John Spray 62c7a3c59c osdc: send error to recovery waiters on shutdown
...instead of sending them '0', which gets things

Fixes: http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/15689
Signed-off-by: John Spray <john.spray@redhat.com>
2016-05-02 22:23:04 +01:00

1504 lines
38 KiB

// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
* Ceph - scalable distributed file system
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
* Foundation. See file COPYING.
#include "common/perf_counters.h"
#include "common/dout.h"
#include "include/Context.h"
#include "msg/Messenger.h"
#include "osdc/Journaler.h"
#include "common/errno.h"
#include "include/assert.h"
#include "common/Finisher.h"
#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_journaler
#undef dout_prefix
#define dout_prefix *_dout << objecter->messenger->get_myname() \
<< ".journaler" << (readonly ? "(ro) ":"(rw) ")
using std::chrono::seconds;
void Journaler::set_readonly()
lock_guard l(lock);
ldout(cct, 1) << "set_readonly" << dendl;
readonly = true;
void Journaler::set_writeable()
lock_guard l(lock);
ldout(cct, 1) << "set_writeable" << dendl;
readonly = false;
void Journaler::create(file_layout_t *l, stream_format_t const sf)
lock_guard lk(lock);
stream_format = sf;
prezeroing_pos = prezero_pos = write_pos = flush_pos = safe_pos =
read_pos = requested_pos = received_pos =
expire_pos = trimming_pos = trimmed_pos = layout.get_period();
ldout(cct, 1) << "created blank journal at inode 0x" << std::hex << ino
<< std::dec << ", format=" << stream_format << dendl;
void Journaler::set_layout(file_layout_t const *l)
lock_guard lk(lock);
void Journaler::_set_layout(file_layout_t const *l)
layout = *l;
assert(layout.pool_id == pg_pool);
last_written.layout = layout;
last_committed.layout = layout;
// prefetch intelligently.
// (watch out, this is big if you use big objects or weird striping)
uint64_t periods = cct->_conf->journaler_prefetch_periods;
if (periods < 2)
periods = 2; // we need at least 2 periods to make progress.
fetch_len = layout.get_period() * periods;
/***************** HEADER *******************/
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Journaler::Header &h)
return out << "loghead(trim " << h.trimmed_pos
<< ", expire " << h.expire_pos
<< ", write " << h.write_pos
<< ", stream_format " << (int)(h.stream_format)
<< ")";
class Journaler::C_ReadHead : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
bufferlist bl;
explicit C_ReadHead(Journaler *l) : ls(l) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_read_head(r, bl);
class Journaler::C_RereadHead : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
Context *onfinish;
bufferlist bl;
C_RereadHead(Journaler *l, Context *onfinish_) : ls (l),
onfinish(onfinish_) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_reread_head(r, bl, onfinish);
class Journaler::C_ProbeEnd : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
uint64_t end;
explicit C_ProbeEnd(Journaler *l) : ls(l), end(-1) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_probe_end(r, end);
class Journaler::C_ReProbe : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
C_OnFinisher *onfinish;
uint64_t end;
C_ReProbe(Journaler *l, C_OnFinisher *onfinish_) :
ls(l), onfinish(onfinish_), end(0) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_reprobe(r, end, onfinish);
void Journaler::recover(Context *onread)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (stopping) {
ldout(cct, 1) << "recover start" << dendl;
assert(state != STATE_ACTIVE);
if (onread)
if (state != STATE_UNDEF) {
ldout(cct, 1) << "recover - already recovering" << dendl;
ldout(cct, 1) << "read_head" << dendl;
C_ReadHead *fin = new C_ReadHead(this);
_read_head(fin, &fin->bl);
void Journaler::_read_head(Context *on_finish, bufferlist *bl)
// lock is locked
assert(state == STATE_READHEAD || state == STATE_REREADHEAD);
object_t oid = file_object_t(ino, 0);
object_locator_t oloc(pg_pool);
objecter->read_full(oid, oloc, CEPH_NOSNAP, bl, 0, wrap_finisher(on_finish));
void Journaler::reread_head(Context *onfinish)
lock_guard l(lock);
* Re-read the head from disk, and set the write_pos, expire_pos, trimmed_pos
* from the on-disk header. This switches the state to STATE_REREADHEAD for
* the duration, and you shouldn't start a re-read while other operations are
* in-flight, nor start other operations while a re-read is in progress.
* Also, don't call this until the Journaler has finished its recovery and has
void Journaler::_reread_head(Context *onfinish)
ldout(cct, 10) << "reread_head" << dendl;
assert(state == STATE_ACTIVE);
C_RereadHead *fin = new C_RereadHead(this, onfinish);
_read_head(fin, &fin->bl);
void Journaler::_finish_reread_head(int r, bufferlist& bl, Context *finish)
lock_guard l(lock);
//read on-disk header into
assert(bl.length() || r < 0 );
// unpack header
if (r == 0) {
Header h;
bufferlist::iterator p = bl.begin();
try {
::decode(h, p);
} catch (const buffer::error &e) {
prezeroing_pos = prezero_pos = write_pos = flush_pos = safe_pos
= h.write_pos;
expire_pos = h.expire_pos;
trimmed_pos = trimming_pos = h.trimmed_pos;
void Journaler::_finish_read_head(int r, bufferlist& bl)
lock_guard l(lock);
assert(state == STATE_READHEAD);
if (r!=0) {
ldout(cct, 0) << "error getting journal off disk" << dendl;
list<Context*> ls;
finish_contexts(cct, ls, r);
if (bl.length() == 0) {
ldout(cct, 1) << "_finish_read_head r=" << r
<< " read 0 bytes, assuming empty log" << dendl;
list<Context*> ls;
finish_contexts(cct, ls, 0);
// unpack header
bool corrupt = false;
Header h;
bufferlist::iterator p = bl.begin();
try {
::decode(h, p);
if (h.magic != magic) {
ldout(cct, 0) << "on disk magic '" << h.magic << "' != my magic '"
<< magic << "'" << dendl;
corrupt = true;
} else if (h.write_pos < h.expire_pos || h.expire_pos < h.trimmed_pos) {
ldout(cct, 0) << "Corrupt header (bad offsets): " << h << dendl;
corrupt = true;
} catch (const buffer::error &e) {
corrupt = true;
if (corrupt) {
list<Context*> ls;
finish_contexts(cct, ls, -EINVAL);
prezeroing_pos = prezero_pos = write_pos = flush_pos = safe_pos
= h.write_pos;
read_pos = requested_pos = received_pos = expire_pos = h.expire_pos;
trimmed_pos = trimming_pos = h.trimmed_pos;
stream_format = h.stream_format;
ldout(cct, 1) << "_finish_read_head " << h
<< ". probing for end of log (from " << write_pos << ")..."
<< dendl;
C_ProbeEnd *fin = new C_ProbeEnd(this);
_probe(fin, &fin->end);
void Journaler::_probe(Context *finish, uint64_t *end)
// lock is locked
ldout(cct, 1) << "probing for end of the log" << dendl;
assert(state == STATE_PROBING || state == STATE_REPROBING);
// probe the log
filer.probe(ino, &layout, CEPH_NOSNAP,
write_pos, end, true, 0, wrap_finisher(finish));
void Journaler::_reprobe(C_OnFinisher *finish)
ldout(cct, 10) << "reprobe" << dendl;
assert(state == STATE_ACTIVE);
C_ReProbe *fin = new C_ReProbe(this, finish);
_probe(fin, &fin->end);
void Journaler::_finish_reprobe(int r, uint64_t new_end,
C_OnFinisher *onfinish)
lock_guard l(lock);
assert(new_end >= write_pos || r < 0);
ldout(cct, 1) << "_finish_reprobe new_end = " << new_end
<< " (header had " << write_pos << ")."
<< dendl;
prezeroing_pos = prezero_pos = write_pos = flush_pos = safe_pos = new_end;
void Journaler::_finish_probe_end(int r, uint64_t end)
lock_guard l(lock);
assert(state == STATE_PROBING);
if (r < 0) { // error in probing
goto out;
if (((int64_t)end) == -1) {
end = write_pos;
ldout(cct, 1) << "_finish_probe_end write_pos = " << end << " (header had "
<< write_pos << "). log was empty. recovered." << dendl;
assert(0); // hrm.
} else {
assert(end >= write_pos);
ldout(cct, 1) << "_finish_probe_end write_pos = " << end
<< " (header had " << write_pos << "). recovered."
<< dendl;
prezeroing_pos = prezero_pos = write_pos = flush_pos = safe_pos = end;
// done.
list<Context*> ls;
finish_contexts(cct, ls, r);
class Journaler::C_RereadHeadProbe : public Context
Journaler *ls;
C_OnFinisher *final_finish;
C_RereadHeadProbe(Journaler *l, C_OnFinisher *finish) :
ls(l), final_finish(finish) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_reread_head_and_probe(r, final_finish);
void Journaler::reread_head_and_probe(Context *onfinish)
lock_guard l(lock);
assert(state == STATE_ACTIVE);
_reread_head(new C_RereadHeadProbe(this, wrap_finisher(onfinish)));
void Journaler::_finish_reread_head_and_probe(int r, C_OnFinisher *onfinish)
// Expect to be called back from finish_reread_head, which already takes lock
// lock is locked
assert(!r); //if we get an error, we're boned
class Journaler::C_WriteHead : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
Header h;
C_OnFinisher *oncommit;
C_WriteHead(Journaler *l, Header& h_, C_OnFinisher *c) : ls(l), h(h_),
oncommit(c) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_write_head(r, h, oncommit);
void Journaler::write_head(Context *oncommit)
lock_guard l(lock);
void Journaler::_write_head(Context *oncommit)
assert(state == STATE_ACTIVE);
last_written.trimmed_pos = trimmed_pos;
last_written.expire_pos = expire_pos;
last_written.unused_field = expire_pos;
last_written.write_pos = safe_pos;
last_written.stream_format = stream_format;
ldout(cct, 10) << "write_head " << last_written << dendl;
// Avoid persisting bad pointers in case of bugs
assert(last_written.write_pos >= last_written.expire_pos);
assert(last_written.expire_pos >= last_written.trimmed_pos);
last_wrote_head = ceph::real_clock::now(cct);
bufferlist bl;
::encode(last_written, bl);
SnapContext snapc;
object_t oid = file_object_t(ino, 0);
object_locator_t oloc(pg_pool);
objecter->write_full(oid, oloc, snapc, bl, ceph::real_clock::now(cct), 0,
NULL, wrap_finisher(new C_WriteHead(
this, last_written,
0, 0, write_iohint);
void Journaler::_finish_write_head(int r, Header &wrote,
C_OnFinisher *oncommit)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (r < 0) {
lderr(cct) << "_finish_write_head got " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_finish_write_head " << wrote << dendl;
last_committed = wrote;
if (oncommit) {
_trim(); // trim?
/***************** WRITING *******************/
class Journaler::C_Flush : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
uint64_t start;
ceph::real_time stamp;
C_Flush(Journaler *l, int64_t s, ceph::real_time st)
: ls(l), start(s), stamp(st) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_flush(r, start, stamp);
void Journaler::_finish_flush(int r, uint64_t start, ceph::real_time stamp)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (r < 0) {
lderr(cct) << "_finish_flush got " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
assert(start >= safe_pos);
assert(start < flush_pos);
// calc latency?
if (logger) {
ceph::timespan lat = ceph::real_clock::now(cct) - stamp;
logger->tinc(logger_key_lat, lat);
// adjust safe_pos
if (pending_safe.empty())
safe_pos = flush_pos;
safe_pos = *pending_safe.begin();
ldout(cct, 10) << "_finish_flush safe from " << start
<< ", pending_safe " << pending_safe
<< ", (prezeroing/prezero)/write/flush/safe positions now "
<< "(" << prezeroing_pos << "/" << prezero_pos << ")/"
<< write_pos << "/" << flush_pos << "/" << safe_pos
<< dendl;
// kick waiters <= safe_pos
while (!waitfor_safe.empty()) {
if (waitfor_safe.begin()->first > safe_pos)
finish_contexts(cct, waitfor_safe.begin()->second);
uint64_t Journaler::append_entry(bufferlist& bl)
lock_guard l(lock);
uint32_t s = bl.length();
if (!cct->_conf->journaler_allow_split_entries) {
// will we span a stripe boundary?
int p = layout.stripe_unit;
if (write_pos / p != (write_pos + (int64_t)(bl.length() + sizeof(s))) / p) {
// yes.
// move write_pos forward.
int64_t owp = write_pos;
write_pos += p;
write_pos -= (write_pos % p);
// pad with zeros.
bufferptr bp(write_pos - owp);
assert(bp.length() >= 4);
// now flush.
ldout(cct, 12) << "append_entry skipped " << (write_pos-owp)
<< " bytes to " << write_pos
<< " to avoid spanning stripe boundary" << dendl;
// append
size_t wrote = journal_stream.write(bl, &write_buf, write_pos);
ldout(cct, 10) << "append_entry len " << s << " to " << write_pos << "~"
<< wrote << dendl;
write_pos += wrote;
// flush previous object?
uint64_t su = get_layout_period();
assert(su > 0);
uint64_t write_off = write_pos % su;
uint64_t write_obj = write_pos / su;
uint64_t flush_obj = flush_pos / su;
if (write_obj != flush_obj) {
ldout(cct, 10) << " flushing completed object(s) (su " << su << " wro "
<< write_obj << " flo " << flush_obj << ")" << dendl;
_do_flush(write_buf.length() - write_off);
return write_pos;
void Journaler::_do_flush(unsigned amount)
if (write_pos == flush_pos)
assert(write_pos > flush_pos);
// flush
unsigned len = write_pos - flush_pos;
assert(len == write_buf.length());
if (amount && amount < len)
len = amount;
// zero at least two full periods ahead. this ensures
// that the next object will not exist.
uint64_t period = get_layout_period();
if (flush_pos + len + 2*period > prezero_pos) {
int64_t newlen = prezero_pos - flush_pos - period;
if (newlen <= 0) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "_do_flush wanted to do " << flush_pos << "~" << len
<< " already too close to prezero_pos " << prezero_pos
<< ", zeroing first" << dendl;
waiting_for_zero = true;
if (newlen < len) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "_do_flush wanted to do " << flush_pos << "~" << len
<< " but hit prezero_pos " << prezero_pos
<< ", will do " << flush_pos << "~" << newlen << dendl;
len = newlen;
} else {
waiting_for_zero = false;
} else {
waiting_for_zero = false;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_do_flush flushing " << flush_pos << "~" << len << dendl;
// submit write for anything pending
// flush _start_ pos to _finish_flush
ceph::real_time now = ceph::real_clock::now(cct);
SnapContext snapc;
Context *onsafe = new C_Flush(this, flush_pos, now); // on COMMIT
bufferlist write_bl;
// adjust pointers
if (len == write_buf.length()) {
} else {
write_buf.splice(0, len, &write_bl);
filer.write(ino, &layout, snapc,
flush_pos, len, write_bl, ceph::real_clock::now(cct),
NULL, wrap_finisher(onsafe), write_iohint);
flush_pos += len;
assert(write_buf.length() == write_pos - flush_pos);
ldout(cct, 10)
<< "_do_flush (prezeroing/prezero)/write/flush/safe pointers now at "
<< "(" << prezeroing_pos << "/" << prezero_pos << ")/" << write_pos
<< "/" << flush_pos << "/" << safe_pos << dendl;
void Journaler::wait_for_flush(Context *onsafe)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (stopping) {
void Journaler::_wait_for_flush(Context *onsafe)
// all flushed and safe?
if (write_pos == safe_pos) {
assert(write_buf.length() == 0);
ldout(cct, 10)
<< "flush nothing to flush, (prezeroing/prezero)/write/flush/safe "
"pointers at " << "(" << prezeroing_pos << "/" << prezero_pos << ")/"
<< write_pos << "/" << flush_pos << "/" << safe_pos << dendl;
if (onsafe) {
finisher->queue(onsafe, 0);
// queue waiter
if (onsafe) {
void Journaler::flush(Context *onsafe)
lock_guard l(lock);
void Journaler::_flush(C_OnFinisher *onsafe)
if (write_pos == flush_pos) {
assert(write_buf.length() == 0);
ldout(cct, 10) << "flush nothing to flush, (prezeroing/prezero)/write/"
"flush/safe pointers at " << "(" << prezeroing_pos << "/" << prezero_pos
<< ")/" << write_pos << "/" << flush_pos << "/" << safe_pos
<< dendl;
if (onsafe) {
} else {
// maybe buffer
if (write_buf.length() < cct->_conf->journaler_batch_max) {
// delay! schedule an event.
ldout(cct, 20) << "flush delaying flush" << dendl;
if (delay_flush_event) {
delay_flush_event = new C_DelayFlush(this);
} else {
ldout(cct, 20) << "flush not delaying flush" << dendl;
// write head?
if (last_wrote_head + seconds(cct->_conf->journaler_write_head_interval)
< ceph::real_clock::now(cct)) {
/*************** prezeroing ******************/
struct C_Journaler_Prezero : public Context {
Journaler *journaler;
uint64_t from, len;
C_Journaler_Prezero(Journaler *j, uint64_t f, uint64_t l)
: journaler(j), from(f), len(l) {}
void finish(int r) {
journaler->_finish_prezero(r, from, len);
void Journaler::_issue_prezero()
assert(prezeroing_pos >= flush_pos);
// we need to zero at least two periods, minimum, to ensure that we
// have a full empty object/period in front of us.
uint64_t num_periods = MAX(2, cct->_conf->journaler_prezero_periods);
* issue zero requests based on write_pos, even though the invariant
* is that we zero ahead of flush_pos.
uint64_t period = get_layout_period();
uint64_t to = write_pos + period * num_periods + period - 1;
to -= to % period;
if (prezeroing_pos >= to) {
ldout(cct, 20) << "_issue_prezero target " << to << " <= prezeroing_pos "
<< prezeroing_pos << dendl;
while (prezeroing_pos < to) {
uint64_t len;
if (prezeroing_pos % period == 0) {
len = period;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_issue_prezero removing " << prezeroing_pos << "~"
<< period << " (full period)" << dendl;
} else {
len = period - (prezeroing_pos % period);
ldout(cct, 10) << "_issue_prezero zeroing " << prezeroing_pos << "~"
<< len << " (partial period)" << dendl;
SnapContext snapc;
Context *c = wrap_finisher(new C_Journaler_Prezero(this, prezeroing_pos,
filer.zero(ino, &layout, snapc, prezeroing_pos, len,
ceph::real_clock::now(cct), 0, NULL, c);
prezeroing_pos += len;
// Lock cycle because we get called out of objecter callback (holding
// objecter read lock), but there are also cases where we take the journaler
// lock before calling into objecter to do I/O.
void Journaler::_finish_prezero(int r, uint64_t start, uint64_t len)
lock_guard l(lock);
ldout(cct, 10) << "_prezeroed to " << start << "~" << len
<< ", prezeroing/prezero was " << prezeroing_pos << "/"
<< prezero_pos << ", pending " << pending_zero
<< dendl;
if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT) {
lderr(cct) << "_prezeroed got " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
assert(r == 0 || r == -ENOENT);
if (start == prezero_pos) {
prezero_pos += len;
while (!pending_zero.empty() &&
pending_zero.begin().get_start() == prezero_pos) {
interval_set<uint64_t>::iterator b(pending_zero.begin());
prezero_pos += b.get_len();
if (waiting_for_zero) {
} else {
pending_zero.insert(start, len);
ldout(cct, 10) << "_prezeroed prezeroing/prezero now " << prezeroing_pos
<< "/" << prezero_pos
<< ", pending " << pending_zero
<< dendl;
/***************** READING *******************/
class Journaler::C_Read : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t length;
bufferlist bl;
C_Read(Journaler *j, uint64_t o, uint64_t l) : ls(j), offset(o), length(l) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_read(r, offset, length, bl);
class Journaler::C_RetryRead : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
explicit C_RetryRead(Journaler *l) : ls(l) {}
void finish(int r) {
// Should only be called from waitfor_safe i.e. already inside lock
// (ls->lock is locked
void Journaler::_finish_read(int r, uint64_t offset, uint64_t length,
bufferlist& bl)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (r < 0) {
ldout(cct, 0) << "_finish_read got error " << r << dendl;
error = r;
} else {
ldout(cct, 10) << "_finish_read got " << offset << "~" << bl.length()
<< dendl;
if (bl.length() < length) {
ldout(cct, 0) << "_finish_read got less than expected (" << length << ")"
<< dendl;
error = -EINVAL;
if (error) {
if (on_readable) {
C_OnFinisher *f = on_readable;
on_readable = 0;
try {
} catch (const buffer::error &err) {
lderr(cct) << "_decode error from assimilate_prefetch" << dendl;
error = -EINVAL;
if (on_readable) {
C_OnFinisher *f = on_readable;
on_readable = 0;
void Journaler::_assimilate_prefetch()
bool was_readable = readable;
bool got_any = false;
while (!prefetch_buf.empty()) {
map<uint64_t,bufferlist>::iterator p = prefetch_buf.begin();
if (p->first != received_pos) {
uint64_t gap = p->first - received_pos;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_assimilate_prefetch gap of " << gap
<< " from received_pos " << received_pos
<< " to first prefetched buffer " << p->first << dendl;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_assimilate_prefetch " << p->first << "~"
<< p->second.length() << dendl;
received_pos += p->second.length();
assert(received_pos <= requested_pos);
got_any = true;
if (got_any) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "_assimilate_prefetch read_buf now " << read_pos << "~"
<< read_buf.length() << ", read pointers " << read_pos
<< "/" << received_pos << "/" << requested_pos
<< dendl;
// Update readability (this will also hit any decode errors resulting
// from bad data)
readable = _is_readable();
if ((got_any && !was_readable && readable) || read_pos == write_pos) {
// readable!
ldout(cct, 10) << "_finish_read now readable (or at journal end)" << dendl;
if (on_readable) {
C_OnFinisher *f = on_readable;
on_readable = 0;
void Journaler::_issue_read(uint64_t len)
// make sure we're fully flushed
// stuck at safe_pos? (this is needed if we are reading the tail of
// a journal we are also writing to)
assert(requested_pos <= safe_pos);
if (requested_pos == safe_pos) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "_issue_read requested_pos = safe_pos = " << safe_pos
<< ", waiting" << dendl;
assert(write_pos > requested_pos);
if (flush_pos == safe_pos) {
assert(flush_pos > safe_pos);
waitfor_safe[flush_pos].push_back(new C_RetryRead(this));
// don't read too much
if (requested_pos + len > safe_pos) {
len = safe_pos - requested_pos;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_issue_read reading only up to safe_pos " << safe_pos
<< dendl;
// go.
ldout(cct, 10) << "_issue_read reading " << requested_pos << "~" << len
<< ", read pointers " << read_pos << "/" << received_pos
<< "/" << (requested_pos+len) << dendl;
// step by period (object). _don't_ do a single big filer.read()
// here because it will wait for all object reads to complete before
// giving us back any data. this way we can process whatever bits
// come in that are contiguous.
uint64_t period = get_layout_period();
while (len > 0) {
uint64_t e = requested_pos + period;
e -= e % period;
uint64_t l = e - requested_pos;
if (l > len)
l = len;
C_Read *c = new C_Read(this, requested_pos, l);
filer.read(ino, &layout, CEPH_NOSNAP, requested_pos, l, &c->bl, 0,
requested_pos += l;
len -= l;
void Journaler::_prefetch()
ldout(cct, 10) << "_prefetch" << dendl;
// prefetch
uint64_t pf;
if (temp_fetch_len) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "_prefetch temp_fetch_len " << temp_fetch_len << dendl;
pf = temp_fetch_len;
temp_fetch_len = 0;
} else {
pf = fetch_len;
uint64_t raw_target = read_pos + pf;
// read full log segments, so increase if necessary
uint64_t period = get_layout_period();
uint64_t remainder = raw_target % period;
uint64_t adjustment = remainder ? period - remainder : 0;
uint64_t target = raw_target + adjustment;
// don't read past the log tail
if (target > write_pos)
target = write_pos;
if (requested_pos < target) {
uint64_t len = target - requested_pos;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_prefetch " << pf << " requested_pos " << requested_pos
<< " < target " << target << " (" << raw_target
<< "), prefetching " << len << dendl;
* _is_readable() - return true if next entry is ready.
bool Journaler::_is_readable()
// anything to read?
if (read_pos == write_pos)
return false;
// Check if the retrieve bytestream has enough for an entry
uint64_t need;
if (journal_stream.readable(read_buf, &need)) {
return true;
ldout (cct, 10) << "_is_readable read_buf.length() == " << read_buf.length()
<< ", but need " << need << " for next entry; fetch_len is "
<< fetch_len << dendl;
// partial fragment at the end?
if (received_pos == write_pos) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "is_readable() detected partial entry at tail, "
"adjusting write_pos to " << read_pos << dendl;
// adjust write_pos
prezeroing_pos = prezero_pos = write_pos = flush_pos = safe_pos = read_pos;
assert(write_buf.length() == 0);
// reset read state
requested_pos = received_pos = read_pos;
// FIXME: truncate on disk?
return false;
if (need > fetch_len) {
temp_fetch_len = need;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_is_readable noting temp_fetch_len " << temp_fetch_len
<< dendl;
ldout(cct, 10) << "_is_readable: not readable, returning false" << dendl;
return false;
* is_readable() - kickstart prefetch, too
bool Journaler::is_readable()
lock_guard l(lock);
if (error != 0) {
return false;
bool r = readable;
return r;
class Journaler::C_EraseFinish : public Context {
Journaler *journaler;
C_OnFinisher *completion;
C_EraseFinish(Journaler *j, C_OnFinisher *c) : journaler(j), completion(c) {}
void finish(int r) {
journaler->_finish_erase(r, completion);
* Entirely erase the journal, including header. For use when you
* have already made a copy of the journal somewhere else.
void Journaler::erase(Context *completion)
lock_guard l(lock);
// Async delete the journal data
uint64_t first = trimmed_pos / get_layout_period();
uint64_t num = (write_pos - trimmed_pos) / get_layout_period() + 2;
filer.purge_range(ino, &layout, SnapContext(), first, num,
ceph::real_clock::now(cct), 0,
wrap_finisher(new C_EraseFinish(
this, wrap_finisher(completion))));
// We will not start the operation to delete the header until
// _finish_erase has seen the data deletion succeed: otherwise if
// there was an error deleting data we might prematurely delete the
// header thereby lose our reference to the data.
void Journaler::_finish_erase(int data_result, C_OnFinisher *completion)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (data_result == 0) {
// Async delete the journal header
filer.purge_range(ino, &layout, SnapContext(), 0, 1, ceph::real_clock::now(cct),
0, wrap_finisher(completion));
} else {
lderr(cct) << "Failed to delete journal " << ino << " data: "
<< cpp_strerror(data_result) << dendl;
/* try_read_entry(bl)
* read entry into bl if it's ready.
* otherwise, do nothing.
bool Journaler::try_read_entry(bufferlist& bl)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (!readable) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "try_read_entry at " << read_pos << " not readable"
<< dendl;
return false;
uint64_t start_ptr;
size_t consumed;
try {
consumed = journal_stream.read(read_buf, &bl, &start_ptr);
if (stream_format >= JOURNAL_FORMAT_RESILIENT) {
assert(start_ptr == read_pos);
} catch (const buffer::error &e) {
lderr(cct) << __func__ << ": decode error from journal_stream" << dendl;
error = -EINVAL;
return false;
ldout(cct, 10) << "try_read_entry at " << read_pos << " read "
<< read_pos << "~" << consumed << " (have "
<< read_buf.length() << ")" << dendl;
read_pos += consumed;
try {
// We were readable, we might not be any more
readable = _is_readable();
} catch (const buffer::error &e) {
lderr(cct) << __func__ << ": decode error from _is_readable" << dendl;
error = -EINVAL;
return false;
// prefetch?
return true;
void Journaler::wait_for_readable(Context *onreadable)
lock_guard l(lock);
if (stopping) {
assert(on_readable == 0);
if (!readable) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "wait_for_readable at " << read_pos << " onreadable "
<< onreadable << dendl;
on_readable = wrap_finisher(onreadable);
} else {
// race with OSD reply
finisher->queue(onreadable, 0);
/***************** TRIMMING *******************/
class Journaler::C_Trim : public Context {
Journaler *ls;
uint64_t to;
C_Trim(Journaler *l, int64_t t) : ls(l), to(t) {}
void finish(int r) {
ls->_finish_trim(r, to);
void Journaler::trim()
lock_guard l(lock);
void Journaler::_trim()
uint64_t period = get_layout_period();
uint64_t trim_to = last_committed.expire_pos;
trim_to -= trim_to % period;
ldout(cct, 10) << "trim last_commited head was " << last_committed
<< ", can trim to " << trim_to
<< dendl;
if (trim_to == 0 || trim_to == trimming_pos) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "trim already trimmed/trimming to "
<< trimmed_pos << "/" << trimming_pos << dendl;
if (trimming_pos > trimmed_pos) {
ldout(cct, 10) << "trim already trimming atm, try again later. "
"trimmed/trimming is " << trimmed_pos << "/" << trimming_pos << dendl;
// trim
assert(trim_to <= write_pos);
assert(trim_to <= expire_pos);
assert(trim_to > trimming_pos);
ldout(cct, 10) << "trim trimming to " << trim_to
<< ", trimmed/trimming/expire are "
<< trimmed_pos << "/" << trimming_pos << "/" << expire_pos
<< dendl;
// delete range of objects
uint64_t first = trimming_pos / period;
uint64_t num = (trim_to - trimming_pos) / period;
SnapContext snapc;
filer.purge_range(ino, &layout, snapc, first, num,
ceph::real_clock::now(cct), 0,
wrap_finisher(new C_Trim(this, trim_to)));
trimming_pos = trim_to;
void Journaler::_finish_trim(int r, uint64_t to)
lock_guard l(lock);
ldout(cct, 10) << "_finish_trim trimmed_pos was " << trimmed_pos
<< ", trimmed/trimming/expire now "
<< to << "/" << trimming_pos << "/" << expire_pos
<< dendl;
if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT) {
lderr(cct) << "_finish_trim got " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
assert(r >= 0 || r == -ENOENT);
assert(to <= trimming_pos);
assert(to > trimmed_pos);
trimmed_pos = to;
void Journaler::handle_write_error(int r)
// lock is locked
lderr(cct) << "handle_write_error " << cpp_strerror(r) << dendl;
if (on_write_error) {
on_write_error = NULL;
called_write_error = true;
} else if (called_write_error) {
/* We don't call error handler more than once, subsequent errors
* are dropped -- this is okay as long as the error handler does
* something dramatic like respawn */
lderr(cct) << __func__ << ": multiple write errors, handler already called"
<< dendl;
} else {
assert(0 == "unhandled write error");
* Test whether the 'read_buf' byte stream has enough data to read
* an entry
* sets 'next_envelope_size' to the number of bytes needed to advance (enough
* to get the next header if header was unavailable, or enough to get the whole
* next entry if the header was available but the body wasn't).
bool JournalStream::readable(bufferlist &read_buf, uint64_t *need) const
assert(need != NULL);
uint32_t entry_size = 0;
uint64_t entry_sentinel = 0;
bufferlist::iterator p = read_buf.begin();
// Do we have enough data to decode an entry prefix?
*need = sizeof(entry_size) + sizeof(entry_sentinel);
} else {
*need = sizeof(entry_size);
if (read_buf.length() >= *need) {
::decode(entry_sentinel, p);
if (entry_sentinel != sentinel) {
throw buffer::malformed_input("Invalid sentinel");
::decode(entry_size, p);
} else {
return false;
// Do we have enough data to decode an entry prefix, payload and suffix?
*need = JOURNAL_ENVELOPE_RESILIENT + entry_size;
} else {
*need = JOURNAL_ENVELOPE_LEGACY + entry_size;
if (read_buf.length() >= *need) {
return true; // No more bytes needed
return false;
* Consume one entry from a journal byte stream 'from', splicing a
* serialized LogEvent blob into 'entry'.
* 'entry' must be non null and point to an empty bufferlist.
* 'from' must contain sufficient valid data (i.e. readable is true).
* 'start_ptr' will be set to the entry's start pointer, if the collection
* format provides it. It may not be null.
* @returns The number of bytes consumed from the `from` byte stream. Note
* that this is not equal to the length of `entry`, which contains
* the inner serialized LogEvent and not the envelope.
size_t JournalStream::read(bufferlist &from, bufferlist *entry,
uint64_t *start_ptr)
assert(start_ptr != NULL);
assert(entry != NULL);
assert(entry->length() == 0);
uint32_t entry_size = 0;
// Consume envelope prefix: entry_size and entry_sentinel
bufferlist::iterator from_ptr = from.begin();
uint64_t entry_sentinel = 0;
::decode(entry_sentinel, from_ptr);
// Assertion instead of clean check because of precondition of this
// fn is that readable() already passed
assert(entry_sentinel == sentinel);
::decode(entry_size, from_ptr);
// Read out the payload
from_ptr.copy(entry_size, *entry);
// Consume the envelope suffix (start_ptr)
::decode(*start_ptr, from_ptr);
} else {
*start_ptr = 0;
// Trim the input buffer to discard the bytes we have consumed
from.splice(0, from_ptr.get_off());
return from_ptr.get_off();
* Append one entry
size_t JournalStream::write(bufferlist &entry, bufferlist *to,
uint64_t const &start_ptr)
assert(to != NULL);
uint32_t const entry_size = entry.length();
::encode(sentinel, *to);
::encode(entry_size, *to);
::encode(start_ptr, *to);
} else {
return JOURNAL_ENVELOPE_LEGACY + entry_size;
* set write error callback
* Set a callback/context to trigger if we get a write error from
* the objecter. This may be from an explicit request (e.g., flush)
* or something async the journaler did on its own (e.g., journal
* header update).
* It is only used once; if the caller continues to use the
* Journaler and wants to hear about errors, it needs to reset the
* error_handler.
* @param c callback/context to trigger on error
void Journaler::set_write_error_handler(Context *c) {
lock_guard l(lock);
on_write_error = wrap_finisher(c);
called_write_error = false;
* Wrap a context in a C_OnFinisher, if it is non-NULL
* Utility function to avoid lots of error-prone and verbose
* NULL checking on contexts passed in.
C_OnFinisher *Journaler::wrap_finisher(Context *c)
if (c != NULL) {
return new C_OnFinisher(c, finisher);
} else {
return NULL;
void Journaler::shutdown()
lock_guard l(lock);
ldout(cct, 1) << __func__ << dendl;
readable = false;
stopping = true;
// Kick out anyone reading from journal
error = -EAGAIN;
if (on_readable) {
C_OnFinisher *f = on_readable;
on_readable = 0;
finish_contexts(cct, waitfor_recover, -ESHUTDOWN);
std::map<uint64_t, std::list<Context*> >::iterator i;
for (i = waitfor_safe.begin(); i != waitfor_safe.end(); ++i) {
finish_contexts(cct, i->second, -EAGAIN);