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synced 2025-03-20 01:07:42 +00:00
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import os
import yaml
import json
import re
import requests
import logging
import socket
import teuthology
from teuthology.config import config
# Don't need to see connection pool INFO messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main(args):
server = args['--server']
if server:
config.results_server = server
if args['--verbose']:
archive_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args['--archive']))
save = not args['--no-save']
reporter = ResultsReporter(archive_base, save=save,
run = args['--run']
job = args['--job']
dead = args['--dead']
if dead and not job:
for run_name in run:
report_run_dead(run_name, reporter)
elif dead and len(run) == 1 and job:
for job_id in job:
try_push_job_info(dict(name=run[0], job_id=job_id, status='dead'))
elif len(run) == 1 and job:
reporter.report_jobs(run[0], job)
elif run and len(run) > 1:
elif run:
elif args['--all-runs']:
class ResultsSerializer(object):
This class exists to poke around in the archive directory doing things like
assembling lists of test runs, lists of their jobs, and merging sets of job
YAML files together to form JSON objects.
yamls = ('orig.config.yaml', 'config.yaml', 'info.yaml', 'summary.yaml')
def __init__(self, archive_base):
self.archive_base = archive_base
def job_info(self, run_name, job_id, pretty=False):
Given a run name and job id, merge the job's YAML files together.
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:param job_id: The job's id.
:returns: A dict.
job_archive_dir = os.path.join(self.archive_base,
job_info = {}
for yaml_name in self.yamls:
yaml_path = os.path.join(job_archive_dir, yaml_name)
if not os.path.exists(yaml_path):
with file(yaml_path) as yaml_file:
partial_info = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)
if partial_info is not None:
if 'job_id' not in job_info:
job_info['job_id'] = job_id
return job_info
def json_for_job(self, run_name, job_id, pretty=False):
Given a run name and job id, merge the job's YAML files together to
create a JSON object.
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:param job_id: The job's id.
:returns: A JSON object.
job_info = self.job_info(run_name, job_id, pretty)
if pretty:
job_json = json.dumps(job_info, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
job_json = json.dumps(job_info)
return job_json
def jobs_for_run(self, run_name):
Given a run name, look on the filesystem for directories containing job
information, and return a dict mapping job IDs to job directories.
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:returns: A dict like: {'1': '/path/to/1', '2': 'path/to/2'}
archive_dir = os.path.join(self.archive_base, run_name)
if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir):
return {}
jobs = {}
for item in os.listdir(archive_dir):
if not re.match('\d+$', item):
job_id = item
job_dir = os.path.join(archive_dir, job_id)
if os.path.isdir(job_dir):
jobs[job_id] = job_dir
return jobs
def running_jobs_for_run(self, run_name):
Like jobs_for_run(), but only returns jobs with no summary.yaml
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:returns: A dict like: {'1': '/path/to/1', '2': 'path/to/2'}
jobs = self.jobs_for_run(run_name)
for job_id in jobs.keys():
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(jobs[job_id], 'summary.yaml')):
return jobs
def all_runs(self):
Look in the base archive directory for all test runs. Return a list of
their names.
archive_base = self.archive_base
if not os.path.isdir(archive_base):
return []
runs = []
for run_name in os.listdir(archive_base):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(archive_base, run_name)):
return runs
class ResultsReporter(object):
last_run_file = 'last_successful_run'
def __init__(self, archive_base, base_uri=None, save=False, refresh=False,
self.archive_base = archive_base
self.base_uri = base_uri or config.results_server
if self.base_uri:
self.base_uri = self.base_uri.rstrip('/')
self.serializer = ResultsSerializer(archive_base)
self.save_last_run = save
self.refresh = refresh
self.timeout = timeout
def report_all_runs(self):
Report *all* runs in self.archive_dir to the results server.
all_runs = self.serializer.all_runs
last_run = self.last_run
if self.save_last_run and last_run and last_run in all_runs:
next_index = all_runs.index(last_run) + 1
runs = all_runs[next_index:]
runs = all_runs
return self.report_runs(runs)
def report_runs(self, run_names):
Report several runs to the results server.
:param run_names: The names of the runs.
num_runs = len(run_names)
num_jobs = 0
log.info("Posting %s runs", num_runs)
for run in run_names:
job_count = self.report_run(run)
num_jobs += job_count
if self.save_last_run:
self.last_run = run
del self.last_run
log.info("Total: %s jobs in %s runs", num_jobs, len(run_names))
def report_run(self, run_name):
Report a single run to the results server.
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:returns: The number of jobs reported.
jobs = self.serializer.jobs_for_run(run_name)
log.info("{name} {jobs} jobs".format(
if jobs:
if not self.refresh:
response = requests.head("{base}/runs/{name}/".format(
base=self.base_uri, name=run_name))
if response.status_code == 200:
log.info(" already present; skipped")
return 0
self.report_jobs(run_name, jobs.keys())
elif not jobs:
log.debug(" no jobs; skipped")
return len(jobs)
def report_jobs(self, run_name, job_ids):
Report several jobs to the results server.
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:param job_ids: The jobs' ids
for job_id in job_ids:
self.report_job(run_name, job_id)
def report_job(self, run_name, job_id, job_info=None):
Report a single job to the results server.
:param run_name: The name of the run. The run must already exist.
:param job_id: The job's id
:param job_info: The job's info dict. Optional - if not present, we
look at the archive.
if job_info is not None and not isinstance(job_info, dict):
raise TypeError("job_info must be a dict")
run_uri = "{base}/runs/{name}/jobs/".format(
base=self.base_uri, name=run_name,)
if job_info is None:
job_info = self.serializer.job_info(run_name, job_id)
job_json = json.dumps(job_info)
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.post(run_uri, data=job_json, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
return job_id
if response.json:
msg = response.json.get('message', '')
msg = response.text
if msg and msg.endswith('already exists'):
job_uri = os.path.join(run_uri, job_id, '')
response = requests.put(job_uri, data=job_json, headers=headers)
elif msg:
"POST to {uri} failed with status {status}: {msg}".format(
return job_id
def last_run(self):
The last run to be successfully reported.
if hasattr(self, '__last_run'):
return self.__last_run
elif os.path.exists(self.last_run_file):
with file(self.last_run_file) as f:
self.__last_run = f.read().strip()
return self.__last_run
def last_run(self, run_name):
self.__last_run = run_name
with file(self.last_run_file, 'w') as f:
def last_run(self):
self.__last_run = None
if os.path.exists(self.last_run_file):
def push_job_info(run_name, job_id, job_info, base_uri=None):
Push a job's info (example: ctx.config) to the results server.
:param run_name: The name of the run.
:param job_id: The job's id
:param job_info: A dict containing the job's information.
:param base_uri: The endpoint of the results server. If you leave it out
ResultsReporter will ask teuthology.config.
# We are using archive_base='' here because we KNOW the serializer isn't
# needed for this codepath.
reporter = ResultsReporter(archive_base='')
reporter.report_job(run_name, job_id, job_info)
def try_push_job_info(job_config, extra_info=None):
Wrap push_job_info, gracefully doing nothing if:
Anything inheriting from requests.exceptions.RequestException is raised
A socket.error is raised
config.results_server is not set
config['job_id'] is not present or is None
:param job_config: The ctx.config object to push
:param extra_info: Optional second dict to push
if not config.results_server:
msg = "No results_server set in {yaml}; not attempting to push results"
elif job_config.get('job_id') is None:
log.warning('No job_id found; not reporting results')
run_name = job_config['name']
job_id = job_config['job_id']
if extra_info is not None:
job_info = extra_info.copy()
job_info = job_config
log.info("Pushing job info to %s", config.results_server)
push_job_info(run_name, job_id, job_info)
except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, socket.error):
log.exception("Could not report results to %s" %
def report_run_dead(run_name, reporter):
jobs = reporter.serializer.jobs_for_run(run_name).keys()
log.info("Reporting {run} as dead: {count} jobs".format(run=run_name,
for job in sorted(jobs):
reporter.report_job(run_name, job, dict(name=run_name, job_id=job,