Samarah 939735842d qa/d4n: Add test for large object
Signed-off-by: Samarah <samarah.uriarte@ibm.com>
2024-04-02 21:24:52 +05:30

375 lines
13 KiB

This workunits tests the functionality of the D4N read workflow on a small object of size 4.
import logging as log
from configobj import ConfigObj
import boto3
import redis
import subprocess
import json
import os
import hashlib
import string
import random
""" Constants """
ACCESS_KEY = 'test3'
SECRET_KEY = 'test3'
def exec_cmd(cmd):
log.debug("exec_cmd(%s)", cmd)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode == 0:
log.info('command succeeded')
if out is not None: log.info(out)
return out
raise Exception("error: %s \nreturncode: %s" % (err, proc.returncode))
except Exception as e:
log.error('command failed')
return False
def get_radosgw_endpoint():
out = exec_cmd('sudo netstat -nltp | egrep "rados|valgr"') # short for radosgw/valgrind
x = out.decode('utf8').split(" ")
port = [i for i in x if ':' in i][0].split(':')[1]
log.info('radosgw port: %s' % port)
proto = "http"
hostname = ''
if port == '443':
proto = "https"
endpoint = "%s://%s:%s" % (proto, hostname, port)
log.info("radosgw endpoint is: %s", endpoint)
return endpoint, proto
def create_s3cmd_config(path, proto):
Creates a minimal config file for s3cmd
log.info("Creating s3cmd config...")
use_https_config = "False"
log.info("proto for s3cmd config is %s", proto)
if proto == "https":
use_https_config = "True"
s3cmd_config = ConfigObj(
'host_bucket': 'no.way.in.hell',
'use_https': use_https_config,
f = open(path, 'wb')
log.info("s3cmd config written")
def generate_random(size, part_size=5*1024*1024):
Generate the specified number random data.
(actually each MB is a repetition of the first KB)
chunk = 1024
allowed = string.ascii_letters
for x in range(0, size, part_size):
strpart = ''.join([allowed[random.randint(0, len(allowed) - 1)] for _ in range(chunk)])
s = ''
left = size - x
this_part_size = min(left, part_size)
for y in range(this_part_size // chunk):
s = s + strpart
if this_part_size > len(s):
s = s + strpart[0:this_part_size - len(s)]
yield s
if (x == size):
def _multipart_upload(bucket_name, key, size, part_size=5*1024*1024, client=None, content_type=None, metadata=None, resend_parts=[]):
generate a multi-part upload for a random file of specifed size,
if requested, generate a list of the parts
return the upload descriptor
if content_type == None and metadata == None:
response = client.create_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)
response = client.create_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Metadata=metadata, ContentType=content_type)
upload_id = response['UploadId']
s = ''
parts = []
for i, part in enumerate(generate_random(size, part_size)):
# part_num is necessary because PartNumber for upload_part and in parts must start at 1 and i starts at 0
part_num = i+1
s += part
response = client.upload_part(UploadId=upload_id, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, PartNumber=part_num, Body=part)
parts.append({'ETag': response['ETag'].strip('"'), 'PartNumber': part_num})
if i in resend_parts:
client.upload_part(UploadId=upload_id, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, PartNumber=part_num, Body=part)
return (upload_id, s, parts)
def get_cmd_output(cmd_out):
out = cmd_out.decode('utf8')
out = out.strip('\n')
return out
def get_body(response):
body = response['Body']
got = body.read()
if type(got) is bytes:
got = got.decode()
return got
def test_small_object(r, client, obj):
test_txt = 'test'
response_put = obj.put(Body=test_txt)
assert(response_put.get('ResponseMetadata').get('HTTPStatusCode') == 200)
# first get call
response_get = obj.get()
assert(response_get.get('ResponseMetadata').get('HTTPStatusCode') == 200)
# check logs to ensure object was retrieved from storage backend
res = subprocess.call(['grep', '"D4NFilterObject::iterate:: iterate(): Fetching object from backend store"', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.ceph.client.0.log'])
assert(res >= 1)
# retrieve and compare cache contents
body = get_body(response_get)
assert(body == "test")
data = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '/tmp/rgw_d4n_datacache/'])
data = data.decode('latin-1').strip()
output = subprocess.check_output(['md5sum', '/tmp/rgw_d4n_datacache/' + data]).decode('latin-1')
assert(output.splitlines()[0].split()[0] == hashlib.md5("test".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
data = r.hgetall('bkt_test.txt_0_4')
output = subprocess.check_output(['radosgw-admin', 'object', 'stat', '--bucket=bkt', '--object=test.txt'])
attrs = json.loads(output.decode('latin-1'))
# directory entry comparisons
assert(data.get('blockID') == '0')
assert(data.get('version') == attrs.get('tag'))
assert(data.get('size') == '4')
assert(data.get('globalWeight') == '0')
assert(data.get('blockHosts') == '')
assert(data.get('objName') == 'test.txt')
assert(data.get('bucketName') == 'bkt')
assert(data.get('creationTime') == attrs.get('mtime'))
assert(data.get('dirty') == '0')
assert(data.get('objHosts') == '')
# repopulate cache
response_put = obj.put(Body=test_txt)
assert(response_put.get('ResponseMetadata').get('HTTPStatusCode') == 200)
# second get call
response_get = obj.get()
assert(response_get.get('ResponseMetadata').get('HTTPStatusCode') == 200)
# check logs to ensure object was retrieved from cache
res = subprocess.call(['grep', '"SSDCache: get_async(): ::aio_read(), ret=0"', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.ceph.client.0.log'])
assert(res >= 1)
# retrieve and compare cache contents
body = get_body(response_get)
assert(body == "test")
data = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '/tmp/rgw_d4n_datacache/'])
data = data.decode('latin-1').strip()
output = subprocess.check_output(['md5sum', '/tmp/rgw_d4n_datacache/' + data]).decode('latin-1')
assert(output.splitlines()[0].split()[0] == hashlib.md5("test".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
data = r.hgetall('bkt_test.txt_0_4')
output = subprocess.check_output(['radosgw-admin', 'object', 'stat', '--bucket=bkt', '--object=test.txt'])
attrs = json.loads(output.decode('latin-1'))
# directory entries should remain consistent
assert(data.get('blockID') == '0')
assert(data.get('version') == attrs.get('tag'))
assert(data.get('size') == '4')
assert(data.get('globalWeight') == '0')
assert(data.get('blockHosts') == '')
assert(data.get('objName') == 'test.txt')
assert(data.get('bucketName') == 'bkt')
assert(data.get('creationTime') == attrs.get('mtime'))
assert(data.get('dirty') == '0')
assert(data.get('objHosts') == '')
def test_large_object(r, client, s3):
objlen = 30 * 1024 * 1024
metadata = {'foo': 'bar'}
(upload_id, data, parts) = _multipart_upload(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=key, size=objlen, client=client, content_type=content_type, metadata=metadata)
client.complete_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, UploadId=upload_id, MultipartUpload={'Parts': parts})
file_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'mymultipart'
# first get
s3.Object(bucket_name, key).download_file(file_path)
# check logs to ensure object was retrieved from storage backend
res = subprocess.call(['grep', '"D4NFilterObject::iterate:: iterate(): Fetching object from backend store"', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.ceph.client.0.log'])
assert(res >= 1)
# retrieve and compare cache contents
with open(file_path, 'r') as body:
assert(body.read() == data)
datacache_path = '/tmp/rgw_d4n_datacache/'
datacache = subprocess.check_output(['ls', datacache_path])
datacache = datacache.decode('latin-1').splitlines()
for file in datacache:
ofs = int(file.split("_")[3])
size = int(file.split("_")[4])
output = subprocess.check_output(['md5sum', datacache_path + file]).decode('latin-1')
assert(output.splitlines()[0].split()[0] == hashlib.md5(data[ofs:ofs+size].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
output = subprocess.check_output(['radosgw-admin', 'object', 'stat', '--bucket=bkt', '--object=mymultipart'])
attrs = json.loads(output.decode('latin-1'))
for entry in r.scan_iter("bkt_mymultipart_*"):
data = r.hgetall(entry)
name = entry.split("_")
# directory entry comparisons
assert(data.get('blockID') == name[2])
assert(data.get('version') == attrs.get('tag'))
assert(data.get('size') == name[3])
assert(data.get('globalWeight') == '0')
assert(data.get('blockHosts') == '')
assert(data.get('objName') == 'mymultipart')
assert(data.get('bucketName') == 'bkt')
assert(data.get('creationTime') == attrs.get('mtime'))
assert(data.get('dirty') == '0')
assert(data.get('objHosts') == '')
# repopulate cache
(upload_id, data, parts) = _multipart_upload(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=key, size=objlen, client=client, content_type=content_type, metadata=metadata)
client.complete_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, UploadId=upload_id, MultipartUpload={'Parts': parts})
#second get
s3.Object(bucket_name, key).download_file(file_path)
# check logs to ensure object was retrieved from cache
res = subprocess.call(['grep', '"SSDCache: get_async(): ::aio_read(), ret=0"', '/var/log/ceph/rgw.ceph.client.0.log'])
assert(res >= 1)
# retrieve and compare cache contents
with open(file_path, 'r') as body:
assert(body.read() == data)
datacache_path = '/tmp/rgw_d4n_datacache/'
datacache = subprocess.check_output(['ls', datacache_path])
datacache = datacache.decode('latin-1').splitlines()
for file in datacache:
ofs = int(file.split("_")[3])
size = int(file.split("_")[4])
output = subprocess.check_output(['md5sum', datacache_path + file]).decode('latin-1')
assert(output.splitlines()[0].split()[0] == hashlib.md5(data[ofs:ofs+size].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
output = subprocess.check_output(['radosgw-admin', 'object', 'stat', '--bucket=bkt', '--object=mymultipart'])
attrs = json.loads(output.decode('latin-1'))
for key in r.scan_iter("bkt_mymultipart_*"):
data = r.hgetall(key)
name = key.split("_")
# directory entry comparisons
assert(data.get('blockID') == name[2])
assert(data.get('version') == attrs.get('tag'))
assert(data.get('size') == name[3])
assert(data.get('globalWeight') == '0')
assert(data.get('blockHosts') == '')
assert(data.get('objName') == 'mymultipart')
assert(data.get('bucketName') == 'bkt')
assert(data.get('creationTime') == attrs.get('mtime'))
assert(data.get('dirty') == '0')
assert(data.get('objHosts') == '')
def main():
execute the d4n test
# Setup for test
log.info("D4NFilterTest setup.")
out = exec_cmd('pwd')
pwd = get_cmd_output(out)
log.debug("pwd is: %s", pwd)
endpoint, proto = get_radosgw_endpoint()
client = boto3.client(service_name='s3',
s3 = boto3.resource('s3',
bucket = s3.Bucket('bkt')
obj = s3.Object(bucket_name='bkt', key='test.txt')
# Check for Redis instance
connection = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, decode_responses=True)
log.debug("ERROR: Redis instance not running.")
# Create s3cmd config
s3cmd_config_path = pwd + '/s3cfg'
create_s3cmd_config(s3cmd_config_path, proto)
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, decode_responses=True)
# Run small object test
test_small_object(r, client, obj)
# Run large object test
test_large_object(r, client, s3)
log.info("D4NFilterTest completed.")
log.info("Completed D4N tests")