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when building man pages from rst files, sphinx complains if any rst file is not referenced by a doctree. Signed-off-by: Kefu Chai <kchai@redhat.com>
468 lines
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468 lines
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radosgw-admin -- rados REST gateway user administration utility
.. program:: radosgw-admin
| **radosgw-admin** *command* [ *options* *...* ]
:program:`radosgw-admin` is a RADOS gateway user administration utility. It
allows creating and modifying users.
:program:`radosgw-admin` utility uses many commands for administration purpose
which are as follows:
:command:`user create`
Create a new user.
:command:`user modify`
Modify a user.
:command:`user info`
Display information of a user, and any potentially available
subusers and keys.
:command:`user rm`
Remove a user.
:command:`user suspend`
Suspend a user.
:command:`user enable`
Re-enable user after suspension.
:command:`user check`
Check user info.
:command:`user stats`
Show user stats as accounted by quota subsystem.
:command:`caps add`
Add user capabilities.
:command:`caps rm`
Remove user capabilities.
:command:`subuser create`
Create a new subuser (primarily useful for clients using the Swift API).
:command:`subuser modify`
Modify a subuser.
:command:`subuser rm`
Remove a subuser.
:command:`key create`
Create access key.
:command:`key rm`
Remove access key.
:command:`bucket list`
List all buckets.
:command:`bucket link`
Link bucket to specified user.
:command:`bucket unlink`
Unlink bucket from specified user.
:command:`bucket stats`
Returns bucket statistics.
:command:`bucket rm`
Remove a bucket.
:command:`bucket check`
Check bucket index.
:command:`object rm`
Remove an object.
:command:`object unlink`
Unlink object from bucket index.
:command:`quota set`
Set quota params.
:command:`quota enable`
Enable quota.
:command:`quota disable`
Disable quota.
:command:`region get`
Show region info.
:command:`regions list`
List all regions set on this cluster.
:command:`region set`
Set region info (requires infile).
:command:`region default`
Set default region.
:command:`region-map get`
Show region-map.
:command:`region-map set`
Set region-map (requires infile).
:command:`zone get`
Show zone cluster params.
:command:`zone set`
Set zone cluster params (requires infile).
:command:`zone list`
List all zones set on this cluster.
:command:`pool add`
Add an existing pool for data placement.
:command:`pool rm`
Remove an existing pool from data placement set.
:command:`pools list`
List placement active set.
Display bucket/object policy.
:command:`log list`
List log objects.
:command:`log show`
Dump a log from specific object or (bucket + date + bucket-id).
:command:`log rm`
Remove log object.
:command:`usage show`
Show the usage information (with optional user and date range).
:command:`usage trim`
Trim usage information (with optional user and date range).
:command:`temp remove`
Remove temporary objects that were created up to specified date
(and optional time).
:command:`gc list`
Dump expired garbage collection objects (specify --include-all to list all
entries, including unexpired).
:command:`gc process`
Manually process garbage.
:command:`metadata get`
Get metadata info.
:command:`metadata put`
Put metadata info.
:command:`metadata rm`
Remove metadata info.
:command:`metadata list`
List metadata info.
:command:`mdlog list`
List metadata log.
:command:`mdlog trim`
Trim metadata log.
:command:`bilog list`
List bucket index log.
:command:`bilog trim`
Trim bucket index log (use start-marker, end-marker).
:command:`datalog list`
List data log.
:command:`datalog trim`
Trim data log.
:command:`opstate list`
List stateful operations entries (use client_id, op_id, object).
:command:`opstate set`
Set state on an entry (use client_id, op_id, object, state).
:command:`opstate renew`
Renew state on an entry (use client_id, op_id, object).
:command:`opstate rm`
Remove entry (use client_id, op_id, object).
:command:`replicalog get`
Get replica metadata log entry.
:command:`replicalog delete`
Delete replica metadata log entry.
.. option:: -c ceph.conf, --conf=ceph.conf
Use ``ceph.conf`` configuration file instead of the default
``/etc/ceph/ceph.conf`` to determine monitor addresses during
.. option:: -m monaddress[:port]
Connect to specified monitor (instead of looking through ceph.conf).
.. option:: --uid=uid
The radosgw user ID.
.. option:: --subuser=<name>
Name of the subuser.
.. option:: --email=email
The e-mail address of the user.
.. option:: --display-name=name
Configure the display name of the user.
.. option:: --access-key=<key>
S3 access key.
.. option:: --gen-access-key
Generate random access key (for S3).
.. option:: --secret=secret
The secret associated with a given key.
.. option:: --gen-secret
Generate random secret key.
.. option:: --key-type=<type>
key type, options are: swift, S3.
.. option:: --temp-url-key[-2]=<key>
Temporary url key.
.. option:: --system
Set the system flag on the user.
.. option:: --bucket=bucket
Specify the bucket name.
.. option:: --object=object
Specify the object name.
.. option:: --date=yyyy-mm-dd
The date needed for some commands.
.. option:: --start-date=yyyy-mm-dd
The start date needed for some commands.
.. option:: --end-date=yyyy-mm-dd
The end date needed for some commands.
.. option:: --shard-id=<shard-id>
Optional for mdlog list. Required for ``mdlog trim``,
``replica mdlog get/delete``, ``replica datalog get/delete``.
.. option:: --auth-uid=auid
The librados auid.
.. option:: --purge-data
Remove user data before user removal.
.. option:: --purge-keys
When specified, subuser removal will also purge all the subuser keys.
.. option:: --purge-objects
Remove all objects before bucket removal.
.. option:: --lazy-remove
Defer removal of object tail.
.. option:: --metadata-key=<key>
Key to retrieve metadata from with ``metadata get``.
.. option:: --rgw-region=<region>
Region in which radosgw is running.
.. option:: --rgw-zone=<zone>
Zone in which radosgw is running.
.. option:: --fix
Besides checking bucket index, will also fix it.
.. option:: --check-objects
bucket check: Rebuilds bucket index according to actual objects state.
.. option:: --format=<format>
Specify output format for certain operations: xml, json.
.. option:: --sync-stats
Option to 'user stats', update user stats with current stats reported by
user's buckets indexes.
.. option:: --show-log-entries=<flag>
Enable/disable dump of log entries on log show.
.. option:: --show-log-sum=<flag>
Enable/disable dump of log summation on log show.
.. option:: --skip-zero-entries
Log show only dumps entries that don't have zero value in one of the numeric
.. option:: --infile
Specify a file to read in when setting data.
.. option:: --state=<state string>
Specify a state for the opstate set command.
.. option:: --replica-log-type
Replica log type (metadata, data, bucket), required for replica log
.. option:: --categories=<list>
Comma separated list of categories, used in usage show.
.. option:: --caps=<caps>
List of caps (e.g., "usage=read, write; user=read".
.. option:: --yes-i-really-mean-it
Required for certain operations.
Quota Options
.. option:: --max-objects
Specify max objects (negative value to disable).
.. option:: --max-size
Specify max size (in bytes, negative value to disable).
.. option:: --quota-scope
Scope of quota (bucket, user).
Generate a new user::
$ radosgw-admin user create --display-name="johnny rotten" --uid=johnny
{ "user_id": "johnny",
"rados_uid": 0,
"display_name": "johnny rotten",
"email": "",
"suspended": 0,
"subusers": [],
"keys": [
{ "user": "johnny",
"access_key": "TCICW53D9BQ2VGC46I44",
"secret_key": "tfm9aHMI8X76L3UdgE+ZQaJag1vJQmE6HDb5Lbrz"}],
"swift_keys": []}
Remove a user::
$ radosgw-admin user rm --uid=johnny
Remove a user and all associated buckets with their contents::
$ radosgw-admin user rm --uid=johnny --purge-data
Remove a bucket::
$ radosgw-admin bucket unlink --bucket=foo
Show the logs of a bucket from April 1st, 2012::
$ radosgw-admin log show --bucket=foo --date=2012-04-01
Show usage information for user from March 1st to (but not including) April 1st, 2012::
$ radosgw-admin usage show --uid=johnny \
--start-date=2012-03-01 --end-date=2012-04-01
Show only summary of usage information for all users::
$ radosgw-admin usage show --show-log-entries=false
Trim usage information for user until March 1st, 2012::
$ radosgw-admin usage trim --uid=johnny --end-date=2012-04-01
:program:`radosgw-admin` is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source,
distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at
http://ceph.com/docs for more information.
See also
:doc:`ceph <ceph>`\(8)
:doc:`radosgw <radosgw>`\(8)