Sage Weil 0c1fd629fa qa/workunits/cephtool/test.sh: test set/unset of all osd flags
Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <sage@inktank.com>
2013-08-07 08:35:48 -07:00

314 lines
7.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/bin/bash -x
set -e
local pool obj map_output pg
declare -a map_output
map_output=($(ceph osd map $1 $2))
for (( i=0; i<${#map_output[*]}; i++ )) ; do
if [ "${map_output[$i]}" == "pg" ] ; then
pg=$(echo $pg | sed 's/[()]//g')
echo $pg
set -x
if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
trap "rm $TMPFILE" 0
function check_response()
if [ $1 != $2 ] ; then
echo "return code invalid: got $1, expected $2" >&2
exit 1
if ! grep "$3" $TMPFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "Didn't find $3 in stderr output" >&2
echo "Stderr: " >&2
cat $TMPFILE >&2
exit 1
# Assumes there are at least 3 MDSes and two OSDs
ceph auth add client.xx mon allow osd "allow *"
ceph auth export client.xx >client.xx.keyring
ceph auth add client.xx -i client.xx.keyring
ceph auth list | grep client.xx
ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon
ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep osd
ceph auth get-key client.xx
ceph auth print-key client.xx
ceph auth print_key client.xx
ceph auth caps client.xx osd "allow rw"
expect_false "ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon"
ceph auth get client.xx | grep osd | grep "allow rw"
ceph auth export | grep client.xx
ceph auth export -o authfile
ceph auth import -i authfile
ceph auth export -o authfile2
diff authfile authfile2
rm authfile authfile2
ceph auth del client.xx
# with and without verbosity
ceph osd dump | grep '^epoch'
ceph --concise osd dump | grep '^epoch'
# df
ceph df | grep GLOBAL
ceph df detail | grep CATEGORY
ceph df --format json | grep 'total_space'
ceph df detail --format json | grep 'rd_kb'
ceph df --format xml | grep '<total_space>'
ceph df detail --format xml | grep '<rd_kb>'
ceph fsid
ceph health
ceph health detail
ceph health --format json-pretty
ceph health detail --format xml-pretty
ceph -w > /tmp/$$ &
mymsg="this is a test log message $$.$(date)"
ceph log "$mymsg"
sleep 3
if ! grep "$mymsg" /tmp/$$; then
# in case it is very slow (mon thrashing or something)
sleep 30
grep "$mymsg" /tmp/$$
kill $wpid
ceph mds cluster_down
ceph mds cluster_up
ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
ceph mds compat show
expect_false ceph mds deactivate 2
ceph mds dump
# XXX mds fail, but how do you undo it?
current_epoch=$(ceph mds getmap -o $mdsmapfile --no-log-to-stderr 2>&1 | grep epoch | sed 's/.*epoch //')
[ -s $mdsmapfile ]
((epoch = current_epoch + 1))
ceph mds setmap -i $mdsmapfile $epoch
rm $mdsmapfile
ceph mds newfs 0 1 --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool create data2 10
poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep 'pool.*data2' | awk '{print $2;}')
ceph mds add_data_pool $poolnum
ceph mds remove_data_pool $poolnum
ceph osd pool delete data2 data2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph mds set_max_mds 4
ceph mds set_max_mds 3
ceph mds stat
# ceph mds tell mds.a getmap
# ceph mds rm
# ceph mds rmfailed
# ceph mds set_state
# ceph mds stop
# no mon add/remove
ceph mon dump
ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/monmap
[ -s /tmp/monmap ]
# ceph mon tell
ceph mon_status
ceph osd blacklist add $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
expect_false "(ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl)"
ceph osd crush tunables legacy
ceph osd crush tunables bobtail
# how do I tell when these are done?
ceph osd scrub 0
ceph osd deep-scrub 0
ceph osd repair 0
for f in noup nodown noin noout noscrub nodeep-scrub nobackfill norecover
ceph osd set $f
ceph osd unset $f
expect_false ceph osd set bogus
expect_false ceph osd unset bogus
ceph osd set noup
ceph osd down 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 down'
ceph osd unset noup
for ((i=0; i < 100; i++)); do
if ! ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'; then
echo "waiting for osd.0 to come back up"
sleep 10
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'
ceph osd find 1
ceph osd out 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*out'
ceph osd in 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*in'
ceph osd find 0
ceph osd getcrushmap -o $f
[ -s $f ]
rm $f
ceph osd getmap -o $f
[ -s $f ]
rm $f
save=$(ceph osd getmaxosd | sed -e 's/max_osd = //' -e 's/ in epoch.*//')
ceph osd setmaxosd 10
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep 'max_osd = 10'
ceph osd setmaxosd $save
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $save"
for id in `ceph osd ls` ; do
ceph tell osd.$id version
id=`ceph osd create`
ceph osd lost $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd rm $id
id=`ceph osd create $uuid`
id2=`ceph osd create $uuid`
[ "$id" = "$id2" ]
ceph osd rm $id
ceph osd ls
ceph osd lspools | grep data
ceph osd map data foo | grep 'pool.*data.*object.*foo.*pg.*up.*acting'
ceph osd pause
ceph osd dump | grep 'flags pauserd,pausewr'
ceph osd unpause
ceph osd tree
ceph osd pool mksnap data datasnap
rados -p data lssnap | grep datasnap
ceph osd pool rmsnap data datasnap
ceph osd pool create data2 10
ceph osd pool rename data2 data3
ceph osd lspools | grep data3
ceph osd pool delete data3 data3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd stat | grep up,
ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist
ceph pg debug degraded_pgs_exist
ceph pg deep-scrub 0.0
ceph pg dump
ceph pg dump pgs_brief --format=json
ceph pg dump pgs --format=json
ceph pg dump pools --format=json
ceph pg dump osds --format=json
ceph pg dump sum --format=json
ceph pg dump all --format=json
ceph pg dump pgs_brief osds --format=json
ceph pg dump pools osds pgs_brief --format=json
ceph pg dump_json
ceph pg dump_pools_json
ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
ceph pg dump_stuck unclean
ceph pg dump_stuck stale
# can't test this...
# ceph pg force_create_pg
ceph pg getmap -o /tmp/map
[ -s /tmp/map ]
ceph pg map 0.0 | grep acting
ceph pg repair 0.0
ceph pg scrub 0.0
ceph pg send_pg_creates
ceph pg set_full_ratio 0.90
ceph pg dump --format=plain | grep '^full_ratio 0.9'
ceph pg set_full_ratio 0.95
ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.90
ceph pg dump --format=plain | grep '^nearfull_ratio 0.9'
ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.85
ceph pg stat | grep 'pgs:'
ceph pg 0.0 query
ceph tell 0.0 query
ceph quorum enter
ceph quorum_status
ceph report | grep osd_stats
ceph status
ceph -s
# ceph sync force
ceph tell osd.0 version
expect_false ceph tell osd.9999 version
expect_false ceph tell osd.foo version
ceph tell osd.0 dump_pg_recovery_stats | grep Started
ceph osd reweight 0 0.9
expect_false ceph osd reweight 0 -1
ceph osd reweight 0 1
for s in pg_num pgp_num size min_size crash_replay_interval crush_ruleset; do
ceph osd pool get data $s
ceph osd pool get data size | grep 'size: 2'
ceph osd pool set data size 3
ceph osd pool get data size | grep 'size: 3'
ceph osd pool set data size 2
ceph osd pool get rbd crush_ruleset | grep 'crush_ruleset: 2'
ceph osd thrash 10
set +e
# expect error about missing 'pool' argument
ceph osd map 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'pool'
# expect error about unused argument foo
ceph osd ls foo 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'unused'
# expect "not in range" for invalid full ratio
ceph pg set_full_ratio 95 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'not in range'
# expect "not in range" for invalid overload percentage
ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 80 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'not in range'
echo OK