mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:20:22 +00:00
The current code was waiting 10s to expect the file being put. If the file was put in a shorter time than 10s, the test just waits for nothing reducing the execution speed of that test. This patch simply check if the file is actually available every second during 10sec to exit prematurely. This patch saves exactly 10 sec on a local system, surely a little bit less on an infra but still saves time. Signed-off-by: Erwan Velu <erwan@redhat.com>
1969 lines
63 KiB
Executable File
1969 lines
63 KiB
Executable File
#!/bin/bash -x
source $(dirname $0)/../ceph-helpers.sh
set -e
set -o functrace
function check_no_osd_down()
! ceph osd dump | grep ' down '
function wait_no_osd_down()
for i in $(seq 1 300) ; do
if ! check_no_osd_down ; then
echo "waiting for osd(s) to come back up"
sleep 1
function expect_false()
set -x
if "$@"; then return 1; else return 0; fi
mkdir $TMPDIR
trap "rm -fr $TMPDIR" 0
# retry_eagain max cmd args ...
# retry cmd args ... if it exits on error and its output contains the
# string EAGAIN, at most $max times
function retry_eagain()
local max=$1
local status
local tmpfile=$TMPDIR/retry_eagain.$$
local count
for count in $(seq 1 $max) ; do
"$@" > $tmpfile 2>&1 || status=$?
if test $status = 0 ||
! grep --quiet EAGAIN $tmpfile ; then
sleep 1
if test $count = $max ; then
echo retried with non zero exit status, $max times: "$@" >&2
cat $tmpfile
rm $tmpfile
return $status
# map_enxio_to_eagain cmd arg ...
# add EAGAIN to the output of cmd arg ... if the output contains
function map_enxio_to_eagain()
local status=0
local tmpfile=$TMPDIR/map_enxio_to_eagain.$$
"$@" > $tmpfile 2>&1 || status=$?
if test $status != 0 &&
grep --quiet ENXIO $tmpfile ; then
echo "EAGAIN added by $0::map_enxio_to_eagain" >> $tmpfile
cat $tmpfile
rm $tmpfile
return $status
function check_response()
if [ "$expected_retcode" -a $retcode != $expected_retcode ] ; then
echo "return code invalid: got $retcode, expected $expected_retcode" >&2
exit 1
if ! grep --quiet -- "$expected_string" $TMPFILE ; then
echo "Didn't find $expected_string in output" >&2
cat $TMPFILE >&2
exit 1
function get_config_value_or_die()
local target config_opt raw val
raw="`$SUDO ceph daemon $target config get $config_opt 2>/dev/null`"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "error obtaining config opt '$config_opt' from '$target': $raw"
exit 1
raw=`echo $raw | sed -e 's/[{} "]//g'`
val=`echo $raw | cut -f2 -d:`
echo "$val"
return 0
function expect_config_value()
local target config_opt expected_val val
val=$(get_config_value_or_die $target $config_opt)
if [[ "$val" != "$expected_val" ]]; then
echo "expected '$expected_val', got '$val'"
exit 1
function ceph_watch_start()
local whatch_opt=--watch
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
ceph $whatch_opt > $CEPH_WATCH_FILE &
# wait until the "ceph" client is connected and receiving
# log messages from monitor
for i in `seq 3`; do
grep -q "cluster" $CEPH_WATCH_FILE && break
sleep 1
function ceph_watch_wait()
local regexp=$1
local timeout=30
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
for i in `seq ${timeout}`; do
grep -q "$regexp" $CEPH_WATCH_FILE && break
sleep 1
if ! grep "$regexp" $CEPH_WATCH_FILE; then
echo "pattern ${regexp} not found in watch file. Full watch file content:" >&2
return 1
function test_mon_injectargs()
CEPH_ARGS='--mon_debug_dump_location the.dump' ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --no-osd_enable_op_tracker >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "osd_enable_op_tracker = 'false'"
! grep "the.dump" $TMPFILE || return 1
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs '--osd_enable_op_tracker --osd_op_history_duration 500' >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "osd_enable_op_tracker = 'true' osd_op_history_duration = '500'"
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --no-osd_enable_op_tracker >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "osd_enable_op_tracker = 'false'"
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- --osd_enable_op_tracker >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "osd_enable_op_tracker = 'true'"
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--osd_enable_op_tracker --osd_op_history_duration 600' >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "osd_enable_op_tracker = 'true' osd_op_history_duration = '600'"
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--osd_op_history_duration' >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "Option --osd_op_history_duration requires an argument"
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs -- '--mon-lease 6' >& $TMPFILE || return 1
check_response "mon_lease = '6' (unchangeable)"
function test_mon_injectargs_SI()
# Test SI units during injectargs and 'config set'
# We only aim at testing the units are parsed accordingly
# and don't intend to test whether the options being set
# actually expect SI units to be passed.
# Keep in mind that all integer based options (i.e., INT,
# LONG, U32, U64) will accept SI unit modifiers.
initial_value=$(get_config_value_or_die "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects")
$SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10
expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10
$SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10K
expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10240
$SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 1G
expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 1073741824
$SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10F > $TMPFILE || true
check_response "'10F': (22) Invalid argument"
# now test with injectargs
ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10'
expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10
ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10K'
expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 10240
ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 1G'
expect_config_value "mon.a" "mon_pg_warn_min_objects" 1073741824
expect_false ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon_pg_warn_min_objects 10F'
$SUDO ceph daemon mon.a config set mon_pg_warn_min_objects $initial_value
function test_tiering_agent()
local slow=slow_eviction
local fast=fast_eviction
ceph osd pool create $slow 1 1
ceph osd pool create $fast 1 1
ceph osd tier add $slow $fast
ceph osd tier cache-mode $fast writeback
ceph osd tier set-overlay $slow $fast
ceph osd pool set $fast hit_set_type bloom
rados -p $slow put obj1 /etc/group
ceph osd pool set $fast target_max_objects 1
ceph osd pool set $fast hit_set_count 1
ceph osd pool set $fast hit_set_period 5
# wait for the object to be evicted from the cache
local evicted
for i in `seq 1 300` ; do
if ! rados -p $fast ls | grep obj1 ; then
sleep 1
$evicted # assert
# the object is proxy read and promoted to the cache
rados -p $slow get obj1 - >/dev/null
# wait for the promoted object to be evicted again
for i in `seq 1 300` ; do
if ! rados -p $fast ls | grep obj1 ; then
sleep 1
$evicted # assert
ceph osd tier remove-overlay $slow
ceph osd tier remove $slow $fast
ceph osd pool delete $fast $fast --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete $slow $slow --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_tiering()
# tiering
ceph osd pool create slow 2
ceph osd pool create slow2 2
ceph osd pool create cache 2
ceph osd pool create cache2 2
ceph osd tier add slow cache
ceph osd tier add slow cache2
expect_false ceph osd tier add slow2 cache
# test some state transitions
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward --yes-i-really-mean-it
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache forward --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache proxy
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
# test with dirty objects in the tier pool
# tier pool currently set to 'writeback'
rados -p cache put /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
ceph tell osd.\* flush_pg_stats || true
# 1 dirty object in pool 'cache'
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache proxy
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
expect_false ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache writeback
# remove object from tier pool
rados -p cache rm /etc/passwd
rados -p cache cache-flush-evict-all
ceph tell osd.\* flush_pg_stats || true
# no dirty objects in pool 'cache'
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache proxy
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
while ! ceph osd pool set cache pg_num 3 --yes-i-really-mean-it 2>$TMPFILE
grep 'currently creating pgs' $TMPFILE
TRIES=$(( $TRIES + 1 ))
test $TRIES -ne 60
sleep 3
expect_false ceph osd pool set cache pg_num 4
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache none
ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache
expect_false ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache2
expect_false ceph osd tier remove slow cache
ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow
ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache2
ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow
ceph osd tier remove slow cache
ceph osd tier add slow2 cache
expect_false ceph osd tier set-overlay slow cache
ceph osd tier set-overlay slow2 cache
ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow2
ceph osd tier remove slow2 cache
ceph osd tier remove slow cache2
# make sure a non-empty pool fails
rados -p cache2 put /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
while ! ceph df | grep cache2 | grep ' 1 ' ; do
echo waiting for pg stats to flush
sleep 2
expect_false ceph osd tier add slow cache2
ceph osd tier add slow cache2 --force-nonempty
ceph osd tier remove slow cache2
ceph osd pool ls | grep cache2
ceph osd pool ls -f json-pretty | grep cache2
ceph osd pool ls detail | grep cache2
ceph osd pool ls detail -f json-pretty | grep cache2
ceph osd pool delete cache cache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete cache2 cache2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# make sure we can't clobber snapshot state
ceph osd pool create snap_base 2
ceph osd pool create snap_cache 2
ceph osd pool mksnap snap_cache snapname
expect_false ceph osd tier add snap_base snap_cache
ceph osd pool delete snap_base snap_base --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete snap_cache snap_cache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# make sure we can't create an ec pool tier
ceph osd pool create eccache 2 2 erasure
ceph osd pool create repbase 2
expect_false ceph osd tier add repbase eccache
ceph osd pool delete repbase repbase --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete eccache eccache --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# convenient add-cache command
ceph osd pool create cache3 2
ceph osd tier add-cache slow cache3 1024000
ceph osd dump | grep cache3 | grep bloom | grep 'false_positive_probability: 0.05' | grep 'target_bytes 1024000' | grep '1200s x4'
ceph osd tier remove slow cache3 2> $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EBUSY: tier pool 'cache3' is the overlay for 'slow'; please remove-overlay first"
ceph osd tier remove-overlay slow
ceph osd tier remove slow cache3
ceph osd pool ls | grep cache3
ceph osd pool delete cache3 cache3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
! ceph osd pool ls | grep cache3 || exit 1
ceph osd pool delete slow2 slow2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete slow slow --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# check add-cache whether work
ceph osd pool create datapool 2
ceph osd pool create cachepool 2
ceph osd tier add-cache datapool cachepool 1024000
ceph osd tier cache-mode cachepool writeback
rados -p datapool put object /etc/passwd
rados -p cachepool stat object
rados -p cachepool cache-flush object
rados -p datapool stat object
ceph osd tier remove-overlay datapool
ceph osd tier remove datapool cachepool
ceph osd pool delete cachepool cachepool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# protection against pool removal when used as tiers
ceph osd pool create datapool 2
ceph osd pool create cachepool 2
ceph osd tier add-cache datapool cachepool 1024000
ceph osd pool delete cachepool cachepool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it 2> $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EBUSY: pool 'cachepool' is a tier of 'datapool'"
ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it 2> $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EBUSY: pool 'datapool' has tiers cachepool"
ceph osd tier remove-overlay datapool
ceph osd tier remove datapool cachepool
ceph osd pool delete cachepool cachepool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
## check health check
ceph osd set notieragent
ceph osd pool create datapool 2
ceph osd pool create cache4 2
ceph osd tier add-cache datapool cache4 1024000
ceph osd tier cache-mode cache4 writeback
tmpfile=$(mktemp|grep tmp)
dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmpfile bs=4K count=1
ceph osd pool set cache4 target_max_objects 200
ceph osd pool set cache4 target_max_bytes 1000000
rados -p cache4 put foo1 $tmpfile
rados -p cache4 put foo2 $tmpfile
rm -f $tmpfile
ceph tell osd.\* flush_pg_stats || true
ceph df | grep datapool | grep ' 2 '
ceph osd tier remove-overlay datapool
ceph osd tier remove datapool cache4
ceph osd pool delete cache4 cache4 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete datapool datapool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd unset notieragent
# make sure 'tier remove' behaves as we expect
# i.e., removing a tier from a pool that's not its base pool only
# results in a 'pool foo is now (or already was) not a tier of bar'
ceph osd pool create basepoolA 2
ceph osd pool create basepoolB 2
poolA_id=$(ceph osd dump | grep 'pool.*basepoolA' | awk '{print $2;}')
poolB_id=$(ceph osd dump | grep 'pool.*basepoolB' | awk '{print $2;}')
ceph osd pool create cache5 2
ceph osd pool create cache6 2
ceph osd tier add basepoolA cache5
ceph osd tier add basepoolB cache6
ceph osd tier remove basepoolB cache5 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache5'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of[ \t]\+$poolA_id"
ceph osd tier remove basepoolA cache6 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache6'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of[ \t]\+$poolB_id"
ceph osd tier remove basepoolA cache5 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache5'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of" || exit 1
ceph osd tier remove basepoolB cache6 2>&1 | grep 'not a tier of'
! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'cache6'" 2>&1 | grep "tier_of" || exit 1
! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'basepoolA'" 2>&1 | grep "tiers" || exit 1
! ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'basepoolB'" 2>&1 | grep "tiers" || exit 1
ceph osd pool delete cache6 cache6 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete cache5 cache5 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete basepoolB basepoolB --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete basepoolA basepoolA --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_auth()
ceph auth add client.xx mon allow osd "allow *"
ceph auth export client.xx >client.xx.keyring
ceph auth add client.xx -i client.xx.keyring
rm -f client.xx.keyring
ceph auth list | grep client.xx
ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon
ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep osd
ceph auth get-key client.xx
ceph auth print-key client.xx
ceph auth print_key client.xx
ceph auth caps client.xx osd "allow rw"
expect_false "ceph auth get client.xx | grep caps | grep mon"
ceph auth get client.xx | grep osd | grep "allow rw"
ceph auth export | grep client.xx
ceph auth export -o authfile
ceph auth import -i authfile
ceph auth export -o authfile2
diff authfile authfile2
rm authfile authfile2
ceph auth del client.xx
expect_false ceph auth get client.xx
# (almost) interactive mode
echo -e 'auth add client.xx mon allow osd "allow *"\n' | ceph
ceph auth get client.xx
# script mode
echo 'auth del client.xx' | ceph
expect_false ceph auth get client.xx
# get / set auid
local auid=444
ceph-authtool --create-keyring --name client.TEST --gen-key --set-uid $auid TEST-keyring
ceph auth import --in-file TEST-keyring
rm TEST-keyring
ceph auth get client.TEST > $TMPFILE
check_response "auid = $auid"
ceph --format json-pretty auth get client.TEST > $TMPFILE
check_response '"auid": '$auid
ceph auth list > $TMPFILE
check_response "auid: $auid"
ceph --format json-pretty auth list > $TMPFILE
check_response '"auid": '$auid
ceph auth del client.TEST
function test_auth_profiles()
ceph auth add client.xx-profile-ro mon 'allow profile read-only'
ceph auth add client.xx-profile-rw mon 'allow profile read-write'
ceph auth add client.xx-profile-rd mon 'allow profile role-definer'
ceph auth export > client.xx.keyring
# read-only is allowed all read-only commands (auth excluded)
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring status
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring osd dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring pg dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring mon dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring mds dump
# read-only gets access denied for rw commands or auth commands
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring log foo >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring osd set noout >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-ro -k client.xx.keyring auth list >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
# read-write is allowed for all read-write commands (except auth)
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring status
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring osd dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring pg dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring mon dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring mds dump
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring log foo
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring osd set noout
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring osd unset noout
# read-write gets access denied for auth commands
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rw -k client.xx.keyring auth list >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
# role-definer is allowed RWX 'auth' commands and read-only 'mon' commands
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth list
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth export
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth add client.xx-profile-foo
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring status
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring osd dump >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring pg dump >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
# read-only 'mon' subsystem commands are allowed
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring mon dump
# but read-write 'mon' commands are not
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring mon add foo >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring mds dump >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring log foo >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring osd set noout >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "EACCES: access denied"
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth del client.xx-profile-ro
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring auth del client.xx-profile-rw
# add a new role-definer with the existing role-definer
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring \
auth add client.xx-profile-rd2 mon 'allow profile role-definer'
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd -k client.xx.keyring \
auth export > client.xx.keyring.2
# remove old role-definer using the new role-definer
ceph -n client.xx-profile-rd2 -k client.xx.keyring.2 \
auth del client.xx-profile-rd
# remove the remaining role-definer with admin
ceph auth del client.xx-profile-rd2
rm -f client.xx.keyring client.xx.keyring.2
function test_mon_caps()
ceph-authtool --create-keyring $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
chmod +r $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
ceph-authtool $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug --gen-key
ceph auth add client.bug -i $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
rados lspools --keyring $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "Permission denied"
rm -rf $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
ceph auth del client.bug
ceph-authtool --create-keyring $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
chmod +r $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
ceph-authtool $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug --gen-key
ceph-authtool -n client.bug --cap mon '' $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
ceph auth add client.bug -i $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring
rados lspools --keyring $TMPDIR/ceph.client.bug.keyring -n client.bug >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "Permission denied"
function test_mon_misc()
# with and without verbosity
ceph osd dump | grep '^epoch'
ceph --concise osd dump | grep '^epoch'
# df
ceph df > $TMPFILE
ceph df detail > $TMPFILE
ceph df --format json > $TMPFILE
grep 'total_bytes' $TMPFILE
grep -v 'dirty' $TMPFILE
ceph df detail --format json > $TMPFILE
grep 'rd_bytes' $TMPFILE
grep 'dirty' $TMPFILE
ceph df --format xml | grep '<total_bytes>'
ceph df detail --format xml | grep '<rd_bytes>'
ceph fsid
ceph health
ceph health detail
ceph health --format json-pretty
ceph health detail --format xml-pretty
ceph node ls
for t in mon osd mds ; do
ceph node ls $t
mymsg="this is a test log message $$.$(date)"
ceph log "$mymsg"
ceph_watch_wait "$mymsg"
ceph mon metadata a
ceph node ls
function check_mds_active()
ceph fs get $fs_name | grep active
function wait_mds_active()
for i in $(seq 1 300) ; do
if ! check_mds_active $fs_name ; then
echo "waiting for an active MDS daemon"
sleep 5
check_mds_active $fs_name
function get_mds_gids()
ceph fs get $fs_name --format=json | python -c "import json; import sys; print ' '.join([m['gid'].__str__() for m in json.load(sys.stdin)['mdsmap']['info'].values()])"
function fail_all_mds()
ceph fs set $fs_name cluster_down true
mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $fs_name)
for mds_gid in $mds_gids ; do
ceph mds fail $mds_gid
if check_mds_active $fs_name ; then
echo "An active MDS remains, something went wrong"
ceph fs get $fs_name
exit -1
function remove_all_fs()
existing_fs=$(ceph fs ls --format=json | python -c "import json; import sys; print ' '.join([fs['name'] for fs in json.load(sys.stdin)])")
for fs_name in $existing_fs ; do
echo "Removing fs ${fs_name}..."
fail_all_mds $fs_name
echo "Removing existing filesystem '${fs_name}'..."
ceph fs rm $fs_name --yes-i-really-mean-it
echo "Removed '${fs_name}'."
# So that tests requiring MDS can skip if one is not configured
# in the cluster at all
function mds_exists()
ceph auth list | grep "^mds"
function test_mds_tell()
if ! mds_exists ; then
echo "Skipping test, no MDS found"
ceph osd pool create fs_data 10
ceph osd pool create fs_metadata 10
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data
wait_mds_active $FS_NAME
# Test injectargs by GID
old_mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME)
echo Old GIDs: $old_mds_gids
for mds_gid in $old_mds_gids ; do
ceph tell mds.$mds_gid injectargs "--debug-mds 20"
# Test respawn by rank
ceph tell mds.0 respawn
while [ $new_mds_gids -eq $old_mds_gids ] ; do
sleep 5
new_mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME)
echo New GIDs: $new_mds_gids
# Test respawn by ID
ceph tell mds.a respawn
while [ $new_mds_gids -eq $old_mds_gids ] ; do
sleep 5
new_mds_gids=$(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME)
echo New GIDs: $new_mds_gids
ceph osd pool delete fs_data fs_data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata fs_metadata --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_mon_mds()
ceph osd pool create fs_data 10
ceph osd pool create fs_metadata 10
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data
ceph fs set $FS_NAME cluster_down true
ceph fs set $FS_NAME cluster_down false
# Legacy commands, act on default fs
ceph mds cluster_down
ceph mds cluster_up
ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
ceph mds compat rm_incompat 4
# We don't want any MDSs to be up, their activity can interfere with
# the "current_epoch + 1" checking below if they're generating updates
fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
# Check for default crash_replay_interval set automatically in 'fs new'
#This may vary based on ceph.conf (e.g., it's 5 in teuthology runs)
#ceph osd dump | grep fs_data > $TMPFILE
#check_response "crash_replay_interval 45 "
ceph mds compat show
expect_false ceph mds deactivate 2
ceph mds dump
ceph fs dump
ceph fs get $FS_NAME
for mds_gid in $(get_mds_gids $FS_NAME) ; do
ceph mds metadata $mds_id
# XXX mds fail, but how do you undo it?
current_epoch=$(ceph mds getmap -o $mdsmapfile --no-log-to-stderr 2>&1 | grep epoch | sed 's/.*epoch //')
[ -s $mdsmapfile ]
rm $mdsmapfile
ceph osd pool create data2 10
ceph osd pool create data3 10
data2_pool=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'data2'" | awk '{print $2;}')
data3_pool=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.*'data3'" | awk '{print $2;}')
ceph mds add_data_pool $data2_pool
ceph mds add_data_pool $data3_pool
ceph mds add_data_pool 100 >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "Error ENOENT"
ceph mds add_data_pool foobarbaz >& $TMPFILE || true
check_response "Error ENOENT"
ceph mds remove_data_pool $data2_pool
ceph mds remove_data_pool $data3_pool
ceph osd pool delete data2 data2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete data3 data3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph mds set_max_mds 4
ceph mds set_max_mds 3
ceph mds set_max_mds 256
expect_false ceph mds set_max_mds 257
ceph mds set max_mds 4
ceph mds set max_mds 256
expect_false ceph mds set max_mds 257
expect_false ceph mds set max_mds asdf
expect_false ceph mds set inline_data true
ceph mds set inline_data true --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph mds set inline_data yes --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph mds set inline_data 1 --yes-i-really-mean-it
expect_false ceph mds set inline_data --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph mds set inline_data false
ceph mds set inline_data no
ceph mds set inline_data 0
expect_false ceph mds set inline_data asdf
ceph mds set max_file_size 1048576
expect_false ceph mds set max_file_size 123asdf
expect_false ceph mds set allow_new_snaps
expect_false ceph mds set allow_new_snaps true
ceph mds set allow_new_snaps true --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph mds set allow_new_snaps 0
ceph mds set allow_new_snaps false
ceph mds set allow_new_snaps no
expect_false ceph mds set allow_new_snaps taco
# we should never be able to add EC pools as data or metadata pools
# create an ec-pool...
ceph osd pool create mds-ec-pool 10 10 erasure
set +e
ceph mds add_data_pool mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
set -e
ec_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'mds-ec-pool" | awk '{print $2;}')
data_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'fs_data" | awk '{print $2;}')
metadata_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'fs_metadata" | awk '{print $2;}')
fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
set +e
# Check that rmfailed requires confirmation
expect_false ceph mds rmfailed 0
ceph mds rmfailed 0 --yes-i-really-mean-it
set -e
# Check that `newfs` is no longer permitted
expect_false ceph mds newfs $metadata_poolnum $data_poolnum --yes-i-really-mean-it 2>$TMPFILE
# Check that 'fs reset' runs
ceph fs reset $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
# Check that creating a second FS fails by default
ceph osd pool create fs_metadata2 10
ceph osd pool create fs_data2 10
set +e
expect_false ceph fs new cephfs2 fs_metadata2 fs_data2
set -e
# Check that setting enable_multiple enables creation of second fs
ceph fs flag set enable_multiple true
ceph fs new cephfs2 fs_metadata2 fs_data2
# Clean up multi-fs stuff
fail_all_mds cephfs2
ceph fs rm cephfs2 --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata2 fs_metadata2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete fs_data2 fs_data2 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
# Clean up to enable subsequent fs new tests
ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
set +e
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-ec-pool fs_data 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-ec-pool mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'erasure-code' $? 22
set -e
# ... new create a cache tier in front of the EC pool...
ceph osd pool create mds-tier 2
ceph osd tier add mds-ec-pool mds-tier
ceph osd tier set-overlay mds-ec-pool mds-tier
tier_poolnum=$(ceph osd dump | grep "pool.* 'mds-tier" | awk '{print $2;}')
# Use of a readonly tier should be forbidden
ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier readonly --yes-i-really-mean-it
set +e
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'has a write tier (mds-tier) that is configured to forward' $? 22
set -e
# Use of a writeback tier should enable FS creation
ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier writeback
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-ec-pool
# While a FS exists using the tiered pools, I should not be allowed
# to remove the tier
set +e
ceph osd tier remove-overlay mds-ec-pool 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'in use by CephFS' $? 16
ceph osd tier remove mds-ec-pool mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'in use by CephFS' $? 16
set -e
fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
# ... but we should be forbidden from using the cache pool in the FS directly.
set +e
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'in use as a cache tier' $? 22
ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-tier fs_data 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'in use as a cache tier' $? 22
ceph fs new $FS_NAME mds-tier mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'in use as a cache tier' $? 22
set -e
# Clean up tier + EC pools
ceph osd tier remove-overlay mds-ec-pool
ceph osd tier remove mds-ec-pool mds-tier
# Create a FS using the 'cache' pool now that it's no longer a tier
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata mds-tier
# We should be forbidden from using this pool as a tier now that
# it's in use for CephFS
set +e
ceph osd tier add mds-ec-pool mds-tier 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'in use by CephFS' $? 16
set -e
fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete mds-ec-pool mds-ec-pool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# Create a FS and check that we can subsequently add a cache tier to it
ceph fs new $FS_NAME fs_metadata fs_data
# Adding overlay to FS pool should be permitted, RADOS clients handle this.
ceph osd tier add fs_metadata mds-tier
ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier writeback
ceph osd tier set-overlay fs_metadata mds-tier
# Removing tier should be permitted because the underlying pool is
# replicated (#11504 case)
ceph osd tier cache-mode mds-tier proxy
ceph osd tier remove-overlay fs_metadata
ceph osd tier remove fs_metadata mds-tier
ceph osd pool delete mds-tier mds-tier --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# Clean up FS
fail_all_mds $FS_NAME
ceph fs rm $FS_NAME --yes-i-really-mean-it
ceph mds stat
# ceph mds tell mds.a getmap
# ceph mds rm
# ceph mds rmfailed
# ceph mds set_state
# ceph mds stop
ceph osd pool delete fs_data fs_data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete fs_metadata fs_metadata --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_mon_mds_metadata()
local nmons=$(ceph tell 'mon.*' version | grep -c 'version')
test "$nmons" -gt 0
ceph mds dump |
sed -nEe "s/^([0-9]+):.*'([a-z])' mds\\.([0-9]+)\\..*/\\1 \\2 \\3/p" |
while read gid id rank; do
ceph mds metadata ${gid} | grep '"hostname":'
ceph mds metadata ${id} | grep '"hostname":'
ceph mds metadata ${rank} | grep '"hostname":'
local n=$(ceph tell 'mon.*' mds metadata ${id} | grep -c '"hostname":')
test "$n" -eq "$nmons"
expect_false ceph mds metadata UNKNOWN
function test_mon_mon()
# print help message
ceph --help mon
# no mon add/remove
ceph mon dump
ceph mon getmap -o $TMPDIR/monmap.$$
[ -s $TMPDIR/monmap.$$ ]
# ceph mon tell
ceph mon_status
function test_mon_osd()
# osd blacklist
# Escaped form which may appear in JSON output
ceph osd blacklist add $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls --format=json-pretty | grep $bl_json
ceph osd dump --format=json-pretty | grep $bl
ceph osd dump | grep "^blacklist $bl"
ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl"
# test without nonce, invalid nonce
ceph osd blacklist add $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
ceph osd blacklist rm $bl
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl"
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist $bl/-1"
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist $bl/foo"
# Test `clear`
ceph osd blacklist add $bl
ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl
ceph osd blacklist clear
expect_false "ceph osd blacklist ls | grep $bl"
# osd crush
ceph osd crush reweight-all
ceph osd crush tunables legacy
ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep argonaut
ceph osd crush tunables bobtail
ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep bobtail
ceph osd crush tunables firefly
ceph osd crush show-tunables | grep firefly
ceph osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version 0
ceph osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version | grep 0
ceph osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version 1
ceph osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version | grep 1
# osd scrub
# how do I tell when these are done?
ceph osd scrub 0
ceph osd deep-scrub 0
ceph osd repair 0
for f in noup nodown noin noout noscrub nodeep-scrub nobackfill norebalance norecover notieragent full sortbitwise
ceph osd set $f
ceph osd unset $f
ceph osd set sortbitwise # new backends can't handle nibblewise
expect_false ceph osd set bogus
expect_false ceph osd unset bogus
ceph osd set noup
ceph osd down 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 down'
ceph osd unset noup
for ((i=0; i < 1000; i++)); do
if ! ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'; then
echo "waiting for osd.0 to come back up"
sleep 1
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'
ceph osd thrash 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0 up'
ceph osd find 1
ceph --format plain osd find 1 # falls back to json-pretty
ceph osd metadata 1 | grep 'distro'
ceph --format plain osd metadata 1 | grep 'distro' # falls back to json-pretty
ceph osd out 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*out'
ceph osd in 0
ceph osd dump | grep 'osd.0.*in'
ceph osd find 0
ceph osd getcrushmap -o $f
[ -s $f ]
ceph osd setcrushmap -i $f
rm $f
ceph osd getmap -o $f
[ -s $f ]
rm $f
save=$(ceph osd getmaxosd | sed -e 's/max_osd = //' -e 's/ in epoch.*//')
[ "$save" -gt 0 ]
ceph osd setmaxosd $((save - 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EBUSY'
ceph osd setmaxosd 10
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep 'max_osd = 10'
ceph osd setmaxosd $save
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $save"
for id in `ceph osd ls` ; do
retry_eagain 5 map_enxio_to_eagain ceph tell osd.$id version
ceph osd rm 0 2>&1 | grep 'EBUSY'
local old_osds=$(echo $(ceph osd ls))
id=`ceph osd create`
ceph osd find $id
ceph osd lost $id --yes-i-really-mean-it
expect_false ceph osd setmaxosd $id
local new_osds=$(echo $(ceph osd ls))
for id in $(echo $new_osds | sed -e "s/$old_osds//") ; do
ceph osd rm $id
id=`ceph osd create $uuid`
id2=`ceph osd create $uuid`
[ "$id" = "$id2" ]
ceph osd rm $id
ceph --help osd
# reset max_osd.
ceph osd setmaxosd $id
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $save"
local max_osd=$save
ceph osd create $uuid 0 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
ceph osd create $uuid $((max_osd - 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
id=`ceph osd create $uuid $max_osd`
[ "$id" = "$max_osd" ]
ceph osd find $id
max_osd=$((max_osd + 1))
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $max_osd"
ceph osd create $uuid $((id - 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
ceph osd create $uuid $((id + 1)) 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
id2=`ceph osd create $uuid`
[ "$id" = "$id2" ]
id2=`ceph osd create $uuid $id`
[ "$id" = "$id2" ]
local gap_start=$max_osd
id=`ceph osd create $uuid $((gap_start + 100))`
[ "$id" = "$((gap_start + 100))" ]
max_osd=$((id + 1))
ceph osd getmaxosd | grep "max_osd = $max_osd"
ceph osd create $uuid $gap_start 2>&1 | grep 'EINVAL'
# When CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND is set, osd create
# is repeated and consumes two osd id, not just one.
local next_osd
if test "$CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND" ; then
next_osd=$((gap_start + 1))
id=`ceph osd create`
[ "$id" = "$next_osd" ]
next_osd=$((id + 1))
id=`ceph osd create $(uuidgen)`
[ "$id" = "$next_osd" ]
next_osd=$((id + 1))
id=`ceph osd create $(uuidgen) $next_osd`
[ "$id" = "$next_osd" ]
local new_osds=$(echo $(ceph osd ls))
for id in $(echo $new_osds | sed -e "s/$old_osds//") ; do
[ $id -ge $save ]
ceph osd rm $id
ceph osd setmaxosd $save
ceph osd ls
ceph osd pool create data 10
ceph osd lspools | grep data
ceph osd map data foo | grep 'pool.*data.*object.*foo.*pg.*up.*acting'
ceph osd map data foo namespace| grep 'pool.*data.*object.*namespace/foo.*pg.*up.*acting'
ceph osd pool delete data data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pause
ceph osd dump | grep 'flags pauserd,pausewr'
ceph osd unpause
ceph osd tree
ceph osd perf
ceph osd blocked-by
ceph osd stat | grep up,
function test_mon_osd_pool()
# osd pool
ceph osd pool create data 10
ceph osd pool mksnap data datasnap
rados -p data lssnap | grep datasnap
ceph osd pool rmsnap data datasnap
ceph osd pool delete data data --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool create data2 10
ceph osd pool rename data2 data3
ceph osd lspools | grep data3
ceph osd pool delete data3 data3 --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 replicated
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 replicated
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 # default is replicated
ceph osd pool create replicated 12 # default is replicated, pgp_num = pg_num
# should fail because the type is not the same
expect_false ceph osd pool create replicated 12 12 erasure
ceph osd lspools | grep replicated
ceph osd pool delete replicated replicated --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_mon_osd_pool_quota()
# test osd pool set/get quota
# create tmp pool
ceph osd pool create tmp-quota-pool 36
# set erroneous quotas
expect_false ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_fooness 10
expect_false ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes -1
expect_false ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_objects aaa
# set valid quotas
ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes 10
ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_objects 10M
# get quotas
ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max bytes.*10B'
ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max objects.*10240k objects'
# get quotas in json-pretty format
ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool --format=json-pretty | \
grep '"quota_max_objects":.*10485760'
ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool --format=json-pretty | \
grep '"quota_max_bytes":.*10'
# reset pool quotas
ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_bytes 0
ceph osd pool set-quota tmp-quota-pool max_objects 0
# test N/A quotas
ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max bytes.*N/A'
ceph osd pool get-quota tmp-quota-pool | grep 'max objects.*N/A'
# cleanup tmp pool
ceph osd pool delete tmp-quota-pool tmp-quota-pool --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_mon_pg()
ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist
ceph pg debug degraded_pgs_exist
ceph pg deep-scrub 0.0
ceph pg dump
ceph pg dump pgs_brief --format=json
ceph pg dump pgs --format=json
ceph pg dump pools --format=json
ceph pg dump osds --format=json
ceph pg dump sum --format=json
ceph pg dump all --format=json
ceph pg dump pgs_brief osds --format=json
ceph pg dump pools osds pgs_brief --format=json
ceph pg dump_json
ceph pg dump_pools_json
ceph pg dump_stuck inactive
ceph pg dump_stuck unclean
ceph pg dump_stuck stale
ceph pg dump_stuck undersized
ceph pg dump_stuck degraded
ceph pg ls
ceph pg ls 0
ceph pg ls stale
ceph pg ls active stale repair recovering
ceph pg ls 0 active
ceph pg ls 0 active stale
ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0
ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 0
ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 active
ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 active stale
ceph pg ls-by-primary osd.0 0 active stale
ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0
ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 0
ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 active
ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 active stale
ceph pg ls-by-osd osd.0 0 active stale
ceph pg ls-by-pool rbd
ceph pg ls-by-pool rbd active stale
# can't test this...
# ceph pg force_create_pg
ceph pg getmap -o $TMPDIR/map.$$
[ -s $TMPDIR/map.$$ ]
ceph pg map 0.0 | grep acting
ceph pg repair 0.0
ceph pg scrub 0.0
ceph pg set_full_ratio 0.90
ceph pg dump --format=plain | grep '^full_ratio 0.9'
ceph pg set_full_ratio 0.95
ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.90
ceph pg dump --format=plain | grep '^nearfull_ratio 0.9'
ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.85
ceph pg stat | grep 'pgs:'
ceph pg 0.0 query
ceph tell 0.0 query
ceph quorum enter
ceph quorum_status
ceph report | grep osd_stats
ceph status
ceph -s
# tell osd version
ceph tell osd.0 version
expect_false ceph tell osd.9999 version
expect_false ceph tell osd.foo version
# back to pg stuff
ceph tell osd.0 dump_pg_recovery_stats | grep Started
ceph osd reweight 0 0.9
expect_false ceph osd reweight 0 -1
ceph osd reweight 0 1
ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 .9
expect_false ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 -2
ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 1
ceph osd pg-temp 0.0 0 1 2
ceph osd pg-temp 0.0 1 0 2
expect_false ceph osd pg-temp asdf qwer
expect_false ceph osd pg-temp 0.0 asdf
expect_false ceph osd pg-temp 0.0
# don't test ceph osd primary-temp for now
function test_mon_osd_pool_set()
ceph osd pool create $TEST_POOL_GETSET 1
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET all
for s in pg_num pgp_num size min_size crash_replay_interval crush_ruleset; do
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $s
old_size=$(ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET size | sed -e 's/size: //')
(( new_size = old_size + 1 ))
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size $new_size
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET size | grep "size: $new_size"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size $old_size
ceph osd pool create pool_erasure 1 1 erasure
set +e
ceph osd pool set pool_erasure size 4444 2>$TMPFILE
check_response 'not change the size'
set -e
ceph osd pool get pool_erasure erasure_code_profile
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET auid $auid
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET auid | grep $auid
ceph --format=xml osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET auid | grep $auid
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET auid 0
for flag in hashpspool nodelete nopgchange nosizechange write_fadvise_dontneed noscrub nodeep-scrub; do
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag false
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: false"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag true
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: true"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag 1
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: true"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag 0
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag | grep "$flag: false"
expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag asdf
expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET $flag 2
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval 123456
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval | grep 'scrub_min_interval: 123456'
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval 0
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_min_interval | grep '.'"
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval 123456
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval | grep 'scrub_max_interval: 123456'
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval 0
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_max_interval | grep '.'"
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval 123456
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval | grep 'deep_scrub_interval: 123456'
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval 0
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET deep_scrub_interval | grep '.'"
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority 5
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | grep 'recovery_priority: 5'
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority 0
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_priority | grep '.'"
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority 5
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority | grep 'recovery_op_priority: 5'
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority 0
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET recovery_op_priority | grep '.'"
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority 5
ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority | grep 'scrub_priority: 5'
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority 0
expect_false "ceph osd pool get $TEST_POOL_GETSET scrub_priority | grep '.'"
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nopgchange 1
expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num 10
expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pgp_num 10
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nopgchange 0
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pg_num 10
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET pgp_num 10
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nosizechange 1
expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size 2
expect_false ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET min_size 2
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nosizechange 0
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET size 2
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET min_size 2
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nodelete 1
expect_false ceph osd pool delete $TEST_POOL_GETSET $TEST_POOL_GETSET --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool set $TEST_POOL_GETSET nodelete 0
ceph osd pool delete $TEST_POOL_GETSET $TEST_POOL_GETSET --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool get rbd crush_ruleset | grep 'crush_ruleset: 0'
function test_mon_osd_tiered_pool_set()
# this is really a tier pool
ceph osd pool create real-tier 2
ceph osd tier add rbd real-tier
ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type explicit_hash
ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_type | grep "hit_set_type: explicit_hash"
ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type explicit_object
ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_type | grep "hit_set_type: explicit_object"
ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type bloom
ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_type | grep "hit_set_type: bloom"
expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_type i_dont_exist
ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_period 123
ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_period | grep "hit_set_period: 123"
ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_count 12
ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_count | grep "hit_set_count: 12"
ceph osd pool set real-tier hit_set_fpp .01
ceph osd pool get real-tier hit_set_fpp | grep "hit_set_fpp: 0.01"
ceph osd pool set real-tier target_max_objects 123
ceph osd pool get real-tier target_max_objects | \
grep 'target_max_objects:[ \t]\+123'
ceph osd pool set real-tier target_max_bytes 123456
ceph osd pool get real-tier target_max_bytes | \
grep 'target_max_bytes:[ \t]\+123456'
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio .123
ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio | \
grep 'cache_target_dirty_ratio:[ \t]\+0.123'
expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio -.2
expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio 1.1
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio .123
ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio | \
grep 'cache_target_dirty_high_ratio:[ \t]\+0.123'
expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio -.2
expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio 1.1
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio .123
ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_target_full_ratio | \
grep 'cache_target_full_ratio:[ \t]\+0.123'
ceph osd dump -f json-pretty | grep '"cache_target_full_ratio_micro": 123000'
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.0
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio 0
expect_false ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.1
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_min_flush_age 123
ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_min_flush_age | \
grep 'cache_min_flush_age:[ \t]\+123'
ceph osd pool set real-tier cache_min_evict_age 234
ceph osd pool get real-tier cache_min_evict_age | \
grep 'cache_min_evict_age:[ \t]\+234'
# this is not a tier pool
ceph osd pool create fake-tier 2
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type explicit_hash
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_type
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type explicit_object
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_type
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type bloom
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_type
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_type i_dont_exist
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_period 123
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_period
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_count 12
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_count
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier hit_set_fpp .01
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier hit_set_fpp
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier target_max_objects 123
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier target_max_objects
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier target_max_bytes 123456
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier target_max_bytes
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio .123
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio -.2
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_ratio 1.1
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio .123
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio -.2
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_dirty_high_ratio 1.1
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio .123
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.0
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio 0
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_target_full_ratio 1.1
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_min_flush_age 123
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_min_flush_age
expect_false ceph osd pool set fake-tier cache_min_evict_age 234
expect_false ceph osd pool get fake-tier cache_min_evict_age
ceph osd tier remove rbd real-tier
ceph osd pool delete real-tier real-tier --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
ceph osd pool delete fake-tier fake-tier --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
function test_mon_osd_erasure_code()
ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d
ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d
expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f
ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f --force
ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f
expect_false ceph osd erasure-code-profile set fooprofile a=b c=d e=f g=h
# cleanup by removing profile 'fooprofile'
ceph osd erasure-code-profile rm fooprofile
function test_mon_osd_misc()
set +e
# expect error about missing 'pool' argument
ceph osd map 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'pool' $? 22
# expect error about unused argument foo
ceph osd ls foo 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'unused' $? 22
# expect "not in range" for invalid full ratio
ceph pg set_full_ratio 95 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'not in range' $? 22
# expect "not in range" for invalid overload percentage
ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 80 2>$TMPFILE; check_response 'higher than 100' $? 22
set -e
ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110
ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110 .5
ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization 110 .5 --no-increasing
ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110
ceph osd test-reweight-by-pg 110 .5
ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110 rbd
ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110 .5 rbd
expect_false ceph osd reweight-by-pg 110 boguspoolasdfasdfasdf
function test_mon_heap_profiler()
set +e
# expect 'heap' commands to be correctly parsed
ceph heap stats 2>$TMPFILE
if [[ $? -eq 22 && `grep 'tcmalloc not enabled' $TMPFILE` ]]; then
echo "tcmalloc not enabled; skip heap profiler test"
set -e
[[ $do_test -eq 0 ]] && return 0
ceph heap start_profiler
ceph heap dump
ceph heap stop_profiler
ceph heap release
function test_osd_bench()
# test osd bench limits
# As we should not rely on defaults (as they may change over time),
# lets inject some values and perform some simple tests
# max iops: 10 # 100 IOPS
# max throughput: 10485760 # 10MB/s
# max block size: 2097152 # 2MB
# duration: 10 # 10 seconds
ceph tell osd.0 injectargs "\
--osd-bench-duration 10 \
--osd-bench-max-block-size 2097152 \
--osd-bench-large-size-max-throughput 10485760 \
--osd-bench-small-size-max-iops 10"
# anything with a bs larger than 2097152 must fail
expect_false ceph tell osd.0 bench 1 2097153
# but using 'osd_bench_max_bs' must succeed
ceph tell osd.0 bench 1 2097152
# we assume 1MB as a large bs; anything lower is a small bs
# for a 4096 bytes bs, for 10 seconds, we are limited by IOPS
# max count: 409600 (bytes)
# more than max count must not be allowed
expect_false ceph tell osd.0 bench 409601 4096
# but 409600 must be succeed
ceph tell osd.0 bench 409600 4096
# for a large bs, we are limited by throughput.
# for a 2MB block size for 10 seconds, assuming 10MB/s throughput,
# the max count will be (10MB * 10s) = 100MB
# max count: 104857600 (bytes)
# more than max count must not be allowed
expect_false ceph tell osd.0 bench 104857601 2097152
# up to max count must be allowed
ceph tell osd.0 bench 104857600 2097152
function test_osd_negative_filestore_merge_threshold()
$SUDO ceph daemon osd.0 config set filestore_merge_threshold -1
expect_config_value "osd.0" "filestore_merge_threshold" -1
function test_mon_tell()
ceph tell mon.a version
ceph tell mon.b version
expect_false ceph tell mon.foo version
sleep 1
ceph_watch_start debug
ceph tell mon.a version
ceph_watch_wait 'mon.0 \[DBG\] from.*cmd=\[{"prefix": "version"}\]: dispatch'
ceph_watch_start debug
ceph tell mon.b version
ceph_watch_wait 'mon.1 \[DBG\] from.*cmd=\[{"prefix": "version"}\]: dispatch'
function test_mon_crushmap_validation()
local map=$TMPDIR/map
ceph osd getcrushmap -o $map
local crushtool_path="${TMPDIR}/crushtool"
touch "${crushtool_path}"
chmod +x "${crushtool_path}"
local crushtool_path_old=`ceph-conf --show-config-value crushtool`
ceph tell mon.\* injectargs --crushtool "${crushtool_path}"
printf "%s\n" \
cat > /dev/null
exit 0" > "${crushtool_path}"
ceph osd setcrushmap -i $map
printf "%s\n" \
cat > /dev/null
exit 1" > "${crushtool_path}"
expect_false ceph osd setcrushmap -i $map
printf "%s\n" \
cat > /dev/null
echo 'TEST FAIL' >&2
exit 1" > "${crushtool_path}"
expect_false ceph osd setcrushmap -i $map 2> $TMPFILE
check_response "Error EINVAL: Failed crushmap test: TEST FAIL"
local mon_lease=`ceph-conf --show-config-value mon_lease`
test "${mon_lease}" -gt 0
printf "%s\n" \
cat > /dev/null
sleep $((mon_lease - 1))" > "${crushtool_path}"
ceph osd setcrushmap -i $map
printf "%s\n" \
cat > /dev/null
sleep $((mon_lease + 1))" > "${crushtool_path}"
expect_false ceph osd setcrushmap -i $map 2> $TMPFILE
check_response "Error EINVAL: Failed crushmap test: ${crushtool_path}: timed out (${mon_lease} sec)"
ceph tell mon.\* injectargs --crushtool "${crushtool_path_old}"
rm -f "${crushtool_path}"
function test_mon_ping()
ceph ping mon.a
ceph ping mon.b
expect_false ceph ping mon.foo
ceph ping mon.\*
function test_mon_deprecated_commands()
# current DEPRECATED commands are:
# ceph compact
# ceph scrub
# ceph sync force
# Testing should be accomplished by setting
# 'mon_debug_deprecated_as_obsolete = true' and expecting ENOTSUP for
# each one of these commands.
ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--mon-debug-deprecated-as-obsolete'
expect_false ceph tell mon.a compact 2> $TMPFILE
check_response "\(EOPNOTSUPP\|ENOTSUP\): command is obsolete"
expect_false ceph tell mon.a scrub 2> $TMPFILE
check_response "\(EOPNOTSUPP\|ENOTSUP\): command is obsolete"
expect_false ceph tell mon.a sync force 2> $TMPFILE
check_response "\(EOPNOTSUPP\|ENOTSUP\): command is obsolete"
ceph tell mon.a injectargs '--no-mon-debug-deprecated-as-obsolete'
function test_mon_cephdf_commands()
# ceph df detail:
# pool section:
# RAW USED The near raw used per pool in raw total
ceph osd pool create cephdf_for_test 32 32 replicated
ceph osd pool set cephdf_for_test size 2
dd if=/dev/zero of=./cephdf_for_test bs=4k count=1
rados put cephdf_for_test cephdf_for_test -p cephdf_for_test
#wait for update
for i in `seq 1 10`; do
rados -p cephdf_for_test ls - | grep -q cephdf_for_test && break
sleep 1
cal_raw_used_size=`ceph df detail | grep cephdf_for_test | awk -F ' ' '{printf "%d\n", 2 * $4}'`
raw_used_size=`ceph df detail | grep cephdf_for_test | awk -F ' ' '{print $11}'`
ceph osd pool delete cephdf_for_test cephdf_for_test --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
rm ./cephdf_for_test
expect_false test $cal_raw_used_size != $raw_used_size
# New tests should be added to the TESTS array below
# Individual tests may be run using the '-t <testname>' argument
# The user can specify '-t <testname>' as many times as she wants
# Tests will be run in order presented in the TESTS array, or in
# the order specified by the '-t <testname>' options.
# '-l' will list all the available test names
# '-h' will show usage
# The test maintains backward compatibility: not specifying arguments
# will run all tests following the order they appear in the TESTS array.
set +x
MON_TESTS+=" mon_injectargs"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_injectargs_SI"
MON_TESTS+=" tiering"
MON_TESTS+=" auth"
MON_TESTS+=" auth_profiles"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_misc"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_mon"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_pool"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_pool_quota"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_pg"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_pool_set"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_tiered_pool_set"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_erasure_code"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_osd_misc"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_heap_profiler"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_tell"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_crushmap_validation"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_ping"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_deprecated_commands"
MON_TESTS+=" mon_caps"
OSD_TESTS+=" osd_bench"
OSD_TESTS+=" osd_negative_filestore_merge_threshold"
OSD_TESTS+=" tiering_agent"
MDS_TESTS+=" mds_tell"
MDS_TESTS+=" mon_mds"
MDS_TESTS+=" mon_mds_metadata"
MDS_TESTS+=" mon_cephdf_commands"
# "main" follows
function list_tests()
for i in $TESTS; do
echo " $i"
function usage()
echo "usage: $0 [-h|-l|-t <testname> [-t <testname>...]]"
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$opt" in
"-l" )
"--asok-does-not-need-root" )
"--no-sanity-check" )
"--test-mon" )
"--test-osd" )
"--test-mds" )
"-t" )
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "missing argument to '-t'"
usage ;
exit 1
tests_to_run+=" $1"
"-h" )
usage ;
exit 0
if [[ $do_list -eq 1 ]]; then
list_tests ;
exit 0
if test -z "$tests_to_run" ; then
if $sanity_check ; then
for i in $tests_to_run; do
if $sanity_check ; then
set -x
set +x
if $sanity_check ; then
set -x
echo OK