mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 12:03:00 +00:00
Fixes: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/43349 Signed-off-by: Venky Shankar <vshankar@redhat.com>
1237 lines
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1237 lines
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import os
import json
import errno
import random
import logging
import collections
from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase
from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestVolumes(CephFSTestCase):
# for filling subvolume with data
# io defaults
def _fs_cmd(self, *args):
return self.mgr_cluster.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd("fs", *args)
def _generate_random_volume_name(self, count=1):
r = random.sample(range(10000), count)
volumes = ["{0}_{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_VOLUME_PREFIX, c) for c in r]
return volumes[0] if count == 1 else volumes
def _generate_random_subvolume_name(self, count=1):
r = random.sample(range(10000), count)
subvolumes = ["{0}_{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_SUBVOLUME_PREFIX, c) for c in r]
return subvolumes[0] if count == 1 else subvolumes
def _generate_random_group_name(self, count=1):
r = random.sample(range(100), count)
groups = ["{0}_{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_GROUP_PREFIX, c) for c in r]
return groups[0] if count == 1 else groups
def _generate_random_snapshot_name(self, count=1):
r = random.sample(range(100), count)
snaps = ["{0}_{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_SNAPSHOT_PREFIX, c) for c in r]
return snaps[0] if count == 1 else snaps
def _enable_multi_fs(self):
self._fs_cmd("flag", "set", "enable_multiple", "true", "--yes-i-really-mean-it")
def _create_or_reuse_test_volume(self):
result = json.loads(self._fs_cmd("volume", "ls"))
if len(result) == 0:
self.vol_created = True
self.volname = self._generate_random_volume_name()
self._fs_cmd("volume", "create", self.volname)
self.volname = result[0]['name']
def _get_subvolume_group_path(self, vol_name, group_name):
args = ("subvolumegroup", "getpath", vol_name, group_name)
path = self._fs_cmd(*args)
# remove the leading '/', and trailing whitespaces
return path[1:].rstrip()
def _get_subvolume_path(self, vol_name, subvol_name, group_name=None):
args = ["subvolume", "getpath", vol_name, subvol_name]
if group_name:
args = tuple(args)
path = self._fs_cmd(*args)
# remove the leading '/', and trailing whitespaces
return path[1:].rstrip()
def _delete_test_volume(self):
self._fs_cmd("volume", "rm", self.volname, "--yes-i-really-mean-it")
def _do_subvolume_io(self, subvolume, number_of_files=DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FILES,
# get subvolume path for IO
subvolpath = self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "getpath", self.volname, subvolume)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
subvolpath = subvolpath[1:].rstrip() # remove "/" prefix and any trailing newline
log.debug("filling subvolume {0} with {1} files each {2}MB size".format(subvolume, number_of_files, file_size))
for i in range(number_of_files):
filename = "{0}.{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, i)
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
def _wait_for_trash_empty(self, timeout=30):
# XXX: construct the trash dir path (note that there is no mgr
# [sub]volume interface for this).
trashdir = os.path.join("./", "volumes", "_deleting")
def setUp(self):
super(TestVolumes, self).setUp()
self.volname = None
self.vol_created = False
def tearDown(self):
if self.vol_created:
super(TestVolumes, self).tearDown()
def test_connection_expiration(self):
# unmount any cephfs mounts
sessions = self._session_list()
self.assertLessEqual(len(sessions), 1) # maybe mgr is already mounted
# Get the mgr to definitely mount cephfs
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
sessions = self._session_list()
self.assertEqual(len(sessions), 1)
# Now wait for the mgr to expire the connection:
self.wait_until_evicted(sessions[0]['id'], timeout=90)
def test_volume_create(self):
That the volume can be created and then cleans up
volname = self._generate_random_volume_name()
self._fs_cmd("volume", "create", volname)
volumels = json.loads(self._fs_cmd("volume", "ls"))
if not (volname in ([volume['name'] for volume in volumels])):
raise RuntimeError("Error creating volume '{0}'".format(volname))
# clean up
self._fs_cmd("volume", "rm", volname, "--yes-i-really-mean-it")
def test_volume_ls(self):
That the existing and the newly created volumes can be listed and
finally cleans up.
vls = json.loads(self._fs_cmd("volume", "ls"))
volumes = [volume['name'] for volume in vls]
#create new volumes and add it to the existing list of volumes
volumenames = self._generate_random_volume_name(3)
for volumename in volumenames:
self._fs_cmd("volume", "create", volumename)
# list volumes
volumels = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('volume', 'ls'))
if len(volumels) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs volume ls' command to list the created volumes.")
volnames = [volume['name'] for volume in volumels]
if collections.Counter(volnames) != collections.Counter(volumes):
raise RuntimeError("Error creating or listing volumes")
# clean up
for volume in volumenames:
self._fs_cmd("volume", "rm", volume, "--yes-i-really-mean-it")
def test_volume_rm(self):
That the volume can only be removed when --yes-i-really-mean-it is used
and verify that the deleted volume is not listed anymore.
self._fs_cmd("volume", "rm", self.volname)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EPERM:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs volume rm' command to fail with EPERM, "
"but it failed with {0}".format(ce.exitstatus))
self._fs_cmd("volume", "rm", self.volname, "--yes-i-really-mean-it")
#check if it's gone
volumes = json.loads(self._fs_cmd("volume", "ls", "--format=json-pretty"))
if (self.volname in [volume['name'] for volume in volumes]):
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs volume rm' command to succeed. "
"The volume {0} not removed.".format(self.volname))
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs volume rm' command to fail.")
### basic subvolume operations
def test_subvolume_create_and_rm(self):
# create subvolume
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "getpath", self.volname, subvolume)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
# make sure its gone
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "getpath", self.volname, subvolume)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume getpath' command to fail. Subvolume not removed.")
# verify trash dir is clean
def test_subvolume_expand(self):
That a subvolume can be expanded in size and its quota matches the expected size.
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# expand the subvolume
nsize = osize*2
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize))
# verify the quota
size = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes"))
self.assertEqual(size, nsize)
def test_subvolume_shrink(self):
That a subvolume can be shrinked in size and its quota matches the expected size.
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# shrink the subvolume
nsize = osize/2
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize))
# verify the quota
size = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes"))
self.assertEqual(size, nsize)
def test_subvolume_resize_fail_invalid_size(self):
That a subvolume cannot be resized to an invalid size and the quota did not change
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# try to resize the subvolume with an invalid size -10
nsize = -10
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize))
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume resize' command to fail")
# verify the quota did not change
size = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes"))
self.assertEqual(size, osize)
def test_subvolume_resize_fail_zero_size(self):
That a subvolume cannot be resized to a zero size and the quota did not change
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# try to resize the subvolume with size 0
nsize = 0
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize))
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume resize' command to fail")
# verify the quota did not change
size = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes"))
self.assertEqual(size, osize)
def test_subvolume_resize_quota_lt_used_size(self):
That a subvolume can be resized to a size smaller than the current used size
and the resulting quota matches the expected size.
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024*20
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# create one file of 10MB
log.debug("filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB".format(subvolname,
filename = "{0}.{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FILES+1)
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
usedsize = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.dir.rbytes"))
susedsize = int(self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%s', subvolpath]).stdout.getvalue().strip())
self.assertEqual(usedsize, susedsize)
# shrink the subvolume
nsize = usedsize/2
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize))
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume resize' command to succeed")
# verify the quota
size = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes"))
self.assertEqual(size, nsize)
def test_subvolume_resize_fail_quota_lt_used_size_no_shrink(self):
That a subvolume cannot be resized to a size smaller than the current used size
when --no_shrink is given and the quota did not change.
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024*20
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# create one file of 10MB
log.debug("filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB".format(subvolname,
filename = "{0}.{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FILES+2)
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
usedsize = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.dir.rbytes"))
susedsize = int(self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%s', subvolpath]).stdout.getvalue().strip())
self.assertEqual(usedsize, susedsize)
# shrink the subvolume
nsize = usedsize/2
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize), "--no_shrink")
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume resize' command to fail")
# verify the quota did not change
size = int(self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes"))
self.assertEqual(size, osize)
def test_subvolume_resize_expand_on_full_subvolume(self):
That the subvolume can be expanded from a full subvolume and future writes succeed.
osize = self.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE*1024*1024*10
# create subvolume of quota 10MB and make sure it exists
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size", str(osize))
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# create one file of size 10MB and write
log.debug("filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB".format(subvolname,
filename = "{0}.{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FILES+3)
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
# create a file of size 5MB and try write more
log.debug("filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB".format(subvolname,
filename = "{0}.{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FILES+4)
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
except CommandFailedError:
# Not able to write. So expand the subvolume more and try writing the 5MB file again
nsize = osize*2
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, str(nsize))
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB"
"to succeed".format(subvolname, number_of_files, file_size))
raise RuntimeError("expected filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB"
"to fail".format(subvolname, number_of_files, file_size))
def test_subvolume_create_idempotence(self):
# create subvolume
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# try creating w/ same subvolume name -- should be idempotent
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
# verify trash dir is clean
def test_subvolume_create_with_invalid_data_pool_layout(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
data_pool = "invalid_pool"
# create subvolume with invalid data pool layout
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--pool_layout", data_pool)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume create' command to fail")
def test_subvolume_rm_force(self):
# test removing non-existing subvolume with --force
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, "--force")
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume rm --force' command to succeed")
def test_subvolume_create_with_auto_cleanup_on_fail(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
data_pool = "invalid_pool"
# create subvolume with invalid data pool layout fails
with self.assertRaises(CommandFailedError):
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--pool_layout", data_pool)
# check whether subvol path is cleaned up
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "getpath", self.volname, subvolume)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume getpath' command to fail")
def test_subvolume_create_with_invalid_size(self):
# create subvolume with an invalid size -1
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--size", "-1")
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume create' command to fail")
def test_nonexistent_subvolume_rm(self):
# remove non-existing subvolume
subvolume = "non_existent_subvolume"
# try, remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume rm' command to fail")
def test_nonexistent_subvolume_group_create(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = "non_existent_group"
# try, creating subvolume in a nonexistent group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--group_name", group)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume create' command to fail")
def test_default_uid_gid_subvolume(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
expected_uid = 0
expected_gid = 0
# create subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
subvol_path = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolume)
# check subvolume's uid and gid
stat = self.mount_a.stat(subvol_path)
self.assertEqual(stat['st_uid'], expected_uid)
self.assertEqual(stat['st_gid'], expected_gid)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
def test_subvolume_ls(self):
# tests the 'fs subvolume ls' command
subvolumes = []
# create subvolumes
subvolumes = self._generate_random_subvolume_name(3)
for subvolume in subvolumes:
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# list subvolumes
subvolumels = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('subvolume', 'ls', self.volname))
if len(subvolumels) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs subvolume ls' command to list the created subvolumes.")
subvolnames = [subvolume['name'] for subvolume in subvolumels]
if collections.Counter(subvolnames) != collections.Counter(subvolumes):
raise RuntimeError("Error creating or listing subvolumes")
def test_subvolume_ls_for_notexistent_default_group(self):
# tests the 'fs subvolume ls' command when the default group '_nogroup' doesn't exist
# prerequisite: we expect that the volume is created and the default group _nogroup is
# NOT created (i.e. a subvolume without group is not created)
# list subvolumes
subvolumels = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('subvolume', 'ls', self.volname))
if len(subvolumels) > 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs subvolume ls' command to output an empty list.")
def test_subvolume_resize_infinite_size(self):
That a subvolume can be resized to an infinite size by unsetting its quota.
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size",
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# resize inf
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, "inf")
# verify that the quota is None
size = self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes")
self.assertEqual(size, None)
def test_subvolume_resize_infinite_size_future_writes(self):
That a subvolume can be resized to an infinite size and the future writes succeed.
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--size",
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# resize inf
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "resize", self.volname, subvolname, "inf")
# verify that the quota is None
size = self.mount_a.getfattr(subvolpath, "ceph.quota.max_bytes")
self.assertEqual(size, None)
# create one file of 10MB and try to write
log.debug("filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB".format(subvolname,
filename = "{0}.{1}".format(TestVolumes.TEST_FILE_NAME_PREFIX, self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FILES+5)
self.mount_a.write_n_mb(os.path.join(subvolpath, filename), file_size)
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected filling subvolume {0} with {1} file of size {2}MB "
"to succeed".format(subvolname, number_of_files, file_size))
### subvolume group operations
def test_subvolume_create_and_rm_in_group(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--group_name", group)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, group)
# verify trash dir is clean
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_group_create_with_desired_data_pool_layout(self):
group1 = self._generate_random_group_name()
group2 = self._generate_random_group_name()
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group1)
group1_path = self._get_subvolume_group_path(self.volname, group1)
default_pool = self.mount_a.getfattr(group1_path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool")
new_pool = "new_pool"
self.assertNotEqual(default_pool, new_pool)
# add data pool
# create group specifying the new data pool as its pool layout
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group2,
"--pool_layout", new_pool)
group2_path = self._get_subvolume_group_path(self.volname, group2)
desired_pool = self.mount_a.getfattr(group2_path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool")
self.assertEqual(desired_pool, new_pool)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group1)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group2)
def test_subvolume_group_create_with_invalid_data_pool_layout(self):
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
data_pool = "invalid_pool"
# create group with invalid data pool layout
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group, "--pool_layout", data_pool)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.EINVAL:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolumegroup create' command to fail")
def test_subvolume_group_rm_force(self):
# test removing non-existing subvolume group with --force
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group, "--force")
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolumegroup rm --force' command to succeed")
def test_subvolume_group_create_with_auto_cleanup_on_fail(self):
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
data_pool = "invalid_pool"
# create group with invalid data pool layout
with self.assertRaises(CommandFailedError):
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group, "--pool_layout", data_pool)
# check whether group path is cleaned up
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "getpath", self.volname, group)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolumegroup getpath' command to fail")
def test_subvolume_create_with_desired_data_pool_layout_in_group(self):
subvol1 = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
subvol2 = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
# create group. this also helps set default pool layout for subvolumes
# created within the group.
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group.
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvol1, "--group_name", group)
subvol1_path = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvol1, group_name=group)
default_pool = self.mount_a.getfattr(subvol1_path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool")
new_pool = "new_pool"
self.assertNotEqual(default_pool, new_pool)
# add data pool
# create subvolume specifying the new data pool as its pool layout
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvol2, "--group_name", group,
"--pool_layout", new_pool)
subvol2_path = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvol2, group_name=group)
desired_pool = self.mount_a.getfattr(subvol2_path, "ceph.dir.layout.pool")
self.assertEqual(desired_pool, new_pool)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvol2, group)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvol1, group)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_group_create_with_desired_mode(self):
group1 = self._generate_random_group_name()
group2 = self._generate_random_group_name()
# default mode
expected_mode1 = "755"
# desired mode
expected_mode2 = "777"
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group1)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group2, "--mode", "777")
group1_path = self._get_subvolume_group_path(self.volname, group1)
group2_path = self._get_subvolume_group_path(self.volname, group2)
# check group's mode
actual_mode1 = self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%a', group1_path]).stdout.getvalue().strip()
actual_mode2 = self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%a', group2_path]).stdout.getvalue().strip()
self.assertEqual(actual_mode1, expected_mode1)
self.assertEqual(actual_mode2, expected_mode2)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group1)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group2)
def test_subvolume_group_create_with_desired_uid_gid(self):
That the subvolume group can be created with the desired uid and gid and its uid and gid matches the
expected values.
uid = 1000
gid = 1000
# create subvolume group
subvolgroupname = self._generate_random_group_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, subvolgroupname, "--uid", str(uid), "--gid", str(gid))
# make sure it exists
subvolgrouppath = self._get_subvolume_group_path(self.volname, subvolgroupname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolgrouppath, None)
# verify the uid and gid
suid = int(self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%u', subvolgrouppath]).stdout.getvalue().strip())
sgid = int(self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%g', subvolgrouppath]).stdout.getvalue().strip())
self.assertEqual(uid, suid)
self.assertEqual(gid, sgid)
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, subvolgroupname)
def test_subvolume_create_with_desired_mode_in_group(self):
subvol1 = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
subvol2 = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
subvol3 = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
# default mode
expected_mode1 = "755"
# desired mode
expected_mode2 = "777"
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvol1, "--group_name", group)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvol2, "--group_name", group, "--mode", "777")
# check whether mode 0777 also works
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvol3, "--group_name", group, "--mode", "0777")
subvol1_path = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvol1, group_name=group)
subvol2_path = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvol2, group_name=group)
subvol3_path = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvol3, group_name=group)
# check subvolume's mode
actual_mode1 = self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%a', subvol1_path]).stdout.getvalue().strip()
actual_mode2 = self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%a', subvol2_path]).stdout.getvalue().strip()
actual_mode3 = self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%a', subvol3_path]).stdout.getvalue().strip()
self.assertEqual(actual_mode1, expected_mode1)
self.assertEqual(actual_mode2, expected_mode2)
self.assertEqual(actual_mode3, expected_mode2)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvol1, group)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvol2, group)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvol3, group)
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_create_with_desired_uid_gid(self):
That the subvolume can be created with the desired uid and gid and its uid and gid matches the
expected values.
uid = 1000
gid = 1000
# create subvolume
subvolname = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolname, "--uid", str(uid), "--gid", str(gid))
# make sure it exists
subvolpath = self._get_subvolume_path(self.volname, subvolname)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath, None)
# verify the uid and gid
suid = int(self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%u', subvolpath]).stdout.getvalue().strip())
sgid = int(self.mount_a.run_shell(['stat', '-c' '%g', subvolpath]).stdout.getvalue().strip())
self.assertEqual(uid, suid)
self.assertEqual(gid, sgid)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolname)
def test_nonexistent_subvolume_group_rm(self):
group = "non_existent_group"
# try, remove subvolume group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolumegroup rm' command to fail")
def test_default_uid_gid_subvolume_group(self):
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
expected_uid = 0
expected_gid = 0
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
group_path = self._get_subvolume_group_path(self.volname, group)
# check group's uid and gid
stat = self.mount_a.stat(group_path)
self.assertEqual(stat['st_uid'], expected_uid)
self.assertEqual(stat['st_gid'], expected_gid)
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_group_ls(self):
# tests the 'fs subvolumegroup ls' command
subvolumegroups = []
#create subvolumegroups
subvolumegroups = self._generate_random_group_name(3)
for groupname in subvolumegroups:
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, groupname)
subvolumegroupls = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('subvolumegroup', 'ls', self.volname))
if len(subvolumegroupls) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs subvolumegroup ls' command to list the created subvolume groups")
subvolgroupnames = [subvolumegroup['name'] for subvolumegroup in subvolumegroupls]
if collections.Counter(subvolgroupnames) != collections.Counter(subvolumegroups):
raise RuntimeError("Error creating or listing subvolume groups")
def test_subvolume_group_ls_for_nonexistent_volume(self):
# tests the 'fs subvolumegroup ls' command when /volume doesn't exist
# prerequisite: we expect that the test volume is created and a subvolumegroup is NOT created
# list subvolume groups
subvolumegroupls = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('subvolumegroup', 'ls', self.volname))
if len(subvolumegroupls) > 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs subvolumegroup ls' command to output an empty list")
### snapshot operations
def test_subvolume_snapshot_create_and_rm(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# snapshot subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
# verify trash dir is clean
def test_subvolume_snapshot_create_idempotence(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# snapshot subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# try creating w/ same subvolume snapshot name -- should be idempotent
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
# verify trash dir is clean
def test_nonexistent_subvolume_snapshot_rm(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# snapshot subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
# remove snapshot again
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume snapshot rm' command to fail")
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
# verify trash dir is clean
def test_subvolume_snapshot_rm_force(self):
# test removing non existing subvolume snapshot with --force
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot, "--force")
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolume snapshot rm --force' command to succeed")
def test_subvolume_snapshot_in_group(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--group_name", group)
# snapshot subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot, group)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot, group)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, group)
# verify trash dir is clean
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_snapshot_ls(self):
# tests the 'fs subvolume snapshot ls' command
snapshots = []
# create subvolume
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# create subvolume snapshots
snapshots = self._generate_random_snapshot_name(3)
for snapshot in snapshots:
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, subvolume, snapshot)
subvolsnapshotls = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('subvolume', 'snapshot', 'ls', self.volname, subvolume))
if len(subvolsnapshotls) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs subvolume snapshot ls' command to list the created subvolume snapshots")
snapshotnames = [snapshot['name'] for snapshot in subvolsnapshotls]
if collections.Counter(snapshotnames) != collections.Counter(snapshots):
raise RuntimeError("Error creating or listing subvolume snapshots")
def test_subvolume_group_snapshot_create_and_rm(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--group_name", group)
# snapshot group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, group)
# verify trash dir is clean
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_group_snapshot_idempotence(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--group_name", group)
# snapshot group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# try creating snapshot w/ same snapshot name -- shoule be idempotent
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, group)
# verify trash dir is clean
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_nonexistent_subvolume_group_snapshot_rm(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# create group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolume in group
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume, "--group_name", group)
# snapshot group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, group, snapshot)
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, group, snapshot)
except CommandFailedError as ce:
if ce.exitstatus != errno.ENOENT:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm' command to fail")
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume, group)
# verify trash dir is clean
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)
def test_subvolume_group_snapshot_rm_force(self):
# test removing non-existing subvolume group snapshot with --force
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
snapshot = self._generate_random_snapshot_name()
# remove snapshot
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "rm", self.volname, group, snapshot, "--force")
except CommandFailedError:
raise RuntimeError("expected the 'fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm --force' command to succeed")
def test_subvolume_group_snapshot_ls(self):
# tests the 'fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls' command
snapshots = []
# create group
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "create", self.volname, group)
# create subvolumegroup snapshots
snapshots = self._generate_random_snapshot_name(3)
for snapshot in snapshots:
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "snapshot", "create", self.volname, group, snapshot)
subvolgrpsnapshotls = json.loads(self._fs_cmd('subvolumegroup', 'snapshot', 'ls', self.volname, group))
if len(subvolgrpsnapshotls) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Expected the 'fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls' command to list the created subvolume group snapshots")
snapshotnames = [snapshot['name'] for snapshot in subvolgrpsnapshotls]
if collections.Counter(snapshotnames) != collections.Counter(snapshots):
raise RuntimeError("Error creating or listing subvolume group snapshots")
def test_async_subvolume_rm(self):
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
# create subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
# fill subvolume w/ some data
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume)
# verify trash dir is clean
def test_mgr_eviction(self):
# unmount any cephfs mounts
sessions = self._session_list()
self.assertLessEqual(len(sessions), 1) # maybe mgr is already mounted
# Get the mgr to definitely mount cephfs
subvolume = self._generate_random_subvolume_name()
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "create", self.volname, subvolume)
sessions = self._session_list()
self.assertEqual(len(sessions), 1)
# Now fail the mgr, check the session was evicted
mgr = self.mgr_cluster.get_active_id()
def test_subvolume_upgrade(self):
poor man's upgrade test -- rather than going through a full upgrade cycle,
emulate subvolumes by going through the wormhole and verify if they are
subvolume1, subvolume2 = self._generate_random_subvolume_name(2)
group = self._generate_random_group_name()
# emulate a old-fashioned subvolume -- one in the default group and
# the other in a custom group
createpath1 = os.path.join(".", "volumes", "_nogroup", subvolume1)
self.mount_a.run_shell(['mkdir', '-p', createpath1])
# create group
createpath2 = os.path.join(".", "volumes", group, subvolume2)
self.mount_a.run_shell(['mkdir', '-p', createpath2])
# this would auto-upgrade on access without anyone noticing
subvolpath1 = self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "getpath", self.volname, subvolume1)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath1, None)
subvolpath1 = subvolpath1.rstrip() # remove "/" prefix and any trailing newline
subvolpath2 = self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "getpath", self.volname, subvolume2, group)
self.assertNotEqual(subvolpath2, None)
subvolpath2 = subvolpath2.rstrip() # remove "/" prefix and any trailing newline
# and... the subvolume path returned should be what we created behind the scene
self.assertEqual(createpath1[1:], subvolpath1)
self.assertEqual(createpath2[1:], subvolpath2)
# remove subvolume
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume1)
self._fs_cmd("subvolume", "rm", self.volname, subvolume2, group)
# verify trash dir is clean
# remove group
self._fs_cmd("subvolumegroup", "rm", self.volname, group)