Varsha Rao cd15fc8a77 cephfs-shell: Modify Quota Test
This patch makes following modifications quota test:
- Add additional condtion to confirm Command Failure Error due to exceeding set
  quota values.
- Rename function valid to set_and_get_quota_vals.
- Use run_cephfs_shell_cmd instead of get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output.

Signed-off-by: Varsha Rao <varao@redhat.com>
2019-12-28 17:55:40 +05:30

873 lines
34 KiB

Before running this testsuite, add path to cephfs-shell module to $PATH and
export $PATH.
from os import path
import crypt
import logging
from tempfile import mkstemp as tempfile_mkstemp
import math
from sys import version_info as sys_version_info
from re import search as re_search
from time import sleep
from StringIO import StringIO
from tasks.cephfs.cephfs_test_case import CephFSTestCase
from teuthology.misc import sudo_write_file
from teuthology.orchestra.run import CommandFailedError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def humansize(nbytes):
suffixes = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']
i = 0
while nbytes >= 1024 and i < len(suffixes)-1:
nbytes /= 1024.
i += 1
nbytes = math.ceil(nbytes)
f = ('%d' % nbytes).rstrip('.')
return '%s%s' % (f, suffixes[i])
def str_to_bool(val):
val = val.strip()
trueval = ['true', 'yes', 'y', '1']
return True if val == 1 or val.lower() in trueval else False
class TestCephFSShell(CephFSTestCase):
def run_cephfs_shell_cmd(self, cmd, mount_x=None, opts=None, stdin=None, config_path=None):
if mount_x is None:
mount_x = self.mount_a
if config_path is None:
config_path = self.mount_a.config_path
if isinstance(cmd, list):
cmd = " ".join(cmd)
args = ["cephfs-shell", "-c", config_path]
if opts is not None:
args.extend(("--", cmd))
log.info("Running command: {}".format(" ".join(args)))
return mount_x.client_remote.run(args=args, stdout=StringIO(),
stderr=StringIO(), stdin=stdin)
def get_cephfs_shell_cmd_error(self, cmd, mount_x=None, opts=None,
return self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd(cmd, mount_x, opts, stdin).stderr.\
def get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output(self, cmd, mount_x=None, opts=None,
stdin=None, config_path=None):
return self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd(cmd, mount_x, opts, stdin,
def get_cephfs_shell_script_output(self, script, mount_x=None, stdin=None):
return self.run_cephfs_shell_script(script, mount_x, stdin).stdout.\
def run_cephfs_shell_script(self, script, mount_x=None, stdin=None):
if mount_x is None:
mount_x = self.mount_a
scriptpath = tempfile_mkstemp(prefix='test-cephfs', text=True)[1]
with open(scriptpath, 'w') as scriptfile:
# copy script to the machine running cephfs-shell.
mount_x.client_remote.put_file(scriptpath, scriptpath)
mount_x.run_shell('chmod 755 ' + scriptpath)
args = ["cephfs-shell", "-c", mount_x.config_path, '-b', scriptpath]
log.info('Running script \"' + scriptpath + '\"')
return mount_x.client_remote.run(args=args, stdout=StringIO(),
stderr=StringIO(), stdin=stdin)
class TestMkdir(TestCephFSShell):
def test_mkdir(self):
Test that mkdir creates directory
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir d1")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.mount_a.stat('d1')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
def test_mkdir_with_07000_octal_mode(self):
Test that mkdir fails with octal mode greater than 0777
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir -m 07000 d2")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# mkdir d2 should fail
o = self.mount_a.stat('d2')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
def test_mkdir_with_negative_octal_mode(self):
Test that mkdir fails with negative octal mode
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir -m -0755 d3")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# mkdir d3 should fail
o = self.mount_a.stat('d3')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
def test_mkdir_with_non_octal_mode(self):
Test that mkdir passes with non-octal mode
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir -m u=rwx d4")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# mkdir d4 should pass
o = self.mount_a.stat('d4')
assert((o['st_mode'] & 0o700) == 0o700)
def test_mkdir_with_bad_non_octal_mode(self):
Test that mkdir failes with bad non-octal mode
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir -m ugx=0755 d5")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# mkdir d5 should fail
o = self.mount_a.stat('d5')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
def test_mkdir_path_without_path_option(self):
Test that mkdir fails without path option for creating path
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir d5/d6/d7")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# mkdir d5/d6/d7 should fail
o = self.mount_a.stat('d5/d6/d7')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
def test_mkdir_path_with_path_option(self):
Test that mkdir passes with path option for creating path
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir -p d5/d6/d7")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# mkdir d5/d6/d7 should pass
o = self.mount_a.stat('d5/d6/d7')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
class TestGetAndPut(TestCephFSShell):
# the 'put' command gets tested as well with the 'get' comamnd
def test_put_and_get_without_target_directory(self):
Test that put fails without target path
# generate test data in a directory
self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd("!mkdir p1")
self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd('!dd if=/dev/urandom of=p1/dump1 bs=1M count=1')
self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd('!dd if=/dev/urandom of=p1/dump2 bs=2M count=1')
self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd('!dd if=/dev/urandom of=p1/dump3 bs=3M count=1')
# copy the whole directory over to the cephfs
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put p1")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# put p1 should pass
o = self.mount_a.stat('p1')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.mount_a.stat('p1/dump1')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.mount_a.stat('p1/dump2')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.mount_a.stat('p1/dump3')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd('!rm -rf p1')
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("get p1")
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('!stat p1 || echo $?')
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('!stat p1/dump1 || echo $?')
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('!stat p1/dump2 || echo $?')
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('!stat p1/dump3 || echo $?')
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
def validate_stat_output(self, s):
l = s.split('\n')
rv = l[-1] # get last line; a failed stat will have "1" as the line
r = 0
r = int(rv) # a non-numeric line will cause an exception
assert(r == 0)
def test_get_with_target_name(self):
Test that get passes with target name
s = 'C' * 1024
s_hash = crypt.crypt(s, '.A')
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - dump4", stdin=s)
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# put - dump4 should pass
o = self.mount_a.stat('dump4')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("get dump4 .")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("!cat dump4")
o_hash = crypt.crypt(o, '.A')
# s_hash must be equal to o_hash
assert(s_hash == o_hash)
def test_get_without_target_name(self):
Test that get passes with target name
s = 'D' * 1024
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - dump5", stdin=s)
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# put - dump5 should pass
o = self.mount_a.stat('dump5')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
# get dump5 should fail
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("get dump5")
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("!stat dump5 || echo $?")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
l = o.split('\n')
ret = int(l[1])
# verify that stat dump5 passes
# if ret == 1, then that implies the stat failed
# which implies that there was a problem with "get dump5"
assert(ret != 1)
except ValueError:
# we have a valid stat output; so this is good
# if the int() fails then that means there's a valid stat output
def test_get_to_console(self):
Test that get passes with target name
s = 'E' * 1024
s_hash = crypt.crypt(s, '.A')
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - dump6", stdin=s)
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# put - dump6 should pass
o = self.mount_a.stat('dump6')
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
# get dump6 - should pass
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("get dump6 -")
o_hash = crypt.crypt(o, '.A')
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# s_hash must be equal to o_hash
assert(s_hash == o_hash)
class TestSnapshots(TestCephFSShell):
def test_snap(self):
Test that snapshot creation and deletion work
sd = self.fs.get_config('client_snapdir')
sdn = "data_dir/{}/snap1".format(sd)
# create a data dir and dump some files into it
self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("mkdir data_dir")
s = 'A' * 10240
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - data_dir/data_a", stdin=s)
s = 'B' * 10240
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - data_dir/data_b", stdin=s)
s = 'C' * 10240
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - data_dir/data_c", stdin=s)
s = 'D' * 10240
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - data_dir/data_d", stdin=s)
s = 'E' * 10240
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - data_dir/data_e", stdin=s)
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("ls -l /data_dir")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# create the snapshot - must pass
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("snap create snap1 /data_dir")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertEqual("", o)
o = self.mount_a.stat(sdn)
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertIn('st_mode', o)
# create the same snapshot again - must fail with an error message
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_error("snap create snap1 /data_dir")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertIn("snapshot 'snap1' already exists", o)
o = self.mount_a.stat(sdn)
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertIn('st_mode', o)
# delete the snapshot - must pass
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("snap delete snap1 /data_dir")
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertEqual("", o)
o = self.mount_a.stat(sdn)
# snap dir should not exist anymore
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertNotIn('st_mode', o)
# delete the same snapshot again - must fail with an error message
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_error("snap delete snap1 /data_dir")
self.assertIn("'snap1': no such snapshot", o)
o = self.mount_a.stat(sdn)
log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
self.assertNotIn('st_mode', o)
class TestCD(TestCephFSShell):
def test_cd_with_no_args(self):
Test that when cd is issued without any arguments, CWD is changed
to root directory.
path = 'dir1/dir2/dir3'
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir -p ' + path)
expected_cwd = '/'
script = 'cd {}\ncd\ncwd\n'.format(path)
output = self.get_cephfs_shell_script_output(script)
self.assertEqual(output, expected_cwd)
def test_cd_with_args(self):
Test that when cd is issued with an argument, CWD is changed
to the path passed in the argument.
path = 'dir1/dir2/dir3'
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir -p ' + path)
expected_cwd = '/dir1/dir2/dir3'
script = 'cd {}\ncwd\n'.format(path)
output = self.get_cephfs_shell_script_output(script)
self.assertEqual(output, expected_cwd)
class TestDU(TestCephFSShell):
def test_du_works_for_regfiles(self):
regfilename = 'some_regfile'
regfile_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, regfilename)
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, regfile_abspath, 'somedata')
size = humansize(self.mount_a.stat(regfile_abspath)['st_size'])
expected_output = r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +", regfilename)
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du ' + regfilename)
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_works_for_non_empty_dirs(self):
dirname = 'some_directory'
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, dirname)
regfilename = 'some_regfile'
regfile_abspath = path.join(dir_abspath, regfilename)
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir ' + dir_abspath)
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, regfile_abspath, 'somedata')
# XXX: we stat `regfile_abspath` here because ceph du reports a non-empty
# directory's size as sum of sizes of all files under it.
size = humansize(self.mount_a.stat(regfile_abspath)['st_size'])
expected_output = r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +", dirname)
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du ' + dirname)
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_works_for_empty_dirs(self):
dirname = 'some_directory'
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, dirname)
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir ' + dir_abspath)
size = humansize(self.mount_a.stat(dir_abspath)['st_size'])
expected_output = r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +", dirname)
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du ' + dirname)
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_works_for_hardlinks(self):
regfilename = 'some_regfile'
regfile_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, regfilename)
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, regfile_abspath,
hlinkname = 'some_hardlink'
hlink_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, hlinkname)
self.mount_a.run_shell(['sudo', 'ln', regfile_abspath,
hlink_abspath], omit_sudo=False)
size = humansize(self.mount_a.stat(hlink_abspath)['st_size'])
expected_output = r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +", hlinkname)
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du ' + hlinkname)
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_works_for_softlinks_to_files(self):
regfilename = 'some_regfile'
regfile_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, regfilename)
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, regfile_abspath, 'somedata')
slinkname = 'some_softlink'
slink_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, slinkname)
self.mount_a.run_shell(['ln', '-s', regfile_abspath, slink_abspath])
size = humansize(self.mount_a.lstat(slink_abspath)['st_size'])
expected_output = r'{}{}{}'.format((size), " +", slinkname)
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du ' + slinkname)
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_works_for_softlinks_to_dirs(self):
dirname = 'some_directory'
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, dirname)
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir ' + dir_abspath)
slinkname = 'some_softlink'
slink_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, slinkname)
self.mount_a.run_shell(['ln', '-s', dir_abspath, slink_abspath])
size = humansize(self.mount_a.lstat(slink_abspath)['st_size'])
expected_output = r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +", slinkname)
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du ' + slinkname)
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
# NOTE: tests using these are pretty slow since to this methods sleeps for
# 15 seconds
def _setup_files(self, return_path_to_files=False, path_prefix='./'):
dirname = 'dir1'
regfilename = 'regfile'
hlinkname = 'hlink'
slinkname = 'slink1'
slink2name = 'slink2'
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, dirname)
regfile_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, regfilename)
hlink_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, hlinkname)
slink_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, slinkname)
slink2_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, slink2name)
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir ' + dir_abspath)
self.mount_a.run_shell('touch ' + regfile_abspath)
self.mount_a.run_shell(['ln', regfile_abspath, hlink_abspath])
self.mount_a.run_shell(['ln', '-s', regfile_abspath, slink_abspath])
self.mount_a.run_shell(['ln', '-s', dir_abspath, slink2_abspath])
dir2_name = 'dir2'
dir21_name = 'dir21'
regfile121_name = 'regfile121'
dir2_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, dir2_name)
dir21_abspath = path.join(dir2_abspath, dir21_name)
regfile121_abspath = path.join(dir21_abspath, regfile121_name)
self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir -p ' + dir21_abspath)
self.mount_a.run_shell('touch ' + regfile121_abspath)
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, regfile_abspath,
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, regfile121_abspath,
# TODO: is there a way to trigger/force update ceph.dir.rbytes?
# wait so that attr ceph.dir.rbytes gets a chance to be updated.
expected_patterns = []
path_to_files = []
def append_expected_output_pattern(f):
if f == '/':
expected_patterns.append(r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +", '.' + f))
expected_patterns.append(r'{}{}{}'.format(size, " +",
path_prefix + path.relpath(f, self.mount_a.mountpoint)))
for f in [dir_abspath, regfile_abspath, regfile121_abspath,
hlink_abspath, slink_abspath, slink2_abspath]:
size = humansize(self.mount_a.stat(f, follow_symlinks=
# get size for directories containig regfiles within
for f in [dir2_abspath, dir21_abspath]:
size = humansize(self.mount_a.stat(regfile121_abspath,
# get size for CephFS root
size = 0
for f in [regfile_abspath, regfile121_abspath, slink_abspath,
size += self.mount_a.stat(f, follow_symlinks=False)['st_size']
size = humansize(size)
if return_path_to_files:
for p in [dir_abspath, regfile_abspath, dir2_abspath,
dir21_abspath, regfile121_abspath, hlink_abspath,
slink_abspath, slink2_abspath]:
path_to_files.append(path.relpath(p, self.mount_a.mountpoint))
return (expected_patterns, path_to_files)
return expected_patterns
def test_du_works_recursively_with_no_path_in_args(self):
expected_patterns_in_output = self._setup_files()
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du -r')
for expected_output in expected_patterns_in_output:
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_with_path_in_args(self):
expected_patterns_in_output, path_to_files = self._setup_files(True,
args = ['du', '/']
for p in path_to_files:
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output(args)
for expected_output in expected_patterns_in_output:
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" +\
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
def test_du_with_no_args(self):
expected_patterns_in_output = self._setup_files()
du_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('du')
for expected_output in expected_patterns_in_output:
# Since CWD is CephFS root and being non-recursive expect only
# CWD in DU report.
if expected_output.find('/') == len(expected_output) - 1:
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(expected_output, du_output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(expected_output, du_output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
expected_output, du_output)
class TestDF(TestCephFSShell):
def validate_df(self, filename):
df_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('df '+filename)
log.info("cephfs-shell df output:\n{}".format(df_output))
shell_df = df_output.splitlines()[1].split()
block_size = int(self.mount_a.df()["total"]) // 1024
log.info("cephfs df block size output:{}\n".format(block_size))
st_size = int(self.mount_a.stat(filename)["st_size"])
log.info("cephfs stat used output:{}".format(st_size))
log.info("cephfs available:{}\n".format(block_size - st_size))
self.assertTupleEqual((block_size, st_size, block_size - st_size),
(int(shell_df[0]), int(shell_df[1]) , int(shell_df[2])))
def test_df_with_no_args(self):
expected_output = ''
df_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('df')
assert df_output == expected_output
def test_df_for_valid_directory(self):
dir_name = 'dir1'
mount_output = self.mount_a.run_shell('mkdir ' + dir_name)
log.info("cephfs-shell mount output:\n{}".format(mount_output))
def test_df_for_invalid_directory(self):
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, 'non-existent-dir')
proc = self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd('df ' + dir_abspath)
assert proc.stderr.getvalue().find('error in stat') != -1
def test_df_for_valid_file(self):
s = 'df test' * 14145016
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("put - dumpfile", stdin=s)
log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
class TestQuota(TestCephFSShell):
dir_name = 'testdir'
def create_dir(self):
mount_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('mkdir ' + self.dir_name)
log.info("cephfs-shell mount output:\n{}".format(mount_output))
def set_and_get_quota_vals(self, input_val):
quota_output = self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd('quota set --max_bytes '
+ input_val[0] + ' --max_files '
+ input_val[1] + ' '
+ self.dir_name)
log.info("cephfs-shell quota set output:\n{}".format(quota_output))
quota_output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('quota get '+ self.dir_name)
log.info("cephfs-shell quota get output:\n{}".format(quota_output))
quota_output = quota_output.split()
return quota_output[1], quota_output[3]
def test_set(self):
set_values = ('6', '2')
self.assertTupleEqual(self.set_and_get_quota_vals(set_values), set_values)
def test_replace_values(self):
set_values = ('20', '4')
self.assertTupleEqual(self.set_and_get_quota_vals(set_values), set_values)
def test_set_invalid_dir(self):
set_values = ('5', '5')
self.assertTupleEqual(self.set_and_get_quota_vals(set_values), set_values)
raise Exception("Something went wrong!! Values set for non existing directory")
except IndexError:
# Test should pass as values cannot be set for non existing directory
def test_set_invalid_values(self):
set_values = ('-6', '-5')
self.assertTupleEqual(self.set_and_get_quota_vals(set_values), set_values)
raise Exception("Something went wrong!! Invalid values set")
except IndexError:
# Test should pass as invalid values cannot be set
def test_exceed_file_limit(self):
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, self.dir_name)
self.mount_a.run_shell('touch '+dir_abspath+'/file1')
file2 = path.join(dir_abspath, "file2")
self.mount_a.run_shell('touch '+file2)
raise Exception("Something went wrong!! File creation should have failed")
except CommandFailedError:
# Test should pass as file quota set to 2
# Additional condition to confirm file creation failure
if not path.exists(file2):
return 0
def test_exceed_write_limit(self):
dir_abspath = path.join(self.mount_a.mountpoint, self.dir_name)
filename = 'test_file'
file_abspath = path.join(dir_abspath, filename)
# Write should fail as bytes quota is set to 6
sudo_write_file(self.mount_a.client_remote, file_abspath,
'Disk raise Exception')
raise Exception("Write should have failed")
except CommandFailedError:
# Test should pass only when write command fails
path_exists = path.exists(file_abspath)
if not path_exists:
# Testing with teuthology: No file is created.
return 0
elif path_exists and not path.getsize(file_abspath):
# Testing on Fedora 30: When write fails, empty file gets created.
return 0
# def test_ls(self):
# """
# Test that ls passes
# """
# o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("ls")
# log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# o = self.mount_a.run_shell(['ls']).stdout.getvalue().strip().replace("\n", " ").split()
# log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
# # ls should not list hidden files without the -a switch
# if '.' in o or '..' in o:
# log.info('ls failed')
# else:
# log.info('ls succeeded')
# def test_ls_a(self):
# """
# Test that ls -a passes
# """
# o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("ls -a")
# log.info("cephfs-shell output:\n{}".format(o))
# o = self.mount_a.run_shell(['ls', '-a']).stdout.getvalue().strip().replace("\n", " ").split()
# log.info("mount_a output:\n{}".format(o))
# if '.' in o and '..' in o:
# log.info('ls -a succeeded')
# else:
# log.info('ls -a failed')
class TestMisc(TestCephFSShell):
def test_issue_cephfs_shell_cmd_at_invocation(self):
Test that `cephfs-shell -c conf cmd` works.
# choosing a long name since short ones have a higher probability
# of getting matched by coincidence.
dirname = 'somedirectory'
self.run_cephfs_shell_cmd(['mkdir', dirname])
output = self.mount_a.client_remote.run(args=['cephfs-shell', '-c',
self.mount_a.config_path, 'ls'],
if sys_version_info.major >= 3:
self.assertRegex(dirname, output)
elif sys_version_info.major < 3:
assert re_search(dirname, output) != None, "\n" + \
"expected_output -\n{}\ndu_output -\n{}\n".format(
dirname, output)
def test_help(self):
Test that help outputs commands.
o = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output("help all")
class TestConfReading(TestCephFSShell):
def test_reading_conf_opt(self):
Read conf without duplicate sections/options.
debugval = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'get',
debugval = str_to_bool(debugval)
self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'set', 'client',
'debug_shell', str(not debugval))
output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('set debug')
new_debug_val = \
str_to_bool(output[output.find('debug: ') + len('debug: ') : ])
assert not debugval == new_debug_val
def test_reading_conf_after_setting_opt_twice(self):
Read conf without duplicate sections/options.
debugval = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'get',
debugval = str_to_bool(debugval)
self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'set', 'client',
'debug_shell', str(not debugval))
self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'set', 'client',
'debug_shell', str(not debugval))
output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('set debug')
new_debug_val = \
str_to_bool(output[output.find('debug: ') + len('debug: ') : ])
assert not debugval == new_debug_val
def test_reading_conf_after_resetting_opt(self):
debugval = self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'get',
debugval = str_to_bool(debugval)
self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'set', 'client',
'debug_shell', str(not debugval))
self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'rm', 'client',
self.fs.mon_manager.raw_cluster_cmd('config', 'set', 'client',
'debug_shell', str(not debugval))
output = self.get_cephfs_shell_cmd_output('set debug')
new_debug_val = \
str_to_bool(output[output.find('debug: ') + len('debug: ') : ])
assert not debugval == new_debug_val