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1058 lines
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1058 lines
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vstart_runner: override Filesystem and Mount interfaces to run a CephFSTestCase against a vstart
ceph instance instead of a packaged/installed cluster. Use this to turn around test cases
quickly during development.
Simple usage (assuming teuthology and ceph checked out in ~/git):
# Activate the teuthology virtualenv
source ~/git/teuthology/virtualenv/bin/activate
# Go into your ceph build directory
cd ~/git/ceph/build
# Invoke a test using this script
python ~/git/ceph/qa/tasks/vstart_runner.py --create tasks.cephfs.test_data_scan
Alternative usage:
# Alternatively, if you use different paths, specify them as follows:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib PYTHONPATH=~/git/teuthology:~/git/ceph/qa:`pwd`/../src/pybind:`pwd`/lib/cython_modules/lib.2 python ~/git/ceph/qa/tasks/vstart_runner.py
# If you wish to drop to a python shell on failures, use --interactive:
python ~/git/ceph/qa/tasks/vstart_runner.py --interactive
# If you wish to run a named test case, pass it as an argument:
python ~/git/ceph/qa/tasks/vstart_runner.py tasks.cephfs.test_data_scan
from StringIO import StringIO
from collections import defaultdict
import getpass
import signal
import tempfile
import threading
import datetime
import shutil
import re
import os
import time
import json
import sys
import errno
from unittest import suite, loader
import unittest
import platform
from teuthology.orchestra.run import Raw, quote
from teuthology.orchestra.daemon import DaemonGroup
from teuthology.config import config as teuth_config
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.FileHandler("./vstart_runner.log")
formatter = logging.Formatter(
fmt=u'%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s',
def respawn_in_path(lib_path, python_paths):
execv_cmd = ['python']
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
lib_path_var = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
lib_path_var = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
py_binary = os.environ.get("PYTHON", "python")
if lib_path_var in os.environ:
if lib_path not in os.environ[lib_path_var]:
os.environ[lib_path_var] += ':' + lib_path
os.execvp(py_binary, execv_cmd + sys.argv)
os.environ[lib_path_var] = lib_path
os.execvp(py_binary, execv_cmd + sys.argv)
for p in python_paths:
sys.path.insert(0, p)
# Let's use some sensible defaults
if os.path.exists("./CMakeCache.txt") and os.path.exists("./bin"):
# A list of candidate paths for each package we need
guesses = [
["~/git/teuthology", "~/scm/teuthology", "~/teuthology"],
python_paths = []
# Up one level so that "tasks.foo.bar" imports work
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..")
for package_guesses in guesses:
for g in package_guesses:
g_exp = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(g))
if os.path.exists(g_exp):
ld_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "lib/")
print "Using guessed paths {0} {1}".format(ld_path, python_paths)
respawn_in_path(ld_path, python_paths)
from teuthology.exceptions import CommandFailedError
from tasks.ceph_manager import CephManager
from tasks.cephfs.fuse_mount import FuseMount
from tasks.cephfs.filesystem import Filesystem, MDSCluster, CephCluster
from mgr.mgr_test_case import MgrCluster
from teuthology.contextutil import MaxWhileTries
from teuthology.task import interactive
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("***\nError importing packages, have you activated your teuthology virtualenv "
"and set PYTHONPATH to point to teuthology and ceph-qa-suite?\n***\n\n")
# Must import after teuthology because of gevent monkey patching
import subprocess
if os.path.exists("./CMakeCache.txt"):
# Running in build dir of a cmake build
BIN_PREFIX = "./bin/"
SRC_PREFIX = "../src"
# Running in src/ of an autotools build
class LocalRemoteProcess(object):
def __init__(self, args, subproc, check_status, stdout, stderr):
self.args = args
self.subproc = subproc
if stdout is None:
self.stdout = StringIO()
self.stdout = stdout
if stderr is None:
self.stderr = StringIO()
self.stderr = stderr
self.check_status = check_status
self.exitstatus = self.returncode = None
def wait(self):
if self.finished:
# Avoid calling communicate() on a dead process because it'll
# give you stick about std* already being closed
if self.exitstatus != 0:
raise CommandFailedError(self.args, self.exitstatus)
out, err = self.subproc.communicate()
self.exitstatus = self.returncode = self.subproc.returncode
if self.exitstatus != 0:
if self.check_status and self.exitstatus != 0:
raise CommandFailedError(self.args, self.exitstatus)
def finished(self):
if self.exitstatus is not None:
return True
if self.subproc.poll() is not None:
out, err = self.subproc.communicate()
self.exitstatus = self.returncode = self.subproc.returncode
return True
return False
def kill(self):
log.info("kill ")
if self.subproc.pid and not self.finished:
log.info("kill: killing pid {0} ({1})".format(
self.subproc.pid, self.args))
log.info("kill: already terminated ({0})".format(self.args))
def stdin(self):
class FakeStdIn(object):
def __init__(self, mount_daemon):
self.mount_daemon = mount_daemon
def close(self):
return FakeStdIn(self)
class LocalRemote(object):
Amusingly named class to present the teuthology RemoteProcess interface when we are really
running things locally for vstart
Run this inside your src/ dir!
def __init__(self):
self.name = "local"
self.hostname = "localhost"
self.user = getpass.getuser()
def get_file(self, path, sudo, dest_dir):
tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
shutil.copy(path, tmpfile)
return tmpfile
def put_file(self, src, dst, sudo=False):
shutil.copy(src, dst)
def run(self, args, check_status=True, wait=True,
stdout=None, stderr=None, cwd=None, stdin=None,
logger=None, label=None, env=None):
log.info("run args={0}".format(args))
# We don't need no stinkin' sudo
args = [a for a in args if a != "sudo"]
# We have to use shell=True if any run.Raw was present, e.g. &&
shell = any([a for a in args if isinstance(a, Raw)])
if shell:
filtered = []
i = 0
while i < len(args):
if args[i] == 'adjust-ulimits':
i += 1
elif args[i] == 'ceph-coverage':
i += 2
elif args[i] == 'timeout':
i += 2
i += 1
args = quote(filtered)
log.info("Running {0}".format(args))
subproc = subprocess.Popen(args,
log.info("Running {0}".format(args))
for arg in args:
if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
raise RuntimeError("Oops, can't handle arg {0} type {1}".format(
arg, arg.__class__
subproc = subprocess.Popen(args,
if stdin:
if not isinstance(stdin, basestring):
raise RuntimeError("Can't handle non-string stdins on a vstart cluster")
# Hack: writing to stdin is not deadlock-safe, but it "always" works
# as long as the input buffer is "small"
proc = LocalRemoteProcess(
args, subproc, check_status,
stdout, stderr
if wait:
return proc
class LocalDaemon(object):
def __init__(self, daemon_type, daemon_id):
self.daemon_type = daemon_type
self.daemon_id = daemon_id
self.controller = LocalRemote()
self.proc = None
def remote(self):
return LocalRemote()
def running(self):
return self._get_pid() is not None
def _get_pid(self):
Return PID as an integer or None if not found
ps_txt = self.controller.run(
args=["ps", "ww", "-u"+str(os.getuid())]
lines = ps_txt.split("\n")[1:]
for line in lines:
if line.find("ceph-{0} -i {1}".format(self.daemon_type, self.daemon_id)) != -1:
log.info("Found ps line for daemon: {0}".format(line))
return int(line.split()[0])
log.info("No match for {0} {1}: {2}".format(
self.daemon_type, self.daemon_id, ps_txt
return None
def wait(self, timeout):
waited = 0
while self._get_pid() is not None:
if waited > timeout:
raise MaxWhileTries("Timed out waiting for daemon {0}.{1}".format(self.daemon_type, self.daemon_id))
waited += 1
def stop(self, timeout=300):
if not self.running():
log.error('tried to stop a non-running daemon')
pid = self._get_pid()
log.info("Killing PID {0} for {1}.{2}".format(pid, self.daemon_type, self.daemon_id))
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
waited = 0
while pid is not None:
new_pid = self._get_pid()
if new_pid is not None and new_pid != pid:
log.info("Killing new PID {0}".format(new_pid))
pid = new_pid
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
if new_pid is None:
if waited > timeout:
raise MaxWhileTries(
"Timed out waiting for daemon {0}.{1}".format(
self.daemon_type, self.daemon_id))
waited += 1
def restart(self):
if self._get_pid() is not None:
self.proc = self.controller.run([os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "./ceph-{0}".format(self.daemon_type)), "-i", self.daemon_id])
def safe_kill(pid):
os.kill annoyingly raises exception if process already dead. Ignore it.
return os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
# Raced with process termination
class LocalFuseMount(FuseMount):
def __init__(self, test_dir, client_id):
super(LocalFuseMount, self).__init__(None, test_dir, client_id, LocalRemote())
def config_path(self):
return "./ceph.conf"
def get_keyring_path(self):
# This is going to end up in a config file, so use an absolute path
# to avoid assumptions about daemons' pwd
return os.path.abspath("./client.{0}.keyring".format(self.client_id))
def run_shell(self, args, wait=True):
# FIXME maybe should add a pwd arg to teuthology.orchestra so that
# the "cd foo && bar" shenanigans isn't needed to begin with and
# then we wouldn't have to special case this
return self.client_remote.run(
args, wait=wait, cwd=self.mountpoint
def _prefix(self):
def _asok_path(self):
# In teuthology, the asok is named after the PID of the ceph-fuse process, because it's
# run foreground. When running it daemonized however, the asok is named after
# the PID of the launching process, not the long running ceph-fuse process. Therefore
# we need to give an exact path here as the logic for checking /proc/ for which
# asok is alive does not work.
# Load the asok path from ceph.conf as vstart.sh now puts admin sockets
# in a tmpdir. All of the paths are the same, so no need to select
# based off of the service type.
d = "./out"
with open(self.config_path) as f:
for line in f:
asok_conf = re.search("^\s*admin\s+socket\s*=\s*(.*?)[^/]+$", line)
if asok_conf:
d = asok_conf.groups(1)[0]
path = "{0}/client.{1}.{2}.asok".format(d, self.client_id, self.fuse_daemon.subproc.pid)
log.info("I think my launching pid was {0}".format(self.fuse_daemon.subproc.pid))
return path
def umount(self):
if self.is_mounted():
super(LocalFuseMount, self).umount()
def mount(self, mount_path=None, mount_fs_name=None):
def list_connections():
args=["mount", "-t", "fusectl", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections"],
p = self.client_remote.run(
args=["ls", "/sys/fs/fuse/connections"],
if p.exitstatus != 0:
log.warn("ls conns failed with {0}, assuming none".format(p.exitstatus))
return []
ls_str = p.stdout.getvalue().strip()
if ls_str:
return [int(n) for n in ls_str.split("\n")]
return []
# Before starting ceph-fuse process, note the contents of
# /sys/fs/fuse/connections
pre_mount_conns = list_connections()
log.info("Pre-mount connections: {0}".format(pre_mount_conns))
prefix = [os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph-fuse")]
if os.getuid() != 0:
prefix += ["--client_die_on_failed_dentry_invalidate=false"]
if mount_path is not None:
prefix += ["--client_mountpoint={0}".format(mount_path)]
if mount_fs_name is not None:
prefix += ["--client_mds_namespace={0}".format(mount_fs_name)]
self.fuse_daemon = self.client_remote.run(args=
prefix + [
], wait=False)
log.info("Mounting client.{0} with pid {1}".format(self.client_id, self.fuse_daemon.subproc.pid))
# Wait for the connection reference to appear in /sys
waited = 0
post_mount_conns = list_connections()
while len(post_mount_conns) <= len(pre_mount_conns):
if self.fuse_daemon.finished:
# Did mount fail? Raise the CommandFailedError instead of
# hitting the "failed to populate /sys/" timeout
waited += 1
if waited > 30:
raise RuntimeError("Fuse mount failed to populate /sys/ after {0} seconds".format(
post_mount_conns = list_connections()
log.info("Post-mount connections: {0}".format(post_mount_conns))
# Record our fuse connection number so that we can use it when
# forcing an unmount
new_conns = list(set(post_mount_conns) - set(pre_mount_conns))
if len(new_conns) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("New fuse connection directory not found ({0})".format(new_conns))
elif len(new_conns) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpectedly numerous fuse connections {0}".format(new_conns))
self._fuse_conn = new_conns[0]
def _run_python(self, pyscript):
Override this to remove the daemon-helper prefix that is used otherwise
to make the process killable.
return self.client_remote.run(args=[
'python', '-c', pyscript
], wait=False)
class LocalCephManager(CephManager):
def __init__(self):
# Deliberately skip parent init, only inheriting from it to get
# util methods like osd_dump that sit on top of raw_cluster_cmd
self.controller = LocalRemote()
# A minority of CephManager fns actually bother locking for when
# certain teuthology tests want to run tasks in parallel
self.lock = threading.RLock()
self.log = lambda x: log.info(x)
def find_remote(self, daemon_type, daemon_id):
daemon_type like 'mds', 'osd'
daemon_id like 'a', '0'
return LocalRemote()
def run_ceph_w(self):
proc = self.controller.run([os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "-w"], wait=False, stdout=StringIO())
return proc
def raw_cluster_cmd(self, *args):
args like ["osd", "dump"}
return stdout string
proc = self.controller.run([os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph")] + list(args))
return proc.stdout.getvalue()
def raw_cluster_cmd_result(self, *args):
like raw_cluster_cmd but don't check status, just return rc
proc = self.controller.run([os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph")] + list(args), check_status=False)
return proc.exitstatus
def admin_socket(self, daemon_type, daemon_id, command, check_status=True):
return self.controller.run(
args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "daemon", "{0}.{1}".format(daemon_type, daemon_id)] + command, check_status=check_status
class LocalCephCluster(CephCluster):
def __init__(self, ctx):
# Deliberately skip calling parent constructor
self._ctx = ctx
self.mon_manager = LocalCephManager()
self._conf = defaultdict(dict)
def admin_remote(self):
return LocalRemote()
def get_config(self, key, service_type=None):
if service_type is None:
service_type = 'mon'
# FIXME hardcoded vstart service IDs
service_id = {
'mon': 'a',
'mds': 'a',
'osd': '0'
return self.json_asok(['config', 'get', key], service_type, service_id)[key]
def _write_conf(self):
# In teuthology, we have the honour of writing the entire ceph.conf, but
# in vstart land it has mostly already been written and we need to carefully
# append to it.
conf_path = "./ceph.conf"
banner = "\n#LOCAL_TEST\n"
existing_str = open(conf_path).read()
if banner in existing_str:
existing_str = existing_str[0:existing_str.find(banner)]
existing_str += banner
for subsys, kvs in self._conf.items():
existing_str += "\n[{0}]\n".format(subsys)
for key, val in kvs.items():
# Comment out existing instance if it exists
log.info("Searching for existing instance {0}/{1}".format(
key, subsys
existing_section = re.search("^\[{0}\]$([\n]|[^\[])+".format(
), existing_str, re.MULTILINE)
if existing_section:
section_str = existing_str[existing_section.start():existing_section.end()]
existing_val = re.search("^\s*[^#]({0}) =".format(key), section_str, re.MULTILINE)
if existing_val:
start = existing_section.start() + existing_val.start(1)
log.info("Found string to replace at {0}".format(
existing_str = existing_str[0:start] + "#" + existing_str[start:]
existing_str += "{0} = {1}\n".format(key, val)
open(conf_path, "w").write(existing_str)
def set_ceph_conf(self, subsys, key, value):
self._conf[subsys][key] = value
def clear_ceph_conf(self, subsys, key):
del self._conf[subsys][key]
class LocalMDSCluster(LocalCephCluster, MDSCluster):
def __init__(self, ctx):
super(LocalMDSCluster, self).__init__(ctx)
self.mds_ids = ctx.daemons.daemons['mds'].keys()
self.mds_daemons = dict([(id_, LocalDaemon("mds", id_)) for id_ in self.mds_ids])
def clear_firewall(self):
# FIXME: unimplemented
def newfs(self, name='cephfs', create=True):
return LocalFilesystem(self._ctx, name=name, create=create)
class LocalMgrCluster(LocalCephCluster, MgrCluster):
def __init__(self, ctx):
super(LocalMgrCluster, self).__init__(ctx)
self.mgr_ids = ctx.daemons.daemons['mgr'].keys()
self.mgr_daemons = dict([(id_, LocalDaemon("mgr", id_)) for id_ in self.mgr_ids])
class LocalFilesystem(Filesystem, LocalMDSCluster):
def __init__(self, ctx, fscid=None, name='cephfs', create=False):
# Deliberately skip calling parent constructor
self._ctx = ctx
self.id = None
self.name = None
self.ec_profile = None
self.metadata_pool_name = None
self.metadata_overlay = False
self.data_pool_name = None
self.data_pools = None
# Hack: cheeky inspection of ceph.conf to see what MDSs exist
self.mds_ids = set()
for line in open("ceph.conf").readlines():
match = re.match("^\[mds\.(.+)\]$", line)
if match:
if not self.mds_ids:
raise RuntimeError("No MDSs found in ceph.conf!")
self.mds_ids = list(self.mds_ids)
log.info("Discovered MDS IDs: {0}".format(self.mds_ids))
self.mon_manager = LocalCephManager()
self.mds_daemons = dict([(id_, LocalDaemon("mds", id_)) for id_ in self.mds_ids])
self.client_remote = LocalRemote()
self._conf = defaultdict(dict)
if name is not None:
if fscid is not None:
raise RuntimeError("cannot specify fscid when creating fs")
if create and not self.legacy_configured():
if fscid is not None:
self.id = fscid
# Stash a reference to the first created filesystem on ctx, so
# that if someone drops to the interactive shell they can easily
# poke our methods.
if not hasattr(self._ctx, "filesystem"):
self._ctx.filesystem = self
def _prefix(self):
def set_clients_block(self, blocked, mds_id=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_pgs_per_fs_pool(self):
# FIXME: assuming there are 3 OSDs
return 3 * int(self.get_config('mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd'))
class InteractiveFailureResult(unittest.TextTestResult):
Specialization that implements interactive-on-error style
def addFailure(self, test, err):
super(InteractiveFailureResult, self).addFailure(test, err)
log.error(self._exc_info_to_string(err, test))
log.error("Failure in test '{0}', going interactive".format(
interactive.task(ctx=None, config=None)
def addError(self, test, err):
super(InteractiveFailureResult, self).addError(test, err)
log.error(self._exc_info_to_string(err, test))
log.error("Error in test '{0}', going interactive".format(
interactive.task(ctx=None, config=None)
def enumerate_methods(s):
log.info("e: {0}".format(s))
for t in s._tests:
if isinstance(t, suite.BaseTestSuite):
for sub in enumerate_methods(t):
yield sub
yield s, t
def load_tests(modules, loader):
if modules:
log.info("Executing modules: {0}".format(modules))
module_suites = []
for mod_name in modules:
# Test names like cephfs.test_auto_repair
log.info("Loaded: {0}".format(list(module_suites)))
return suite.TestSuite(module_suites)
log.info("Executing all cephfs tests")
return loader.discover(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "cephfs")
def scan_tests(modules):
overall_suite = load_tests(modules, loader.TestLoader())
max_required_mds = 0
max_required_clients = 0
max_required_mgr = 0
for suite, case in enumerate_methods(overall_suite):
max_required_mds = max(max_required_mds,
getattr(case, "MDSS_REQUIRED", 0))
max_required_clients = max(max_required_clients,
getattr(case, "CLIENTS_REQUIRED", 0))
max_required_mgr = max(max_required_mgr,
getattr(case, "MGRS_REQUIRED", 0))
return max_required_mds, max_required_clients, max_required_mgr
class LocalCluster(object):
def __init__(self, rolename="placeholder"):
self.remotes = {
LocalRemote(): [rolename]
def only(self, requested):
return self.__class__(rolename=requested)
class LocalContext(object):
def __init__(self):
self.config = {}
self.teuthology_config = teuth_config
self.cluster = LocalCluster()
self.daemons = DaemonGroup()
# Shove some LocalDaemons into the ctx.daemons DaemonGroup instance so that any
# tests that want to look these up via ctx can do so.
# Inspect ceph.conf to see what roles exist
for conf_line in open("ceph.conf").readlines():
for svc_type in ["mon", "osd", "mds", "mgr"]:
if svc_type not in self.daemons.daemons:
self.daemons.daemons[svc_type] = {}
match = re.match("^\[{0}\.(.+)\]$".format(svc_type), conf_line)
if match:
svc_id = match.group(1)
self.daemons.daemons[svc_type][svc_id] = LocalDaemon(svc_type, svc_id)
def __del__(self):
def exec_test():
# Parse arguments
interactive_on_error = False
create_cluster = False
args = sys.argv[1:]
flags = [a for a in args if a.startswith("-")]
modules = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("-")]
for f in flags:
if f == "--interactive":
interactive_on_error = True
elif f == "--create":
create_cluster = True
log.error("Unknown option '{0}'".format(f))
# Help developers by stopping up-front if their tree isn't built enough for all the
# tools that the tests might want to use (add more here if needed)
require_binaries = ["ceph-dencoder", "cephfs-journal-tool", "cephfs-data-scan",
"cephfs-table-tool", "ceph-fuse", "rados"]
missing_binaries = [b for b in require_binaries if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, b))]
if missing_binaries:
log.error("Some ceph binaries missing, please build them: {0}".format(" ".join(missing_binaries)))
max_required_mds, max_required_clients, max_required_mgr = scan_tests(modules)
remote = LocalRemote()
# Tolerate no MDSs or clients running at start
ps_txt = remote.run(
args=["ps", "-u"+str(os.getuid())]
lines = ps_txt.split("\n")[1:]
for line in lines:
if 'ceph-fuse' in line or 'ceph-mds' in line:
pid = int(line.split()[0])
log.warn("Killing stray process {0}".format(line))
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
# Fire up the Ceph cluster if the user requested it
if create_cluster:
log.info("Creating cluster with {0} MDS daemons".format(
remote.run([os.path.join(SRC_PREFIX, "stop.sh")], check_status=False)
remote.run(["rm", "-rf", "./out"])
remote.run(["rm", "-rf", "./dev"])
vstart_env = os.environ.copy()
vstart_env["FS"] = "0"
vstart_env["MDS"] = max_required_mds.__str__()
vstart_env["OSD"] = "1"
vstart_env["MGR"] = max(max_required_mgr, 1).__str__()
remote.run([os.path.join(SRC_PREFIX, "vstart.sh"), "-n", "-d", "--nolockdep"],
# Wait for OSD to come up so that subsequent injectargs etc will
# definitely succeed
# List of client mounts, sufficient to run the selected tests
clients = [i.__str__() for i in range(0, max_required_clients)]
test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
teuth_config['test_path'] = test_dir
# Construct Mount classes
mounts = []
for client_id in clients:
# Populate client keyring (it sucks to use client.admin for test clients
# because it's awkward to find the logs later)
client_name = "client.{0}".format(client_id)
if client_name not in open("./keyring").read():
p = remote.run(args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "auth", "get-or-create", client_name,
"osd", "allow rw",
"mds", "allow",
"mon", "allow r"])
open("./keyring", "a").write(p.stdout.getvalue())
mount = LocalFuseMount(test_dir, client_id)
if mount.is_mounted():
log.warn("unmounting {0}".format(mount.mountpoint))
if os.path.exists(mount.mountpoint):
ctx = LocalContext()
ceph_cluster = LocalCephCluster(ctx)
mds_cluster = LocalMDSCluster(ctx)
mgr_cluster = LocalMgrCluster(ctx)
from tasks.cephfs_test_runner import DecoratingLoader
class LogStream(object):
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = ""
def write(self, data):
self.buffer += data
if "\n" in self.buffer:
lines = self.buffer.split("\n")
for line in lines[:-1]:
# sys.stderr.write(line + "\n")
self.buffer = lines[-1]
def flush(self):
decorating_loader = DecoratingLoader({
"ctx": ctx,
"mounts": mounts,
"ceph_cluster": ceph_cluster,
"mds_cluster": mds_cluster,
"mgr_cluster": mgr_cluster,
# For the benefit of polling tests like test_full -- in teuthology land we set this
# in a .yaml, here it's just a hardcoded thing for the developer's pleasure.
remote.run(args=[os.path.join(BIN_PREFIX, "ceph"), "tell", "osd.*", "injectargs", "--osd-mon-report-interval-max", "5"])
ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("osd", "osd_mon_report_interval_max", "5")
# Vstart defaults to two segments, which very easily gets a "behind on trimming" health warning
# from normal IO latency. Increase it for running teests.
ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("mds", "mds log max segments", "10")
# Make sure the filesystem created in tests has uid/gid that will let us talk to
# it after mounting it (without having to go root). Set in 'global' not just 'mds'
# so that cephfs-data-scan will pick it up too.
ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino uid", "%s" % os.getuid())
ceph_cluster.set_ceph_conf("global", "mds root ino gid", "%s" % os.getgid())
# Monkeypatch get_package_version to avoid having to work out what kind of distro we're on
def _get_package_version(remote, pkg_name):
# Used in cephfs tests to find fuse version. Your development workstation *does* have >=2.9, right?
return "2.9"
import teuthology.packaging
teuthology.packaging.get_package_version = _get_package_version
overall_suite = load_tests(modules, decorating_loader)
# Filter out tests that don't lend themselves to interactive running,
victims = []
for case, method in enumerate_methods(overall_suite):
fn = getattr(method, method._testMethodName)
drop_test = False
if hasattr(fn, 'is_for_teuthology') and getattr(fn, 'is_for_teuthology') is True:
drop_test = True
log.warn("Dropping test because long running: ".format(method.id()))
if getattr(fn, "needs_trimming", False) is True:
drop_test = (os.getuid() != 0)
log.warn("Dropping test because client trim unavailable: ".format(method.id()))
if drop_test:
# Don't drop the test if it was explicitly requested in arguments
is_named = False
for named in modules:
if named.endswith(method.id()):
is_named = True
if not is_named:
victims.append((case, method))
log.info("Disabling {0} tests because of is_for_teuthology or needs_trimming".format(len(victims)))
for s, method in victims:
if interactive_on_error:
result_class = InteractiveFailureResult
result_class = unittest.TextTestResult
fail_on_skip = False
class LoggingResult(result_class):
def startTest(self, test):
log.info("Starting test: {0}".format(self.getDescription(test)))
test.started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
return super(LoggingResult, self).startTest(test)
def stopTest(self, test):
log.info("Stopped test: {0} in {1}s".format(
(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - test.started_at).total_seconds()
def addSkip(self, test, reason):
if fail_on_skip:
# Don't just call addFailure because that requires a traceback
self.failures.append((test, reason))
super(LoggingResult, self).addSkip(test, reason)
# Execute!
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(
if not result.wasSuccessful():
result.printErrors() # duplicate output at end for convenience
bad_tests = []
for test, error in result.errors:
for test, failure in result.failures:
if __name__ == "__main__":