mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:39:05 +00:00
Now the code attempts to read an object header (which may be cached), and if this fails, uses RGWStatLeafRequest to find a potential matching file or directory leaf. Signed-off-by: Matt Benjamin <mbenjamin@redhat.com>
737 lines
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737 lines
17 KiB
// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
#include "include/rados/rgw_file.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "rgw_lib.h"
#include "rgw_rados.h"
#include "rgw_resolve.h"
#include "rgw_op.h"
#include "rgw_rest.h"
#include "rgw_acl.h"
#include "rgw_acl_s3.h"
#include "rgw_frontend.h"
#include "rgw_request.h"
#include "rgw_process.h"
#include "rgw_rest_user.h"
#include "rgw_rest_s3.h"
#include "rgw_os_lib.h"
#include "rgw_auth_s3.h"
#include "rgw_user.h"
#include "rgw_bucket.h"
#include "rgw_file.h"
#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw
using namespace rgw;
extern RGWLib librgw;
const string RGWFileHandle::root_name = "/";
atomic<uint32_t> RGWLibFS::fs_inst;
LookupFHResult RGWLibFS::stat_leaf(RGWFileHandle* parent,
const char *path,
uint32_t flags)
/* find either-of <object_name>, <object_name/>, only one of
* which should exist; atomicity? */
RGWLibFS* fs = parent->get_fs();
LookupFHResult fhr{nullptr, 0};
std::string object_name{path};
for (auto ix : { 0, 1 }) {
switch (ix) {
case 0:
RGWStatObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(),
parent->bucket_name(), object_name,
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
if ((rc == 0) &&
(req.get_ret() == 0)) {
fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, path, RGWFileHandle::FLAG_NONE);
case 1:
RGWStatLeafRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), parent->bucket_name(),
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
if ((rc == 0) &&
(req.get_ret() == 0)) {
if (req.matched) {
fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, path,
(req.path.back() == '/') ?
/* not reached */
return fhr;
} /* RGWLibFS::stat_leaf */
/* librgw */
extern "C" {
attach rgw namespace
int rgw_mount(librgw_t rgw, const char *uid, const char *acc_key,
const char *sec_key, struct rgw_fs **rgw_fs)
int rc = 0;
/* stash access data for "mount" */
RGWLibFS* new_fs = new RGWLibFS(static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw), uid, acc_key,
rc = new_fs->authorize(librgw.get_store());
if (rc != 0) {
delete new_fs;
return -EINVAL;
struct rgw_fs *fs = new_fs->get_fs();
fs->rgw = rgw;
/* XXX we no longer assume "/" is unique, but we aren't tracking the
* roots atm */
*rgw_fs = fs;
return 0;
detach rgw namespace
int rgw_umount(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs)
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
delete fs;
return 0;
get filesystem attributes
int rgw_statfs(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *parent_fh,
struct rgw_statvfs *vfs_st)
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
/* XXX for now, just publish a huge capacity and
* limited utiliztion */
vfs_st->f_bsize = 1024*1024 /* 1M */;
vfs_st->f_frsize = 1024; /* minimal allocation unit (who cares) */
vfs_st->f_blocks = UINT64_MAX;
vfs_st->f_bfree = UINT64_MAX;
vfs_st->f_bavail = UINT64_MAX;
vfs_st->f_files = 1024; /* object count, do we have an est? */
vfs_st->f_ffree = UINT64_MAX;
vfs_st->f_fsid[0] = fs->get_inst();
vfs_st->f_fsid[1] = fs->get_inst();
vfs_st->f_flag = 0;
vfs_st->f_namemax = 4096;
return 0;
generic create -- creates a regular file
int rgw_create(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *parent_fh,
const char *name, mode_t mode, struct stat *st,
struct rgw_file_handle **fh)
/* XXX a CREATE operation can be a precursor to the canonical
* OPEN, WRITE*, CLOSE transaction which writes or overwrites
* an object in S3 */
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* parent = get_rgwfh(parent_fh);
if ((! parent) ||
(parent->is_root()) ||
(parent->is_object())) {
/* bad parent */
return -EINVAL;
using std::get;
LookupFHResult fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, name);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get<0>(fhr);
if (! rgw_fh)
return -EINVAL;
/* mark if we created it */
if (get<1>(fhr) & RGWFileHandle::FLAG_CREATE) {
/* fill in stat data */
time_t now = time(0);
(void) rgw_fh->stat(st);
struct rgw_file_handle *rfh = rgw_fh->get_fh();
*fh = rfh;
return 0;
create a new directory
int rgw_mkdir(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *parent_fh,
const char *name, mode_t mode, struct stat *st,
struct rgw_file_handle **fh)
int rc;
/* XXXX remove uri, deal with bucket names */
string uri;
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWFileHandle* parent = get_rgwfh(parent_fh);
if (! parent) {
/* bad parent */
return -EINVAL;
LookupFHResult fhr;
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh;
if (parent->is_root()) {
/* bucket */
fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, name);
rgw_fh = get<0>(fhr);
uri += "/"; /* XXX */
uri += name;
RGWCreateBucketRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), uri);
rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
} else {
/* create an object representing the directory (naive version) */
buffer::list bl;
fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, name, RGWFileHandle::FLAG_PSEUDO);
rgw_fh = get<0>(fhr);
string dir_name = rgw_fh->full_object_name() + "/";
RGWPutObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), rgw_fh->bucket_name(),
dir_name, bl);
rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
struct rgw_file_handle *rfh = rgw_fh->get_fh();
*fh = rfh;
return rc;
rename object
int rgw_rename(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *olddir, const char* old_name,
struct rgw_file_handle *newdir, const char* new_name)
/* -ENOTSUP */
return -EINVAL;
remove file or directory
int rgw_unlink(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs, struct rgw_file_handle* parent_fh,
const char *name)
int rc = 0;
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWFileHandle* parent = get_rgwfh(parent_fh);
if (parent->is_root()) {
/* XXXX remove uri and deal with bucket and object names */
string uri = "/";
uri += name;
RGWDeleteBucketRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), uri);
rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
} else {
* leaf object
/* XXXX we must peform a hard lookup to deduce the type of
* object to be deleted ("foo" vs. "foo/"), and as a side effect
* can do no further work if no object existed */
string object_name{name};
RGWDeleteObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), parent->bucket_name(),
rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
return rc;
void dump_buckets(void) {
/* get the bucket list */
string marker; // XXX need to match offset
string end_marker;
uint64_t bucket_count, bucket_objcount;
RGWUserBuckets buckets;
uint64_t max_buckets = g_ceph_context->_conf->rgw_list_buckets_max_chunk;
RGWRados* store = librgw.get_store();
/* XXX check offsets */
uint64_t ix = 3;
rgw_user uid("testuser");
int rc = rgw_read_user_buckets(store, uid, buckets, marker, end_marker,
max_buckets, true);
if (rc == 0) {
bucket_count = 0;
bucket_objcount = 0;
map<string, RGWBucketEnt>& m = buckets.get_buckets();
for (auto& ib : m) {
RGWBucketEnt& bent = ib.second;
bucket_objcount += bent.count;
marker = ib.first;
std::cout << bent.bucket.name.c_str() << " ix: " << ix++ << std::endl;
bucket_count += m.size();
} /* dump_buckets */
lookup object by name (POSIX style)
int rgw_lookup(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *parent_fh, const char* path,
struct rgw_file_handle **fh, uint32_t flags)
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* parent = get_rgwfh(parent_fh);
if ((! parent) ||
(parent->is_object())) {
/* bad parent */
return -EINVAL;
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh;
LookupFHResult fhr;
if (parent->is_root()) {
/* special: lookup on root itself */
if (strcmp(path, "/") == 0) {
rgw_fh = parent->ref();
} else {
/* name lookup in root--for now) just get a handle */
/* XXX RGWStatBucket? */
fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, path);
rgw_fh = get<0>(fhr);
if (! rgw_fh)
return -ENOMEM;
} else {
fhr = fs->stat_leaf(parent, path, RGWFileHandle::FLAG_NONE);
if (! get<0>(fhr)) {
if (! (flags & RGW_LOOKUP_FLAG_CREATE))
return -ENOENT;
fhr = fs->lookup_fh(parent, path, RGWFileHandle::FLAG_CREATE);
rgw_fh = get<0>(fhr);
} /* !root */
struct rgw_file_handle *rfh = rgw_fh->get_fh();
*fh = rfh;
return 0;
} /* rgw_lookup */
lookup object by handle (NFS style)
int rgw_lookup_handle(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs, struct rgw_fh_hk *fh_hk,
struct rgw_file_handle **fh, uint32_t flags)
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = fs->lookup_handle(*fh_hk);
if (! rgw_fh) {
/* not found */
return -ENOENT;
struct rgw_file_handle *rfh = rgw_fh->get_fh();
*fh = rfh;
return 0;
* release file handle
int rgw_fh_rele(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs, struct rgw_file_handle *fh,
uint32_t flags)
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
return 0;
get unix attributes for object
int rgw_getattr(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, struct stat *st)
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
if (rgw_fh->is_root() ||
rgw_fh->is_bucket()) {
/* XXX nothing */
} else {
/* object */
/* an object being created isn't expected to exist (if it does,
* we'll detect the conflict later */
if (rgw_fh->creating())
goto done;
const std::string bname = rgw_fh->bucket_name();
const std::string oname = rgw_fh->object_name();
RGWStatObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(),
rgw_fh->bucket_name(), rgw_fh->object_name(),
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
if ((rc != 0) ||
(req.get_ret() != 0)) {
/* XXX EINVAL is likely illegal protocol return--if the object
* should but doesn't exist, it should probably be ENOENT */
return -EINVAL;
/* fill in stat data */
rgw_fh->set_ctime({req.ctime(), 0});
rgw_fh->set_mtime({req.mtime(), 0});
rgw_fh->set_atime({req.mtime(), 0});
(void) rgw_fh->stat(st);
return 0;
set unix attributes for object
int rgw_setattr(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, struct stat *st,
uint32_t mask)
/* XXX no-op */
return 0;
truncate file
int rgw_truncate(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, uint64_t size)
return 0;
open file
int rgw_open(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, uint32_t flags)
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
rgw_fh->open(/* XXX */);
return 0;
close file
int rgw_close(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, uint32_t flags)
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
rgw_fh->close(/* XXX */);
if (flags & RGW_CLOSE_FLAG_RELE)
return 0;
int rgw_readdir(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *parent_fh, uint64_t *offset,
rgw_readdir_cb rcb, void *cb_arg, bool *eof)
int rc;
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
/* TODO:
* deal with markers (continuation)
* deal with authorization
* consider non-default tenancy/user and bucket layouts
RGWFileHandle* parent = get_rgwfh(parent_fh);
if (! parent) {
/* bad parent */
return -EINVAL;
if (parent->is_root()) {
RGWListBucketsRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), parent, rcb, cb_arg, offset);
rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
} else {
* bucket?
/* XXXX remove uri, deal with bucket and object names */
string uri = "/" + parent->bucket_name() + "/";
RGWListBucketRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), uri, parent, rcb, cb_arg,
rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
/* XXX update link count (incorrectly) */
parent->set_nlink(3 + *offset);
/* XXXX request MUST set this */
*eof = true; // XXX move into RGGWListBucket(s)Request
return rc;
read data from file
int rgw_read(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, uint64_t offset,
size_t length, size_t *bytes_read, void *buffer)
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
if (! rgw_fh->is_object())
return -EINVAL;
size_t nread = 0;
/* XXX testing only */
buffer::list bl;
RGWGetObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), rgw_fh->bucket_name(),
rgw_fh->object_name(), offset, length, bl);
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
if (! rc) {
uint64_t off = 0;
for (auto& bp : bl.buffers()) {
size_t bytes = std::min(length, size_t(bp.length()));
memcpy(static_cast<char*>(buffer)+off, bp.c_str(), bytes);
nread += bytes;
off += bytes;
if (off >= length)
*bytes_read = nread;
return rc;
write data to file
int rgw_write(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, uint64_t offset,
size_t length, size_t *bytes_written, void *buffer)
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
if (! rgw_fh->is_object())
return -EINVAL;
/* XXXX testing only */
buffer::list bl;
buffer::create_static(length /* XXX size */, static_cast<char*>(buffer)));
/* XXX */
RGWPutObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), rgw_fh->bucket_name(),
rgw_fh->full_object_name(), bl);
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
/* XXX move into request */
size_t min_size = offset+length;
if (min_size > rgw_fh->get_size())
*bytes_written = (rc == 0) ? req.bytes_written : 0;
return rc;
read data from file (vector)
class RGWReadV
buffer::list bl;
struct rgw_vio* vio;
RGWReadV(buffer::list& _bl, rgw_vio* _vio) : vio(_vio) {
struct rgw_vio* get_vio() { return vio; }
const std::list<buffer::ptr>& buffers() { return bl.buffers(); }
unsigned /* XXX */ length() { return bl.length(); }
void rgw_readv_rele(struct rgw_uio *uio, uint32_t flags)
RGWReadV* rdv = static_cast<RGWReadV*>(uio->uio_p1);
::operator delete(rdv);
int rgw_readv(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs,
struct rgw_file_handle *fh, rgw_uio *uio)
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
if (! rgw_fh->is_object())
return -EINVAL;
buffer::list bl;
RGWGetObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), rgw_fh->bucket_name(),
rgw_fh->object_name(), uio->uio_offset, uio->uio_resid,
req.do_hexdump = false;
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
if (! rc) {
RGWReadV* rdv = static_cast<RGWReadV*>(
::operator new(sizeof(RGWReadV) +
(bl.buffers().size() * sizeof(struct rgw_vio))));
(void) new (rdv)
RGWReadV(bl, reinterpret_cast<rgw_vio*>(rdv+sizeof(RGWReadV)));
uio->uio_p1 = rdv;
uio->uio_cnt = rdv->buffers().size();
uio->uio_resid = rdv->length();
uio->uio_vio = rdv->get_vio();
uio->uio_rele = rgw_readv_rele;
int ix = 0;
auto& buffers = rdv->buffers();
for (auto& bp : buffers) {
rgw_vio *vio = &(uio->uio_vio[ix]);
vio->vio_base = const_cast<char*>(bp.c_str());
vio->vio_len = bp.length();
vio->vio_u1 = nullptr;
vio->vio_p1 = nullptr;
return rc;
write data to file (vector)
int rgw_writev(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs, struct rgw_file_handle *fh,
rgw_uio *uio)
CephContext* cct = static_cast<CephContext*>(rgw_fs->rgw);
RGWLibFS *fs = static_cast<RGWLibFS*>(rgw_fs->fs_private);
RGWFileHandle* rgw_fh = get_rgwfh(fh);
if (! rgw_fh->is_object())
return -EINVAL;
buffer::list bl;
for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < uio->uio_cnt; ++ix) {
rgw_vio *vio = &(uio->uio_vio[ix]);
RGWPutObjRequest req(cct, fs->get_user(), rgw_fh->bucket_name(),
rgw_fh->full_object_name(), bl);
int rc = librgw.get_fe()->execute_req(&req);
/* XXX update size (in request) */
return rc;
sync written data
int rgw_fsync(struct rgw_fs *rgw_fs, struct rgw_file_handle *handle)
return 0;
} /* extern "C" */