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synced 2025-03-02 22:41:58 +00:00
Unlike `config set`, `config-key set` does not take the <who> argument. This change removes it from mgr ssl setup. Signed-off-by: Mehdi Abaakouk <sileht@sileht.net>
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.. _mgr-dashboard:
Ceph Manager Dashboard
The original Ceph Manager Dashboard that was shipped with Ceph Luminous started
out as a simple read-only view into various run-time information and performance
data of a Ceph cluster. It used a very simple architecture to achieve the
original goal. However, there was a growing demand for adding more web-based
management capabilities, to make it easier to administer Ceph for users that
prefer a WebUI over using the command line.
The new :term:`Ceph Manager Dashboard` plugin is a replacement of the previous
one and adds a built-in web based monitoring and administration application to
the Ceph Manager. The architecture and functionality of this new plugin is
derived from and inspired by the `openATTIC Ceph management and monitoring tool
<https://openattic.org/>`_. The development is actively driven by the team
behind openATTIC at `SUSE <https://www.suse.com/>`_.
The intention is to reuse as much of the existing openATTIC functionality as
possible, while adapting it to the different environment. openATTIC is based on
Django and the Django REST Framework, whereas the dashboard plugin's backend
code uses the CherryPy framework and a custom REST API implementation. The WebUI
implementation is based on Angular/TypeScript, merging both functionality from
the original dashboard as well as adding new functionality originally developed
for the standalone version of openATTIC. The Ceph Manager Dashboard plugin is
implemented as a web application that visualizes information and statistics about
the Ceph cluster using a web server hosted by ``ceph-mgr``.
The dashboard currently provides the following features to monitor and manage
various aspects of your Ceph cluster:
* **Multi-User and Role Management**: The dashboard supports multiple user
accounts with different permissions (roles). The user accounts and roles
can be modified on both the command line and via the WebUI.
See :ref:`dashboard-user-role-management` for details.
* **SSL/TLS support**: All HTTP communication between the web browser and the
dashboard is secured via SSL. A self-signed certificate can be created with
a built-in command, but it's also possible to import custom certificates
signed and issued by a CA. See :ref:`dashboard-ssl-tls-support` for details.
* **Overall cluster health**: Displays the overall cluster status, storage
utilization (e.g. number of objects, raw capacity, usage per pool), a list of
pools and their status and usage statistics.
* **Cluster logs**: Display the latest updates to the cluster's event and audit
log files.
* **Hosts**: Provides a list of all hosts associated to the cluster, which
services are running and which version of Ceph is installed.
* **Performance counters**: Displays detailed service-specific statistics for
each running service.
* **Monitors**: Lists all MONs, their quorum status, open sessions.
* **Configuration Reference**: Lists all available configuration options,
their description and default values.
* **Pools**: List all Ceph pools and their details (e.g. applications, placement
groups, replication size, EC profile, CRUSH ruleset, etc.)
* **OSDs**: Lists all OSDs, their status and usage statistics as well as
detailed information like attributes (OSD map), metadata, performance counters
and usage histograms for read/write operations.
* **iSCSI**: Lists all hosts that run the TCMU runner service, displaying all
images and their performance characteristics (read/write ops, traffic).
* **RBD**: Lists all RBD images and their properties (size, objects, features).
Create, copy, modify and delete RBD images. Create, delete and rollback
snapshots of selected images, protect/unprotect these snapshots against
modification. Copy or clone snapshots, flatten cloned images.
* **RBD mirroring**: Lists all active sync daemons and their status, pools and
RBD images including their synchronization state.
* **CephFS**: Lists all active filesystem clients and associated pools,
including their usage statistics.
* **Object Gateway**: Lists all active object gateways and their performance
counters. Display and manage (add/edit/delete) object gateway users and their
details (e.g. quotas) as well as the users' buckets and their details (e.g.
owner, quotas).
Within a running Ceph cluster, the Ceph Manager Dashboard is enabled with::
$ ceph mgr module enable dashboard
.. _dashboard-ssl-tls-support:
SSL/TLS Support
All HTTP connections to the dashboard are secured with SSL/TLS by default.
To get the dashboard up and running quickly, you can generate and install a
self-signed certificate using the following built-in command::
$ ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert
Note that most web browsers will complain about such self-signed certificates
and require explicit confirmation before establishing a secure connection to the
To properly secure a deployment and to remove the certificate warning, a
certificate that is issued by a certificate authority (CA) should be used.
For example, a key pair can be generated with a command similar to::
$ openssl req -new -nodes -x509 \
-subj "/O=IT/CN=ceph-mgr-dashboard" -days 3650 \
-keyout dashboard.key -out dashboard.crt -extensions v3_ca
The ``dashboard.crt`` file should then be signed by a CA. Once that is done, you
can enable it for all Ceph manager instances by running the following commands::
$ ceph config-key set mgr/dashboard/crt -i dashboard.crt
$ ceph config-key set mgr/dashboard/key -i dashboard.key
If different certificates are desired for each manager instance for some reason,
the name of the instance can be included as follows (where ``$name`` is the name
of the ``ceph-mgr`` instance, usually the hostname)::
$ ceph config-key set mgr/dashboard/$name/crt -i dashboard.crt
$ ceph config-key set mgr/dashboard/$name/key -i dashboard.key
SSL can also be disabled by setting this configuration value::
$ ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl false
This might be useful if the dashboard will be running behind a proxy which does
not support SSL for its upstream servers or other situations where SSL is not
wanted or required.
.. warning::
Use caution when disabling SSL as usernames and passwords will be sent to the
dashboard unencrypted.
.. note::
You need to restart the Ceph manager processes manually after changing the SSL
certificate and key. This can be accomplished by either running ``ceph mgr
fail mgr`` or by disabling and re-enabling the dashboard module (which also
triggers the manager to respawn itself)::
$ ceph mgr module disable dashboard
$ ceph mgr module enable dashboard
Host name and port
Like most web applications, dashboard binds to a TCP/IP address and TCP port.
By default, the ``ceph-mgr`` daemon hosting the dashboard (i.e., the currently
active manager) will bind to TCP port 8443 or 8080 when SSL is disabled.
If no specific address has been configured, the web app will bind to ``::``,
which corresponds to all available IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
These defaults can be changed via the configuration key facility on a
cluster-wide level (so they apply to all manager instances) as follows::
$ ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr $IP
$ ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port $PORT
Since each ``ceph-mgr`` hosts its own instance of dashboard, it may also be
necessary to configure them separately. The IP address and port for a specific
manager instance can be changed with the following commands::
$ ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/$name/server_addr $IP
$ ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/$name/server_port $PORT
Replace ``$name`` with the ID of the ceph-mgr instance hosting the dashboard web
.. note::
The command ``ceph mgr services`` will show you all endpoints that are
currently configured. Look for the ``dashboard`` key to obtain the URL for
accessing the dashboard.
Username and password
In order to be able to log in, you need to create a user account and associate
it with at least one role. We provide a set of predefined *system roles* that
you can use. For more details please refer to the `User and Role Management`_
To create a user with the administrator role you can use the following
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-create <username> <password> administrator
Enabling the Object Gateway management frontend
To use the Object Gateway management functionality of the dashboard, you will
need to provide the login credentials of a user with the ``system`` flag
If you do not have a user which shall be used for providing those credentials,
you will also need to create one::
$ radosgw-admin user create --uid=<user_id> --display-name=<display_name> \
Take note of the keys ``access_key`` and ``secret_key`` in the output of this
The credentials of an existing user can also be obtained by using
$ radosgw-admin user info --uid=<user_id>
Finally, provide the credentials to the dashboard::
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key <access_key>
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key <secret_key>
This is all you have to do to get the Object Gateway management functionality
working. The host and port of the Object Gateway are determined automatically.
If multiple zones are used, it will automatically determine the host within the
master zone group and master zone. This should be sufficient for most setups,
but in some circumstances you might want to set the host and port manually::
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host <host>
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port <port>
In addition to the settings mentioned so far, the following settings do also
exist and you may find yourself in the situation that you have to use them::
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-scheme <scheme> # http or https
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-admin-resource <admin_resource>
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-user-id <user_id>
If you are using a self-signed certificate in your Object Gateway setup, then
you should disable certificate verification in the dashboard to avoid refused
connections, e.g. caused by certificates signed by unknown CA or not matching
the host name::
$ ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify False
If the Object Gateway takes too long to process requests and the dashboard runs
into timeouts, then you can set the timeout value to your needs::
$ ceph dashboard set-rest-requests-timeout <seconds>
The default value is 45 seconds.
Enabling the Embedding of Grafana Dashboards
Grafana and Prometheus are likely going to be bundled and installed by some
orchestration tools along Ceph in the near future, but currently, you will have
to install and configure both manually. After you have installed Prometheus and
Grafana on your preferred hosts, proceed with the following steps.
#. Enable the Ceph Exporter which comes as Ceph Manager module by running::
$ ceph mgr module enable prometheus
More details can be found on the `documentation <http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/
mgr/prometheus/>`_ of the prometheus module.
#. Add the corresponding scrape configuration to Prometheus. This may look
scrape_interval: 5s
- job_name: 'prometheus'
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
- job_name: 'ceph'
- targets: ['localhost:9283']
- job_name: 'node-exporter'
- targets: ['localhost:9100']
#. Add Prometheus as data source to Grafana
#. Install the `vonage-status-panel and grafana-piechart-panel` plugins using::
grafana-cli plugins install vonage-status-panel
grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel
#. Add the Dashboards to Grafana:
Dashboards can be added to Grafana by importing dashboard jsons.
Following command can be used for downloading json files::
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph/master/monitoring/grafana/dashboards/<Dashboard-name>.json
You can find all the dashboard jsons `here <https://github.com/ceph/ceph/tree/
master/monitoring/grafana/dashboards>`_ .
For Example, for ceph-cluster overview you can use::
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ceph/ceph/master/monitoring/grafana/dashboards/ceph-cluster.json
#. Configure Grafana in `/etc/grafana/grafana.ini` to adapt anonymous mode::
enabled = true
org_name = Main Org.
org_role = Viewer
After you have set up Grafana and Prometheus, you will need to configure the
connection information that the Ceph Manager Dashboard will use to access Grafana.
You need to tell the dashboard on which url Grafana instance is running/deployed::
$ ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url <grafana-server-url> # default: ''
The format of url is : `<protocol>:<IP-address>:<port>`
You can directly access Grafana Instance as well to monitor your cluster.
Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO)
The Ceph Manager Dashboard supports external authentication of users via the
`SAML 2.0 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAML_2.0>`_ protocol. You need to create
the user accounts and associate them with the desired roles first, as authorization
is still performed by the Dashboard. However, the authentication process can be
performed by an existing Identity Provider (IdP).
.. note::
Ceph Dashboard SSO support relies on onelogin's
`python-saml <https://pypi.org/project/python-saml/>`_ library.
Please ensure that this library is installed on your system, either by using
your distribution's package management or via Python's `pip` installer.
To configure SSO on Ceph Dashboard, you should use the following command::
$ ceph dashboard sso setup saml2 <ceph_dashboard_base_url> <idp_metadata> {<idp_username_attribute>} {<idp_entity_id>} {<sp_x_509_cert>} {<sp_private_key>}
- **<ceph_dashboard_base_url>**: Base URL where Ceph Dashboard is accessible (e.g., `https://cephdashboard.local`)
- **<idp_metadata>**: URL, file path or content of the IdP metadata XML (e.g., `https://myidp/metadata`)
- **<idp_username_attribute>** *(optional)*: Attribute that should be used to get the username from the authentication response. Defaults to `uid`.
- **<idp_entity_id>** *(optional)*: Use this when more than one entity id exists on the IdP metadata.
- **<sp_x_509_cert> / <sp_private_key>** *(optional)*: File path or content of the certificate that should be used by Ceph Dashboard (Service Provider) for signing and encryption.
To display the current SAML 2.0 configuration, use the following command::
$ ceph dashboard sso show saml2
.. note::
For more information about `onelogin_settings`, please check the `onelogin documentation <https://github.com/onelogin/python-saml>`_.
To disable SSO::
$ ceph dashboard sso disable
To check if SSO is enabled::
$ ceph dashboard sso status
To enable SSO::
$ ceph dashboard sso enable saml2
Accessing the dashboard
You can now access the dashboard using your (JavaScript-enabled) web browser, by
pointing it to any of the host names or IP addresses and the selected TCP port
where a manager instance is running: e.g., ``httpS://<$IP>:<$PORT>/``.
You should then be greeted by the dashboard login page, requesting your
previously defined username and password. Select the **Keep me logged in**
checkbox if you want to skip the username/password request when accessing the
dashboard in the future.
.. _dashboard-user-role-management:
User and Role Management
User Accounts
Ceph Dashboard supports managing multiple user accounts. Each user account
consists of a username, a password (stored in encrypted form using ``bcrypt``),
an optional name, and an optional email address.
User accounts are stored in MON's configuration database, and are globally
shared across all ceph-mgr instances.
We provide a set of CLI commands to manage user accounts:
- *Show User(s)*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-show [<username>]
- *Create User*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-create <username> [<password>] [<rolename>] [<name>] [<email>]
- *Delete User*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-delete <username>
- *Change Password*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password <username> <password>
- *Modify User (name, and email)*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-set-info <username> <name> <email>
User Roles and Permissions
User accounts are also associated with a set of roles that define which
dashboard functionality can be accessed by the user.
The Dashboard functionality/modules are grouped within a *security scope*.
Security scopes are predefined and static. The current available security
scopes are:
- **hosts**: includes all features related to the ``Hosts`` menu
- **config-opt**: includes all features related to management of Ceph
configuration options.
- **pool**: includes all features related to pool management.
- **osd**: includes all features related to OSD management.
- **monitor**: includes all features related to Monitor management.
- **rbd-image**: includes all features related to RBD image
- **rbd-mirroring**: includes all features related to RBD-Mirroring
- **iscsi**: includes all features related to iSCSI management.
- **rgw**: includes all features related to Rados Gateway management.
- **cephfs**: includes all features related to CephFS management.
- **manager**: include all features related to Ceph Manager
- **log**: include all features related to Ceph logs management.
- **grafana**: include all features related to Grafana proxy.
- **dashboard-settings**: allows to change dashboard settings.
A *role* specifies a set of mappings between a *security scope* and a set of
*permissions*. There are four types of permissions:
- **read**
- **create**
- **update**
- **delete**
See below for an example of a role specification based on a Python dictionary::
# example of a role
'role': 'my_new_role',
'description': 'My new role',
'scopes_permissions': {
'pool': ['read', 'create'],
'rbd-image': ['read', 'create', 'update', 'delete']
The above role dictates that a user has *read* and *create* permissions for
features related to pool management, and has full permissions for
features related to RBD image management.
The Dashboard already provides a set of predefined roles that we call
*system roles*, and can be used right away in a fresh Ceph Dashboard
The list of system roles are:
- **administrator**: provides full permissions for all security scopes.
- **read-only**: provides *read* permission for all security scopes except
the dashboard settings.
- **block-manager**: provides full permissions for *rbd-image*,
*rbd-mirroring*, and *iscsi* scopes.
- **rgw-manager**: provides full permissions for the *rgw* scope
- **cluster-manager**: provides full permissions for the *hosts*, *osd*,
*monitor*, *manager*, and *config-opt* scopes.
- **pool-manager**: provides full permissions for the *pool* scope.
- **cephfs-manager**: provides full permissions for the *cephfs* scope.
The list of currently available roles can be retrieved by the following
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-show [<rolename>]
It is also possible to create new roles using CLI commands. The available
commands to manage roles are the following:
- *Create Role*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-create <rolename> [<description>]
- *Delete Role*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-delete <rolename>
- *Add Scope Permissions to Role*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms <rolename> <scopename> <permission> [<permission>...]
- *Delete Scope Permission from Role*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-del-perms <rolename> <scopename>
To associate roles to users, the following CLI commands are available:
- *Set User Roles*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles <username> <rolename> [<rolename>...]
- *Add Roles To User*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-add-roles <username> <rolename> [<rolename>...]
- *Delete Roles from User*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-del-roles <username> <rolename> [<rolename>...]
Example of user and custom role creation
In this section we show a full example of the commands that need to be used
in order to create a user account, that should be able to manage RBD images,
view and create Ceph pools, and have read-only access to any other scopes.
1. *Create the user*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-create bob mypassword
2. *Create role and specify scope permissions*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-create rbd/pool-manager
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms rbd/pool-manager rbd-image read create update delete
$ ceph dashboard ac-role-add-scope-perms rbd/pool-manager pool read create
3. *Associate roles to user*::
$ ceph dashboard ac-user-set-roles bob rbd/pool-manager read-only
Reverse proxies
If you are accessing the dashboard via a reverse proxy configuration,
you may wish to service it under a URL prefix. To get the dashboard
to use hyperlinks that include your prefix, you can set the
``url_prefix`` setting:
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/url_prefix $PREFIX
so you can access the dashboard at ``http://$IP:$PORT/$PREFIX/``.
The REST API is capable of logging PUT, POST and DELETE requests to the Ceph
audit log. This feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled with the
following command::
$ ceph dashboard set-audit-api-enabled <true|false>
If enabled, the following parameters are logged per each request:
* from - The origin of the request, e.g. https://[::1]:44410
* path - The REST API path, e.g. /api/auth
* method - e.g. PUT, POST or DELETE
* user - The name of the user, otherwise 'None'
The logging of the request payload (the arguments and their values) is enabled
by default. Execute the following command to disable this behaviour::
$ ceph dashboard set-audit-api-log-payload <true|false>
A log entry may look like this::
2018-10-22 15:27:01.302514 mgr.x [INF] [DASHBOARD] from='https://[::ffff:]:37022' path='/api/rgw/user/klaus' method='PUT' user='admin' params='{"max_buckets": "1000", "display_name": "Klaus Mustermann", "uid": "klaus", "suspended": "0", "email": "klaus.mustermann@ceph.com"}'