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# Common subroutines shared by the s3 testing code
my $sec;
my $min;
my $hour;
my $mon;
my $year;
my $mday;
my $wday;
my $yday;
my $isdst;
my $PASS_CNT = 0;
my $FAIL_CNT = 0;
our $radosgw_admin = $ENV{RGW_ADMIN}||"sudo radosgw-admin";
# function to get the current time stamp from the test set up
sub get_timestamp {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
if ($mon < 10) { $mon = "0$mon"; }
if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; }
if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; }
if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; }
return $year . '_' . $mon . '_' . $mday . '_' . $hour . '_' . $min . '_' . $sec;
# Function to check if radosgw is already running
sub get_status {
my $service = "radosgw";
my $cmd = "pgrep $service";
my $status = get_cmd_op($cmd);
if ($status =~ /\d+/ ){
return 0;
return 1;
# function to execute the command and return output
sub get_cmd_op
my $cmd = shift;
my $excmd = `$cmd`;
return $excmd;
#Function that executes the CLI commands and returns the output of the command
sub get_command_output {
my $cmd_output = shift;
open( FH, ">>$test_log" );
print FH "\"$cmd_output\"\n";
my $exec_cmd = `$cmd_output 2>&1`;
print FH "$exec_cmd\n";
return $exec_cmd;
# Function to get the hostname
sub get_hostname
my $cmd = "hostname";
my $get_host = get_command_output($cmd);
sub pass {
my ($comment) = @_;
print "Comment required." unless length $comment;
chomp $comment;
print "Test case: $TC_CNT PASSED - $comment \n";
sub fail {
my ($comment) = @_;
print "Comment required." unless length $comment;
chomp $comment;
print "Test case: $TC_CNT FAILED - $comment \n";
sub print_border2 {
print "~" x 90 . "\n";
# Function to create the user "qa_user" and extract the user access_key and secret_key of the user
sub get_user_info
my ($rgw_user) = @_;
my $cmd = "$radosgw_admin user create --uid=$rgw_user --display-name=$rgw_user";
my $cmd_op = get_command_output($cmd);
if ($cmd_op !~ /keys/){
return (0,0);
my @get_user = (split/\n/,$cmd_op);
foreach (@get_user) {
if ($_ =~ /access_key/ ){
$get_acc_key = $_;
} elsif ($_ =~ /secret_key/ ){
$get_sec_key = $_;
my $access_key = $get_acc_key;
my $acc_key = (split /:/, $access_key)[1];
$acc_key =~ s/\\//g;
$acc_key =~ s/ //g;
$acc_key =~ s/"//g;
$acc_key =~ s/,//g;
my $secret_key = $get_sec_key;
my $sec_key = (split /:/, $secret_key)[1];
$sec_key =~ s/\\//g;
$sec_key =~ s/ //g;
$sec_key =~ s/"//g;
$sec_key =~ s/,//g;
return ($acc_key, $sec_key);
# Function that deletes the given user and all associated user data
sub purge_data
my ($rgw_user) = @_;
my $cmd = "$radosgw_admin user rm --uid=$rgw_user --purge-data";
my $cmd_op = get_command_output($cmd);
if ($cmd_op !~ /./){
print "user $rgw_user deleted\n";
} else {
print "user $rgw_user NOT deleted\n";
return 1;
return 0;
# Function to get the Ceph and distro info
sub ceph_os_info
my $ceph_v = get_command_output ( "ceph -v" );
my @ceph_arr = split(" ",$ceph_v);
$ceph_v = "Ceph Version: $ceph_arr[2]";
my $os_distro = get_command_output ( "lsb_release -d" );
my @os_arr = split(":",$os_distro);
$os_distro = "Linux Flavor:$os_arr[1]";
return ($ceph_v, $os_distro);
# Execute the test case based on the input to the script
sub create_file {
my ($file_size, $part) = @_;
my $cnt;
$mytestfilename = "$file_size.$part";
$testfileloc = "/tmp/".$mytestfilename;
if ($file_size == '10Mb'){
$cnt = 1;
} elsif ($file_size == '100Mb'){
$cnt = 10;
} elsif ($file_size == '500Mb'){
$cnt = 50;
} elsif ($file_size == '1Gb'){
$cnt = 100;
} elsif ($file_size == '2Gb'){
$cnt = 200;
my $ret = system("dd if=/dev/zero of=$testfileloc bs=10485760 count=$cnt");
if ($ret) { exit 1 };
return 0;
sub run_s3
# Run tests for the S3 functionality
# Modify access key and secret key to suit the user account
my ($user) = @_;
our ( $access_key, $secret_key ) = get_user_info($user);
if ( ($access_key) && ($secret_key) ) {
$s3 = Amazon::S3->new(
aws_access_key_id => $access_key,
aws_secret_access_key => $secret_key,
host => $hostname,
secure => 0,
retry => 1,
our $bucketname = 'buck_'.get_timestamp();
# create a new bucket (the test bucket)
our $bucket = $s3->add_bucket( { bucket => $bucketname } )
or die $s3->err. "bucket $bucketname create failed\n". $s3->errstr;
print "Bucket Created: $bucketname \n";
return 0;
# delete keys
sub delete_keys {
(($bucket->delete_key($_[0])) and return 0) or return 1;
# Readd the file back to bucket
sub readd_file {
system("dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/10MBfile1 bs=10485760 count=1");
$mytestfilename1 = '10MBfile1';
print "readding file to bucket: $mytestfilename1\n";
((($bucket->add_key_filename( $mytestfilename1, $testfileloc,
{ content_type => 'text/plain', },
)) and (print "readding file success\n") and return 0) or (return 1));
# check if rgw service is already running
sub check
my $state = get_status();
if ($state) {
exit 1;