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326 lines
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326 lines
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Executable File
import errno
import logging as log
import time
import subprocess
import json
import boto3
import botocore.exceptions
import os
Rgw manual and dynamic resharding testing against a running instance
# The test cases in this file have been annotated for inventory.
# To extract the inventory (in csv format) use the command:
# grep '^ *# TESTCASE' | sed 's/^ *# TESTCASE //'
log.basicConfig(format = '%(message)s', level=log.DEBUG)
""" Constants """
USER = 'tester'
DISPLAY_NAME = 'Testing'
SECRET_KEY = 'LnEsqNNqZIpkzauboDcLXLcYaWwLQ3Kop0zAnKIn'
BUCKET_NAME = 'a-bucket'
INDEX_POOL = 'default.rgw.buckets.index'
def exec_cmd(cmd, **kwargs):
check_retcode = kwargs.pop('check_retcode', True)
kwargs['shell'] = True
kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
out, _ = proc.communicate()
if check_retcode:
assert(proc.returncode == 0)
return out
return (out, proc.returncode)
class BucketStats:
def __init__(self, bucket_name, bucket_id, num_objs=0, size_kb=0, num_shards=0):
self.bucket_name = bucket_name
self.bucket_id = bucket_id
self.num_objs = num_objs
self.size_kb = size_kb
self.num_shards = num_shards if num_shards > 0 else 1
def get_num_shards(self):
self.num_shards = get_bucket_num_shards(self.bucket_name, self.bucket_id)
def get_bucket_stats(bucket_name):
function to get bucket stats
cmd = exec_cmd("radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket {}".format(bucket_name))
json_op = json.loads(cmd)
#print(json.dumps(json_op, indent = 4, sort_keys=True))
bucket_id = json_op['id']
num_shards = json_op['num_shards']
if len(json_op['usage']) > 0:
num_objects = json_op['usage']['rgw.main']['num_objects']
size_kb = json_op['usage']['rgw.main']['size_kb']
num_objects = 0
size_kb = 0
log.debug(" \nBUCKET_STATS: \nbucket: {} id: {} num_objects: {} size_kb: {} num_shards: {}\n".format(bucket_name, bucket_id,
num_objects, size_kb, num_shards))
return BucketStats(bucket_name, bucket_id, num_objects, size_kb, num_shards)
def get_bucket_layout(bucket_name):
res = exec_cmd("radosgw-admin bucket layout --bucket {}".format(bucket_name))
return json.loads(res)
def get_bucket_shard0(bucket_name):
bucket_id = get_bucket_stats(bucket_name).bucket_id
index_gen = get_bucket_layout(bucket_name)['layout']['current_index']['gen']
return '.dir.%s.%d.0' % (bucket_id, index_gen)
def get_bucket_num_shards(bucket_name, bucket_id):
function to get bucket num shards
metadata = 'bucket.instance:' + bucket_name + ':' + bucket_id
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin metadata get {}'.format(metadata))
json_op = json.loads(cmd)
num_shards = json_op['data']['bucket_info']['num_shards']
return num_shards
def run_bucket_reshard_cmd(bucket_name, num_shards, **kwargs):
cmd = 'radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket {} --num-shards {}'.format(bucket_name, num_shards)
cmd += ' --rgw-reshard-bucket-lock-duration 30' # reduce to minimum
if 'error_at' in kwargs:
cmd += ' --inject-error-at {}'.format(kwargs.pop('error_at'))
elif 'abort_at' in kwargs:
cmd += ' --inject-abort-at {}'.format(kwargs.pop('abort_at'))
if 'error_code' in kwargs:
cmd += ' --inject-error-code {}'.format(kwargs.pop('error_code'))
return exec_cmd(cmd, **kwargs)
def test_bucket_reshard(conn, name, **fault):
# create a bucket with non-default ACLs to verify that reshard preserves them
bucket = conn.create_bucket(Bucket=name, ACL='authenticated-read')
grants = bucket.Acl().grants
objs = []
# create objs
for i in range(0, 20):
objs += [bucket.put_object(Key='key' + str(i), Body=b"some_data")]
old_shard_count = get_bucket_stats(name).num_shards
num_shards_expected = old_shard_count + 1
# try reshard with fault injection
_, ret = run_bucket_reshard_cmd(name, num_shards_expected, check_retcode=False, **fault)
if fault.get('error_code') == errno.ECANCELED:
assert(ret == 0) # expect ECANCELED to retry and succeed
assert(ret != 0 and ret != errno.EBUSY)
# check shard count
cur_shard_count = get_bucket_stats(name).num_shards
assert(cur_shard_count == old_shard_count)
# verify that the bucket is writeable by deleting an object
assert grants == bucket.Acl().grants # recheck grants after cancel
# retry reshard without fault injection. if radosgw-admin aborted,
# we'll have to retry until the reshard lock expires
while True:
_, ret = run_bucket_reshard_cmd(name, num_shards_expected, check_retcode=False)
if ret == errno.EBUSY:
log.info('waiting 30 seconds for reshard lock to expire...')
assert(ret == 0)
# recheck shard count
final_shard_count = get_bucket_stats(name).num_shards
assert(final_shard_count == num_shards_expected)
assert grants == bucket.Acl().grants # recheck grants after commit
# cleanup on resharded bucket must succeed
bucket.delete_objects(Delete={'Objects':[{'Key':o.key} for o in objs]})
def main():
execute manual and dynamic resharding commands
# create user
_, ret = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin user create --uid {} --display-name {} --access-key {} --secret {}'.format(USER, DISPLAY_NAME, ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY), check_retcode=False)
assert(ret == 0 or errno.EEXIST)
def boto_connect(portnum, ssl, proto):
endpoint = proto + '://localhost:' + portnum
conn = boto3.resource('s3',
list(conn.buckets.limit(1)) # just verify we can list buckets
except botocore.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
print('connected to', endpoint)
return conn
connection = boto_connect('80', False, 'http')
except botocore.exceptions.ConnectionError:
try: # retry on non-privileged http port
connection = boto_connect('8000', False, 'http')
except botocore.exceptions.ConnectionError:
# retry with ssl
connection = boto_connect('443', True, 'https')
# create a bucket
bucket = connection.create_bucket(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME)
ver_bucket = connection.create_bucket(Bucket=VER_BUCKET_NAME)
bucket_acl = connection.BucketAcl(BUCKET_NAME).load()
ver_bucket_acl = connection.BucketAcl(VER_BUCKET_NAME).load()
# TESTCASE 'reshard-add','reshard','add','add bucket to resharding queue','succeeds'
log.debug('TEST: reshard add\n')
num_shards_expected = get_bucket_stats(BUCKET_NAME).num_shards + 1
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin reshard add --bucket {} --num-shards {}'.format(BUCKET_NAME, num_shards_expected))
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin reshard list')
json_op = json.loads(cmd)
log.debug('bucket name {}'.format(json_op[0]['bucket_name']))
assert json_op[0]['bucket_name'] == BUCKET_NAME
assert json_op[0]['tentative_new_num_shards'] == num_shards_expected
# TESTCASE 'reshard-process','reshard','','process bucket resharding','succeeds'
log.debug('TEST: reshard process\n')
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin reshard process')
# check bucket shards num
bucket_stats1 = get_bucket_stats(BUCKET_NAME)
if bucket_stats1.num_shards != num_shards_expected:
log.error("Resharding failed on bucket {}. Expected number of shards are not created\n".format(BUCKET_NAME))
# TESTCASE 'reshard-add','reshard','add','add non empty bucket to resharding queue','succeeds'
log.debug('TEST: reshard add non empty bucket\n')
# create objs
num_objs = 8
for i in range(0, num_objs):
connection.Object(BUCKET_NAME, ('key'+str(i))).put(Body=b"some_data")
num_shards_expected = get_bucket_stats(BUCKET_NAME).num_shards + 1
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin reshard add --bucket {} --num-shards {}'.format(BUCKET_NAME, num_shards_expected))
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin reshard list')
json_op = json.loads(cmd)
assert json_op[0]['bucket_name'] == BUCKET_NAME
assert json_op[0]['tentative_new_num_shards'] == num_shards_expected
# TESTCASE 'reshard process ,'reshard','process','reshard non empty bucket','succeeds'
log.debug('TEST: reshard process non empty bucket\n')
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin reshard process')
# check bucket shards num
bucket_stats1 = get_bucket_stats(BUCKET_NAME)
if bucket_stats1.num_shards != num_shards_expected:
log.error("Resharding failed on bucket {}. Expected number of shards are not created\n".format(BUCKET_NAME))
# TESTCASE 'manual bucket resharding','inject error','fail','check bucket accessibility', 'retry reshard'
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with EIO injected at set_target_layout\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'error-at-set-target-layout', error_at='set_target_layout')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with ECANCELED injected at set_target_layout\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'error-at-set-target-layout', error_at='set_target_layout', error_code=errno.ECANCELED)
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with abort at set_target_layout\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'abort-at-set-target-layout', abort_at='set_target_layout')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with EIO injected at block_writes\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'error-at-block-writes', error_at='block_writes')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with abort at block_writes\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'abort-at-block-writes', abort_at='block_writes')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with EIO injected at commit_target_layout\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'error-at-commit-target-layout', error_at='commit_target_layout')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with ECANCELED injected at commit_target_layout\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'error-at-commit-target-layout', error_at='commit_target_layout', error_code=errno.ECANCELED)
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with abort at commit_target_layout\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'abort-at-commit-target-layout', abort_at='commit_target_layout')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with EIO injected at do_reshard\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'error-at-do-reshard', error_at='do_reshard')
log.debug('TEST: reshard bucket with abort at do_reshard\n')
test_bucket_reshard(connection, 'abort-at-do-reshard', abort_at='do_reshard')
# TESTCASE 'versioning reshard-','bucket', reshard','versioning reshard','succeeds'
log.debug(' test: reshard versioned bucket')
num_shards_expected = get_bucket_stats(VER_BUCKET_NAME).num_shards + 1
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket {} --num-shards {}'.format(VER_BUCKET_NAME,
# check bucket shards num
ver_bucket_stats = get_bucket_stats(VER_BUCKET_NAME)
assert ver_bucket_stats.num_shards == num_shards_expected
# TESTCASE 'check acl'
new_bucket_acl = connection.BucketAcl(BUCKET_NAME).load()
assert new_bucket_acl == bucket_acl
new_ver_bucket_acl = connection.BucketAcl(VER_BUCKET_NAME).load()
assert new_ver_bucket_acl == ver_bucket_acl
# TESTCASE 'check reshard removes olh entries with empty name'
log.debug(' test: reshard removes olh entries with empty name')
# get name of shard 0 object, add a bogus olh entry with empty name
bucket_shard0 = get_bucket_shard0(BUCKET_NAME)
if 'CEPH_ROOT' in os.environ:
k = '%s/qa/workunits/rgw/olh_noname_key' % os.environ['CEPH_ROOT']
v = '%s/qa/workunits/rgw/olh_noname_val' % os.environ['CEPH_ROOT']
k = 'olh_noname_key'
v = 'olh_noname_val'
exec_cmd('rados -p %s setomapval %s --omap-key-file %s < %s' % (INDEX_POOL, bucket_shard0, k, v))
# check that bi list has one entry with empty name
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin bi list --bucket %s' % BUCKET_NAME)
json_op = json.loads(cmd.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) # ignore utf-8 can't decode 0x80
assert len(json_op) == 1
assert json_op[0]['entry']['key']['name'] == ''
# reshard to prune the bogus olh
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket %s --num-shards %s --yes-i-really-mean-it' % (BUCKET_NAME, 1))
# get that bi list has zero entries
cmd = exec_cmd('radosgw-admin bi list --bucket %s' % BUCKET_NAME)
json_op = json.loads(cmd.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) # ignore utf-8 can't decode 0x80
assert len(json_op) == 0
# Clean up
log.debug("Deleting bucket {}".format(BUCKET_NAME))
log.debug("Deleting bucket {}".format(VER_BUCKET_NAME))
log.info("Completed resharding tests")