mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 00:40:00 +00:00
395 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
395 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
#!/bin/bash -x
set -e
set -o functrace
PS4=' ${FUNCNAME[0]}: $LINENO: '
local pool obj map_output pg
declare -a map_output
map_output=($(ceph osd map $1 $2))
for (( i=0; i<${#map_output[*]}; i++ )) ; do
if [ "${map_output[$i]}" == "pg" ] ; then
pg=$(echo $pg | sed 's/[()]//g')
echo $pg
set -x
if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
trap "rm -f $TMPFILE" 0
function check_response()
if [ $1 != $2 ] ; then
echo "return code invalid: got $1, expected $2" >&2
exit 1
if ! grep "$3" $TMPFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "Didn't find $3 in stderr output" >&2
echo "Stderr: " >&2
cat $TMPFILE >&2
exit 1
# tiering
ceph osd pool create cache 2
ceph osd pool create cache2 2
ceph osd tier add data cache
ceph osd tier add data cache2
expect_false ceph osd tier add metadata cache
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
ceph osd tier set-overlay data cache
expect_false ceph osd tier set-overlay data cache2
expect_false ceph osd tier remove data cache
ceph osd tier remove-overlay data
ceph osd tier set-overlay data cache2
ceph osd tier remove-overlay data
ceph osd tier remove data cache
ceph osd tier add metadata cache
expect_false ceph osd tier set-overlay data cache
ceph osd tier set-overlay metadata cache
ceph osd tier remove-overlay metadata
ceph osd tier remove metadata cache
ceph osd tier remove data cache2
ceph osd pool delete cache cache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete cache2 cache2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# Assumes there are at least 3 MDSes and two OSDs
ceph auth add client.xx mon allow osd "allow *"
ceph auth export client.xx >client.xx.keyring
ceph auth add client.xx -i client.xx.keyring
rm -f client.xx.keyring
ceph auth list | grep client.xx
ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon
ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep osd
ceph auth get-key client.xx
ceph auth print-key client.xx
ceph auth print_key client.xx
ceph auth caps client.xx osd "allow rw"
expect_false "ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon"
ceph auth get client.xx | grep osd | grep "allow rw"
ceph auth export | grep client.xx
ceph auth export -o authfile
ceph auth import -i authfile
ceph auth export -o authfile2
diff authfile authfile2
rm authfile authfile2
ceph auth del client.xx
# with and without verbosity
ceph osd dump | grep '^epoch'
ceph --concise osd dump | grep '^epoch'
# df
ceph df | grep GLOBAL
ceph df detail | grep CATEGORY
ceph df --format json | grep 'total_space'
ceph df detail --format json | grep 'rd_kb'
ceph df --format xml | grep '<total_space>'
ceph df detail --format xml | grep '<rd_kb>'
ceph fsid
ceph health
ceph health detail
ceph health --format json-pretty
ceph health detail --format xml-pretty
ceph -w > /tmp/$$ &
mymsg="this is a test log message $$.$(date)"
ceph log "$mymsg"
sleep 3
if ! grep "$mymsg" /tmp/$$; then
# in case it is very slow (mon thrashing or something)
sleep 30
grep "$mymsg" /tmp/$$
kill $wpid
ceph mds cluster_down
ceph mds cluster_up
ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
ceph mds compat show
expect_false ceph mds deactivate 2
ceph mds dump
# XXX mds fail, but how do you undo it?
current_epoch=$(ceph mds getmap -o $mdsmapfile --no-log-to-stderr 2>&1 | grep epoch | sed 's/.*epoch //')
[ -s $mdsmapfile ]
((epoch = current_epoch + 1))
ceph mds setmap -i $mdsmapfile $epoch
rm $mdsmapfile
ceph mds newfs 0 1 --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool create data2 10
poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep 'pool.*data2' | awk '{print $2;}')
ceph mds add_data_pool $poolnum
ceph mds add_data_pool rbd
ceph mds remove_data_pool $poolnum
ceph mds remove_data_pool rbd
ceph osd pool delete data2 data2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph mds set_max_mds 4
ceph mds set_max_mds 3
ceph mds stat
# ceph mds tell mds.a getmap
# ceph mds rm
# ceph mds rmfailed
# ceph mds set_state
# ceph mds stop
# no mon add/remove
ceph mon dump
ceph mon getmap -o /tmp/monmap
[ -s /tmp/monmap ]
# ceph mon tell
ceph mon_status
ceph osd blacklist add $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl"
# test without nonce, invalid nonce
ceph osd blacklist add $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl"
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist $bl/-1"
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist $bl/foo"
ceph osd crush tunables legacy
ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep argonaut
ceph osd crush tunables bobtail
ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep bobtail
# how do I tell when these are done?
ceph osd scrub 0
ceph osd deep-scrub 0
ceph osd repair 0
for f in noup nodown noin noout noscrub nodeep-scrub nobackfill norecover
ceph osd set $f
ceph osd unset $f
expect_false ceph osd set bogus
expect_false ceph osd unset bogus
ceph osd set noup
ceph osd down 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 down'
ceph osd unset noup
for ((i=0; i < 100; i++)); do
if ! ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'; then
echo "waiting for osd.0 to come back up"
sleep 10
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'
ceph osd find 1
ceph osd metadata 1 | grep 'distro'
ceph osd out 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*out'
ceph osd in 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*in'
ceph osd find 0
ceph osd getcrushmap -o $f
[ -s $f ]
rm $f
ceph osd getmap -o $f
[ -s $f ]
rm $f
save=$(ceph osd getmaxosd | sed -e 's/max_osd = //' -e 's/ in epoch.*//')
ceph osd setmaxosd 10
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep 'max_osd = 10'
ceph osd setmaxosd $save
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $save"
for id in `ceph osd ls` ; do
ceph tell osd.$id version
ceph osd rm 0 2>&1 | grep 'EBUSY'
id=`ceph osd create`
ceph osd lost $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd rm $id
id=`ceph osd create $uuid`
id2=`ceph osd create $uuid`
[ "$id" = "$id2" ]
ceph osd rm $id
ceph osd ls
ceph osd lspools | grep data
ceph osd map data foo | grep 'pool.*data.*object.*foo.*pg.*up.*acting'
ceph osd pause
ceph osd dump | grep 'flags pauserd,pausewr'
ceph osd unpause
ceph osd tree
ceph osd pool mksnap data datasnap
rados -p data lssnap | grep datasnap
ceph osd pool rmsnap data datasnap
ceph osd pool create data2 10
ceph osd pool rename data2 data3
ceph osd lspools | grep data3
ceph osd pool delete data3 data3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool create erasurecodes 12 12 erasure
ceph osd pool create erasurecodes 12 12 erasure
# should fail because the default type is replicated and
# the pool is of type erasure
#expect_false ceph osd pool create erasurecodes 12 12
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 replicated
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 replicated
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 # default is replicated
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 # default is replicated, pgp_num = pg_num
# should fail because the type is not the same
# expect_false ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 erasure
ceph osd lspools | grep erasurecodes
ceph osd lspools | grep replicated
ceph osd pool delete erasurecodes erasurecodes --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete replicated replicated --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd stat | grep up,
ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist
ceph pg debug degraded_pgs_exist
ceph pg deep-scrub 0.0
ceph pg dump
ceph pg dump pgs_brief --format=json
ceph pg dump pgs --format=json
ceph pg dump pools --format=json
ceph pg dump osds --format=json
ceph pg dump sum --format=json
ceph pg dump all --format=json
ceph pg dump pgs_brief osds --format=json
ceph pg dump pools osds pgs_brief --format=json
ceph pg dump_json
ceph pg dump_pools_json
ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
ceph pg dump_stuck unclean
ceph pg dump_stuck stale
# can't test this...
# ceph pg force_create_pg
ceph pg getmap -o /tmp/map
[ -s /tmp/map ]
ceph pg map 0.0 | grep acting
ceph pg repair 0.0
ceph pg scrub 0.0
ceph pg send_pg_creates
ceph pg set_full_ratio 0.90
ceph pg dump --format=plain | grep '^full_ratio 0.9'
ceph pg set_full_ratio 0.95
ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.90
ceph pg dump --format=plain | grep '^nearfull_ratio 0.9'
ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.85
ceph pg stat | grep 'pgs:'
ceph pg 0.0 query
ceph tell 0.0 query
ceph quorum enter
ceph quorum_status
ceph report | grep osd_stats
ceph status
ceph -s
# ceph sync force
ceph tell osd.0 version
expect_false ceph tell osd.9999 version
expect_false ceph tell osd.foo version
ceph tell osd.0 dump_pg_recovery_stats | grep Started
ceph osd reweight 0 0.9
expect_false ceph osd reweight 0 -1
ceph osd reweight 0 1
for s in pg_num pgp_num size min_size crash_replay_interval crush_ruleset; do
ceph osd pool get data $s
old_size=$(ceph osd pool get data size | sed -e 's/size: //')
(( new_size = old_size + 1 ))
ceph osd pool set data size $new_size
ceph osd pool get data size | grep "size: $new_size"
ceph osd pool set data size $old_size
ceph osd pool set data hashpspool true
ceph osd pool set data hashpspool false
ceph osd pool set data hashpspool 0
ceph osd pool set data hashpspool 1
expect_false ceph osd pool set data hashpspool asdf
expect_false ceph osd pool set data hashpspool 2
ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_type explicit_hash
ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_type explicit_object
ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_type bloom
expect_false ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_type i_dont_exist
ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_period 123
ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_count 12
ceph osd pool set rbd hit_set_fpp .01
ceph osd pool get rbd crush_ruleset | grep 'crush_ruleset: 2'
ceph osd thrash 10
set +e
# expect error about missing 'pool' argument
ceph osd map 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'pool'
# expect error about unused argument foo
ceph osd ls foo 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'unused'
# expect "not in range" for invalid full ratio
ceph pg set_full_ratio 95 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'not in range'
# expect "not in range" for invalid overload percentage
ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 80 2>$TMPFILE; check_response $? 22 'not in range'
# expect 'heap' commands to be correctly parsed
ceph heap stats
ceph heap start_profiler
ceph heap dump
ceph heap stop_profiler
ceph heap release
echo OK