mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 09:48:09 +00:00
The helper gets a sequence number from the osd (or osds), and then polls the mon until that seq is reflected there. This is overkill in some cases, since many tests only require that the stats be reflected on the mgr (not the mon), but waiting for it to also reach the mon is sufficient! Signed-off-by: Sage Weil <sage@redhat.com>
413 lines
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413 lines
15 KiB
"""Scrub testing"""
from cStringIO import StringIO
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import os
import time
import tempfile
import ceph_manager
from teuthology import misc as teuthology
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def wait_for_victim_pg(manager):
"""Return a PG with some data and its acting set"""
# wait for some PG to have data that we can mess with
victim = None
while victim is None:
stats = manager.get_pg_stats()
for pg in stats:
size = pg['stat_sum']['num_bytes']
if size > 0:
victim = pg['pgid']
acting = pg['acting']
return victim, acting
def find_victim_object(ctx, pg, osd):
"""Return a file to be fuzzed"""
(osd_remote,) = ctx.cluster.only('osd.%d' % osd).remotes.iterkeys()
data_path = os.path.join(
# fuzz time
with contextlib.closing(StringIO()) as ls_fp:
args=['sudo', 'ls', data_path],
ls_out = ls_fp.getvalue()
# find an object file we can mess with (and not the pg info object)
osdfilename = next(line for line in ls_out.split('\n')
if not line.endswith('::::head#'))
assert osdfilename is not None
# Get actual object name from osd stored filename
objname = osdfilename.split(':')[4]
return osd_remote, os.path.join(data_path, osdfilename), objname
def corrupt_file(osd_remote, path):
# put a single \0 at the beginning of the file
args=['sudo', 'dd',
'of=%s/data' % path,
'bs=1', 'count=1', 'conv=notrunc']
def get_pgnum(pgid):
pos = pgid.find('.')
assert pos != -1
return pgid[pos+1:]
def deep_scrub(manager, victim, pool):
# scrub, verify inconsistent
pgnum = get_pgnum(victim)
manager.do_pg_scrub(pool, pgnum, 'deep-scrub')
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert inconsistent
def repair(manager, victim, pool):
# repair, verify no longer inconsistent
pgnum = get_pgnum(victim)
manager.do_pg_scrub(pool, pgnum, 'repair')
stats = manager.get_single_pg_stats(victim)
inconsistent = stats['state'].find('+inconsistent') != -1
assert not inconsistent
def test_repair_corrupted_obj(ctx, manager, pg, osd_remote, obj_path, pool):
corrupt_file(osd_remote, obj_path)
deep_scrub(manager, pg, pool)
repair(manager, pg, pool)
def test_repair_bad_omap(ctx, manager, pg, osd, objname):
# Test deep-scrub with various omap modifications
# Modify omap on specific osd
log.info('fuzzing omap of %s' % objname)
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'key'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname,
'badkey', 'badval'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'badhdr'])
deep_scrub(manager, pg, 'rbd')
# please note, the repair here is errnomous, it rewrites the correct omap
# digest and data digest on the replicas with the corresponding digests
# from the primary osd which is hosting the victim object, see
# find_victim_object().
# so we need to either put this test and the end of this task or
# undo the mess-up manually before the "repair()" that just ensures
# the cleanup is sane, otherwise the succeeding tests will fail. if they
# try set "badkey" in hope to get an "inconsistent" pg with a deep-scrub.
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapheader', 'rbd', objname, 'hdr'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['rmomapkey', 'rbd', objname, 'badkey'])
manager.osd_admin_socket(osd, ['setomapval', 'rbd', objname,
'key', 'val'])
repair(manager, pg, 'rbd')
class MessUp:
def __init__(self, manager, osd_remote, pool, osd_id,
obj_name, obj_path, omap_key, omap_val):
self.manager = manager
self.osd = osd_remote
self.pool = pool
self.osd_id = osd_id
self.obj = obj_name
self.path = obj_path
self.omap_key = omap_key
self.omap_val = omap_val
def _test_with_file(self, messup_cmd, *checks):
temp = tempfile.mktemp()
backup_cmd = ['sudo', 'cp', os.path.join(self.path, 'data'), temp]
yield checks
create_cmd = ['sudo', 'mkdir', self.path]
self.osd.run(args=create_cmd, check_status=False)
restore_cmd = ['sudo', 'cp', temp, os.path.join(self.path, 'data')]
def remove(self):
cmd = 'sudo rmdir {path}'.format(path=self.path)
return self._test_with_file(cmd, 'missing')
def append(self):
cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={path}/data bs=1 count=1 ' \
'conv=notrunc oflag=append'.format(path=self.path)
return self._test_with_file(cmd,
def truncate(self):
cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/null of={path}/data'.format(path=self.path)
return self._test_with_file(cmd,
def change_obj(self):
cmd = 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of={path}/data bs=1 count=1 ' \
return self._test_with_file(cmd,
def rm_omap(self):
cmd = ['rmomapkey', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key]
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj,
self.omap_key, self.omap_val]
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
def add_omap(self):
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, 'badkey', 'badval']
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
cmd = ['rmomapkey', self.pool, self.obj, 'badkey']
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
def change_omap(self):
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key, 'badval']
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
yield ('omap_digest_mismatch',)
cmd = ['setomapval', self.pool, self.obj, self.omap_key, self.omap_val]
self.manager.osd_admin_socket(self.osd_id, cmd)
class InconsistentObjChecker:
"""Check the returned inconsistents/inconsistent info"""
def __init__(self, osd, acting, obj_name):
self.osd = osd
self.acting = acting
self.obj = obj_name
assert self.osd in self.acting
def basic_checks(self, inc):
assert inc['object']['name'] == self.obj
assert inc['object']['snap'] == "head"
assert len(inc['shards']) == len(self.acting), \
"the number of returned shard does not match with the acting set"
def run(self, check, inc):
func = getattr(self, check)
def _check_errors(self, inc, err_name):
bad_found = False
good_found = False
for shard in inc['shards']:
log.info('shard = %r' % shard)
log.info('err = %s' % err_name)
assert 'osd' in shard
osd = shard['osd']
err = err_name in shard['errors']
if osd == self.osd:
assert bad_found is False, \
"multiple entries found for the given OSD"
assert err is True, \
"Didn't find '{err}' in errors".format(err=err_name)
bad_found = True
assert osd in self.acting, "shard not in acting set"
assert err is False, \
"Expected '{err}' in errors".format(err=err_name)
good_found = True
assert bad_found is True, \
"Shard for osd.{osd} not found".format(osd=self.osd)
assert good_found is True, \
"No other acting shards found"
def _check_attrs(self, inc, attr_name):
bad_attr = None
good_attr = None
for shard in inc['shards']:
log.info('shard = %r' % shard)
log.info('attr = %s' % attr_name)
assert 'osd' in shard
osd = shard['osd']
attr = shard.get(attr_name, False)
if osd == self.osd:
assert bad_attr is None, \
"multiple entries found for the given OSD"
bad_attr = attr
assert osd in self.acting, "shard not in acting set"
assert good_attr is None or good_attr == attr, \
"multiple good attrs found"
good_attr = attr
assert bad_attr is not None, \
"bad {attr} not found".format(attr=attr_name)
assert good_attr is not None, \
"good {attr} not found".format(attr=attr_name)
assert good_attr != bad_attr, \
"bad attr is identical to the good ones: " \
"{0} == {1}".format(good_attr, bad_attr)
def data_digest_mismatch(self, inc):
assert 'data_digest_mismatch' in inc['errors']
self._check_attrs(inc, 'data_digest')
def missing(self, inc):
assert 'missing' in inc['union_shard_errors']
self._check_errors(inc, 'missing')
def size_mismatch(self, inc):
assert 'size_mismatch' in inc['errors']
self._check_attrs(inc, 'size')
def omap_digest_mismatch(self, inc):
assert 'omap_digest_mismatch' in inc['errors']
self._check_attrs(inc, 'omap_digest')
def test_list_inconsistent_obj(ctx, manager, osd_remote, pg, acting, osd_id,
obj_name, obj_path):
mon = manager.controller
pool = 'rbd'
omap_key = 'key'
omap_val = 'val'
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', pool, 'setomapval', obj_name,
omap_key, omap_val])
# Update missing digests, requires "osd deep scrub update digest min age: 0"
pgnum = get_pgnum(pg)
manager.do_pg_scrub(pool, pgnum, 'deep-scrub')
messup = MessUp(manager, osd_remote, pool, osd_id, obj_name, obj_path,
omap_key, omap_val)
for test in [messup.rm_omap, messup.add_omap, messup.change_omap,
messup.append, messup.truncate, messup.change_obj,
with test() as checks:
deep_scrub(manager, pg, pool)
cmd = 'rados list-inconsistent-pg {pool} ' \
with contextlib.closing(StringIO()) as out:
mon.run(args=cmd.split(), stdout=out)
pgs = json.loads(out.getvalue())
assert pgs == [pg]
cmd = 'rados list-inconsistent-obj {pg} ' \
with contextlib.closing(StringIO()) as out:
mon.run(args=cmd.split(), stdout=out)
objs = json.loads(out.getvalue())
assert len(objs['inconsistents']) == 1
checker = InconsistentObjChecker(osd_id, acting, obj_name)
inc_obj = objs['inconsistents'][0]
log.info('inc = %r', inc_obj)
for check in checks:
checker.run(check, inc_obj)
def task(ctx, config):
Test [deep] scrub
- chef:
- install:
- ceph:
- '!= data_digest'
- '!= omap_digest'
- '!= size'
- deep-scrub 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
- deep-scrub [0-9]+ errors
- repair 0 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
- repair [0-9]+ errors, [0-9]+ fixed
- shard [0-9]+ missing
- deep-scrub 1 missing, 1 inconsistent objects
- does not match object info size
- attr name mistmatch
- deep-scrub 1 missing, 0 inconsistent objects
- failed to pick suitable auth object
osd deep scrub update digest min age: 0
- scrub_test:
if config is None:
config = {}
assert isinstance(config, dict), \
'scrub_test task only accepts a dict for configuration'
first_mon = teuthology.get_first_mon(ctx, config)
(mon,) = ctx.cluster.only(first_mon).remotes.iterkeys()
num_osds = teuthology.num_instances_of_type(ctx.cluster, 'osd')
log.info('num_osds is %s' % num_osds)
manager = ceph_manager.CephManager(
while len(manager.get_osd_status()['up']) < num_osds:
for i in range(num_osds):
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.%d' % i, 'injectargs',
'--', '--osd-objectstore-fuse')
# write some data
p = manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'bench', '--no-cleanup', '1',
'write', '-b', '4096'])
log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
# wait for some PG to have data that we can mess with
pg, acting = wait_for_victim_pg(manager)
osd = acting[0]
osd_remote, obj_path, obj_name = find_victim_object(ctx, pg, osd)
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapval', obj_name, 'key', 'val'])
log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
manager.do_rados(mon, ['-p', 'rbd', 'setomapheader', obj_name, 'hdr'])
log.info('err is %d' % p.exitstatus)
# Update missing digests, requires "osd deep scrub update digest min age: 0"
pgnum = get_pgnum(pg)
manager.do_pg_scrub('rbd', pgnum, 'deep-scrub')
log.info('messing with PG %s on osd %d' % (pg, osd))
test_repair_corrupted_obj(ctx, manager, pg, osd_remote, obj_path, 'rbd')
test_repair_bad_omap(ctx, manager, pg, osd, obj_name)
test_list_inconsistent_obj(ctx, manager, osd_remote, pg, acting, osd,
obj_name, obj_path)
log.info('test successful!')
# shut down fuse mount
for i in range(num_osds):
manager.raw_cluster_cmd('tell', 'osd.%d' % i, 'injectargs',
'--', '--no-osd-objectstore-fuse')