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synced 2025-02-15 06:48:22 +00:00
Before this the list of steps was split into two lists after the conf example. Signed-off-by: Josh Durgin <josh.durgin@inktank.com>
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Adding/Removing OSDs
When you have a cluster up and running, you may add OSDs or remove OSDs
from the cluster at runtime.
Adding OSDs
When you want to expand a cluster, you may add an OSD at runtime. With Ceph, an
OSD is generally one Ceph ``ceph-osd`` daemon for one storage disk within a host
machine. If your host has multiple storage disks, you may map one ``ceph-osd``
daemon for each disk.
Generally, it's a good idea to check the capacity of your cluster to see if you
are reaching the upper end of its capacity. As your cluster reaches its ``near
full`` ratio, you should add one or more OSDs to expand your cluster's capacity.
.. warning:: Do not let your cluster reach its ``full ratio`` before
adding an OSD. OSD failures that occur after the cluster reaches
its ``near full`` ratio may cause the cluster to exceed its
``full ratio``.
Deploy your Hardware
If you are adding a new host when adding a new OSD,
see `Hardware Recommendations`_ for details on minimum recommendations
for OSD hardware. To add a OSD host to your cluster, first make sure you have
an up-to-date version of Linux installed (typically Ubuntu 12.04 precise),
and you have made some initial preparations for your storage disks.
See `Filesystem Recommendations`_ for details.
Add your OSD host to a rack in your cluster, connect it to the network
and ensure that it has network connectivity.
.. _Hardware Recommendations: ../../install/hardware-recommendations
.. _Filesystem Recommendations: ../../config-cluster/file-system-recommendations
Install the Required Software
For manually deployed clusters, you must install Ceph packages
manually. See `Installing Debian/Ubuntu Packages`_ for details.
You should configure SSH to a user with password-less authentication
and root permissions.
.. _Installing Debian/Ubuntu Packages: ../../install/debian
For clusters deployed with Chef, create a `chef user`_, `configure
SSH keys`_, `install Ruby`_ and `install the Chef client`_ on your host. See
`Installing Chef`_ for details.
.. _chef user: ../../install/chef#createuser
.. _configure SSH keys: ../../install/chef#genkeys
.. _install the Chef client: ../../install/chef#installchef
.. _Installing Chef: ../../install/chef
.. _Install Ruby: ../../install/chef#installruby
Adding an OSD (Manual)
This procedure sets up an ``ceph-osd`` daemon, configures it to use one disk,
and configures the cluster to distribute data to the OSD. If your host has
multiple disks, you may add an OSD for each disk by repeating this procedure.
To add an OSD, create a data directory for it, mount a disk to that directory,
add the OSD to your configuration file, add the OSD to the cluster, and then
add it to the CRUSH map.
When you add the OSD to the CRUSH map, consider the weight you give to the new
OSD. Hard disk capacity grows 40% per year, so newer OSD hosts may have larger
hard disks than older hosts in the cluster (i.e., they may have greater weight).
#. Create the default directory on your new OSD. ::
ssh {new-osd-host}
sudo mkdir /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{osd-number}
#. If the OSD is for a disk other than the OS disk, prepare it
for use with Ceph, and mount it to the directory you just created::
ssh {new-osd-host}
sudo mkfs -t {fstype} /dev/{disk}
sudo mount -o user_xattr /dev/{hdd} /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{osd-number}
#. Navigate to the host where you keep the master copy of the cluster's
``ceph.conf`` file. ::
ssh {admin-host}
cd /etc/chef
vim ceph.conf
#. Add the new OSD to your ``ceph.conf`` file.
.. code-block:: ini
host = {hostname}
#. From the host where you keep the master copy of the cluster's
``ceph.conf`` file, copy the updated ``ceph.conf`` file to your
new OSD's ``/etc/ceph`` directory and to other hosts in your cluster. ::
ssh {new-osd} sudo tee /etc/ceph/ceph.conf < /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
#. Create the OSD. ::
ceph osd create {osd-num}
ceph osd create 123 #for example
#. Initialize the OSD data directory. ::
ssh {new-osd-host}
ceph-osd -i {osd-num} --mkfs --mkkey
The directory must be empty before you can run ``ceph-osd``.
#. Register the OSD authentication key. The value of ``ceph`` for
``ceph-{osd-num}`` in the path is the ``$cluster-$id``. If your
cluster name differs from ``ceph``, use your cluster name instead.::
ceph auth add osd.{osd-num} osd 'allow *' mon 'allow rwx' -i /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{osd-num}/keyring
#. Add the OSD to the CRUSH map so that it can begin receiving data. You may
also decompile the CRUSH map, add the OSD to the device list, add the host as a
bucket (if it's not already in the CRUSH map), add the device as an item in the
host, assign it a weight, recompile it and set it. See `Add/Move an OSD`_ for
details. ::
ceph osd crush set {id} {name} {weight} [{bucket-type}={bucket-name}, ...]
Adding an OSD (Chef)
This procedure configures your OSD using ``chef-client``. If your host has
multiple disks, you may need to execute the procedure for preparing an OSD disk
for each data disk on your host.
When you add the OSD to the CRUSH map, consider the weight you give to the new
OSD. Hard disk capacity grows 40% per year, so newer OSD hosts may have larger
hard disks than older hosts in the cluster.
#. Execute ``chef-client`` to register it with Chef as a Chef node.
#. Edit the node. See `Configure Nodes`_ for details.
Change its environment to your Chef environment.
Add ``"role[ceph-osd]"`` to the run list.
#. Execute `Prepare OSD Disks`_ for each disk.
#. Execute ``chef-client`` to invoke the run list.
#. Add the OSD to the CRUSH map so that it can begin receiving data. You may
also decompile the CRUSH map edit the file, recompile it and set it. See
`Add/Move an OSD`_ for details. ::
ceph osd crush set {id} {name} {weight} pool={pool-name} [{bucket-type}={bucket-name}, ...]
Starting the OSD
After you add an OSD to Ceph, the OSD is in your configuration. However,
it is not yet running. The OSD is ``down`` and ``out``. You must start
your new OSD before it can begin receiving data. You may use
``service ceph`` from your admin host or start the OSD from its host
service ceph -a start osd.{osd.num}
#or alternatively
ssh {new-osd-host}
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start osd.{osd-num}
Once you start your OSD, it is ``up``.
Put the OSD ``in`` the Cluster
After you start your OSD, it is ``up`` and ``out``. You need to put it in to
the cluster so that Ceph can begin writing data to it. ::
ceph osd in {osd-num}
Observe the Data Migration
Once you have added your new OSD to the CRUSH map, Ceph will begin rebalancing
the server by migrating placement groups to your new OSD. You can observe this
process with the `ceph`_ tool. ::
ceph -w
You should see the placement group states change from ``active+clean`` to
``active, some degraded objects``, and finally ``active+clean`` when migration
completes. (Control-c to exit.)
.. _Add/Move an OSD: ../crush-map#addosd
.. _Configure Nodes: ../../config-cluster/chef#confignodes
.. _Prepare OSD Disks: ../../config-cluster/chef#prepdisks
.. _ceph: ../monitoring
Removing OSDs
When you want to reduce the size of a cluster or replace hardware, you may
remove an OSD at runtime. With Ceph, an OSD is generally one Ceph ``ceph-osd``
daemon for one storage disk within a host machine. If your host has multiple
storage disks, you may need to remove one ``ceph-osd`` daemon for each disk.
Generally, it's a good idea to check the capacity of your cluster to see if you
are reaching the upper end of its capacity. Ensure that when you remove an OSD
that your cluster is not at its ``near full`` ratio.
.. warning:: Do not let your cluster reach its ``full ratio`` when
removing an OSD. Removing OSDs could cause the cluster to reach
or exceed its ``full ratio``.
Take the OSD ``out`` of the Cluster
Before you remove an OSD, it is usually ``up`` and ``in``. You need to take it
out of the cluster so that Ceph can begin rebalancing and copying its data to
other OSDs. ::
ceph osd out {osd-num}
Observe the Data Migration
Once you have taken your OSD ``out`` of the cluster, Ceph will begin
rebalancing the cluster by migrating placement groups out of the OSD you
removed. You can observe this process with the `ceph`_ tool. ::
ceph -w
You should see the placement group states change from ``active+clean`` to
``active, some degraded objects``, and finally ``active+clean`` when migration
completes. (Control-c to exit.)
Stopping the OSD
After you take an OSD out of the cluster, it may still be running.
That is, the OSD may be ``up`` and ``out``. You must stop
your OSD before you remove it from the configuration. ::
ssh {new-osd-host}
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop osd.{osd-num}
Once you stop your OSD, it is ``down``.
Removing an OSD (Manual)
This procedure removes an OSD from a cluster map, removes its authentication
key, removes the OSD from the OSD map, and removes the OSD from the
``ceph.conf`` file. If your host has multiple disks, you may need to remove an
OSD for each disk by repeating this procedure.
#. Remove the OSD from the CRUSH map so that it no longer receives data. You may
also decompile the CRUSH map, remove the OSD from the device list, remove the
device as an item in the host bucket or remove the host bucket (if it's in the
CRUSH map and you intend to remove the host), recompile the map and set it.
See `Remove an OSD`_ for details. ::
ceph osd crush remove {name}
#. Remove the OSD authentication key. ::
ceph auth del osd.{osd-num}
The value of ``ceph`` for ``ceph-{osd-num}`` in the path is the ``$cluster-$id``.
If your cluster name differs from ``ceph``, use your cluster name instead.
#. Remove the OSD. ::
ceph osd rm {osd-num}
#for example
ceph osd rm 123
#. Navigate to the host where you keep the master copy of the cluster's
``ceph.conf`` file. ::
ssh {admin-host}
cd /etc/chef
vim ceph.conf
#. Remove the OSD entry from your ``ceph.conf`` file. ::
host = {hostname}
#. From the host where you keep the master copy of the cluster's ``ceph.conf`` file,
copy the updated ``ceph.conf`` file to the ``/etc/ceph`` directory of other
hosts in your cluster. ::
ssh {osd} sudo tee /etc/ceph/ceph.conf < /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
.. _Remove an OSD: ../crush-map#removeosd