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synced 2025-03-09 09:48:09 +00:00
We are currently conducting regular ceph-dencoder tests for backward compatibility. However, we are omitting tests for forward compatibility. This suite will introduce tests against the ceph-objects-corpus to address forward compatibility issues that may arise. the script will install N-2 version and run against the latest version corpus objects that we have, then install N-1 to N version and check them as well. Signed-off-by: Nitzan Mordechai <nmordech@redhat.com>
339 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
339 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
import difflib
from typing import Dict, Any
from pathlib import Path
import concurrent.futures
from collections import OrderedDict
temp_unrec = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="unrecognized_")
err_file_rc = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="dencoder_err_")
fast_shouldnt_skip = []
backward_compat: Dict[str, Any] = {}
incompat_paths: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def sort_values(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return OrderedDict((k, sort_values(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
if isinstance(obj, list):
return sorted(obj, key=sort_list_values)
return obj
def sort_list_values(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return sorted(obj.items())
if isinstance(obj, list):
return sorted(obj, key=sort_list_values)
return obj
def process_type(file_path, type):
print(f"dencoder test for {file_path}")
cmd1 = [CEPH_DENCODER, "type", type, "import", file_path, "decode", "dump_json"]
cmd2 = [CEPH_DENCODER, "type", type, "import", file_path, "decode", "encode", "decode", "dump_json"]
output1 = ""
output2 = ""
result1 = subprocess.run(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output1 = result1.stdout.decode('unicode_escape')
result2 = subprocess.run(cmd2, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output2 = result2.stdout.decode('unicode_escape')
if result1.returncode != 0 or result2.returncode != 0:
debug_print(f"**** reencode of {file_path} resulted in wrong return code ****")
print(f"Error encountered in subprocess. Command: {cmd1}")
print(f"Return code: {result1.returncode} Command:{result1.args} Output: {result1.stdout.decode('unicode_escape')}")
print(f"Error encountered in subprocess. Command: {cmd2}")
print(f"Return code: {result2.returncode} Command:{result2.args} Output: {result2.stdout.decode('unicode_escape')}")
with open(err_file_rc, "a") as f:
f.write(f"{type} -- {file_path}")
return 1
if output1 != output2:
cmd_determ = [CEPH_DENCODER, "type", type, "is_deterministic"]
determ_res = subprocess.run(cmd_determ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Check if the command failed
if determ_res.returncode != 0:
error_message = determ_res.stderr.decode().strip()
debug_print(f"Error running command: {error_message}")
return 1
json_output1 = json.loads(output1)
sorted_json_output1 = json.dumps(sort_values(json_output1), indent=4)
json_output2 = json.loads(output2)
sorted_json_output2 = json.dumps(sort_values(json_output2), indent=4)
if sorted_json_output1 == sorted_json_output2:
debug_print(f"non-deterministic type {type} passed the test")
return 0
debug_print(f"**** reencode of {file_path} resulted in a different dump ****")
diff_output = "\n".join(difflib.ndiff(output1.splitlines(), output2.splitlines()))
diff_file = tempfile.mktemp(prefix=f"diff_{type}_{file_path.name}_")
with open(diff_file, "w") as f:
print(f"Different output for {file_path}:\n{diff_output}")
return 1 # File failed the test
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Error encountered in subprocess. Command: {cmd1}")
print(f"Return code: {e.returncode} Command:{e.cmd} Output: {e.output}")
return 1
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
print(f"Unicode Error encountered in subprocess. Command: {cmd1}")
print(f"Return code: {e.returncode} Command:{e.cmd} Output: {e.output}")
return 1
return 0 # File passed the test
def test_object_wrapper(type, vdir, arversion, current_ver):
global incompat_paths
_numtests = 0
_failed = 0
unrecognized = ""
if subprocess.call([CEPH_DENCODER, "type", type], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) == 0:
if should_skip_object(type, arversion, current_ver) and (type not in incompat_paths or len(incompat_paths[type]) == 0):
debug_print(f"skipping object of type {type} due to backward incompatibility")
return (_numtests, _failed, unrecognized)
debug_print(f" {vdir}/objects/{type}")
files = list(vdir.joinpath("objects", type).glob('*'))
files_without_incompat = []
# Check symbolic links
if type in incompat_paths:
incompatible_files = set(incompat_paths[type])
files_without_incompat = [f for f in files if f.name not in incompatible_files]
files_without_incompat = files
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
results = [executor.submit(process_type, f, type) for f in files_without_incompat]
for result in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results):
_numtests += 1
_failed += result.result()
unrecognized = type
debug_print("skipping unrecognized type {} return {}".format(type, (_numtests, _failed, unrecognized)))
return (_numtests, _failed, unrecognized)
def should_skip_object(type, arversion, current_ver):
Check if an object of a specific type should be skipped based on backward compatibility.
This function determines whether an object of a given type should be skipped based on the
provided versions and backward compatibility information. It checks the global variable
'backward_compat' to make this decision.
- type: str
The type of the object to be checked for skipping.
- arversion: str
The version from which the object is attempted to be accessed (archive version).
- current_ver: str
The version of the object being processed (current version).
- bool:
True if the object should be skipped, False otherwise.
Note: The function relies on two global variables, 'backward_compat' and 'fast_shouldnt_skip',
which should be defined and updated appropriately in the calling code.
global backward_compat
global fast_shouldnt_skip
if type in fast_shouldnt_skip:
debug_print(f"fast Type {type} does not exist in the backward compatibility structure.")
return False
if all(type not in v for v in backward_compat.values()):
return False
versions = [key for key, value in backward_compat.items() if type in value and key >= arversion and key != current_ver]
if len(versions) == 0:
return False
return True
def check_backward_compat():
Check backward compatibility and collect incompatible paths for different versions and types.
This function scans the 'archive' directory and identifies backward incompatible paths
for each version and type in the archive. It creates dictionaries '_backward_compat' and
'_incompat_paths_all' to store the results.
- None (No explicit input required)
- _backward_compat: dict
A nested dictionary containing backward incompatible paths for each version and type.
The structure is as follows:
"version_name1": {
"type_name1": ["incompat_path1", "incompat_path2", ...],
"type_name2": ["incompat_path3", "incompat_path4", ...],
"version_name2": {
- _incompat_paths_all: dict
A dictionary containing all backward incompatible paths for each type across all versions.
The structure is as follows:
"type_name1": ["incompat_path1", "incompat_path2", ...],
"type_name2": ["incompat_path3", "incompat_path4", ...],
Note: The function uses the global variable 'DIR', which should be defined in the calling code.
_backward_compat = {}
_incompat_paths_all = {}
archive_dir = Path(os.path.join(DIR, 'archive'))
if archive_dir.exists() and archive_dir.is_dir():
for version in archive_dir.iterdir():
if version.is_dir():
version_name = version.name
_backward_compat[version_name] = {}
type_dir = archive_dir / version_name / "forward_incompat"
if type_dir.exists() and type_dir.is_dir():
for type_entry in type_dir.iterdir():
if type_entry.is_dir():
type_name = type_entry.name
type_path = type_dir / type_name
if type_path.exists() and type_path.is_dir():
_incompat_paths = [incompat_entry.name for incompat_entry in type_path.iterdir() if incompat_entry.is_dir() or
incompat_entry.is_file() or
_backward_compat[version_name][type_name] = _incompat_paths
_incompat_paths_all[type_name] = _incompat_paths
_incompat_paths = []
_backward_compat[version_name][type_entry.name] = []
debug_print(f"backward_compat: {_backward_compat}")
debug_print(f"incompat_paths: {_incompat_paths_all}")
return _backward_compat, _incompat_paths_all
def process_batch(batch):
results = []
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures = [
test_object_wrapper, batch_type, vdir, arversion, current_ver
for batch_type, vdir, arversion, current_ver in batch
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
result_tuple = future.result()
return results
# Create a generator that processes batches asynchronously
def async_process_batches(task_batches):
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(process_batch, batch) for batch in task_batches]
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
yield future.result()
def debug_print(msg):
if debug:
print("DEBUG: {}".format(msg))
def main():
global backward_compat
global incompat_paths
failed = 0
numtests = 0
task_batches = []
current_batch = []
batch_size = 100
backward_compat, incompat_paths = check_backward_compat()
debug_print(f'found {len(backward_compat)} backward incompatibilities')
for arversion_entry in sorted(DIR.joinpath("archive").iterdir(), key=lambda entry: entry.name):
arversion = arversion_entry.name
vdir = Path(DIR.joinpath("archive", arversion))
if not arversion_entry.is_dir() or not vdir.joinpath("objects").is_dir():
debug_print("skipping non-directory {}".format(arversion))
for type_entry in vdir.joinpath("objects").iterdir():
type = type_entry.name
current_batch.append((type, vdir, arversion, current_ver))
if len(current_batch) >= batch_size:
current_batch = []
if len(current_batch) > 0:
full_unrecognized = []
for results in async_process_batches(task_batches):
for result in results:
_numtests, _failed, unrecognized = result
debug_print("numtests: {}, failed: {}".format(_numtests, _failed))
numtests += _numtests
failed += _failed
if unrecognized.strip() != '':
if full_unrecognized is not None and len(full_unrecognized) > 0:
with open(temp_unrec, "a") as file_unrec:
file_unrec.writelines(line + "\n" for line in full_unrecognized)
if failed > 0:
print("FAILED {}/{} tests.".format(failed, numtests))
return 1
if numtests == 0:
print("FAILED: no tests found to run!")
print("Passed {} tests.".format(numtests))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 1:
print(f"usage: {sys.argv[0]} <corpus-dir>")
DIR = Path(sys.argv[1])
CEPH_DENCODER = "ceph-dencoder"
subprocess.run([CEPH_DENCODER, 'version'], check=True)
current_ver = subprocess.check_output([CEPH_DENCODER, "version"]).decode().strip()
debug = False
ret = main()