Laura Flores 39df3b8827 qa/crontab: temporarily disable teuthology cronjobs
Temporarily disable teuthology cron jobs before
the Reef dev freeze. This commit is intended to
lessen the load on the teuthology queue as we
test final patches for Reef, but should be reverted
after the dev freeze.

Signed-off-by: Laura Flores <lflores@redhat.com>
2023-02-22 23:17:19 +00:00

144 lines
14 KiB

### !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
## https://code.google.com/archive/p/chkcrontab/wikis/CheckCrontab.wiki
## https://github.com/ceph/ceph-cm-ansible/pull/391
## crontab is in https://github.com/ceph/ceph/main/qa/crontab/teuthology-cronjobs
# chkcrontab: disable-msg=INVALID_USER
# chkcrontab: disable-msg=USER_NOT_FOUND
@daily /bin/bash /home/teuthology/bin/update-crontab.sh
### !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Ensure teuthology is up-to-date
@daily cd /home/teuthology/src/teuthology_main && /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper git pull
@daily cd /home/teuthology/src/git.ceph.com_ceph_main && /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper git pull
# Ensure ceph-sepia-secrets is up-to-date
*/5 * * * * cd /home/teuthology/ceph-sepia-secrets && /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper git pull
#Publish this crontab to the Tracker page http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki/Crontab
@daily crontab=$(crontab -l | perl -p -e 's/</&lt;/g; s/>/&gt;/g; s/&/&amp;/g') ; header=$(echo h3. Crontab ; echo) ; curl --verbose -X PUT --header 'Content-type: application/xml' --data-binary '<?xml version="1.0"?><wiki_page><text>'"$header"'&lt;pre&gt;'"$crontab"'&lt;/pre&gt;</text></wiki_page>' http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-releases/wiki/sepia.xml?key=$(cat /etc/redmine-key)
## This is an example only, don't remove !
## to see result open http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-qa-suite/wiki/ceph-ansible
@daily SUITE_NAME=~/src/ceph-qa-suite_main/suites/ceph-ansible; crontab=$(teuthology-describe-tests --show-facet no $SUITE_NAME | perl -p -e 's/</&lt;/g; s/>/&gt;/g; s/&/&amp;/g') ; header=$(echo h4. $SUITE_NAME ; echo " "; echo " ") ; curl --verbose -X PUT --header 'Content-type: application/xml' --data-binary '<?xml version="1.0"?><wiki_page><text>'"$header"'&lt;pre&gt;'"$crontab"'&lt;/pre&gt;</text></wiki_page>' http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph-qa-suite/wiki/ceph-ansible.xml?key=$(cat /etc/redmine-key)
## ********** smoke tests on main, octopus, and pacific branches
# 0 5 * * 0,2,4 CEPH_BRANCH=main; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s smoke -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -p 70
# 0 8 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -m $MACHINE_NAME -s smoke -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -p 70
# 7 8 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -m $MACHINE_NAME -s smoke -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -p 70
## ********** windows tests on main branch - weekly
# 00 03 * * 1 CEPH_BRANCH=main; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s windows -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
## ********** crimson tests on main branch - weekly
# 01 01 * * 0 CEPH_BRANCH=main; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=crimson-rados; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 100000 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
## quincy branch runs - weekly
## suites rados and rbd use --subset arg and must be call with schedule_subset.sh
## see script in https://github.com/ceph/ceph/tree/main/qa/machine_types
# 01 07 * * 0 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rados; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 100000 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 07 07 * * 0 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=orch; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 100000 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 01 02 * * 1 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rbd; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 100000 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 15 03 * * 2 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=fs; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 32 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 15 11 * * 3 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=powercycle; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 100000 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 05 03 * * 4 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rgw; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s $SUITE_NAME -k $KERNEL -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
# 20 03 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=krbd; KERNEL=testing; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s $SUITE_NAME -k $KERNEL -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
### The suite below must run on bare-metal because it's performance suite and run 3 times to produce more data points
# 57 03 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s perf-basic -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -N 3
#********** nautilus branch START - weekly
# 25 13 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=nautilus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=kcephfs; KERNEL=testing; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 2999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 15 05 * * 0 CEPH_BRANCH=nautilus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s krbd -k testing -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
#********** nautilus branch END
#********** octopus branch START - weekly
# 30 03 * * 3 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rados; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 9999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 00 06 * * 4 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rbd; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 9999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 10 04 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=fs; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 9999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 15 13 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=multimds; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 9999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 15 12 * * 0 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=powercycle; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 9999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL
# 05 05 * * 1 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s rgw -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
# 15 05 * * 2 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s krbd -k testing -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
## upgrades suites for on octopus
# 30 02 * * 4 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -k distro -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/mimic-x -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
# 23 14 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -k distro -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/nautilus-x -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
# 25 01 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/octopus-p2p -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
## !!!! three suites below MUST use --suite-branch luminous, mimic, nautilus (see https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/24021)
## The suites below run without filters
# 47 01 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/client-upgrade-luminous-octopus -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch luminous -t py2
# 50 01 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/client-upgrade-mimic-octopus -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch mimic -t py2
# 50 01 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=octopus; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade-clients/client-upgrade-nautilus-octopus -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch nautilus
#********** octopus branch END
#********** pacific branch START - frequency 4(2) times a week
# 31 03 * * 0 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rados; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 99999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 500 --force-priority
# 07 06 * * 1 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=rbd; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 99999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 500 --force-priority
# 17 04 * * 2 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=fs; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 32 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 500 --force-priority
# 17 12 * * 3 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=powercycle; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 9999 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 500 --force-priority
# 07 05 * * 4 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s rgw -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -p 500
# 17 05 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s krbd -k testing -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -p 500
# 23 14 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -k distro -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/nautilus-x -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL -p 500
# 20 01 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade-clients/client-upgrade-octopus-pacific -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch octopus -p 500
# 20 07 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade-clients/client-upgrade-nautilus-pacific -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch nautilus -p 500
# 22 14 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=upgrade:octopus-x; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 10 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 500 --force-priority
# 25 01 * * 7 CEPH_BRANCH=pacific; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/pacific-p2p -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
#********** pacific branch END
### upgrade runs for quincy release
###### on smithi
## !!!! the client suites below MUST use --suite-branch octopus, pacific (see https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/24021)
# 20 01 * * 4 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade-clients/client-upgrade-octopus-quincy -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch octopus
# 25 01 * * 4 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade-clients/client-upgrade-pacific-quincy -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL --suite-branch pacific
# 22 14 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=upgrade:octopus-x; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 10 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 70 --force-priority
# 23 14 * * 5 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=upgrade:pacific-x; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 10 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 70 --force-priority
# 35 01 * * 7 CEPH_BRANCH=quincy; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper teuthology-suite -v -c $CEPH_BRANCH -n 100 -m $MACHINE_NAME -s upgrade/quincy-p2p -k distro -e $CEPH_QA_EMAIL
### upgrade runs for reef release
###### on smithi
# 23 14 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=main; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=upgrade:pacific-x; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 10 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 70 --force-priority
# 23 14 * * 6 CEPH_BRANCH=main; MACHINE_NAME=smithi; SUITE_NAME=upgrade:quincy-x; KERNEL=distro; /home/teuthology/bin/cron_wrapper /home/teuthology/bin/schedule_subset.sh 10 $CEPH_BRANCH $MACHINE_NAME $SUITE_NAME $CEPH_QA_EMAIL $KERNEL -p 70 --force-priority