB

Deploy and configure Kafka for Teuthology
import contextlib
import logging
from teuthology import misc as teuthology
from teuthology import contextutil
from teuthology.orchestra import run
from teuthology.exceptions import ConfigError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_kafka_version(config):
for client, client_config in config.items():
if 'kafka_version' in client_config:
kafka_version = client_config.get('kafka_version')
return kafka_version
def get_kafka_dir(ctx, config):
kafka_version = get_kafka_version(config)
current_version = 'kafka-' + kafka_version + '-src'
return '{tdir}/{ver}'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx),ver=current_version)
def get_toxvenv_dir(ctx):
return ctx.tox.venv_path
def toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote, args, **kwargs):
activate = get_toxvenv_dir(ctx) + '/bin/activate'
return remote.sh(['source', activate, run.Raw('&&')] + args, **kwargs)
def install_kafka(ctx, config):
Downloading the kafka tar file.
assert isinstance(config, dict)
log.info('Installing Kafka...')
for (client, _) in config.items():
(remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
current_version = get_kafka_version(config)
link1 = 'https://archive.apache.org/dist/kafka/' + current_version + '/kafka-' + current_version + '-src.tgz'
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote, ['cd', '{tdir}'.format(tdir=test_dir), run.Raw('&&'), 'wget', link1])
file1 = 'kafka-' + current_version + '-src.tgz'
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote, ['cd', '{tdir}'.format(tdir=test_dir), run.Raw('&&'), 'tar', '-xvzf', file1])
log.info('Removing packaged dependencies of Kafka...')
test_dir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)
current_version = get_kafka_version(config)
for client in config:
args=['rm', '-rf', '{tdir}/logs'.format(tdir=test_dir)],
args=['rm', '-rf', test_dir],
rmfile1 = 'kafka-' + current_version + '-src.tgz'
args=['rm', '-rf', '{tdir}/{doc}'.format(tdir=teuthology.get_testdir(ctx),doc=rmfile1)],
def run_kafka(ctx,config):
This includes two parts:
1. Starting Zookeeper service
2. Starting Kafka service
assert isinstance(config, dict)
log.info('Bringing up Zookeeper and Kafka services...')
for (client,_) in config.items():
(remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
['cd', '{tdir}'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'./gradlew', 'jar',
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
['cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'{tir}/config/zookeeper.properties'.format(tir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)),
run.Raw('&'), 'exit'
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
['cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'{tir}/config/server.properties'.format(tir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)),
run.Raw('&'), 'exit'
log.info('Stopping Zookeeper and Kafka Services...')
for (client, _) in config.items():
(remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
['cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'{tir}/config/kafka.properties'.format(tir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)),
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
['cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'{tir}/config/zookeeper.properties'.format(tir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)),
def run_admin_cmds(ctx,config):
Running Kafka Admin commands in order to check the working of producer anf consumer and creation of topic.
assert isinstance(config, dict)
log.info('Checking kafka server through producer/consumer commands...')
for (client,_) in config.items():
(remote,) = ctx.cluster.only(client).remotes.keys()
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
'cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'./kafka-topics.sh', '--create', '--topic', 'quickstart-events',
'--bootstrap-server', 'localhost:9092'
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
'cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'echo', "First", run.Raw('|'),
'./kafka-console-producer.sh', '--topic', 'quickstart-events',
'--bootstrap-server', 'localhost:9092'
toxvenv_sh(ctx, remote,
'cd', '{tdir}/bin'.format(tdir=get_kafka_dir(ctx, config)), run.Raw('&&'),
'./kafka-console-consumer.sh', '--topic', 'quickstart-events',
'--bootstrap-server', 'localhost:9092',
run.Raw('&'), 'exit'
def task(ctx,config):
To run kafka the prerequisite is to run the tox task. Following is the way how to run
tox and then kafka::
- tox: [ client.0 ]
- kafka:
assert config is None or isinstance(config, list) \
or isinstance(config, dict), \
"task kafka only supports a list or dictionary for configuration"
if not hasattr(ctx, 'tox'):
raise ConfigError('kafka must run after the tox task')
all_clients = ['client.{id}'.format(id=id_)
for id_ in teuthology.all_roles_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'client')]
if config is None:
config = all_clients
if isinstance(config, list):
config = dict.fromkeys(config)
log.debug('Kafka config is %s', config)
with contextutil.nested(
lambda: install_kafka(ctx=ctx, config=config),
lambda: run_kafka(ctx=ctx, config=config),
lambda: run_admin_cmds(ctx=ctx, config=config),