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274 lines
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// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
* Ceph - scalable distributed file system
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
* Foundation. See file COPYING.
#ifndef __OSD_H
#define __OSD_H
#include "msg/Dispatcher.h"
#include "common/Mutex.h"
#include "common/ThreadPool.h"
#include "common/Timer.h"
#include "mon/MonMap.h"
#include "ObjectStore.h"
#include "PG.h"
#include <map>
using namespace std;
#include <ext/hash_map>
#include <ext/hash_set>
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
#include "messages/MOSDOp.h"
class Messenger;
class Message;
class OSD : public Dispatcher {
/** superblock
OSDSuperblock superblock;
epoch_t boot_epoch;
object_t get_osdmap_object_name(epoch_t epoch) { return object_t(0,epoch << 1); }
object_t get_inc_osdmap_object_name(epoch_t epoch) { return object_t(0, (epoch << 1) + 1); }
void write_superblock();
void write_superblock(ObjectStore::Transaction& t);
int read_superblock();
/** OSD **/
Messenger *messenger;
int whoami;
static const int STATE_BOOTING = 1;
static const int STATE_ACTIVE = 2;
static const int STATE_STOPPING = 3;
int state;
bool is_booting() { return state == STATE_BOOTING; }
bool is_active() { return state == STATE_ACTIVE; }
bool is_stopping() { return state == STATE_STOPPING; }
MonMap *monmap;
class Logger *logger;
// local store
char dev_path[100];
class ObjectStore *store;
// heartbeat
void heartbeat();
class C_Heartbeat : public Context {
OSD *osd;
C_Heartbeat(OSD *o) : osd(o) {}
void finish(int r) {
// global lock
Mutex osd_lock;
SafeTimer timer;
// -- stats --
int hb_stat_ops; // ops since last heartbeat
int hb_stat_qlen; // cumulative queue length since last hb
hash_map<int, float> peer_qlen;
// per-pg locking (serializing)
hash_set<pg_t> pg_lock;
hash_map<pg_t, list<Cond*> > pg_lock_waiters;
PG *lock_pg(pg_t pgid);
PG *_lock_pg(pg_t pgid);
void unlock_pg(pg_t pgid);
void _unlock_pg(pg_t pgid);
// finished waiting messages, that will go at tail of dispatch()
list<class Message*> finished;
void take_waiters(list<class Message*>& ls) {
finished.splice(finished.end(), ls);
// object locking
hash_map<object_t, list<Message*> > waiting_for_wr_unlock; /** list of operations for each object waiting for 'wrunlock' */
bool block_if_wrlocked(MOSDOp* op);
// -- ops --
class ThreadPool<class OSD*, pg_t> *threadpool;
hash_map<pg_t, list<Message*> > op_queue;
int pending_ops;
bool waiting_for_no_ops;
Cond no_pending_ops;
Cond op_queue_cond;
void wait_for_no_ops();
void enqueue_op(pg_t pgid, Message *op);
void dequeue_op(pg_t pgid);
static void static_dequeueop(OSD *o, pg_t pgid) {
void do_op(Message *m, PG *pg); // actually do it
void prepare_log_transaction(ObjectStore::Transaction& t, MOSDOp* op, eversion_t& version,
objectrev_t crev, objectrev_t rev, PG *pg, eversion_t trim_to);
void prepare_op_transaction(ObjectStore::Transaction& t, MOSDOp* op, eversion_t& version,
objectrev_t crev, objectrev_t rev, PG *pg);
bool waitfor_missing_object(MOSDOp *op, PG *pg);
bool pick_missing_object_rev(object_t& oid, PG *pg);
bool pick_object_rev(object_t& oid);
friend class PG;
// -- osd map --
class OSDMap *osdmap;
list<class Message*> waiting_for_osdmap;
hash_map<entity_name_t, epoch_t> peer_map_epoch; // FIXME types
bool _share_map_incoming(const entity_inst_t& inst, epoch_t epoch);
void _share_map_outgoing(const entity_inst_t& inst);
void wait_for_new_map(Message *m);
void handle_osd_map(class MOSDMap *m);
void advance_map(ObjectStore::Transaction& t);
void activate_map(ObjectStore::Transaction& t);
void get_map(epoch_t e, OSDMap &m);
bool get_map_bl(epoch_t e, bufferlist& bl);
bool get_inc_map_bl(epoch_t e, bufferlist& bl);
bool get_inc_map(epoch_t e, OSDMap::Incremental &inc);
void send_incremental_map(epoch_t since, const entity_inst_t& inst, bool full);
// -- replication --
// PG
hash_map<pg_t, PG*> pg_map;
void load_pgs();
bool pg_exists(pg_t pg);
PG *create_pg(pg_t pg, ObjectStore::Transaction& t); // create new PG
PG *get_pg(pg_t pg); // return existing PG, or null
void _remove_pg(pg_t pg); // remove from store and memory
void project_pg_history(pg_t pgid, PG::Info::History& h, epoch_t from);
void activate_pg(pg_t pgid, epoch_t epoch);
class C_Activate : public Context {
OSD *osd;
pg_t pgid;
epoch_t epoch;
C_Activate(OSD *o, pg_t p, epoch_t e) : osd(o), pgid(p), epoch(e) {}
void finish(int r) {
osd->activate_pg(pgid, epoch);
tid_t last_tid;
int num_pulling;
hash_map<pg_t, list<Message*> > waiting_for_pg;
// replica ops
void get_repop_gather(PG::RepOpGather*);
void apply_repop(PG *pg, PG::RepOpGather *repop);
void put_repop_gather(PG *pg, PG::RepOpGather*);
void issue_repop(PG *pg, MOSDOp *op, int osd);
PG::RepOpGather *new_repop_gather(PG *pg, MOSDOp *op);
void repop_ack(PG *pg, PG::RepOpGather *repop,
int result, bool commit,
int fromosd, eversion_t pg_complete_thru=0);
void handle_rep_op_ack(MOSDOpReply *m);
// recovery
void do_notifies(map< int, list<PG::Info> >& notify_list);
void do_queries(map< int, map<pg_t,PG::Query> >& query_map);
void repeer(PG *pg, map< int, map<pg_t,PG::Query> >& query_map);
void pull(PG *pg, object_t oid);
void push(PG *pg, object_t oid, int dest);
bool require_current_map(Message *m, epoch_t v);
bool require_same_or_newer_map(Message *m, epoch_t e);
void handle_pg_query(class MOSDPGQuery *m);
void handle_pg_notify(class MOSDPGNotify *m);
void handle_pg_log(class MOSDPGLog *m);
void handle_pg_remove(class MOSDPGRemove *m);
void op_pull(class MOSDOp *op, PG *pg);
void op_push(class MOSDOp *op, PG *pg);
void op_rep_modify(class MOSDOp *op, PG *pg); // write, trucnate, delete
void op_rep_modify_commit(class MOSDOp *op, int ackerosd,
eversion_t last_complete);
friend class C_OSD_RepModifyCommit;
OSD(int id, Messenger *m, MonMap *mm, char *dev = 0);
// startup/shutdown
int init();
int shutdown();
// messages
virtual void dispatch(Message *m);
virtual void ms_handle_failure(Message *m, const entity_inst_t& inst);
void handle_osd_ping(class MOSDPing *m);
void handle_op(class MOSDOp *m);
void op_read(class MOSDOp *m);//, PG *pg);
void op_stat(class MOSDOp *m);//, PG *pg);
void op_modify(class MOSDOp *m, PG *pg);
void op_modify_commit(pg_t pgid, tid_t rep_tid, eversion_t pg_complete_thru);
// for replication
void handle_op_reply(class MOSDOpReply *m);
void force_remount();