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synced 2025-03-10 18:29:40 +00:00
each RGW will install the luarocks packages in its own directory Signed-off-by: Yuval Lifshitz <ylifshit@redhat.com>
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Lua Scripting
.. versionadded:: Pacific
.. contents::
This feature allows users to upload Lua scripts to different context in the radosgw. The two supported context are "preRequest" that will execute a script before the
operation was taken, and "postRequest" that will execute after each operation is taken. Script may be uploaded to address requests for users of a specific tenant.
The script can access fields in the request and modify some fields. All Lua language features can be used in the script.
By default, all lua standard libraries are available in the script, however, in order to allow for other lua modules to be used in the script, we support adding packages to an allowlist:
- All packages in the allowlist are being re-installed using the luarocks package manager on radosgw restart. Therefore a restart is needed for adding or removing of packages to take effect
- To add a package that contains C source code that needs to be compiled, use the `--allow-compilation` flag. In this case a C compiler needs to be available on the host
- Lua packages are installed in, and used from, a directory local to the radosgw. Meaning that lua packages in the allowlist are separated from any lua packages available on the host.
By default, this directory would be `/tmp/luarocks/<entity name>`. Its prefix part (`/tmp/luarocks/`) could be set to a different location via the `rgw_luarocks_location` configuration parameter.
Note that this parameter should not be set to one of the default locations where luarocks install packages (e.g. `$HOME/.luarocks`, `/usr/lib64/lua`, `/usr/share/lua`)
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Script Management via CLI
To upload a script:
# radosgw-admin script put --infile={lua-file} --context={preRequest|postRequest} [--tenant={tenant-name}]
To print the content of the script to standard output:
# radosgw-admin script get --context={preRequest|postRequest} [--tenant={tenant-name}]
To remove the script:
# radosgw-admin script rm --context={preRequest|postRequest} [--tenant={tenant-name}]
Package Management via CLI
To add a package to the allowlist:
# radosgw-admin script-package add --package={package name} [--allow-compilation]
To remove a package from the allowlist:
# radosgw-admin script-package rm --package={package name}
To print the list of packages in the allowlist:
# radosgw-admin script-package list
Context Free Functions
Debug Log
The ``RGWDebugLog()`` function accepts a string and prints it to the debug log with priority 20.
Each log message is prefixed ``Lua INFO:``. This function has no return value.
Request Fields
.. warning:: This feature is experimental. Fields may be removed or renamed in the future.
.. note::
- Although Lua is a case-sensitive language, field names provided by the radosgw are case-insensitive. Function names remain case-sensitive.
- Fields marked "optional" can have a nil value.
- Fields marked as "iterable" can be used by the pairs() function and with the # length operator.
- All table fields can be used with the bracket operator ``[]``.
- ``time`` fields are strings with the following format: ``%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S``.
| Field | Type | Description | Iterable | Writeable | Optional |
| ``Request.RGWOp`` | string | radosgw operation | no | no | no |
| ``Request.DecodedURI`` | string | decoded URI | no | no | no |
| ``Request.ContentLength`` | integer | size of the request | no | no | no |
| ``Request.GenericAttributes`` | table | string to string generic attributes map | yes | no | no |
| ``Request.Response`` | table | response to the request | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode`` | integer | HTTP status code | no | yes | no |
| ``Request.Response.HTTPStatus`` | string | HTTP status text | no | yes | no |
| ``Request.Response.RGWCode`` | integer | radosgw error code | no | yes | no |
| ``Request.Response.Message`` | string | response message | no | yes | no |
| ``Request.SwiftAccountName`` | string | swift account name | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.Bucket`` | table | info on the bucket | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.Bucket.Tenant`` | string | tenant of the bucket | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Name`` | string | bucket name | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Marker`` | string | bucket marker (initial id) | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Id`` | string | bucket id | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Count`` | integer | number of objects in the bucket | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Size`` | integer | total size of objects in the bucket | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.ZoneGroupId`` | string | zone group of the bucket | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.CreationTime`` | time | creation time of the bucket | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.MTime`` | time | modification time of the bucket | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Quota`` | table | bucket quota | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Quota.MaxSize`` | integer | bucket quota max size | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Quota.MaxObjects`` | integer | bucket quota max number of objects | no | no | no |
| ``Reques.Bucket.Quota.Enabled`` | boolean | bucket quota is enabled | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.Quota.Rounded`` | boolean | bucket quota is rounded to 4K | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.PlacementRule`` | table | bucket placement rule | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.PlacementRule.Name`` | string | bucket placement rule name | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.PlacementRule.StorageClass`` | string | bucket placement rule storage class | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.User`` | table | bucket owner | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.User.Tenant`` | string | bucket owner tenant | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Bucket.User.Id`` | string | bucket owner id | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Object`` | table | info on the object | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.Object.Name`` | string | object name | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Object.Instance`` | string | object version | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Object.Id`` | string | object id | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Object.Size`` | integer | object size | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Object.MTime`` | time | object mtime | no | no | no |
| ``Request.CopyFrom`` | table | information on copy operation | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.CopyFrom.Tenant`` | string | tenant of the object copied from | no | no | no |
| ``Request.CopyFrom.Bucket`` | string | bucket of the object copied from | no | no | no |
| ``Request.CopyFrom.Object`` | table | object copied from. See: ``Request.Object`` | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.ObjectOwner`` | table | object owner | no | no | no |
| ``Request.ObjectOwner.DisplayName`` | string | object owner display name | no | no | no |
| ``Request.ObjectOwner.User`` | table | object user. See: ``Request.Bucket.User`` | no | no | no |
| ``Request.ZoneGroup.Name`` | string | name of zone group | no | no | no |
| ``Request.ZoneGroup.Endpoint`` | string | endpoint of zone group | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl`` | table | user ACL | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Owner`` | table | user ACL owner. See: ``Request.ObjectOwner`` | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants`` | table | user ACL map of string to grant | yes | no | no |
| | | note: grants without an Id are not presented when iterated | | | |
| | | and only one of them can be accessed via brackets | | | |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"]`` | table | user ACL grant | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].Type`` | integer | user ACL grant type | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].User`` | table | user ACL grant user | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].User.Tenant`` | table | user ACL grant user tenant | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].User.Id`` | table | user ACL grant user id | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].GroupType`` | integer | user ACL grant group type | no | no | no |
| ``Request.UserAcl.Grants["<name>"].Referer`` | string | user ACL grant referer | no | no | no |
| ``Request.BucketAcl`` | table | bucket ACL. See: ``Request.UserAcl`` | no | no | no |
| ``Request.ObjectAcl`` | table | object ACL. See: ``Request.UserAcl`` | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Environment`` | table | string to string environment map | yes | no | no |
| ``Request.Policy`` | table | policy | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.Policy.Text`` | string | policy text | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Policy.Id`` | string | policy Id | no | no | yes |
| ``Request.Policy.Statements`` | table | list of string statements | yes | no | no |
| ``Request.UserPolicies`` | table | list of user policies | yes | no | no |
| ``Request.UserPolicies[<index>]`` | table | user policy. See: ``Request.Policy`` | no | no | no |
| ``Request.RGWId`` | string | radosgw host id: ``<host>-<zone>-<zonegroup>`` | no | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP`` | table | HTTP header | no | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.Parameters`` | table | string to string parameter map | yes | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.Resources`` | table | string to string resource map | yes | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.Metadata`` | table | string to string metadata map | yes | yes | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.Host`` | string | host name | no | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.Method`` | string | HTTP method | no | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.URI`` | string | URI | no | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.QueryString`` | string | HTTP query string | no | no | no |
| ``Request.HTTP.Domain`` | string | domain name | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Time`` | time | request time | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Dialect`` | string | "S3" or "Swift" | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Id`` | string | request Id | no | no | no |
| ``Request.TransactionId`` | string | transaction Id | no | no | no |
| ``Request.Tags`` | table | object tags map | yes | no | no |
Request Functions
Operations Log
The ``Request.Log()`` function prints the requests into the operations log. This function has no parameters. It returns 0 for success and an error code if it fails.
Lua Code Samples
- Print information on source and destination objects in case of copy:
.. code-block:: lua
function print_object(object)
RGWDebugLog(" Name: " .. object.Name)
RGWDebugLog(" Instance: " .. object.Instance)
RGWDebugLog(" Id: " .. object.Id)
RGWDebugLog(" Size: " .. object.Size)
RGWDebugLog(" MTime: " .. object.MTime)
if Request.CopyFrom and Request.Object and Request.CopyFrom.Object then
RGWDebugLog("copy from object:")
RGWDebugLog("to object:")
- Print ACLs via a "generic function":
.. code-block:: lua
function print_owner(owner)
RGWDebugLog(" Dispaly Name: " .. owner.DisplayName)
RGWDebugLog(" Id: " .. owner.User.Id)
RGWDebugLog(" Tenanet: " .. owner.User.Tenant)
function print_acl(acl_type)
index = acl_type .. "ACL"
acl = Request[index]
if acl then
RGWDebugLog(acl_type .. "ACL Owner")
RGWDebugLog(" there are " .. #acl.Grants .. " grant for owner")
for k,v in pairs(acl.Grants) do
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Key: " .. k)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Type: " .. v.Type)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Group Type: " .. v.GroupType)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant Referer: " .. v.Referer)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant User Tenant: " .. v.User.Tenant)
RGWDebugLog(" Grant User Id: " .. v.User.Id)
RGWDebugLog("no " .. acl_type .. " ACL in request: " .. Request.Id)
- Use of operations log only in case of errors:
.. code-block:: lua
if Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode ~= 200 then
RGWDebugLog("request is bad, use ops log")
rc = Request.Log()
RGWDebugLog("ops log return code: " .. rc)
- Set values into the error message:
.. code-block:: lua
if Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode == 500 then
Request.Response.Message = "<Message> something bad happened :-( </Message>"
- Add metadata to objects that was not originally sent by the client:
In the `preRequest` context we should add:
.. code-block:: lua
if Request.RGWOp == 'put_obj' then
Request.HTTP.Metadata["x-amz-meta-mydata"] = "my value"
In the `postRequest` context we look at the metadata:
.. code-block:: lua
RGWDebugLog("number of metadata entries is: " .. #Request.HTTP.Metadata)
for k, v in pairs(Request.HTTP.Metadata) do
RGWDebugLog("key=" .. k .. ", " .. "value=" .. v)
- Use modules to create Unix socket based, JSON encoded, "access log":
First we should add the following packages to the allowlist:
# radosgw-admin script-package add --package=luajson
# radosgw-admin script-package add --package=luasocket --allow-compilation
Then, do a restart for the radosgw and upload the following script to the `postRequest` context:
.. code-block:: lua
if Request.RGWOp == "get_obj" then
local json = require("json")
local socket = require("socket")
local unix = require("socket.unix")
local s = assert(unix())
E = {}
msg = {bucket = (Request.Bucket or (Request.CopyFrom or E).Bucket).Name,
time = Request.Time,
operation = Request.RGWOp,
http_status = Request.Response.HTTPStatusCode,
error_code = Request.Response.HTTPStatus,
object_size = Request.Object.Size,
trans_id = Request.TransactionId}